design Portfolio Heather Hemmer
about me My peers know me as being high energy and self-motivated. I am looking for new adventures and the opportunity to travel and expand my cultural horizons. I enjoy researching and solving problems. The most important lesson I can learn as a design student is to listen. Listening allows you to connect to the person you are speaking with. Part of design is understanding your client and making design decisions based on their needs. Their needs relay back to their culture, whether it be as simple as a daily routine or their home country. Studying abroad and my various undergraduate and graduate studio projects have taught me the importance of research, problem solving and critical thinking. I know how to use these skills and apply them to the real world to make a healthy environment for any type of need for any project.
Research assistant
Certified research assistant specializing in healthcare research College of Design, School of Interiors at the University of Kentucky. Participate in literature reviews, Counsel for Interior Design Accredited Program create graphics for design articles, & perform pre and post Masters of Interior Architecture, Strategic Planning & Design occupancy evaluations of the NICU(s) at the University of Anticipated Graduation: May 2019 Kentucky’s Hospital. Work featured in “Using Systems Theory to August 2017- present Examine Patient and Nurse Structures, Processes and Outcomes in Centralized and Decentralized Units” Certificate of historic preservation August 2017- present December 2018 Involvements+achievements University of Kentucky BOOK COVER Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Interior Design Work featured on the cover of ‘International Journal of Interior May 2017 Architecture and Spatial Design’ (Volume 5)
University of Kentucky Graduate School
Thailand + Cambodia
Utilized the practice of cross-cultural observation by examining President of UK Womens Club Volleyball the social, cultural, historical, & political contexts of Thailand and Cambodia. Study abroad participant. DEANS LIST December 2015- January 2016 Retaining a minimum of a 3.7 GPA
2018 August 2016- May 2018
august 2013- present
2018 mapp@50
2018-19 ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award “What Would Jane Do?”
University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
GBBN Architects
Teacher assistant for history, studio and writing courses at the Interior design co-op at GBBN Architects in Cincinnati, Ohio. Completed red-lines in Revit and AutoCAD, handcrafted a model University of Kentucky within the College of Design. Assist Professor on grading student work, create lesson plans & and material boards, participated in schematic design meetings, promote/ facilitate design comprehension and creative thinking. site visits to numerous healthcare projects and saw all aspects of _DES100, ID161, ID162, ID222, ID234, and ID322. the design process in a global architecture firm. May 2017- PRESENT May 2017- August 2017
Interior design co-op. Commercial and hospitality design firm in Lexington, Kentucky. Worked with a team of interior designers to visualize client needs. Completed renderings in SketchUp, elevations and floor plans in Revit and AutoCAD, and assisted with inspiration and material boards. Also an authorized Kimball Office and Haworth dealer. August 2016- November 2016
Interior design and graphic design intern. Authorized Herman Miller, OFS Brands and SitOnIt dealer in Cincinnati, Ohio. Worked with a team of designers and project managers to visualize client needs by completing construction drawings in AutoCAD and assembled various presentation deliverables for clients In InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and visual impressions. May 2016- August 2016
Connect with me
Revit Google Sketchup Podium plug in Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator AutoCAD 2D
Research Observing Public Speaking Organization skills Hand Sketching Microsoft Office Visual Impressions
Location Northern Kentucky/ Cincinnati, Ohio
phone 859-663-1979
table of contents
00 healthcare 10-19 6
06 RETAIL 52-55
07 OTHER WORK 56-57 7
Graduate studios The following projects were completed during my semesters of Graduate School at the University of Kentucky. These projects were inspired by revitalizing vacant structures into community hubs.
01 9
DEAD KMART REHABILITATED TO A fSEd prototype Emerging Healthcare: The rehabilitation of a dead Kmart infrastructure in rural Kentucky to a free standing emergency department This Master’s project proposes using the abandoned Kmart in Versailles, Kentucky to serve as a prototype for an emergency healthcare system to be implemented in empty Kmarts throughout the country to improve the overall quality of healthcare. If the prototype is proven effective, it may simultaneously solve the problem of all abandoned Kmart buildings found in America and may aid in the increased need for healthcare expansion.
