The Newbie's Guide to Green Smoothies Preview

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The Newbie’s Guide to

Green Smoothies

The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

by Heather Mamatey

The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies: The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Thank you for buying my book and for giving the fabulous green smoothie a shot! It has the power to upgrade your health in a major way, if you let it! My name is Heather Mamatey. I’m 36 years young and I’ve been deeply interested in the health and nutrition movement for over 10 years now. My journey really began when I was 25 and a friend handed me a copy of William Dufty’s Sugar Blues. Later that same year I read Paul Bragg’s Miracle of Fasting for the first time. These books began the process of opening my mind to new ideas about food and health, a process that continues to this day. I’ve been a constant, consistent experimenter with my diet, always wanting to push the envelope further and explore just how good I can really feel. The link between what goes into our mouths and how we feel on a day to day basis, physically, mentally and emotionally, has always seemed crystal clear to me. For some reason, this connection is not well understood by our society. People want the privilege of eating unhealthy foods and then taking pills or medications to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and disease that result. The process of figuring out just what foods make you feel like garbage has been a work of many years’ exploration and research. Some are obvious (ice cream and pizza) and others are not (wheat, soy, bottled juices and pasteurized dairy products). I’m not sure where you are in your journey – perhaps you simply want to incorporate better, healthier foods into your diet, or perhaps you’re ready for a major overhaul. Perhaps you want to lose a few pounds and increase your energy levels to what you remember from your youth. Wherever you are, I can help guide you to some really tasty, easy-to-prepare, green smoothie recipes, all of them 100% natural, gluten free, low fat, and with no refined sugar. It is entirely possible to enjoy fantastically healthy foods that are full of flavor, and once this world is opened to you, I promise, you won’t look back. Let the fun begin!

The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies: The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

I. INTRODUCTION: Congratulations! Your instinct and intuition have led to you to one of the great health secrets of our time: the green smoothie! These magical elixirs pack a potent punch, and are an excellent remedy for all sorts of ailments, including:

• Extra weight

• Headaches

• Low energy

• Insomnia

• Constipation

• Acne

• Sinus troubles

• Muscle tension

• Depression & Anxiety

These afflictions, all of them, are profoundly affected by what we choose to put into our mouths. The way we eat affects us on every level: physically, emotionally and even mentally. Our thinking becomes cloudy and muddled when our diet is poor. Unfortunately, we live in a society that emphasizes quick-fixes for what ails us, and we are encouraged to take medication for every minor health complaint. We are not told that, instead of popping pills (which only serves to mask symptoms and does nothing to address the source of our pain), we could simply choose to eat differently. We are not told that how we eat is the most important determinant of how we feel: if we have annoying aches and pains, if we can’t get through the day without several cups of coffee, if we are chronically tired and cranky. Do any of these things sound familiar? For me, introducing big, yummy, fresh green smoothies into my diet made a HUGE difference in how I feel, most especially my energy levels… I used to be hugely addicted to caffeine and also hugely addicted to afternoon naps. I would get a rush of jittery, nervous energy in the morning after downing my first strong cup of coffee for the day, and by the afternoon I would be crashing. I would literally feel sick with fatigue and desperate to lie down…

The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies: The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

I would have to drink more coffee just to keep myself functioning. The big jolts of caffeine I guzzled every day gave me chronic, painful muscle tension and terrible insomnia. Ever see one of those commercials for energy drinks, or see one of those counter displays of caffeine pills like No Doz? Not having enough energy to get through the day, and being utterly dependant on stimulants, is soooooooo common. People everywhere are afflicted with this, and what they don’t know is that caffeine just makes the problem worse. Like any other drug, the longer you use it, the more it takes over your life and makes you unable to function without your “fix.” Green Smoothies are the Answer!

In 2007 I gave up coffee for good, and the following year I discovered the magic of green smoothies. Now, instead of battling fatigue in the afternoon hours, this is my most productive time of day! I have a glorious green smoothie for lunch, instead of what I would normally have eaten, and I am able to work for hours with a clear mind, clear thinking and a steady, permanent buzz of energy. No more crashing. No more fatigue. Eating the wrong foods leads straight to overeating and cravings, which always lead straight to weight gain! Before green smoothies, the foods I ate for lunch, even ones I thought were healthy and good for me, used to make me sleepy. Plus they gave me cravings and were almost impossible to stop eating. I would eat way more food than I needed to just to feel “full” and satisfied. If this sounds familiar, I have great news for you:

The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies: The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

Green smoothies are the Solution! They fill you up for hours, and absolutely obliterate cravings for junk. With green smoothies, you can say bye-bye forever to overeating, and when you say bye-bye to overeating, you also say goodbye to extra weight! Green smoothies are a delicious weight loss strategy! That means no feelings of deprivation! You can forget those little, unsatisfying Weight Watchers meals, that always left you hungry and kept you fixated on food. Green smoothies are here! In The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies, I will show you the ropes when it comes to making delicious, satisfying green smoothies that will keep you coming back for more, and more. Green smoothies aren’t a “diet,” they are a lifestyle change… Diets mean small portions of bland foods that leave you hungry and disappointed and missing your old favorite foods like crazy. Diets are a short term weight loss strategy, and you know what? The weight ALWAYS comes right back once the diet is over. Green smoothies, unlike diet foods, are packed with freshness and flavor. They send clean, healthy energy all through your body. They are a thrill to make and to drink. Once you know what you’re doing, you can create all sorts of delicious green smoothies in your own kitchen, using a greater variety of fruits and vegetables than you ever thought possible. Let’s get started!

The Newbie’s Guide to Green Smoothies: The Easy, Delicious Secret to Losing Weight, Increasing Energy & Conquering Junk Food Cravings For Good!

H Mango-Spinach-Banana-Celery: This is one tasty smoothie! And I bet you didn’t know celery made such a perfect ingredient for green smoothies! It has a stronger flavor and has to be used sparingly, but when combined with the right fruits, it is incredibly delicious. Celery, like lettuce, is often dismissed as a harmless, forgettable vegetable that should play second fiddle to the more nutrient-dense leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard. It’s used more for flavoring in soups and salad recipes. However, celery packs its own nutritional punch. For example, it has long been recognized for its ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It is also an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Once green smoothies become a staple in your diet, you will find yourself becoming more and more fond of celery, and using it more frequently in your smoothie recipes. Most green smoothie aficionados really develop a taste for it. You’ll love the combination of celery with mango, a particular favorite of mine! Ingredients: 1 ripe mango, with peel removed, roughly chopped (mango is ripe when it’s soft and it indents when you press your thumb into it) 3 room temperature, ripe bananas 1 frozen banana 1/4 cup water 3 big handfuls of baby spinach 2 stalks of celery, chopped into 5 or 6 pieces per stalk Directions: 1) Blend mango, celery and room temperature bananas with ¼ cup water, until smooth 2) Add baby spinach and blend until smooth 3) Add frozen banana and blend until smooth Serves 1 – 2


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