GHC Annual Report | 2013

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Growing Healthy Churches networking, resourcing and encouraging church leaders, congregations, and denominations in the areas of growth, health, transformation and church planting


Ministry Report

GARY COOPER board president

Rev. Gary Cooper, Senior Pastor of WayPointe Christian Fellowship in Richmond, CA Spending many years on San

the visionary leadership of Dr. Paul

The vote to release funds from

Francisco Bay as a sailor I have

Borden to the new and capable

reserves to strengthen our church

learned a lot about tides and the

leadership of Dr. Tim Brown. It is

leadership at all levels was employed

strong currents that ebb and flow,

during this season that the GHC

in a number of ways; amongst them:

affecting one’s progress. Commercial

Board has been chosen to navigate.

Small Church-Big Impact the Mt.

vessels have even learned when to

Hermon Retreat in May 2013 and the

‘sail with the tide’ to maximize their

Using the wisdom of Christ’s words

more recent Breaking The 100 Barrier

speed and minimize their effort.

found in Luke 14:28, “Won’t you

seminar held in the Sacramento Area.

Understanding the tides therefore is

first sit down and estimate the cost,”

a mariner’s best friend.

a conscious decision was made by

Just like the slack water period of

Dr. Brown with the support of the

a tidal cycle, the neutral zone of an

The Bay’s tidal action circulates twice

Board, to canvass the churches and

organizational transition is anything

a day with two flood tides and two

their leaders throughout the region

but inactive. Your Board in concert

ebbing. In between these movements

prior to creating a vision. His on-site

with the efforts and leadership of Dr.

a phenomenon known as slack tide

experiences such as meeting with

Tim Brown are committed to a strong,

takes place – a time of transition.

local churches, regional clusters and

consistent effort to navigate GHC

To the uninitiated it appears there

ministry groups helped shape the

through the uncertain days that many

is no movement of the massive Bay

initial steps in the transition, rebuild-

churches and denominational groups

waters. However the Bay is actually

ing relationships, and strengthening

are facing.

constantly in motion, from the edges



of the shoreline to the deeper waters of the Bay.

The Board supported his request to invest in two areas for the future:

In 2013 GHC embarked on a changing

Church Planting and enhancing

of the tide with the transition from

Church Leadership Development.

Rev. Gary Cooper, Board President

Ministry Report

COMMITTMENT Helping churches, pastors and denominations become and stay healthy. We believe health goes hand-in-hand with growth. We encourage leaders to purposefully plan for their personal leadership growth and we are available to assist in any way that we can. Through GHC Regional Clusters, webinars, and leadership retreats we offer an opportunity for relationships and networking with others in ministry and an opportunity to continue learning and growing in your profession.

2013-2014 BOARD MEMBERS Thank you for serving! • Rev. Gary Cooper, Corporate President • Rev. Terry Clark, Corporate Secretary • Ms. Marjie Burgin, Corporate Treasurer • Dr. Dennis Beatty, At Large Representative • Ms. Cathye Tipton, At Large Representative • Rev. Sean Weaver, At Large Representative • Rev. Bob Cherry, At Large Representative • Pastor Craig Fuller, Area Representative • Mr. Jake Harder, Area Representative • Rev. Ronald Johnson, Area Representative • Mr. Andrew Lai, Area Representative • Rev. Brian Winslade, Area Representative



Ministry Report

WEBISODES/WEBINARS GHC is committed to helping churches, leaders and denominations become and stay healthy. We believe health goes hand-in-hand with growth. We encourage and assist leaders as they purposefully plan their personal and leadership growth.

REGIONAL CLUSTERS No one can better understand what a leader faces than other leaders. Growing Healthy Churches is a network of leaders who are here to support you and your church as you follow God’s direction in reaching your community for Christ.

ENEWSLETTER & SOCIAL SITES Stay Connected! Subscribe to our monthly eNewsletter, Like Us on Facebook, or Follow Us on Twitter. Visit for ways to connect with us!

