The Rose that Grew from Concrete

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For me, this poem is about celebrating a rose that mastered the challenge of growing in an inhospitable climate and the possibility of anyone mastering the challenge of growing in inhospitable climates. So, it encourages me to follow dreams and stay on a path even when others don’t agree with me, don’t like what I’m doing, don’t value what I’m doing or want me to change.

Rose and Grew are both about going up / rising, and they contrast with Concrete, which is solid and grounded. The movement or energy of the poem is upward, making it so optimistic.

The Rose that Grew from Concrete

A crack in the concrete is a window of opportunity for the rose or for anything imprisoned or held back.

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Is this nature’s law or human “law” or thinking? Snakes move Proving nature's law is wrong it with no feet. Humans fear change or opportunity is learned to walk with out having feet. impossible, but roses do not. Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, Personifying the it learned to breathe fresh air. rose by giving it dreams and Long live the rose that grew from concrete learning makes the poem as much when no one else ever cared. about people, you and me, as about the rose or nature. I hope nature and people can keep learning how to

Tupac Shakur

Long live all of us who care to enough to push through concrete to be stewards of the world.

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