skills applied Revit, Photoshop, Sketchup. Illustrator, InDesign, Interviews, Research
00 research phase
Versailles,, Kentucky was the site location chosen for this prototype 12
research phase
main roadways
health analysis and retail analysis
green space
residential areas
dead Kmarts in the region 2019
commercial areas
00 schematic phase
Ribbon Layout
Racetrack Layout
Linear Layout
Blocking Scheme 1
Blocking Scheme 2
Blocking Scheme 3
Patient Zone
Family Zone
Staff/ Student Zone
design development
Private Office 202 SF Tenant 1179 SF
Tenant 1826 SF Private Office 211 SF Private Office 208 SF
Tenant 939 SF
Staff 223 SF
Private Office 208 SF
Break Room 3629 SF
Tenant 1332 SF
Tenant 1754 SF
Locker Room 542 SF
Conference Room 933 SF
Staff Women's 215 SF
Men's Rm. 155 SF
Staff Men's 215 SF
Women's Rm. 156 SF
Family Resource Center 599 SF
Staff Hallway 588 SF
Tenant 1332 SF
Classroom 1809 SF
Open Work Space 4145 SF
Equipment Room 116 SF
Trash 161 SF
Laundry 178 SF Acute Care 184 SF
CT Scan 296 SF
Acute Care 184 SF
Acute Care 184 SF
Clean Storage 159 SF
Tenant 939 SF
Acute Care 184 SF
Acute Care 184 SF
Prayer Room 555 SF
Clean Utility Soiled 88 SF 87 SF
Critical Care 226 SF
Critical Care 228 SF EMT Office/ Storage 217 SF
Staff 220 SF
Tenant 743 SF
Observation Deck 725 SF
Control Room 222 SF
Trash 198 SF
Minor Procedure Room 281 SF
X-Ray 442 SF
Lab 404 SF
Minor Procedure Room 280 SF
Supply 196 SF
Meds 185 SF
Soiled 196 SF
Meds 196 SF
Ambulance Entry 537 SF
Supply 185 SF
MRI 540 SF
Tenant 2704 SF
Tenant 759 SF
Major Procedure Room 325 SF
Supplies 103 SF
Major Procedure Room 325 SF
Express 170 SF
Express 169 SF
Express 171 SF
Express 172 SF
Express 170 SF
Express 168 SF
Patient Patient Restroom Restroom 96 SF 95 SF
Ambulance Station 3119 SF Trauma 451 SF
Storage 136 SF
Triage 645 SF
Cafe 784 SF
Restroom 146 SF
Restroom 147 SF
Reception 453 SF
Main Entry 779 SF
Floorplan Scale= 3/32” = 1’-0”
Level 1 3/32" = 1'-0"
00 final visualizations
final visualizations
00 final visualizations
Steelcase Enea Lottus Chair
Steelcase Enea Lottus Table
Interface A Peeling
White Ceramic Subway Tile
Steelcase Lagunitas
Steelcase Lox Chair
Steelcase Enea Lottus Table
Maharam Circles
Wolf Gordan Alhambra
Steelcase Lagunitas
Steelcase Regard
Steelcase Enea Lottus Table
Interface A Peeling
MSI Porcelain Stone
Steelcase Lagunitas
Steelcase Enea Lottus Chair
Steelcase Enea Lottus Table
Maharam Circles
Wolf Gordan Alhambra
Herman Miller Sayl Chair
Herman Miller Compass
Herman Miller Compass
Armstrong VCT
D.L. Couch Grain
Steelcase Enea Lottus Table
Coalesse Last Minute Stool
Maharam Cusp
Wolf Gordan Alhambra
MSI Vinyl Planks
Steelcase Circa
Steelcase Enea Lottus Stool
First Office Boost
Maharam Alloy Lapris
MSI Vinyl Planks
Steelcase Circa
Haworth Hip Chair
First Office Boost
Maharam Amid
MSI Vinyl Planks
Steelcase Circa
First Office Boost
Interface A Peeling
Maharam Alloy Lapris
MSI Vinyl Planks
Steelcase Circa
Nemschoff Bench
Armstrong VCT
Maharam Alloy Lapris
MSI Vinyl Planks
7611 W Thomas Rd Phoenix, deseRT sky aZ
Steelcase Lagunitas
1245 W WaRm sPRings Rd, hendeRson nV 3340 mall looP dR, JolieT il 4807 ouTeR looP louisVille, okolona ky 10300 liTTle PaTuxenT PkWy, Columbia md 600 lee blVd, yoRkToWn heighTs ny 3800 us highWay 98 n sTe 500, lakeland Fl 3751 s dogWood aVe, el CenTRo Ca 1401 n monTebello blVd, monTebello Ca 15700 emeRald Way, boWie md 2250 el meRCado looP, sieRRa VisTa aZ 300 maRy esTheR blVd FT WalTon beaCh Fl 3150 s 4Th aVe, yuma aZ 827 lanCasTeR dR ne, salem oR 5522 shaFFeR Rd sTe 129, dubois Pa 2501 iRVing mall, iRVing Tx 703 n beRkeley blVd, goldsboRo nC 1050 s babCoCk sT, melbouRne Fl 1011 W oliVe aVe, meRCed Ca
patient rooms entrance / lobby
9520 mall Rd, moRganToWn WV 1001 RainboW dR, gadsden al 3201 W main sT, noRman ok 3500 s meRidian sTe 900, PuyalluP Wa