Ministry Report



executive minister churches, pastors and leaders who

expand ideas on how GHC churches

share a passion for extending the

can have a bigger presence in the

Kingdom of God by seeing lost

Bay Area. Our clusters for existing

people become disciples and the

church pastors was reconstructed

compassion of Christ extended

under Dr. Pete Shaw and expanded.

through growing healthy churches. We network, resource and encour-

We have made progress in 2013,

age church leaders, congregations,

but we continue to have challenges

and denominations in the areas of

as well. We are blessed to have an

I have been both encouraged and

growth, health, transformation and

investment fund that is doing well;

inspired as I began my tenure as

church planting.

however, contributions to GHC

the Executive Minister of

from our member churches con-

Growing Healthy Churches in

We assist leaders and churches by

tinues to decline. A lack of under-

January. My aim this year was to

offering assessment and strategic

standing of who GHC is and why we

reconnect with leaders and build

planning, consulting, mentoring,

do what we do is becoming clearer

stronger relationships between

coaching, pastoral and lay leader

but still needs more clarity. I am

GHC and our constituents. I have

development and training, capital

excited to tackle these and other

had the opportunity to be in many

campaign and ministry expansion,

challenges as we move forward.

of our churches, met with hundreds

and church planting.

of leaders and worked with several

I firmly believe that Growing

churches and leaders as they seek

In 2013, much has been accom-

Healthy Churches can be a catalytic

to be more effective in fulfilling

plished and yet so much is yet to

movement to change the world and

their missions. I am full of hope as

be done. As I write this report,

I am so honored to be a small part

I see our existing church leaders

we have resourced twelve church

of our movement. We have a GHC

partner with our church planters

planters so that they can start new

staff that is completely committed

and other denominational leaders

churches. We have offered quality

to fulfilling our mission and I look

to further the Kingdom of God.

training events through webinars,

forward to the years that follow

conferences, and training events.

and the stories that will be shared

We are a network of missional-

Our Small Church Big Impact

because of our investment in the

minded individuals and churches

Conference became a catalyst for

Kingdom of God.

committed to expanding the

many of our smaller congregations

Kingdom of God by transforming

to refocus their efforts in their com-


their communities and the world

munities. Our day of training with

through and for Jesus Christ.

Ray Bakke helped leaders to better

We are Christian organizations,

understand urban ministry and


Dr. Tim Brown, Executive Minister


Ministry Report


regional consultant •

The people of First Baptist Clovis who allowed me to

Th hank ks for the Prriv vileg ge

bring a team in to complete an assessment following Pastor

Bob Hope’s signature theme song was, Thanks for the

Tim Brown’s transition from their pastor to our Executive

Memory. If I could sing, I would change the lyric to Thanks


for the Privilege. I am so grateful to God for the privilege

He gives me of serving pastors, staff members and lay

Church who have allowed me to coach them as they seek

leaders in churches all across North America and occa-

to “live into” their newly adopted Accountability Model of

sionally overseas. But I am especially grateful for my

church governance.

involvement with Growing Healthy Churches. When

all you know is GHC, it’s hard to fully appreciate what if

Visalia who have allowed me to do a 360° Performance

means to be part of what God is doing through our now

Review of their pastoral staff and then coach Ed in his role

international network of churches. From my vantage

as pastoral leader and Board as it navigated some staff

point, which has “my head under the hood” of many


churches and denominations, I can tell you with great

confidence, that what God is choosing to do in and through

attended an Urban Pastor’s Resource Day with renowned

GHC is unmatched in other denominations and church

urban ministry specialist Ray Bakke, some of whom have


invited me to coach them as they minister in the midst of

Pastor Joe Basile and the Board of Fresno First Baptist

Pastor Ed Kemp and the Board of GateWay Church in

The pastors of numerous Bay Area urban churches who

the special challenges of the urban context.

Sp pecifi fic Tha anks I want to thank the GHC pastors and churches that have

Lo ooking g Forw ward

invited me to resource them through this past year.

I look forward to resourcing more of you in the coming year.

Emmanuel First Baptist Church of Sparks and Pastor Darin

Pastor Richard Reaves and the people of Santa Clara

First Baptist Church where I served as Congregational

Elquist and the people of The Journey Church in Sonora

Coach helping them follow through on their assessment

are already on my calendar for 2014. If you have questions

prescriptions; complete an envisioning process, the adop-

about or think any of the following services might be helpful

tion of the Accountability Model of church governance

to you, please let me know.

model and a revision of By-laws.

Individual Coaching

Pastor Kevin Wood and the people of First Baptist

Congregational Coaching

Church, Ukiah who allowed me to be instrumental in their

Staff and Program Audits

discovering God’s common plan for each as pastor and

Ministry and Staff Alignment



Day-long Consults on ministry challenges you are facing

Pastor Rich Reimer and the leaders at American River

Community Church who allowed me to “mess with their heads and hearts” at a leadership retreat.


