Faraday Art Institute - Brand Identity Manual

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Š FARADAY ART INSTITUTE 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Faraday Art Institute 144 E John St Seattle, WA 98112

Dedicated to the artist we have within. The one aspiring to rise up and live. Dedicated to the ones that are willing to burst through the paradigms established by society. Dedicated to the artist who would not conform with just doing things out for pleasure, but live out of his or her art. The artist who will become more than ordinary. Dedicated to you.

Faraday Art Institute 2015 BRAND IDENTITY MANUAL Of Life and Art




Pg. 9

Pg. 15

Vision/Mision History of the Institute

Pg. 11 Pg. 12

Of Life and Art Faraday Art Institute Logo FAI Alternative Logo FAI Logo Integrity Sizing and Positioning Partner Logo Sizing Color Palette Tagline Incorrect Uses of Logo Incorrect Uses of Color Typography



Pg. 41

Pg. 65

Stationary Business Cards Prospectus Merchandise Faculty Card Billboards Vehicle

Pg. 42 Pg. 45 Pg. 46 Pg. 48 Pg. 55 Pg. 56 Pg. 63

Pg. 16 Pg. 19 Pg. 20 Pg. 23 Pg. 27 Pg. 28 Pg. 31 Pg. 32 Pg. 35 Pg. 36 Pg. 39

Interview with Ely Salazar - Clip Pg. 66 Truman Show -Typography Pg. 69

A WORD FROM OUR HEADMASTER EZRA FARADAY I remember when it all started. Eight people who were eager to share our stories with anyone who would listen. We wanted to share how we fought when everything was against us, how we persevered against all odds. Those sure were some great days. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for what we’ve accomplished here. I don’t think I ever thought that we would reach something like this. The Faraday Art Institute is in constant growth, expanding every possible area, filled with eager students and a faculty to die for. Everything we’ve achieved has been through passion and hard work, by our students and by us. That same passion has been the motivator for our team to continue on our mission. Thanks to you this all possible. Thank you for making FAI great.

Ezra Faraday HeadMaster, Faraday Art Institute


1 OVERVIEW From passion to lifestyle



VISION A world without discrimination of art.

MISSION The Faraday Art Institute has had the sole mission to teach its students how to make a living from their art.


HISTORY OF THE INSTITUTE Of Life and Art first started in the year 2000 when a group of young artists met at a downtown Seattle caffe. The meetup consisted of writers, musicians, and illustrators who had had moderate success from their art. The group talked for hours about their trecks to find success. It didn’t take long for them to realize that the information they shared in this little mastermind group of theirs was invaluable. The meetups became a regular practice and the members invited other creative people they knew to join them and learn from everything that was being shared. In no time, the group started to grow and many of the people who attended the meetings started to pursue creative careers. For years Of Life and Art leveraged from social media in order to expand their reach across the country. The group reached a before and after point in 2007 with the rise of YouTube. The members started creating video series about their experiences and those videos became viral. By the outcome of their videos, they realized that teaching creative people to live from the art they create was a passion of its own. That’s when they decided to move from a Non-profit group into an institution. “ART IS USUALLY DISCRIMINATED, MOST OF THE TIMES IT’S NOT SEEN AS A VIABLE PROFESSION. WE ARE HERE TO PROVE THEM WRONG.”

People have a thirst for learning. Given the choice, they would rather stop doing what they’re doing and pursue their dreams. We want to show everyone that they should always follow their dreams.


Faraday Art Institute Building a World for Creatives


2 BRAND IDENTITY We are who we are


OF LIFE AND ART The logo for Of Life and Art is a very basic design that uses the empty space in a circle in order to create the outline of the end of a fountain pen. The colors red and yellow are the same that trascended into the Faraday Art Institute logo. The design is fairly simple. A fountain pen is always recognized as a symbol of elegance and art. Since it was originally designed in order to identify the small original group, there was not much thought into the design. Of course, they never expected for the group to grow as it did.



Of Life and Art


Faraday Art Institute


FARADAY ART INSTITUTE LOGO The Faraday Art Institute logo contains the same red and yellow colors from the Of Art and Life logo. The logo is composed by the initials of the institute, FAI. While the F and the I are very visible, in between them there’s an A using the negative space of the letters around it. This is the vertical version of the logo, and the primary as well, which is the most common version that will be seen on both advertising and merchandise.

Fun Fact: Most people miss the the abstract A in the logo when they first see it.


FARADAY ART INSTITUTE ALTERNATIVE LOGO The Faraday Art Institute logo contains the same red and yellow colors from the Of Art and Life logo. The logo is composed by the initials of the institute, FAI. While the F and the I are very visible, in between them there’s an A using the negative space of the letters around it. This is the alternative, secundary, or horizontal version of the logo. Even though we usually use the primary version, there are some instances when having a horizontal logo is helpful

Fun Fact: The pens are the only merchandise that uses the horizontal logo. Our car uses another instance of it on its door.


