Project B - prototype testing

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Temporal Diffusion Prototype v2

Raw Testing/Feedback Data

Heather M Decker

Interactive Design/Media App | ITGM-705-OL Savannah College of Art and Design Professor David Edwin Meyers August 15, 2010

Personal Conclusions So far I’m getting feedback I was already anticipating, aside from one small bug issue having to do with the reset button. Overall, the concept seems easy enough for my testers to understand (I tried to include some helpful graphics) and there seems to be interest in the theme and gameplay mechanics. The steampunk motif has also been enthusiast received! Some feedback focused on things I already was wanting: drag and drop functionality, more graphics substance, etc.

Raw testing feedback forms follow.

Temporal Diffusion | Prototype v2 Questionaire

1.) Please share some basic information with me, such as name (optional,) age, gender, and gaming experience. Dreama Jeantet, 25, Female, Play a lot of games!

2.) What operating system are you running? (example: Windows XP, Mac OS 10, Windows Vista, Linux, etc.) Windows Vista

3.) Did you understand the basic concept behind the gameplay? Feel free to elaborate as much as you wish. Yes, and I love the style of the game.

4.) Did you encounter any bugs? If so, please explain. No

5.) Suggestions? Not that I can think of at this time, I look forward to seeing what becomes of the rectangle placeholder :-)

Temporal Diffusion | Prototype v2 Questionaire

1.) Please share some basic information with me, such as name (optional,) age, gender, and gaming experience. Amy Jo, 25, female, intermediate gamer .. pc games like Journeyman, Myst (and the following series) Oregon Trail if you go waaaay back. Nintendo, 64, ps2 and some random moments here and there on contemporary platforms.

2.) What operating system are you running? (example: Windows XP, Mac OS 10, Windows Vista, Linux, etc.) Windows..xp media center edition 2002 service pack 2 3.) Did you understand the basic concept behind the gameplay? Feel free to elaborate as much as you wish. Yes. I believe that the gameplay goal is to fix the error, but to do so we must jump thru time. Our items can only be used in certian times... which will be part of a puzzle aspect.

4.) Did you encounter any bugs? If so, please explain. When it first loaded up, I had to click the next and close buttons numerous times before they recognized the clicks. When playing the first time.. i went over, grabbed the door and then wasnt able to jump between the times.I could click and it would take away my energy, but it didnt change times. I restarted and then tried again. Didnt work right away but then it did in no time.

5.) Suggestions? I like the story and visuals implied. Its got good bones just needs fleshing out. Maybe making the time jump more evident ... most of anything I would suggest would be along the aesthetic lines, but I understand that its more about game play. I think that it is understandable and easily navigated, but not toooo easy~ I dont see anything to criticize about the actual gaming process.

Temporal Diffusion | Prototype v2 Questionaire

1.) Please share some basic information with me, such as name (optional,) age, gender, and gaming experience. Melissa, 26, F, long time gamer 2.) What operating system are you running? (example: Windows XP, Mac OS 10, Windows Vista, Linux, etc.) Vista 3.) Did you understand the basic concept behind the gameplay? Feel free to elaborate as much as you wish. I did. 4.) Did you encounter any bugs? If so, please explain. Clicking the next button was unresponsive until I clicked exactly on the lettering. Numeric pad (which I attempted to use first) was unresponsive. I eventually figured out to use the numbers above the keyboard. If I reset when the door was unavailable to be picked up (future, past) it remained greyed out even tho I was reset in the present. the only way to fix this was go into the future or past and then go back to the present again. 5.) Suggestions? Back button on the instructions. I clicked through too fast and ended up not getting reading everything. Clicking and dragging the lever would be more fun than using the numbers, since you have a nice little lever graphic that's clearly labeled what the past present and future are. And clicking and dragging the door into its spot would be more fun too.

Temporal Diffusion | Prototype v2 Questionaire

1.) Please share some basic information with me, such as name (optional,) age, gender, and gaming experience. Female, late 20s, variety of gaming experience from casual games to platform, rpg, etc, I dabble a lot.

2.) What operating system are you running? (example: Windows SP, Mac OS 10, Windows Vista, Linux, etc.) Windows Vista

3.) Did you understand the basic concept behind the gameplay? Feel free to elaborate as much as you wish. I think it was very clear. The only thing I think needed more communication was switching between the times. Perhaps a sound effect or more variation of what the three different times look like would make that more clear.

4.) Did you encounter any bugs? If so, please explain. I noticed when you get the door item the pop up window is in the center of my screen, not the screen of the game. The next button was a little hard to hit because I think just the letters were clickable?

5.) Suggestions? Some sound effects would be a good next step.

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