Dr. Bill Hoyt, Regional Consultant

Ministry Report

REGIONAL CLUSTERS Supporting pastors ongoing growth and development with training and encouragement is a critical aspect of our strategy in Growing Healthy Churches.


lead regional pastor Regional Pastors Rev. David Cooke, Pastor

Cold Springs Church - Placerville, CA

Dr. Curtis Mitchell, Pastor

Antioch Progressive Church - Sacramento, CA

Rev. Gary Cooper, Pastor

WayPointe Christian Fellowship - Richmond, CA

Dr. Pete Shaw, Pastor

CrossWalk Community Church - Napa, CA

Rev. Ed Kemp, Pastor

GateWay Church - Visalia, CA

Rev. Tom Cullen, Pastor

Church Planting Cluster Coordinator

Rev. Bill McCready, Pastor

Life Point - Minden, NV



Ministry Report


WHY WE PLANT ... While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” ~ Acts 13:2 NIV

Ministry Report


GHC NETWORK GHC Network is the Church Planting component of Growing Healthy Churches


director of ghc network The GHC Network supports

Massachusetts, Michigan, and

nation. There are clusters that meet

church planters and high level

Tennessee! A number of others are

regularly in Northern and

leaders and each year we gather

preparing to launch in the next year.

Southern California, the Northwest,

at the annual Celebration to

the Midwest, North Carolina, Texas,

Systems & Developing More Network Leaders

and Florida. Clusters are key events

do over the past twelve months. Let me share with you the people

As the number of leaders and

training and invite new partners.

and ministries that give me a

churches in the network grows, we’re

We’re excited to have hosted the first

reason to celebrate this year.

expending and refining our systems

few on the East coast (Boston) and

for supporting them. The 10 systems

look forward to supporting leaders

New Leaders & Churches

of support are: Spiritual Vitality,

in that region. It truly is a privilege to

In the last year we’ve helped 33

Funding, Inviting, Assessing, Vision

support so many leaders in what God

candidate couples and individuals

Alignment, Training, Coaching,

is calling them to do.

determine if church planting or

Caring, Creativity and Partnering.

campus pastoring was their next

This last year we brought on new

We celebrate opportunities to

step in ministry. In the last year

leaders for Coaching, Funding, As-

resource and partner with other

twelve planters and campus pastors

sessment and Training. This means

networks and groups that share a

who went through the assessment

that we have additional coaches for

Kingdom-minded goal to support

process, received feedback from

planters to connect with, more

church planters and high level lead-

our Vision Alignment team and have

experienced planters involved in

ers. The GHC Network has an impact

launched or are preparing to launch

training, knowledgeable advisors

beyond our own churches and I look

new churches in five states. It’s excit-

on the Vision Alignment team, and

forward to celebrating all that God is

ing to be part of these new churches

dedicated staff coordinating clusters

going to do in 2014!

spreading the Gospel in California,

and the Discovery Center. This year

Texas, Oregon, Florida,

we held over 23 clusters across the


reflect on what we’ve seen God

to help care for leaders, provide

JD Pearring, GHC Network Director


Ministry Report


director of missions The mission for GHC’s Mission and

ings, new staff and future ministry

30 minute calls. We also provided

Development Department is to

possibilities. We have found that

seminars, board training and coaching

resource churches to make wise deci-

campaigns are especially helpful for

of our churches’ members regarding

sions about their finances so that they

newer churches because the new

their personal goals and struggles with

can accomplish the mission/vision

believers they reach understand


God has given them. We work with

giving to specific projects on the path

churches to increase their weekly

toward understanding tithing. We

Throughout 2014, we will continue

offering, maintain a healthy level of

also instruct our new churches in

serving churches, committed stewards

expenses, fund short and long-term

raising support.

and more people who know Christ as

goals, budget, minimize their risk,

their Savior. We will train additional

solve tax issues, evaluate benefits

Throughout 2013, we coached/con-

staff so that we can expand our capa-

packages, set goals and develop

sulted with 14 churches through a

bilities and the number of churches

leaders. We serve new churches, es-

process of determining their goals,

we can serve. We will also continue

tablished churches and those outside

gave them a written step by step plan

promote GHC ministry throughout

of the GHC network.

of action and had regular contact

our constituency asking for support

with them to follow through on their

of time, talents and treasure as we

We are also coaching churches

plan. We provided numerous “spot”

strengthen churches financially.

through capital campaigns. Since our

financial advising for churches need-

last Celebration, we have worked

ing help with debt, cash flow short

with 18 churches at different phases

falls and funding their ministry goals.


of the stewardship process. These

This normally entailed responding

churches are raising funds for build-

to e-mails, attending clusters and

Rev. David Bennett Missions & Development Director

GHC MISSION GIVING Month ended 11/30/2013

Cooperating Churches

UM Totals








Total Givin ng










Affiliated Churches










Affiliated Donors & Orgs





















21,6 687

13,783 3

31 1,130




855,5 593

Other Donors nue Total Support & Reven

“The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious.” ~ Martin Luther

Ministry Report



CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS All churches find themselves at strategic crossroads from time to time. It’s decision time. It’s time to act.

