“Psych & Nut®” (Psychotherapy / Nutrition) is going to be an additional resource for patients. Similar to “Ann
Landers” Psych & Nut® will take your questions. Each quarter Psychotherapist Dawn O’Meally, LSCW – P.A., and Nutritionist Nancy Lum, RD, LDN will choose 5 questions to reply to. Those answers will be shared in the quarterly Psych & Nut® newsletter associated with our STRIVE Motivational Group Therapy© program. Questions/ Topics will be chosen to discuss based on direct questions from YOU, our readers. Questions should be emailed directly to: NutritionTruth@gmail.com. You do not need to be a patient of STRIVE to submit questions to Psych & Nut®. We also encourage you to visit our website www.StriveMD.com and by “LIKING” STRIVE on Facebook by clicking here or going to: https://www.facebook.com/StriveMD to stay up to date on “Psych & Nut®”, upcoming STRIVE Motivational Series and other helpful information.