Some believe, naively, that support the BDS means: “Publicly pressure Israel to force it into two states for two people”
But that’s not what those leading the BDS say!
We oppose to a Jewish state anywhere in Palestine ... No Palestinian will never accept a Jewish state in Palestine� Omar Barghouti Founder of the BDS movement
BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, three ways to harass the State of Israel. They Are actions to promote isolation, severe relationships, de-normalization, delegitimizing and punishing the Jewish state. • Boycott refers to the severe of relations with Israel as a means of protest, punishment, intimidation or coercion. These actions include commercial, cultural, sports and academic boycotts. • Divestment is the withdrawal of investments in Israel by banks, pension funds and other large investors or companies operating in Israel. • Sanctions are punitive actions adopted by governments and international organizations, including trade sanctions or bans, arms embargoes and cut diplomatic relations.
The term “BDS” is not used in any other campaign, conflict or boycott. A dedicated nomenclature exclusively against Israel.
“BDS effectively means the end of the Jewish state” Ahmed Moor - Leader of BDS “BDS... will help us get us the defeat of Zionist Israel and victory for Palestine” Ronnie Kasrils - Leader of BDS in South Africa
“Oslo and the peace process is a standardization project without resistance (violence) when ethnic cleansing is executed... An absolute majority of thePalestinians call now to abandon this Oslo suicidal lane” Zaid Shuaibi - Leader of BDS 6
Official Objective No. 1 of the BDS “Ending the occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and the dismantling of the wall” Dig deeper and see what it means... •
Hamas and the Palestinian Authority media clearly state that “all of Palestine”, including “Israel” is being occupied and not just the West Bank.
T-Shirt Palestinian Club of Chile
Logo of Hamas (pointing to his vision Palestine, magnifying glass)
Logo of the PAO
You want to be a partner of the BDS racism? 7
What does really mean for the BDS to dismantle the security fence?
Between 2001-2003, when there was no such security fence Palestinian held 73 attacks in Israeli cities, killing 293 Israelis and wounding 1950 others. In el 2003, under actual construction, they killed 135 and wounded 632 Israelis. Since 2004 the numbers killed fell to 19 a year and continued to decline...
Those who support the BDS do not want the wall so murders can occur 8
Official Objective No. 2 of the BDS “Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian Israeli citizens in its entirety.” Dig deeper and see what it means... •
Arabs in Israel have the same rights as Jews; these are judges, congressmen and top professionals. “DOES NOT” have the same obligations... “THEY DON´T” have to serve three years in the army.
Salim Joubran
Supreme Court Judge
Dr. Massad Barhoum
Medical Center Director Galilee
Niral Karantinji
Winner “Next Top Model”
ALL Israeli Arabs And then... What does it mean when they distort the truth? 9
“Israel should not be the national cradle of the Jewish people but a bi-national state”
(Declaration of Haifa)
We demand political autonomy and culture for Israeli Arabs as a prerequisite for equality!
(Local Authorities Heads Program Arabs in Israel) We want a bi-national state as the path for equality!
“The Democratic Constitution” of Adallah The Law of Return for Jews should be canceled and Israeli Arabs should be able to veto the laws of the Jewish majority (80%)
(Declaration of Haifa)
BDS requires that the ONLY State National cradle of the Jewish people ceases to be JEWISH and DEMOCRATIC
Official Objective No. 3 of the BDS “To respect, protect and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees so they can return to their homes and properties as stipulated in the UN Resolution 194.” Dig deeper and see what it means... •
Israel ought to grant citizenship to some five million Palestinian Arabs who reject the existence of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people.
t is essentially a call to the destruction of Israel
And... On their path.... they lie! Resolution 194 (1948) of the UN General Assembly calls for recognition of Israel and the desire to live with it in peace... They forgot to point that out and that all Arab countries voted against when it was passed!
Palestinians cannot “invent themselves” a status “sui generis” to be considered a refugee. Legally, Palestinian refugees are a few thousands of human beings whose future could be solved by recognizing the right of Israel to exist.
Is the boycott against Jews and Israel something new? The term “BDS” is relatively new, but attempts to boycott Israel and the Jewish people are old. Since the middle Ages, Jews were targets of boycotts and of a continuous, legal and formal exclusion. •
Arabs of the British Mandate boycotted the pre-Jewish state “Yishuv” in the 1920s. This tactic was designed to discourage migration and prevent the creation of a Jewish state. In August 1922, the Fifth Arab-Palestinian Congress declared a total boycott against the Jews, prohibiting to sell them land and to buy in Jewish stores. In 1945 the newly formed Arab League declared a collective boycott against the Jews. Damascus hosted the headquarters of the boycott. The Arab boycott became famous after the Yom Kippur War (1973), when the oil-producing Arab countries imposed an embargo on many Western countries “for supporting Israel.”
Racist united demonize Israeli democracy The UN World Conference (2001) against racism in Durban (South Africa) brought together Islamic countries allied with NGOs that are presented as “human rights defenders” with the purpose of approving the following order:
“[We call] the whole international community to impose a policy of complete and total isolation on Israel as an apartheid state as in the case of South Africa, meaning the imposition of a total mandatory sanctions and embargoes.” 14
Habitual critics of Israel unmask the BDS Roger Cohen (The New York Times): “The aim of the BDS movement is the end of Israel as a Jewish state. This is the hidden agenda of the BDS, its unacceptable subterfuge: deceive, disguise and suffocate.”
