Cringleford Hub Prospectus

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Welcoming, vibrant, creative community spaces - online, in a cafe venue, in people’s homes and other community facilities. Spaces people can drop in and connect with others, as well as meeting for a diverse range of activities and groups that promote social, spiritual, physical and emotional ‘living well’. Summary What? Places for people to connect: via a social network online and in physical venues, comprising a social enterprise cafe and hireable space for groups and organisations who’s activities complement and develop the program of activities already running in homes and other spaces.

February 2014 Why? To be a catalyst for To provide community spirit in accessible and the area of new relevant housing in activities to Cringleford, and promote ‘living enable integration well’. ! between the established village To enable and new people outside development.! the church to encounter and To encourage connect with creativity and Christian cohesion in a diverse spirituality in community, enabling ways that are everyone to be relevant to supported and every day life.! included.



The Hub Cringleford, c/o Heather Cracknell, 5 Poppy Close, Cringleford, Norwich NR4 7JZ! 01603 501364


Where?! Utilising public spaces all around Cringleford, working towards having a base in Community Area of the Church of England Primary school building, which has a purpose-built cafe space, kitchen and adjacent room, next to the playgroup.


A team of local people committed to serving the community, led by Revd Heather Cracknell. Applying to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is a community where....! • people have pride in living here! • people are included and welcomed! • people rediscover and re-prioritise how important it is to engage with others! • there is cohesion as people encounter one another! • people have a sense of true belonging! • individuals, families and societies are enriched by intentionally engaging with others! • people live well, in a holistic sense physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, relationally! • people have the opportunity for new experiences! • people can experience Christian spiritual practices and explore their spirituality in a supportive community.!

! Because this is our vision, we will...! • Open and run a welcoming, vibrant, creative community space: a “hub”; where people can

both drop in and connect with others as well as meet for a diverse range of activities that promote social, spiritual, physical and emotional ‘thriving’; a place for informal connections to develop into deeper, more intentional relationships.! • encourage encounters by running, and facilitating others to run, a varied program of activities, offering opportunities for new experiences and exploring “living well”; by listening to community need and responding inclusively.!


Our Values!


• Inclusivity - we recognise that diversity and difference can be a strength in community, and we will respect and commit to working alongside people, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, orientation, gender etc.! • Fairness - we will seek to source products and services in a way that recognises the true cost and supports workers (e.g. fair trade) and supports the local community (e.g. local businesses etc.)! • Quality - we will hold ourselves to high standards and commit to offering the best we can.! • Collaboration and Partnership - we are stronger together so will look to not do on our own what we might do together.!

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A place for ‘living well’

WHAT IS THE HUB? The Hub is a community network which aims to bring people together to connect, build relationships and explore ‘living well’.!


To date we have run or facilitated well over 170 events and groups since May 2012, including diverse activities such as: ‘new parent’ group; curry nights; regular craft evenings; meditation group; community picnics, ‘Bake-off’s; ‘Table’ (dinner church); running group; book club; ‘Puzzling Questions’ course; discussion forums; quiz team; outdoor labyrinths - and there are more interest groups being formed weekly. !


Due to the lack of indoor public space on the new development until recent months, almost all activities have been held in people’s homes, or on outdoor public space.!



The website ( has over 160 users and the facebook page connects a further 65 people to the project - 85% live on the new development (Roundhouse Park), 10% live in the established village and 5% live elsewhere but have connected with the project through their network of friends or colleagues.!


To develop the network further and to engage with more people from the whole of Cringleford and beyond, we are looking to establish a venue, potentially in the community area of Cringleford Primary School, in order to provide a physical place for people to encounter and engage. This will comprise a cafe (run as a social enterprise) and adjacent space available for hire by groups and organisations.

“As I travel by car, live alone etc. the cafe could give me a chance to socialise.. I may be able to contribute to the community....” Community Survey Respondent

WHY THE HUB? RATIONALE Cringleford is expanding rapidly: from 800 homes to 1800 by 2015, and developments of many more homes in planning application.!

Cringleford within last 5 years, 28% having moved to the area in the past year. 9% of respondents lived alone.!

There are no informal The new development is gathering places in the separated from the established community, where you do not village by a dual carriageway, need to be a member and can has different types of housing just turn up (‘Third Spaces’).! and therefore has a different Many activities currently feel and demographic - links happen in the established between the two parts of the village but run in the daytime community are not well or early evening (awkward for developed.! working people or those caring Vast majority of respondents for young children) and also to the local consultation - 87% tend to be attended by those of which live on new of retirement age, have a development - have moved to formal structure (with


Presidents, committees and formal meetings) which may not appeal to those of a younger generation used to informality, flexibility and nonhierarchical structures.! The area of new housing has increased the numbers of households living in Cringleford with social need. There is also increasing ethnic diversity, due to the proximity of the hospital, research park and university. Thus the need to intentionally focus on social cohesion is increasing.

WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE HUB’S ACTIVITIES, AND HOW? The values of the Hub are to be inclusive, and so everyone is invited to join in and benefit, but our focus will be to intentionally remove barriers of participation for:!


