Heather Zhang Working sample

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A Flatiron City Prof. Pablo Lorenzo Eiroa New York, USA Urban Studies The Cooper Union 2014 Fall Design Studio Independent work

The aim of the urban studio is to explore critical relationships between the city, the urban fabric and the building type.

i The first step is to identify the flatiron building as an interesting building type in tension with the structure of the New York city.

City: New York Building: The Flatiron Building Structure: Urban Blocks interrupted by the Broadway

ii Explore relationships between this type of interruption and the fabric in a larger city area; understand systematically the reasons of its emergence

and its variation range within extreme opposite conditions. iii Out of this exploration, construct an architectural site boundary that presents the transition between urban fabric and urban object.

72 St 66 St - Lincoln Center 59 St - Columbus Circle

42 St - Times Sq

34 St - Herald Sq

14 St - Union Sq

8th St - Astor Pl

Canal st. & Bowery

A Convent for 5 Prof. Compo Baeza Washington DC, USA 2012 Walton Critic Sacred Space and Cultural Studies Independent work Two weeks design

This studio explores advanced ideas of architectural design as related to the Sacred Space and Cultural studies graduate concentration. The convent has always been a key topic in Architecture. From Le Corbusier’s La Tourette to Louis Kahn’s Dominican Sister Convent, Barragan’s Convento de las Capuchinas, or Van der Laan’s St.Benedictine Abbey, The reason may be found in the fact

that a convent is like a city homothety: a complex organism with cells, chapel, refectory, deambulatory, library, grove and services, where we can recognize the same elements that of a small town. A rural convent is a pedagogical vehicle to study the spiritual, cultural, and embodied dimensions of architecture. The Studio try to create a space with a clear sacred character, a space capable of sus-

pending time, where we inquire about light, shadows, proportion and scale. Solid light can only be taken in when the architecture is oriented towards the south so as to receive the light as it pours in, almost perfectly apportioned. It is this southern, solid, dramatic, poured light that produces the spectacular effects. In the same way, diffuse light will normally be taken





Lower level

1 Ground level

4 Upper level 1 2 3 4 5

Chapel Refectory Library Cells Services

in by orienting the architecture towards the north to obtain a serene and peaceful, reflected and diffuse light. The light that produces restful, calming effects.

Hui Folk art Museum Prof. Zao Li Hefei city, Anhui, China 2010.3-2010.6





Independent work Hefei University of technology Located in Hefei city, the capital of the Anhui Province, the Hui Fork art museum is to demonstrates Anhui's great Hui Culture heritage. In the design research the traditional Hui architecture is explored. The Design process takes its cues from a rich vocabulary of the tradition. And these elements have been reinterpreted and synthesized into a new language and organization, one that is contemporary and forward looking.




AM 12 Prof.Dave Lee Greenville, SC Architectural installation 2012 Spring Seminar Design Technology Kangaroo+Grasshopper Clemson University

A tensile structure is a construction of elements carrying only tension and no compression or bending, which are the most common type of thin-shell structures. In order to test the performance of a material with elastic properties as an example, an analog computing model is created. Supplies: -

thin string or fishing line white pantyhose sharpie scissors exacto knife foam core small alligator clips

Kangaroo is a live physics engine for interactive simulation, optimization and form-finding directly within Grasshopper. Within the assistant of kangaroo in Rhino 3D, an tensile structure is created by configure several points in the site.

Super Cloud City Shenzhen, China Shenzhen Bay Super City International Competition Team Member Director: Sun Wong Lee 2013 M Moser Associates

The main content for the competition is urban and architectural design plans for the central area of the Super Headquarters. The scope of the design covers all land plots encircled by the red line and the surrounding roads and the park. It is planned that 35.2 hectares of land will be used with a building area of 1.5-1.7 million square meters. Besides the schematically drawings, I was especially responsible for exploring several options for the external skin, including a unitized, hexagonal glass panel system. The hexagonal panels also allowed the towers and undulating roofs below to have the soft curves of our inspiration: the unique mountain ranges of mainland China. As with the triangular panels, the interior surface of the exterior glass skin will have a series of glass ceramic frits that will be arranged to minimize solar gain and glare. The patterns of these frits will be modified and optimized as per data from building energy models.

Alvoe Love Manila, Philippines Master Plan Multi-tower residential area Team Work Intern Architect Responsible for Physical model Diagram, 3D modeling, Master Plan Axon drawing and townhouse design CAZA Architects Principal. Carlos Arnaiz Located on the quiet border of the Ortigas Business District, Project Love is envisioned to be a 3-hectare multi-tower residential enclave with a destination retail space intended to provide artisanal products and essential services. With Architecture that has a simple understated charm, Project Love is a contemporized mix of rich architectural character inspired by traditional European elements and old New York's brownstone architecture. It is a simplified approach on Neoclassical and Beaux Arts architecture.

The Estranged Objects Prof. Michael Young 2014 Fall Design Seminar The Cooper Union The disciplines of Architecture find itself currently at a juncture regarding digital technology. The shift to a digital mediation has unleashed some rather strange qualities into our architecture world, qualities well worth looking longer at. The studio focuses on the definition of strange. Strange is defined as a tension between a real object and its sensuous qualities. As such, it begins to suggest a rupture between conceptual and sensorial aspects within the intent and reception of design. The Quality of Strange 1. Foreign: different from what is usual, normal, or expected 2. Unfamiliar: not known, heard, or seen before 3. Weird: not entirely comfortable or well Process 1. The Defamiliarize 2. The Bashed Object 3. The Glitch Test 4. Delicate Variation 5. Biological Geometry

Capecod Sand Dune Prof. Diana Agrest 2015 Spring Nature Studio The Cooper Union Cape Cod’s Sand Dunes are dynamic systems, constantly altered by wind and waves. As wind is most often not perfectly perpendicular to the shoreline, wind-generated waves usually run up the beach at an oblique angle, with a portion of the energy parallel to the shoreline. At the maximum wave run-up, gravity takes over and pulls the water downslope in a parabolic pattern.







100 km

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