Critical Care 228 SF
Ambulance Station 3119 SF MRI 540 SF
2801 Wilma RudolPh, blVd ClaRksVille Tn 701 se Wyoming blVd, CasPeR Wy 2002 s exPy 83, haRlingen Tx 2625 sCoTTsVille Rd, boWling gReen ky 303 us hWy 301, blVd W bRadenTon Fl RT 394 & hunT blVd, lakeWood ny 3401 s us highWay, 41 TeRRe hauTe in 7508 n naVaRRo, sT ViCToRia Tx 50 Fox Run Rd sTe 74, PoRTsmouTh nh 733 n highWay 231, Panama CiTy Fl 400 n CenTeR sT, WesTminsTeR md 1001 e sunseT dRiVe, bellingham Wa 7100 nW PRaiRie VieW Rd, kansas CiTy mo
Restroom Restroom 146 SF 147 SF Triage 645 SF
6780 W WashingTon sT, indianaPolis in 1025 m-24, lake oRion mi 1351 e haTCh Rd, modesTo Ca 1502 souTh FouRTh sT, allenToWn Pa 779 delsea dR, n glassboRo nJ 900 n W 76 bouleVaRd, gainesVille Fl 2530 s euClid aVe, onTaRio Ca 93 WesT CamPbell Rd, sCheneCTady ny 6163 oxon hill Road, oxon hill md 6239 TuRneR lake Road, CoVingTon ga 12350 sW 8Th sTReeT, miami Fl 835 solomons island Rd n PRinCe, FRedeRiCk md 1530 easT bRoad sTReeT, sTaTesVille nC 06600 m-66 noRTh, ChaRleVoix mi 723 3Rd aVe, JasPeR in 111 hulsT dR, sTe 722, maTamoRas Pa noRThRidge s/C us hWy 127, Russell sPRings ky 912 CounTy line Rd, delano Ca 400 CRossToWn Road, PeaChTRee CiTy ga 215 W hanFoRd/aRmona Rd, lemooRe Ca 880 buTleR sTReeT, PiTTsbuRgh Pa 2901-5 n belT hWy sT., JosePh mo 100 TaRenTum Rd, neW kensingTon Pa 1001 PaTTon aVe, asheVille nC 2590 miliTaRy Rd, niagaRa Falls ny 528 W Plank Road, alToona Pa 1701 4Th aVe W, ChaRlesTon WV 7836 sTaTe aVe, kansas CiTy ks 17840 bagley Rd, middlebuRg heighTs oh 5000 23Rd aVe, moline il 1 FloWeR Valley shP, CTR FloRissanT mo 3701 bRoadWay sT, QuinCy il 4500 WesTeRn blVd, Raleigh nC 3955 s W muRRay blVd, beaVeRTon oR 375 e alessandRo blVd, RiVeRside Ca 4000 easT 2nd sTReeT, CasPeR Wy 8363 leWisTon Road, baTaVia ny 2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC 400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 7000 VeTeRans memoRial, meTaiRie la 600 C W sTeVens blVd, gRayson ky 118 WalleR mill Rd, WilliamsbuRg Va 129 WesT buTleR aVenue, mauldin sC 6364 sPRingField PlaZa, sPRingField Va 6909 maynaRdVille Pike ne, knoxVille Tn 1170 mae sTReeT, hummelsToWn Pa 3968-a missouRi FlaT Road, PlaCeRVille Ca 2712 W main sT WaynesboRo Va 1180 WalnuT boTTom Rd, CaRlisle Pa 1111 n 2nd, CheRokee ia 2307 suPeRioR WebsTeR CiTy ia 4210 n haRlem aVe, noRRidge il 430 W Ridge Rd, gRiFFiTh in 349 oRChaRd PaRk Rd, WesT seneCa ny 1000 nuTT Rd, PhoenixVille Pa 987 RouTe 6, mahoPaC ny 720 ClaiRTon blVd/RTe 51, PleasanT hills Pa 417 main sTReeT, madaWaska me 3205 linColn hWy, ThoRndale Pa 2821 easT main, sT RussellVille aR 4000 easT 2nd sTReeT, CasPeR W 8363 leWisTon Road, baTaVia ny 2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC 400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 9520 mall Rd, moRganToWn WV 1001 RainboW dR, gadsden al 3201 W main sT, noRman o 2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC 400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 7000 VeTeRans memoRial, meTaiRie la 600 C W sTeVens blVd, gRayson ky 118 WalleR mill Rd, WilliamsbuRg Va 129 WesT buTleR aVenue, mauldin sC 6364 sPRingField PlaZa, sPRingField Va 6909 maynaRdVille Pike ne, knoxVille Tn 1170 mae sTReeT, hummelsToWn Pa 3968-a missouRi FlaT Road, PlaCeRVille Ca 2712 W main sT WaynesboRo Va 1180 WalnuT boTTom Rd, CaRlisle Pa 1111 n 2nd, CheRokee ia 2307 suPeRioR WebsTeR CiTy ia 4210 n haRlem aVe, noRRidge il 430 W Ridge Rd, gRiFFiTh in 349 oRChaRd PaRk Rd, WesT seneCa ny 1000 nuTT Rd, PhoenixVille Pa 987 RouTe 6, mahoPaC ny 720 ClaiRTon blVd/RTe 51, PleasanT hills Pa 417 main sTReeT, madaWaska me 3205 linColn hWy, ThoRndale Pa
View of Nurse Station
2821 easT main, sT RussellVille aR
FINAL VISUALIZATIONS View of Eating and Leisure Area
4000 easT 2nd sTReeT, CasPeR W
FINAL VISUALIZATIONS FSED Main Entrance View of Check In
