Heather Goldin Email: hgoldin@bu.edu Mobile: 949-813-5212 Personal Website: http://www.heathergoldin.com
I am a Journalism student at Boston University with a vast knowledge in multimedia tools including photography, video, blogs, and social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. I would like to pursue online journalism work that enables me to write as well as expand my knowledge of digital media tools.
Boston University
2012 - 2016
Bachelor of Science (BS) , Journalism The Daily Free Press; Society of Professional Journalists
Orange County Register
06 / 2014 - Present
Features Intern • Research and write event listings for weekly food sections of Orange County Register and Los Angeles Register; Pitch and write stories on restaurant developments; Volunteer to take on additional stories that need writers
The Back Bay Publishing Company
05 / 2014 - Present
Recruitment and Readership Chair Responsible for two positions on the Board of Directors of The Daily Free Press, BU's independent student newspaper. • Readership: Create and carry out innovative ideas to increase readership of print and online editions • Recruitment: Inform students about staff opportunities; Schedule interviews for staff positions
The Daily Free Press Multimedia Editor
12 / 2013 - 05 / 2014
• Edit weekly blog posts and videos; Manage Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts; Post advertisements to online website
The Daily Free Press
05 / 2013 - 12 / 2013
Video Associate • Develop video ideas; Film and edit videos; Train new video staff on filming and editing skills
Camp Ramah in California
05 / 2013 - 09 / 2013
Communication Coordinator • Photograph activities and events for 1,300 campers; Manage camp social media; Write and copy edit weekly newsletter; Film and edit weekly highlight videos for YouTube channel
Boston University
01 / 2013 - 01 / 2014
Telecommunications Assistant • Contact BU alumni, parents and seniors for donations; Raised a total of $7,763.30
Society of Professional Journalists
05 / 2014 - Present
Secretary e-board member • Send out email communication regarding BUSPJ Chapter events and updates; Record minutes at meetings and events; Compile event and chapter information for annual report
Society of Professional Journalists
05 / 2013 - 12 / 2013
Social Media e-board member • Manage Facebook page and Twitter account; Update followers on events with promotional and live tweets
Adobe Photoshop
Lightroom 4
Final Cut Pro X
Copy Editing
Microsoft Office
Constant Contact
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator