Faces of scholarship winners...a future worth investing in...
Remember the New Hampshire Mayflower S oci et y. ..
...and be a part of a lasting legacy
S o c i e t y o f M a y f l o w e r D e s c e n d a n t s i n t h e S t a t e o f N e w H a m p s h i r e Treasurer Robert F. Small 89 West Road Londonderry, NH 03053
Phone: 603-432-5727 E-mail: lakeman2891@myfairpoint.net
Memorial Scholarship Program
So much of what the Pilgrims were about, concerned their children... Much of what motivated our Pilgrim ancestors to journey to a dangerous and primitive new world, was their desire to seek something better for their children’s future, which included religious and economic freedom, and relief from tyranny and persecution. The New Hampshire Mayflower Society seeks to honor the sacrifices our forebears made in this successful, but difficult effort, partly by assisting likeminded young people in meeting the costs of higher education.
Help a worthy young person head into a bright future.
By making provision in your estate planning for the New Hampshire Mayflower society’s Memorial Scholarship Fund, you are investing in outstanding young people who value the traditions and inspiration of the men and women of the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony, that will live on long into the future.
You can include the NH society’s Memorial Scholarship Fund in your estate planning, or through a program of planned giving in your lifetime.
Other benefits When you remember the NH Mayflower Society’s Memorial Scholarship Fund through planned giving, you have options to:
Save on gift and estate taxes
Save on income and capital gains taxes
Receive income for life.
A brief history of the Memorial Scholarship The N.H. Mayflower Society’s Memorial Scholarship was founded with a generous bequest from the late Ethyl M. Gerrish of Dover, a longtime society member who served as our Recording Secretary from 1974 to 1976. She was also active in other lineage organizations on the state and national levels, serving as state regent of the N.H. DAR. Upon her passing, Mrs. Gerrish remembered many of these organizations with bequests, including her gift to the N.H Mayflower Society. The scholarship was first awarded in 1994 through an arrangement with the University of New Hampshire. In 2002, the scholarship program was reconstituted, and is now overseen by a Scholarship Committee of the New Hampshire Society, appointed by the governor. Application material for the scholarship is only available online at the Society’s website (http://nhmayflower.org). The deadline to submit applications is February 15th each year. Preference is given to relatives and members of the N.H. Society, but anyone may apply, and many students with no Mayflower lineage have received N.H. Society scholarships. The names of donors of one thousand dollars or more, given in a lump sum or cumulatively, are listed on a Memorial plaque displayed at each meeting of the society.
Vintage postcards: The sailing of the Mayflower 1620. Frontpiece: The Pilgrims going to church, by George H.Boughton.
For more information, contact our treasurer. Name Address
S o c i e t y o f M a y f l o w e r D e s c e n d a n t s i n t h e S t a t e o f N e w H a m p s h i r e Treasurer Robert F. Small 89 West Road Londonderry, NH 03053
Phone: 603-432-5727 E-mail: lakeman2891@myfairpoint.net
Mrs. Ethyl M. Gerrish