8363 leWisTon Road, baTaVia ny
FINAL VISUALIZATIONS Staff Break Room View of Lounge Area
2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC
View of Family Lounge
400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 9520 mall Rd, moRganToWn WV 1001 RainboW dR, gadsden al 3201 W main sT, noRman o 2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC 400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 7000 VeTeRans memoRial, meTaiRie la 600 C W sTeVens blVd, gRayson ky 118 WalleR mill Rd, WilliamsbuRg Va 129 WesT buTleR aVenue, mauldin sC 6364 sPRingField PlaZa, sPRingField Va 6909 maynaRdVille Pike ne, knoxVille Tn 1170 mae sTReeT, hummelsToWn Pa 3968-a missouRi FlaT Road, PlaCeRVille Ca 2712 W main sT WaynesboRo Va
2803 E KanEsvillE Blvd CounCil, Bluffs ia 1001 E sunsEt drivE, BEllingham Wa 7100 nW PrairiE viEW rd, Kansas City mo
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Annotated Floorplan
1180 WalnuT boTTom Rd, CaRlisle Pa 1111 n 2nd, CheRokee ia 2307 suPeRioR WebsTeR CiTy ia 4210 n haRlem aVe, noRRidge il 430 W Ridge Rd, gRiFFiTh in 349 oRChaRd PaRk Rd, WesT seneCa ny 1000 nuTT Rd, PhoenixVille Pa 987 RouTe 6, mahoPaC ny 720 ClaiRTon blVd/RTe 51, PleasanT hills Pa 417 main sTReeT, madaWaska me 3205 linColn hWy, ThoRndale Pa 2821 easT main, sT RussellVille aR 4000 easT 2nd sTReeT, CasPeR W 8363 leWisTon Road, baTaVia ny 2302 CheRRy Rd RoCk, hill sC 400 souTh bRoadWay, salina ks 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 9520 mall Rd, moRganToWn WV 1001 RainboW dR, gadsden al 3201 W main sT, noRman o 15891 sTaTe RT 170, easT liVeRPool oh 9520 mall Rd, moRganToWn WV 1001 RainboW dR, gadsden al 3201 W main sT, noRman o 1701 4Th aVe W, ChaRlesTon WV 7836 sTaTe aVe, kansas CiTy ks
3955 s W murray Blvd, BEavErton or 375 E alEssandro Blvd, rivErsidE Ca 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr Wy 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv
Emergency trained physicians, advanced practice assistants, registration, laboratory and radiology technicians, nurses, and medical billing specialists.
7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks
Staff Varies on the specific healthcare suite, however many suites are physician owned.
9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv
2803 E KanEsvillE Blvd CounCil, Bluffs ia
1001 E sunsEt drivE, BEllingham Wa
7100 nW PrairiE viEW rd, Kansas City mo
IFSEDs: cannot accept Medicaid or Medicare and may be out of network for many insurance companies. HOPDs: bill for services under the Medicare Part B Fee Schedule and typically considered in-network.
Freestanding facility prepared for all types of emergencies, open 156 hours a week and are classified based on ownership (IFEC and HOPD).
3955 s W murray Blvd, BEavErton or
Payment Not all insurances may cover if out of network, Medicare is accepted if visiting an outpatient clinic, and Medicaid is typically accepted.
A campus offering comprehensive ambulatory medical services and may house a variety or healthcare clinics and outpatient suites.
375 E alEssandro Blvd, rivErsidE Ca
Payment Often accept Medicare/Medicaid, but, will usually require upfront payment from the uninsured, and insurance may cover based on deductible. Very few do not accept Medicare.
Facility for illness/injuries which require prompt attention but do not require services of an emergency department and are open 8-12 hours day.
4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr Wy
Payment Very likely for Medicare Part B to cover, Medicare Part A will assist but not fully cover, Medicaid is accepted, insurance will cover within network, and some offer installment plans.
A hospital room or area staffed and equipped for the reception and treatment of persons requiring immediate medical care and is open 24/7.