WHY DO A CAMPAIGN? A new, compelling vision beckons. There is a sense that God is calling the church to something new, something more, something greater. The new vision may require expanded ministries; additional staff; new mission initiatives; new, remodeled or expanded facilities. New vision and growing ministries often require more money. Current giving seldom finances big goals and large dreams. Growing Healthy Churches & Hit the Bullseye, Inc. exist to help churches at this exciting crossroad. Our Capital Campaign/Ministry Expansion program is a biblically based stewardship education program that helps the congregation share a common vision and become a united force.


RESOURCES PROVIDED Find out more about campaigns by visiting our website:

WHAT WE OFFER • Consultant to coach you through entire campaign • Ministry Expansion Study • Feasibility Report with Financial Goals • Position descriptions to assist in the recruitment of campaign leadership team • Training of campaign leadership team • Coaching on key program elements such as focus groups, meal function planning, follow-up, etc • Kit with adaptable and proven educational and promotional materials • Week-by-week, task-by-task Gantt chart for all five campaign phases • Budget template • Follow-up expert to coach you in effective follow-up


Ministry Report


director of kingdom networks Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ~ Matthew 28:19-20

The primary responsibility I carry as the Director of Kingdom Networks is to use the influence of GHC to help pastors and congregations in other denominations and settings begin to experience health, growth and reproduction, both within their congregations and as well as in the group of churches represented in the network or denomination. During this time I have worked with ten different denominational groups and over twenty different judica-

I have also taught two graduate

the Kingdom influence of our pastors

tories. Most of these interactions

seminars related to healthy growing

and further develops them as effective

involved speaking at conferences for


leaders of their own congregations.

pastoral learning communities and

I have been involved in helping one

I am constantly amazed how God

conducting consultations. God has

mega-church in the selection of a

uses me in such a variety of settings. I

made it possible for me to conduct

new pastor, while preaching sermon

am also grateful to God for all he has

fifteen congregational consultations

series at two different mega-

done and is doing through GHC and its

and speak at seventeen specific


leadership. I continue to be even more

pastors and congregations, leading

conferences for pastors and lay leaders.

impressed with Dr. Tim Brown and the One direct result of these ministries

leadership is now bringing to GHC as its

for GHC is that a number of our

Executive Minister.

I have interacted with three differ-

pastors are involved in coaching,

ent seminaries about developing

consulting and speaking at

effective pastors to lead congrega-

conferences with pastors and


tions to be more effective in both

congregations across the nation and

reproduction and transformation.

in Australia. Such a ministry expands

Dr. Paul D. Borden Director of Kingdom Ministries

Ministry Report


PASTORAL recruitment



Director of Recruitment, through Dec 2013

Director of Recruitment, Beginning January 2014

A GREAT YEAR IN 2013 A Note From Richard It is has been a pleasure to working with the staff of

Nevada City First, Rio Linda First, and Fowler Baptist.

Growing Healthy Churches helping to resource our member churches during pastoral transition over the last

GHC provides training and assistance to the search

20 years. But all good things must come to an end and it

committees to establish a process that will lead them to

is with great pleasure that I have now passed the search

potential candidates to interview that match up with the

consultant baton to Gilbert Foster. I am sure that our

skills, gifts and experiences needed to accomplish their

churches will be well served by his ministry.

mission and move the church toward their vision. We also promote a Mentoring relationship for the new pastor

I want to thank all the Interim Ministers that have served

within a small group of peers that will include training,

our churches, some serving now and others waiting for

support and accountability.

their next assignment. Some serve as pulpit supply, others have a more traditional interim role and then some who

In recommending someone to serve one of our churches

are involved in transformational and turnaround minis-

as a pastor or interim, you can find the forms needed at

tries. This year Neville Arrouse finished a two year stint under Pastors and then

of preaching regularly at Rio Linda, Fred Delano served at

Recruitment. You can submit the material to Michele

Fresno FBC, Larry Rice is doing a long term interim at San

Prater at the GHC Office or to Gilbert Foster, Director of

Pablo McArthur, Ralph and Jean Wilson finished a three

Recruitment at

year interim at Nevada City FBC and Matt Webb served at Fowler.

