TIPS FOR CREATING THE BEST MOTIVATIONAL BUSINESS PODCASTS Creating the best motivational business podcasts can be easy if you know the right steps to take. Before you start a business podcast, it is imperative that you clearly define who your ideal listener is in order to create a show that caters to their specific needs.
One of the most important steps in getting started in podcasting is choosing a name. There are various ways to select a name for your podcast. For instance, you can come up with a descriptive title that is selfexplanatory, or you can create something really clever and catchy. Whatever you do, make sure that the name offers a clear connection back to your niche. The name should be instantly recognizable to listeners looking for info on your topic. There people who incorporate their own name into the title of their podcast. It can be tempting to do this, but remember that this can only work if you already have huge name recognition amongst your audience.
TIPS FOR CREATING THE BEST MOTIVATIONAL BUSINESS PODCASTS Another thing you should do in order to create the best motivational business podcasts is select a format. There are many types of podcast formats, with the most common ones being solo shows, co-hosted shows and interview shows. The solo shows involve the podcaster speaking directly to the audience. A co-hosted show involves two or more people sharing the mic with the presenter. In an interview show, you speak with guests, which you can do solo or with a co-host. If you will be mostly interviewing guests on your podcasts, two hosts can be a bit cumbersome. It can also potentially prevent you from digging into interesting information from your guest, since both hosts may want to add commentary. However, a co-hosted show can work if each presenter plays a specific role. For more tips on how to create the best motivational business podcasts, visit our website at