8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny
Medical Mall Zone Biophilia Zone Mercy Health Rookwood Medical Center 98.5 miles | 1 hour 34 minute drive Rookwood, OH
Classroom 1809 SF Conference Room 933 SF Private Office 208 SF
Trauma 451 SF Patient Patient Restroom RestroomStorage 96 SF 95 SF 136 SF Express 168 SF Express Express Express Express Express 170 SF 169 SF 171 SF 172 SF 170 SF Tenant 759 SF Tenant 2704 SF
Staff Zone Family Zone Patient Zone
One Hundred Oaks / Vanderbilt Health 218 miles | 3 hour 5 minute drive Nashville, TN
2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv
2803 E KanEsvillE Blvd CounCil, Bluffs ia 1001 E sunsEt drivE, BEllingham Wa 7100 nW PrairiE viEW rd, Kansas City mo 955 s W murray Blvd, BEavErton or 375 E alEssandro Blvd, rivErsidE Ca 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr Wy 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 1001 rainBoW dr, gadsdEn al 3201 W main st, norman o 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 7000 vEtErans mEmorial, mEtairiE la 600 C W stEvEns Blvd, grayson Ky 118 WallEr mill rd, WilliamsBurg va 129 WEst ButlEr avEnuE, mauldin sC 6364 sPringfiEld Plaza, sPringfiEld va 6909 maynardvillE PiKE nE, KnoxvillE tn 1170 maE strEEt, hummElstoWn Pa 3968-a missouri flat road, PlaCErvillE Ca 2712 W main st WaynEsBoro va 1180 Walnut Bottom rd, CarlislE Pa 1111 n 2nd, ChEroKEE ia 2307 suPErior WEBstEr City ia 4210 n harlEm avE, norridgE il 430 W ridgE rd, griffith in 349 orChard ParK rd, WEst sEnECa ny 1000 nutt rd, PhoEnixvillE Pa 987 routE 6, mahoPaC ny 720 Clairton Blvd/rtE 51, PlEasant hills Pa 417 main strEEt, madaWasKa mE 3205 linColn hWy, thorndalE Pa 2821 East main, st russEllvillE ar 4000 East 2nd strEEt, CasPEr W 8363 lEWiston road, Batavia ny 2302 ChErry rd roCK, hill sC 400 south BroadWay, salina Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 9520 mall rd, morgantoWn Wv 3201 W main st, norman o 1701 4th avE W, CharlEston Wv 7836 statE avE, Kansas City Ks 15891 statE rt 170, East livErPool oh
Laboratory capabilities, chemistry studies, variety of testing, cardiac enzymes, iv fluids, resuscitative medications, antibiotics and narcotics stocked, treats all ages, vaccinations, minor to major skin conditions, and stabilizing treatments. The majority of patients are walk-ins.
Level 1 1/16" = 1'-0"
Urgent Care Centers of Kentucky 0.7 miles | 2 minute drive Versailles, KY
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Annotated Floorplan
warehouse Types of Care The healthcare suite tenants provide services including but not limited to: acute care, pediatrics, internal medicine, palliative care, sports medicine, women’s health, endocrinology, pulmonary geriatrics, primary care, and dental services.
Dead Kmart locations in 2016 Closing Kmart locations in 2004 Kmart locations in 2001
drive thru garden shop Types of Care Limited laboratory capability, may have x-ray, may have electrocardiography capability, may have iv fluids, antibiotics are stocked, may have narcotics, perform physicals, drug screening, variety of testing, minor skin conditions, allergies, do not all treat toddlers and infants, and offers referrals.
Zone Diagrams UK Albert Chandler Hospital 13 miles | 19 minute drive Lexington, KY
Main Entry 779 SF
The first Kmart opened in 1962, near a Detroit, Michigan suburb. Kmart had access to significant financial resources and was able to expand quickly to suburban locations within metropolitan markets. In 2000, Kmart had 2,066 stores, which was larger than its competitors, with Walmart having 1,801 and Target only having 896 stores. However, unlike Kmart, Target and Walmart were able to continually increase the number of stores, and sales volumes, ultimately causing Kmart’s decline. The Kmart Corporation declared bankruptcy in 2002, having to close nearly 30% of their locations. By 2004, the number of Kmarts decreased to 1,415, while Walmart had 1,478 stores along with 1,471 Supercenter locations, and Target with 1,107 (Graff, 2006). Today, there are only 250 operating Kmarts. While some abandoned locations rent out sections of the structure, many of the locations are vacant, thus adding more acreage to the overwhelming number of vacant infrastructures.
center of Kmart Physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. 22 states allow nurse practitioners to practice independently without physician oversight.
Types of Care Level 1 Trauma Emergency Department. Has four areas for specific types of patients: level i trauma for the most critically injured adults and children, acute care for seriously ill or injured adults, express care for less urgent conditions, and the Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center for children.
501 Marsailles Rd, Versailles, KY 40383 Closed in 2018 Currently a U-Haul
Nurses, nursing assistants, physician assistants, medical assistants, imaging technologist, medical billing specialist, and lab workers.