Families with busy and complex lives - i.e. working parents, single parents, those working shifts with complicated childcare routines; for example by running and facilitating activities that families can engage with all together during weekend slots.! Young people who are not involved in scouting/guiding groups or sports clubs - for example by facilitating different activities and especially empowering young people to set up and run activities for their peers and others in the community.!

Those who work outside of Cringleford; for example by working towards opening the Hub cafe as much as possible, especially at evenings and weekends. ! Those who live alone, for example by hosting evening activities not involving children.! Those for whom traditional forms of church are alien or inaccessible, but who are interested in exploring and developing spirituality, personal development, learning spiritual practices and exploring a moral and ethical framework to live by, within a supportive community.!

There are also broader benefits of increasing community participation and a wide-ranging exploration of ‘living well’: it will also benefit those Those who may need additional who are already engaged in other support to engage in community groups and activities in the activities; for example by being established village, as local people intentional in facilitating activities will be more connected and engaged appealing to a wide range of interests, with the local area. Similarly for those and by working in partnership with running other venues in the village, other agencies offering support with there will be an increase in groups finding employment, further education and activities happening which will all opportunities, work experience and need a variety of different venues in volunteering etc.! which to meet.! Track record The Hub is connecting with young families and professionals, providing a foundation on which to build.


IS THERE A NEED? A community consultation was undertaken to gather residents’ experiences and thoughts about living in Cringleford.

The internet questionnaire collected positive responses, mainly from people living on the Roundhouse Park development, who have not connected well with other consultations

The survey was publicised between September 2012 and June 2013 on the website (which gets 1000 hits a month), in the parish magazine (which is delivered to 800 homes), in the school newsletter, through leaflets to the Roundhouse Park area homes, on the social network website and facebook groups established by the Cringleford Hub project. Those who were unable or unwilling to use the internet to complete it were offered a paper copy to collect and complete.!

Respondents disliked the narrow roads and inconsiderate parking (on the new development); some anti-social behaviour; unreliable and infrequent public transport; and the lack of shopping, leisure and community amenities.!


Although 97% of respondents said they had met their neighbours, (e.g. having had a drink or meal/BBQ together or gone to the park together) only a third of respondents had participated in community activities happening in the village, with the vast majority of those At the time of collating the data there were 85 being children’s activities (scouts etc.)! responses, 87% of which lived on the new development. The vast majority had lived in There are currently four venues in the Cringleford less than 5 years, 28% having established village which are available for hire moved to the area in the past year. 9% of and used by a wide variety of groups, ranging respondents lived alone.! from horticultural society, WI, Mothers Union, historical society to amateur dramatics, Zumba People said that they liked the convenient and pilates, along with Scouts and Guides location of Cringleford, being near the city, groups for the entire age range of children, and university and hospital; its safe and peaceful successful sports clubs (football, tennis, environment and that it was an active cricket, bowls etc.) However when the venues community.! are not hired by groups, they are not open.





THE HUB CRINGLEFORD GOALS In the Next Year! A. Community Venue with Cafe!


Set up a social enterprise cafe, from a base in the Community Area of Cringleford CE VA Primary School (subject to agreement) creating informal, vibrant and creative spaces for the community as a whole, opening regularly and as frequently as is feasible, but definitely at weekends.! Expand and diversify the existing program of activities, especially those for families to do together, which have up to now been limited by not having public space available.!

come together with their expertise to support parents.! Plan and run events in public spaces, for example ‘Cringlefest’ (a day festival for local businesses, groups, creatives and organisations to put on a fun-day for the community) and a community art project.!

Continue to develop partnerships with the Wymondham, Hethersett and Attleborough Area Action for Children Children’s Centre, the Hethersett Schools Cluster Parent Support Establish ‘Church at the Hub’, all-age creative Adviser and Crackerjacks Pre-School to facilitate support groups, where our volunteers and venue worship gatherings, for those wanting to explore Christian spirituality in a supportive community.!


In the Next 1-5 Years! B. Out of School Care Provision!


Set up a social enterprise Breakfast Club and After-School Club for the Cringleford CE VA primary School, meeting the needs of working parents and supporting the school in providing good quality extended school care in keeping with our shared Christian ethos and values.!

! Inclusive Support for parents can form the backbone for the project, to build stability so that all sections of the community can be involved.



Continue with projects established in the first year, whilst continuing to consult with the local community to ensure program of activities is diverse and appropriate for the rapidly growing community.


WHAT’S NEEDED TO OPEN THE VENUE Volunteers...! Most of the work in the cafe will be undertaken by a team of volunteers, including the administration of the rental space, covering shifts during opening hours, managing stock etc.!


We already have a team of volunteers supporting the planning and resourcing what we need, co-ordinating groups and organisations who will rent the venue space, and many offers to cover shifts working in the cafe. But we will need more to enable us to realise our vision.!



We will need someone with experience of running a cafe in order to host this space professionally, ensure the financial sustainability of the day-to-day business, offer mentoring and supervision for young people during work experience, and manage a team of volunteers.!

