Interior Architecture Professional Practice II - (e-Portfolio)

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E-PORTFOLIO Compilation Heather Wong Wen Hui (0326506)

PP 2


PROJECT 01 - Contractual (Tender)

Video Screenshoot Images

02 PROJECT 02 - Forum 01

FORUM 1 : Rethinking Building Codes & Building Regulations post-pandemic Name: Heather Wong Wen Hui Student ID: 0326506 Space planning before the pandemic vs after the pandemic : Rethink our built and common sizes of spaces

Rethinking Building Codes & Building Regulations post-pandemic -Technology



Passive & ACtive Fire Systems -UBBL

Preliminary Works -Contractual

1.Good ventilation (Outside air) The safest indoor space is one that constantly has lots of outside air replacing the stale air inside. Keeping the space in a good ventilation is a good idea to reduce the coronavirus. With effective ventilation being key to preventing the spread of COVID-19, a big trend could be simply opening windows - if windows can be opened, that is, since many offices are now sealed, controlled units. Bringing in this air dilutes any contaminant in a building, whether a virus or something else, and reduces the exposure of anyone inside. And where filtered air is the only option, it could be boom-time for high-end office climate control systems. China’s mass adoption of this technology to address poor air quality is thought to have assisted its office workers to return to their desks more quickly. 2. Social Distancing (Perspex screens) Office design has included open-plan working for decades now, but could COVID-19 reverse this trend, leading to a closed-plan future. One aspect of this would be utilizing more office screens, and particularly acrylic and Perspex screens.

FORUM 2 : Passive & Active Fire Systems

FORUM 3 : ​Preliminary Works

Name: Heather Wong Wen Hui Student ID: 0326506

Name: Heather Wong Wen Hui Student ID: 0326506

Active protection or passive protection and why? For me, I think prevention is the best defense against fire. But when fire really happens or if we’re in an emergency situation, I think active fire protection is the one that really stops the fire. Passive fire protection is only for prevention but not direct to extinguish or control fires. Passive fire protection is more to retard the fire speed and give more time for people to escape.

Discuss all items that are considered project preliminaries. Where do they appear in contract? Why are they important? Elaborate each function. Preliminaries in tender documents may include pre-construction information.

TWO(2) features inside the building that help best to contain & prevent fire:

(Passive fire protection building components) 1.For building compartments, fire barriers include fire-rated walls, floors, and ceilings which are often made of concrete, combination wood, gypsum, or masonry are used to limit the spread of fire in a building and allow safe egress. Walls extend from a fire-rated floor to the fire-rated ceiling above, and continue into concealed spaces for full protection. 2.Opening protections such as a passive smoke management system. Smoke and fire opening protectives can recess completely into the walls or ceilings and be basically invisible when not in use. In addition to being out of sight, fire-rated opening protectives require limited power and do not obstruct entering emergency crews. Based on compartmentation of fire and preventing collapse through structural fire resistance, when properly installed and maintained, the building’s passive fire protection can save lives and assets, and the building itself.

(Example of client pre-construction information checklist ) Pre-construction information is known as 'information in the client’s possession or which is reasonably obtainable by or on behalf of the client, which is relevant to the construction work and is of an appropriate level of detail and proportionate to the risks involved, including information about the project, planning and management of the project, health and safety hazards, including design and construction hazards and how they will be -addressed, information in any existing health and safety file. Pre-construction information should be provided in a convenient form and should be clear, concise and easily understandable. The amount of detail included in pre-construction information should be sufficient to ensure that significant risks can be anticipated, focussing on those risks that could not reasonably be anticipated.


PROJECT 03 - Gantt Chart


PROJECT 04 - Systems, Services & By-law Application


Professional Development Week Summary

I have registered for the Sector-Focused Engagement by TENBY SCHOOLS SETIA ECO PARK, “Recruiter’s Insights” by NESTLE, “Financial Literacy for Fresh Graduates” by StashAway, “Surviving Your First 30 Days... and Beyond” by AIRASIA, “A Career in Marketing” by McDonald’s and Sector-Focused Engagement by VERITAS. From the workshops that I attended in the Professional Development Week (PDW), I had made several initiatives through which I hoped to achieve certain goals in my future career development. I learned that a resume is an important tool for my job search because it offers a page or two where you can display my top skills and qualities. The resume acts as a bridge between us and the prospective recruiter. Hence the importance of a resume can never be underestimated. So, to make the first impression, it is imperative that our resume stands out from the crowd first. Average recruiters only spend 7.4 seconds reviewing a resume, which means we have less than 8 seconds to make an impression during the interview, so it’s important to keep it simple, easy to read and easy to understand. I definitely learned about the skill of preparing a good resume from the sharing session. I’m clear on what to include in a resume and get the idea of highlighting important points or keywords in the resume. I got the idea of designing a resume to the position, which should be tailored to the specific skills. Also, I will double check my resume to avoid some minor mistakes such as spelling or grammar mistakes when preparing a resume. As a fresh graduate who don’t have working experience, it is suggested that we talk about our projects, internships, industrial visits, trainings and additional value-added course in the summary section, so that even if a recruiter chooses not to go through the entire detailed resume, at least the summary section will be good enough for them to understand and gauge our worth as a candidate.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to be involved in something that I’m not interested in at first but toward the end gave off an impression of being so breathtaking. The speakers shared a ton of tips about professional information, interview guidelines and obviously they answered our greatest inquiry. They were so proficient individuals; they imparted their encounters to us which improved my confidence. Additionally, we had the occasion to meet seniors who were likewise from Taylor’s University. It was a useful and engaging week and the main thing that we were upset about was the restricted time on the grounds that there was a long way to go from those moderators. I feel that it would be better in the sharing session that we could possess longer time for the workshops. The workshops are really helpful for my future career by improving my fearlessness and makes me comprehend what my future career is like. I’m glad to get this knowledge and information during my final year study, so I do better preparation for my future career. It was helpful and worth it. I feel extremely fortunate for having gone to this workshop. It was helpful and justified, despite all the trouble. I might want to thank all the speakers and individuals who coordinated this magnificent occasion. I will consistently recall their tips and proposals and it will make me a better person.

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