Types of Care
Heather Hemmer | Master’s Project | Spring 2019
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Annotated Floorplan
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Annotated Floorplan Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Annotated Floorplan
Kmart Site site 2 minute drive 5 minute drive 5 minute drive 7 minute drive
site context photo There is a surplus of built space in America, once dedicated to shopping. Shopping malls and big box retailers served an important role in the formation of the American “community.” Today, it is more common for retailers to return to Main Street or sell solely online (Dunham-Jones, & Williamson, 2017). Each retailer used an algorithm when choosing locations for expansion, learning and understanding the habits of that community. Kmart’s process was no different. By using the demographic data of Kmart locations, it is fair to assume there is a need for more healthcare opportunities because it is more common to find a Kmart location in a rural and non-urban community. There is correlation between the lack of efficiency and accessibility to healthcare with the increasing remoteness of a metropolitan area (Carey, Sirett, D, Wakerman, J, Russell, & Humphreys, 2018). The combination of vacant structures in non-urban and rural communities with the data of lower health quality, suggests there is an opportunity for rehabilitation to the vacant structures for healthcare to increase the overall quality of life.
Reception 453 SF Cafe 784 SF
There are many influences as to why a culture shift has happened in recent years, one being online shopping. Americans no longer are looking for a drive to the mall, but are looking for an entirely different experience. To combat the convenience of online shopping, some shopping management firms invested in the construction of lifestyle or leisure centers. However, this did not serve as a solution to the empty infrastructures.
FSED Medical Mall Urgent Care
Clean Acute Utility Soiled Critical Care 88 SF87 SF Care 184 SF 226 SF Clean Acute Storage Care 159 SF 184 SF Acute Care 184 SF Acute Care 184 SF CT Scan 296 SF
Ambulance Entry 537 SF Supply Meds Soiled Meds Supply 196 SF 185 SF 196 SF 196 SF 185 SF
Minor Procedure Room 281 SF Minor Procedure Room 280 SF X-Ray 442 SF
Acute Care 184 SF Trash Laundry 161 SF 178 SF Equipment Room 116 SF
Lab 404 SF Tenant 743 SF
Major Major Procedure Procedure Supplies Room Room 103 SF 325 SF 325 SF
Emergency Department
Private Office 202 SF 0
EMT Office/ Storage Trash 217 SF 198 SF Staff 220 SF Tenant 939 SF
Prayer Room 555 SF Family Resource Center 599 SF Women's Rm. 156 SF Locker Room 542 SF Tenant 1754 SF
Control Observation Room Deck 222 SF 725 SF
Types of Healthcare
Tenant 1332 SF
Men's Rm. 155 SF Staff Women's 215 SF
residential areas
Staff 223 SF Tenant 939 SF
Open Work Space 4145 SF Break Room 3629 SF
mall culture circa 1950 In the past two decades, a massive restructuring of the American culture has occurred, permanently altering the landscape of America. Approximately one-third of enclosed malls in the US has died or is dying (Dunham-Jones, & Williamson, 2017). A dead mall is a shopping mall with a high vacancy rate and low traffic level, some of which may also be dated or deteriorating (Hudson, & O’Connell, 2009). This trend is also happening to big box retailers, all for the same reason: culture.
Tenant 1826 SF Tenant 1179 SF 2014 2013 2012 2011 2014 2013 2012 2011 2014
2010 2014 2013
0 2013 2012 2011
FSED locations in 2017 FSED locations in 2007 Kmart locations in 2016
2012 2011 2010 2010
2010 0 0
500 1,000 200
This concept of the suburban shopping center emerged during War World II, and by the 1950’s, larger, fully enclosed shopping malls were being built across America. With the construction of these enclosed megastructures, anchor stores and big box additions were extremely popular, giving almost every mall at least two (2) anchors. By the 1990’s, the mall construction rate reached approximately 140 malls per year and by 2007, no new malls were being built for the first time in over 50 years (Miller, 2015).
The culture of America has changed drastically in the last decade. Big box retailers and malls have become obsolete, leaving immense, monolithic structures vacant in different communities across the nation. Kmarts, specifically for the scope of this project, were strategically placed in non-urban communities throughout the United States, and now offer a possible regrowth opportunity to address healthcare needs (Graff, 2006). Rural and non-urban communities do not always have access to adequate healthcare, such as freestanding emergency departments or trauma units. This Master’s project proposes using the abandoned Kmart in Versailles, Kentucky to serve as a prototype for an emergency healthcare system to be implemented in empty Kmarts throughout the country to improve the overall quality of healthcare. If the prototype is proven effective, it may simultaneously solve the problem of all abandoned Kmart buildings found in America and may aid in the increased need for healthcare expansion.
Tenant 1332 SF
Mall culture in the 1950’s was much different than the mall culture witnessed today. In the mid-20th century, the automobile changed American culture by shifting the way people were able to shop and contributed to the rise of suburbia. Shopping centers no longer needed to be on Main Streets or downtown, and the new shopping centers were designed to accommodate the automobile culture. commercial areas
versailles, kentucky
The rehabilitation of a dead Kmart infrastructure in rural Kentucky to a free-standing emergency department
15 1,000
Staff Men's 215 SF Staff Hallway 588 SF
1,500 1,500
Private Office 211 SF Private Office 208 SF
green space Versailles, Kentucky would benefit from the addition of a FSED because of the lack of healthcare resources in the area. Remote and rural communities with small populations cannot support a full range of resident health professionals, and therefore visiting services enable access to services that would not otherwise be available. These have short-term benefits because of the readiness of the services, but it causes immense stress on healthcare workers. Rural communities need a regular staff team for maximum effectiveness. A FSED would be large enough to serve the community, and with incorporating a cooprative extension of UK Healthcare, employees would be readily available.