Norman Finkelstein: “The BDS movement is a “cult” and those who run it are dishonest. At least they are honest about what they want - “We want to abolish Israel and this is our strategy to do so.” 15
Assad Abu Khalil (Professor of Political Science, author of the blog Angry Arab News Service): “Finkelstein rightly question whether the real purpose of the BDS is to collapse the State of Israel. Here, I agree with him that if it is. That should be set as an objective of the UN. There should not be any ambiguity about the issue. Justice and freedom for the Palestinians are incompatible with the existence of the State of Israel.�
Do you want to associate yourself with this scourge? 16
The number 1 partners of the BDS The Islamic radicalism - Hamas
14/2/2014 statement: “We in Hamas appreciate and thank these economic boycotts against the Zionist occupation� 17
The number 1 partners of the BDS The leftist radicalism - anarchist
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, some left-wing groups have applied to political Islam (Islamism) as the only organized force capable of resisting the US hegemony and its perception of the “empire�. 18
Where do usually meet the anti-Semitic groups that support the BDS?
A place where these organizations converge is the World Social Forum (WSF), an international anti-globalization meeting that was supposed to counteract the World Economic Forum in Davos. The WSF was probably the most important platform for the BDS promotion and cooperation within the radical left.
The number 1 partners of the BDS Jewish anti-Zionist radicals
Jewish and anti-Zionist Israelis play a role critical of the BDS. They are a force of legitimacy that the campaign uses to “shake� the anti-Semitism accusations against him.
Yes, the BDS is anti-Semitic even if it has Jewish voices 20
The number 1 partners of the BDS The Islamic Republic of Iran and Sunni Islamist leaders Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa in May, 2001 to support the boycott against Israel.
In April, 2002 Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa about boycotting Israel. His sentences are holy word to Al-Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
How the BDS is manifested? BDS Valencia and RESCOP (The Solidarity Network against occupation of Palestine) demanded to boycott the Jewish-American singer Matisyahu until he pronounces himself publicly against the war and in favor of the Palestinian state and, after he refused, they canceled his performance.
The Spanish Government failed the decision of the Rototom because it “questions the principle of non-discrimination.� In this case, the anti-Semites did not win and Matisyahu sang. 22
Being anti-Semitic may even be very expensive! The Polytechnic University of Madrid, in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Spain canceled the participation of the School of Architecture of Ariel in 2009 in the “Decathlon Europe” competition.
Spain’s government paid 110,000 Euros for having adopted this anti-Semitic decision 23
Modus Operandi of the BDS A) Focus on critical towards Israel, liberal and progressive groups. Many are professional groups, unions and associations who sign their support for the BDS but are unaware of their objectives. Ignorance does not free them of guilt! B) Motions and resolutions supported by a small number of dedicated activists of the BDS, often expatriate Palestinian, Islamist activists or members of the extreme left, who write and propose actions to promote the BDS in meetings of trade unions, professional associations and student governments. C) Anti-Israeli delegations. Delegations to the Middle East are a key tool used by leaders and activists of the BDS in order to radicalize others. Delegations often meet with Palestinian NGOs pro-BDS making visitors feel that the BDS is the mainstream and is widely supported by the local street.
Why BDS is anti-Semitism? Because... as its organizers and ideologues clearly state, there is ONE COUNTRY ALONE in the world that deserves to be boycotted, and that country is the national home of the Jewish people: Israel. Because ... as its spokesmen clearly state, there is one people in the face of earth who cannot express themselves nationally (Zionism) and THAT ONE are the Jewish people. Because... they say they do not hate the Jews but “only” the “Zionists”, but the vast majority of Jews in the world declared themselves “Zionists”, i.e. they hate the vast majority of ONE people. Because ... when it´s the turn to demonize ISRAEL, nobody cares about finding that Apartheid allegations are true, very few care to revise the ideology of radicals driving the BDS because when it comes to attacking the ONLY JEWISH STATE truths don´t matter...
They do not fool me... BDS is Anti-Semitism 25
“In a world filled with violators of Human rights, of the most flagrant, Why would you want to boycott a country with an exuberant free press, is a model in women’s rights and gays and its Arab citizens, a fifth of its population, are the freest in the Arab world? Profesor Alan Dershowitz - Harvard
“The BDS campaign is not for peace or a solution of two states, it aims to make the J ews be a minority in only one state. And indeed, the solution of the BDS It is the solution of Hamas. A great country. Bingo. So it’s okay to criticize Israel, but there is no need to fall into the trap from Omar Barghouti” French newspaper editor Liberation
It’s time to shake the scourge of the BDS! It’s time to expose and communicate the anti-Semitic objectives of the BDS
It’s time to use all legal and social efforts in order not to be free being an ANTI-SEMITIC 28
And you... who you are with?
Those who live to destroy and defame
And you... who you are with?
Those who build a moral lighthouse in the Middle East
Drafting Gabriel Ben-Tasgal (Director) President and founder of Hatzad Hasheni Roberto Croitorescu Administrative direction Anabella Jaroslavsky Secretary Oscar Jaroslavky Follow us on twitter: @hatzadhasheni To defend Israel with truths APP - February, 2016