As part of the local parish church’s support for the project, donations have been made by generous individuals that will cover the initial costs. More will need to be raised to cover capital costs and to underwrite the project for on-going costs while in the early stages.!




Joining in Volunteering in the Hub will be a great opportunity to get involved, meet people and shape the future of the project


MAKING THE HUB A REALITY WORKING WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES We value partnership and we value building community, so it makes sense that we also value supporting and building partnerships with local businesses.!


We will be asking local businesses to support the Hub by:! • helping us meet our financial needs by making a donation or regular giving! • providing us with local product to stock in the cafe, with POS, marketing materials etc! • offering local training and support for staff and volunteers! • offering advice and back-room functions!

Partnership Cringleford and it’s neighbouring parishes have many strong businesses, and building links could be mutually beneficial


• sponsoring pieces of equipment or events! • sharing expertise and exposure.! We want to attract and keep customers in the cafe by providing good quality, ethically traded and locally sourced products. We could build a really strong brand together - in partnership and shared values.!

MAKING THE HUB A REALITY WORKING WITH LOCAL ORGANISATIONS We intend to build on the strong partnerships we have already forged St Peter’s Parish Church have demonstrated their commitment to the Hub by supporting Revd. Heather Cracknell in her efforts to invest in the community by facilitating activities and the website, and by raising funds through their 2013 Church Appeal. The Diocese of Norwich have provided legal and financial advice and support.!


In the past months we have been developing strong partnerships with the Wymondham, Hethersett and Attleborough Area Action for Children Children’s Centre, the Hethersett Schools Cluster Parent Support Adviser and Crackerjacks Pre-School, which we will take forward in devising a program of activities and support groups, where our volunteers and venue come together with their expertise to support parents.!


South Norfolk District Council have provided advice and practical support with publicity, and this partnership can be built on when planning and delivering activities that support ‘living well’ in this area of South Norfolk.!


Cringleford Parish Council have also been very helpful in signposting to agencies and grant-making bodies.


THE STRENGTH OF OUR APPROACH Our vision and aims are directly in line with those outlined by the South Norfolk Alliance, a Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) who's aim has been to improve the quality of life for everyone in South Norfolk. !

As this strategy has been developed, the more recent report ‘Your Sustainable Community Strategy for South Norfolk’ acknowledges the importance of local volunteers and activists investing their time and energy into building community life, recognising “this will be especially important with communities expanding to incorporate housing growth”. !

! ! In their report ‘Towards Stronger Communities’1 they wrote:! “The South Norfolk Alliance believes that communities with the following characteristics are what we seek: !


• Everyone has a sense of belonging and shares some common values. ! • Those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities. ! • The diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued. ! • There is mutual respect for differing opinions and views. ! • Strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds in all areas of community life, including workplaces, schools and within neighbourhoods.”!


We believe the Cringleford Hub would make a significant contribution to facilitating this in Cringleford, and could act as a model for other areas of new housing development.!


They also realise that “sometimes people feel the barriers are too high and incentives too low to spend their time and talents on building community life.” The Hub will be intentionally looking for creative ways to reduce the barriers to active participation, especially through varied volunteering opportunities, which is another area that the report highlights as having a signifciant positive impact on community sustainability: “A vibrant Voluntary and Community Sector is essential for a sustainable community. Community led groups and organisations encourage involvement with a wide range of activities and events, give people a sense of community and help them to feel included.”!


Young People! They are prioritising the need of young people, offering them activities to participate in and opportunities to contribute to: our project is registered with Norfolk Can Inspire who will enable us to link up with local young people who can be involved in varied volunteer opportunities.!


Community is blooming...


The Hub is growing as more and more people are becoming involved as volunteers and team members, which brings great diversity, strength and experience to the project.!

the established village and the new development, and are committed to realising the potential of the local community to build strong relationships of trust, creativity and resilience.!

However, a management group has driven the development of the project for the past year, and will become trustees of the charity. They are all Cringleford residents, from both

The management team bring a wealth of experience of business, local governance, charitable organisations and parish life.


building connections!


As an Ordained Pioneer Minister, I’m always looking for ways to creatively connect life, faith and community. I have been living and working in Roundhouse Park, Cringleford since July 2011, and have spent that time listening to people’s experience of living here - I have discovered a desire for a sense of community but most people have few ideas of how to go about finding or building it.!


I’m passionate about the benefits of participating in community - both local and global - and believe the church can and should be a catalyst for this to develop. I firmly believe that Christian spirituality and practices can enable people to live and thrive, connecting people to roots and resources for living in ways that get beneath the surface of life. !



The best way to enable a sense of community is to build connections between existing networks: school and playgroups, clubs and societies, district and parish councils, and the local churches. There are so many opportunities for collaborative working in Cringleford, and I believe the Hub could be a wonderful catalyst for the creative co-operation that will benefit everyone involved.!


This proposal outlines a vision for developing a welcoming, inclusive, vibrant, creative community space, encouraging cohesion and community spirit and supporting individuals and families in their ‘living well’ in Cringleford.

Revd. Heather Cracknell

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