2,000 2,000
Scale 1/16” = 1’ -0”
25 2,500 2,500 600
3,000 3,500
PCP visits in 14 days ER visits within 30 days
3,000 800
TOT ALpatients MEDICARE PATIENTS inCounty WOODFORD Medicare in Woodfoord What are the specific design attributes and services required for these communities and FSEDs?
AMBULATORY Ambulatory visits in 14VISITS days WITHIN 14 DAYS 4
downtown The expansion rate of FSEDs to rural areas isn’t heavily researched, but the historical implication of FSEDs shows reason to believe they would thrive in areas Kmarts were located. There is documentation of only eight FSEDs existing in rural communities. They attract patients because of their amenities and the promise of shorter waiting times. Some FSEDs advertise short throughout time when compared to traditional EDs with a door-to-doctor time of 30 minutes or less, compared to 180 minutes at a traditional emergency department (Tucci, Ahmed, Hoyer, & Moukaddam, 2017).
Blocking Scheme 3 Blocking Scheme 2 Blocking Scheme 1 Linear Layout
imaging labs What is a free-standing emergency department and why would it benefit those communities where Kmarts are found?
Race Track Layout
medical mall Is healthcare the answer to the vacant Kmart structures?
Ribbon Layout
staff / student area cafe 67,800-70,700 8,771-67,700 2,900-8,770 234-2,800
237.8-579.1 131.9-237.7 48.7-131.8 0-48.8
39.9-43.2% 35.9-39.8% 31.2-35.8% 26.3-31.1%
15.1-17.9% 13-15% 11.1-12.9% 8.5-11%
Will rehabilitating a vacant Kmart into a free-standing emergency department be beneficial to the community of Versailles? Additional research questions include
main roadways
dead kmmarts in the region per 100,000 people
Medicare enrollees Violent crimes
Building Explorations Dying Retailers
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Health Analysis Site Information: Versailles, Kentucky
Obesity prevalence Diabetes prevalence The purpose of this research is to prove the need of a deployable healthcare system in place of the dead Kmarts in America. This research will also demonstrate whether or not a free-standing emergency department (FSED) is the best fit for these communities. To reach this objective, this thesis proposes the primary question:
00 final boards
special Olympics facility & neurodiverse housing Metabolic Transformation: Adapting Forest Fair Mall Retail malls are dying around the world, leaving monolithic, concrete structures vacant. My proposed design would transform one of the largest dead malls into a neurodiverse community. This project was inspired by the high intensity of a sports arena; bold patterns and colors are used throughout the Special Olympics community to create a fun and energized space. Yellow is used mostly within the deployable housing units. The use of grey is carried throughout the whole space, being in carpets, LVT wood flooring, and other subtle accent pieces. Together, the variety of patterns, shapes, textures and colors sustain a vibrant environment for a diverse community.
Longitudinal 3/64" = 1'-0"
Level 6 45' - 0" Level 5 30' - 0"
skills applied Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Interviews, Research Handcrafted Model
Research phase
*Full graphic used as book cover for ‘International Journal of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design’ (Volume 5)
Existing building explorations
Existing building explorations
design development
Single bedroom deployable pod axon
Deployable pod housing ‘neighborhood’
Single bedroom deployable pod exploded axon
design development
Section of housing pods Longitudinal 3/64" = 1'-0"
Lower level blocking plan
Upper level blocking plan
final visualizations
Achievements BOOK COVER Work featured on the cover of ‘International Journal of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design’ (Volume 5) 2018
AWARDS HOUSING DESIGN EDUCTION AWARD 2018-19 ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award “What Would Jane Do?” 2019
EXHIBITIONS 2018 mapp@50 University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation 2018
wellness center community & urgent care Reviving Vacancy: Adapting a vacant retail building into a wellness center and urgent care The city of Williamsburg is a small town in southern Kentucky with a population of about 5,000; including locals and students that attend the University of the Cumberlands. The goal of this project was to create a community center to help the overall health and wellbeing of the city. I reached out to UC students and created a survey where I asked them to rank their current town amenities, city goals, what they would like to see incorporated into this new design and what they thought their downtown was missing. An overwhelming amount of respondents asked for an wellness center, urgent care and workout space.
skills applied Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Interviews, Research
research phase
existing building DRAWINGS
East Elevation
South Elevation
West Elevation
North Elevation
conceptual ideation
program I
Level relationship exploration- emphasis on healthcare
Level relationship exploration collage MARKET
program II
Level relationship exploration- emphasis on biophilia
Level relationship exploration collage MASSAGE SALON BODY
design development
East Elevation
South Elevation
West Elevation
North Elevation
Level 1 Level 1
Office 3 Office 4
Locker Room
Studio 2
Locker Room
Studio 1
Studio 3
Exam 3
Office 2
Exam 4
Wellness 1 Wellness 2 Wellness 3 Office 1
Wellness Transition
Exam 2
Triage and Nurse Station
Exam 1
Gym, workout studio rooms (3) locker rooms (2), retail
Level 3
Urgent care rooms (4), waiting area, massage salon (3)
Level 2
Greenhouse, local retail, seating and information desk
Existing floorplan
02 design development
final visualizations
Final presentation board
Existing building exploded axon
Proposed design implications
undergraduate studios The following projects were completed during my last semesters as undergraduate student at the University of Kentucky. These projects were inspired by a variety of different clients ranging from geriatrics to a bourbon bar.