Thank you!

Several churches have completed their search this year


including, Fresno First, Reedley Redeemer, Stockton First,

Rev. Richard Brock, Director of Recruitment thru 12/13


Ministry Report


staff members Dr. Tim Brown, Executive Minister Ms. Pam Breen, Administrator


Rev. JD Pearring, Director of GHC Network

Ms. Ariana Breen, Ministry Support

Dr. Bill Hoyt, Regional Consultant

Mrs. Maureen Douwes, Accounting Assistant

Rev. David Bennett, Director of Missions

Ms. Judy Lane, Mission Bookkeeper

Dr. Paul Borden, Director of Kingdom Networks

Mrs. Susan Pickett, Accountant

Rev. Pete Shaw, Lead Regional Pastor

Ms. Michele Prater, Ministry Support

Rev. Richard Brock, Pastoral Search Consultant

Mrs. Heather Bassard Quilici, Communications Specialist

Rev. Gilbert Foster, Pastoral Search Consultant

Rev. Larry Rice, Ministry Support

Rev. Tom Cullen, Property Manager Rev. Dan Gates, Consultant Rev. Brian Burman, Development Consultant Rev. Stu Streeter, Development Consultant



Rev. David Cooke, Pastor

JD Pearring, GHCN Director

Cold Springs Church - Placerville, CA

Karl Roth, GHCN Training Director

Rev. Gary Cooper, Pastor

Tom Cullen, GHCN Cluster Coordinator

WayPointe Christian - Richmond, CA

Rachel Kihlthau, GHCN Administrative Director

Rev. Ed Kemp, Pastor

Paul Mints, GHCN Area Director (Texas)

GateWay Church - Visalia, CA

Paul Taylor, GHCN Area Director (Midwest)

Rev. Bill McCready, Pastor

Rusty Price, GHCN Area Director (Hispanic Ministries)

Life Point - Minden, NV

Brian Burman, Contract Coordinator & Area Director (NW)

Dr. Curtis Mitchell, Pastor

Dan Southerland, GHCN Area Director (Kansas City)

Antioch Progressive Church - Sacramento, CA

Todd Hahn, GHCN Area Director (Southeast)

Dr. Pete Shaw, Pastor & GHC Lead Regional Pastor Cross Walk Community Church - Napa, CA

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together in peace. ~ Paul, Ephesians 4:3

Ministry Report



administrator THIS PAST YEAR HAS BEEN EXCITING! Growing Healthy Churches welcomed Dr. Tim Brown as our new Executive Minister and our office has been hard at work making changes that would support the new focus and vision. Some of those changes this year include:

Most of you are well aware of changes

Cost cutting has become second

policies for church and to help network

that have been made in the area

nature for us and we have gotten quite

them to good sources of information.

of Comminations. A new website,

good at seeing areas we can save.

increased social media postings, our GHC Apps, our new logo and look.

We feel it is a great honor to be able to While we have been changing in a lot of

serve in this way and hope your church

areas there are things we are commit-

is taking advantage of the resources

Our webinars will be reflecting some

ted to maintain. We strive to be a great

we provide.

changes also and you will see a new

resource to our churches, pastors and

format in many of them that will begin

lay people. We look forward to being

The financial information shared at this

over the next couple of months.

able to track down answers to ques-

year’s Celebration follows.

tions and issues they face and to do Our database is being changed to bet-

it in a timely manner. We continue to


ter incorporate all that we do and also

highlight the best possible training and

to be able to maintain the history we

conferences available to help churches.

need to keep track of.

We are glad to be able to offer sample


Our accounting system now features a new look to better reflect our unity

Ms. Pamela Breen, Administrator


as we continue to provide support and training for transforming churches,

Month ended 8/31/2013

Jan-Aug g


new church plants and churches in the bigger Kingdom of God.

Mission Support


$ Change vs

% Ch hange e

Bu udg get

vs Bu udgett

517,333.32 (152,459.83)


Property Rental





We continue to work hard to keep






churches updated as to new issues






facing churches and also to help them

Investment Interest





navigate the Affordable Care Act and

Special Projects





help their church members do the

Other Income






al Suppo ort & Revenue Tota


930,,249.67 (1 121 1,520.9 91)

-1 13.1% %

© GROWING HEALTHY CHURCHES 2013 - 2014 All Rights Reserved.

2420 Camino Ramon, Ste 140

Phone: (888) 290-2229

San Ramon, CA 94583

Fax: (925) 277-3985

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