03 39
geriatric & family medicine outpatient clinic Motivated to Find Strength: Geriatric Outpatient Clinic The objective of this project was to design an efficient ambulatory clinic with design implications built from research and Evidence-Based Design (EBD). The research consists of literature review and observations. This project in particular is focused on the topic of geriatrics and family medicine. Another goal of this project is to create a LEAN inspired clinic that enhances the overall experience for staff, patients and visitors. There was an opportunity to learn from existing clinics to create a more dynamic, profitable and valuable clinic. These characteristics will also help achieve a more enjoyable environment for users and staff.
skills applied Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Interviews, Research
03 01
Floorplan of outpatient clinic
Reflected ceiling plan of outpatient clinic
04 02
final visualizations
rare bourbon bar & hotel Topshelf: Converting vacant building stock in a gentrifying area into a bourbon bar and hotel My undergraduate senior thesis was a rare bourbon bar and hotel located in Covington, Kentucky. Bourbon is a symbol of warmth, maturity, and Kentucky history; and also my family’s favorite alcohol. I chose a floorplan of a vacant building located in Mainstrasse, a gentrifying block in Covington, to house my design to avoid new construction and to assist in economic development of the area. The aging process of bourbon was the inspiration behind my design concept. Each floor becomes richer in color as you ascend the building, resembling the aging process of a barrel of bourbon.
skills applied Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Interviews, Research
Exit Stair 1
Office 2
Laundry Linen
Hotel Room
Toilet Rooms 1-2
Elevator -
Hotel Room Private Hallway
Lobby 1
Storage Vestibule 1
Hotel Room
107 SF
Level 1 rendered floorplan
Exit Stair
Exit Stair
Hotel Room
Women's Room Outdoor Patio
116 SF
Hotel Room
Elevator 1
Men's Room Hotel Room
02 Hotel Room 4
03 Hotel Room
Hotel Room
Indoor Lounge 1
Level 2 rendered floorplan
Level 3 rendered floorplan
Back of House 1
final visualizations
UK COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY RENOVATION Reflection: Systematic pieces coming together to make a stable workplace University of Kentucky’s College of Dentistry reached out to the School of Interiors seeking different renovation schemes for their workplace design. Groups of three were asked to redesign each of the three floors of the existing building on campus. The College of Dentistry serves up to over 100 patients a day, some who travel over an hour. My group wanted to make a comforting and calming environment while making the workplace more fitting for the staff and students. *Only my personal contributions are shown unless noted otherwise
skills applied Sketchup, Podium, Autocad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Research
04 01 02
First floor rendered floorplan
Second floor rendered floorplan*
Third floor rendered floorplan* *group members responsible for second and third floor
final visualizations
welcome welcome
mezzanine level champions court dorm at uk Parts n’ Pieces: A bike repair and trail mix shop During the construction of one of the dorms on campus, we were challenged to create a design proposal for the retail space available on the mezzanine level. Based on the findings of various surveys, I decided to design a trail mix and bike shop. Customers are able to build their own trail mix tending to their bike needs- or come to simply enjoy your signature mix. This store would employ students at UK, while also giving an educators discount to all students and faculty.
skills applied Sketchup, Podium, Autocad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Research
4 3 2
Reflected ceiling plan
Pieces Entry Elevation I
Front elevation
Scale 1/4” = 1’- 0”
Pieces Entry Elevation I Scale 1/4” = 1’- 0”
final visualizations
Perspective I
ective II
Perspective III
Detail of Candy + Bike Part Machines
View of Entry
other work
01 idec graphics I was responsible for all graphics and media for the IDEC Midwest Conference that was held at UK. This included posters, pamphlets, and name tags.
02 Logo design I created a logo for the members of the group that work with the Sustainability Grant at UK
03 HERD journal graphics Faculty members published an article in The Center of Health Design where my graphics are featured.
04 3D parti This Monticello inspired parti was created out of matboard and was hand cut.
05 DHL Presentation While are Enriching Spaces, I created many presentations to help the client visualize the space. These were created in either PowerPoint or InDesign.
06 NICU model I was part of the design team at GBBN Architects that created a model of the new NICU in Cincinnati. This model was constructed out of hand cut foam core and laser cut chipboard.
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thank you
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Northern Kentucky/ Cincinnati, Ohio