Faraday Art Institute


13.5x x


Faraday Art Institute x

Faraday Art Institute



FARADAY ART INSTITUTE LOGO INTEGRITY The integrity of the logo is perhaps one of the most useful information we can give in this Brand Identity Manual. It gives out a layout of the exact dimension and how to use the logo for web and print. At any given time, there should always be a blank frame around the logo of the size of ‘x’. To determine ‘x’ you should just take the dimensions of the dot on top of the I. The dimensions of the logo are 16.25 times ‘x’ for the height, and 13.5 times ‘x’ for the width. There should be a value of ‘x’ in between the lines of the text. The minimum size of the logo is 8mm.


FARADAY ART INSTITUTE LOGO INTEGRITY The integrity of the logo is perhaps one of the most useful information we can give in this Brand Identity Manual. It gives out a layout of the exact dimension and how to use the logo for web and print. At any given time, there should always be a blank frame around the logo of the size of ‘x’. To determine ‘x’ you should just take the dimensions of the dot on top of the I. The dimensions of the logo are 16.25 times ‘x’ for the height, and 13.5 times ‘x’ for the width. The first line of text is 2 times ‘x’ below the highest point of the logo, and 2 times ‘x’ away from the logo. For the second line of text it is the same, but starting from the bottom. The minimum size of the logo is 8mm.


x 2x

Faraday Art Institute



Faraday Art Institute



Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute


SIZING AND POSITIONING In order to size our logo correctly we use two formulas. One for portrait communications and onefor landscape communications and online formats. Portrait We would generally recommend sizing it at 1/5th of the format width it is placed on. For example: A4 portrait (210mm) logo = 42mm wide Landscape We would generally recommend sizing it at 1/7th of the format width it is placed on. For example: A4 landscape (297mm) logo = 42mm wide Screen (1280px) logo = 256px wide

The logo should always sit in one of the corners. In some cases, such as in digital formats, it can sit centrally.


PARTNER LOGO SIZING When partnered with another brands logo, broadly speaking there are two sizing rules: Working with a landscape partner logo If the partner logo is landscape, make sure it is no taller than the FAI logo. Working with a portrait partner logo If it is portrait, make sure the height doesn’t exceed the width of the FAI (if it was on its side). Always separate the two elements using a thin rule.


LANDSCAPE Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute



Faraday Art Institute

Faraday Art Institute



FAI RED HEX: AE4856 RGB: 174/72/86 CMYK: 25/83/58/10

FAI YELLOW HEX: D5B658 RGB: 213/182/88 CMYK: 18/25/78/0


FAI PURPLE HEX: 734763 RGB: 115/71/99 CMYK: 54/77/40/20

FAI LIGHT BLUE HEX : 879FC6 RGB: 135/159/198 CMYK: 48/31/7/0

FAI BLUE HEX : 504B61 RGB: 80/75/97 CMYK: 71/69/42/25

FAI DARK WHITE HEX: CCCACA RGB: 204/202/202 CMYK: 19/16/15/0

FAI GRAY HEX: 232323 RGB: 35/35/35 CMYK: 0/0/0/86

FAI LIGHT GRAY HEX: AAAAAA RGB: 170/170/170 CMYK: 0/0/0/33


COLOR PALETTE There are five oficial color combinations of the FAI logos. Each of them has an specific reason to use. The FAI RED and FAI YELLOW are used in the oficial instances of the logo. The FAI PURPLE and FAI LIGHT BLUE are used for the school of Design. The FAI BLUE and FAI DARK WHITE are used for the School of Music and Film. The FAI GRAY and FAI LIGHT GRAY are the grayscale versions of the oficial logo. There’s also a white version with the FAI LIGHT GRAY at the highlight that is used in case of black backgrounds.


TAGLINE A taglin is important to a brand in that it embodies the core principles of the brand within a few words. The Faraday Art Institute is “Creating a World for Creatives” which talks about the overal goal the Institute has. “WHILE THERE ARE MANY SCHOOLS THAT TEACH SIMILAR COURSES TO OURS, OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO SHATTER THE IDEA OF THE STARVING ARTIST.”


Faraday Art Institute Building a World for Creatives



Farad ay Art In stitut e 3

Faraday Art Institute 5

Faraday Art Institute


Faraday Art Institute 4

Faraday Art Institute 6

Faraday Art Institute


INCORRECT USES OF LOGO Our logo is very important to us, and we spent much time and effort into carefully craft it in a way that shares what the institute is about. For this very reason, we ask of you to take careful atention when using the logo. You should not alter, tweak, mutilate, or take any personal creative freedom that breaks the specific rules set out in this book. The following are just a few examples of practices that would violate the logo and FAI. 1. Do not at any time angle the logo. It should always sit in a 0 degree angle. 2. Do not change the typeface or font style of any part of the logo. There is a section where we will talk about this. 3. Do not in any way alter the proportions of the letters or the logo. 4. Do not alter the colors of the logo or the typeface unless it is in accordance with the color rules. 5. Do not change the size of either the logo or the text. It should follow the rules in the integrity section. 5. Do not alter the location of the logo. There are only 2 official ways to position it.


INCORRECT USES OF COLOR The logo should be either black or white – whichever is in higher contrast with the background colour. When the logo is placed over an image, always make sure that the background is dark enough not to cause problems with visibility. Also make sure the clearspace rules (p.23) are followed so on a background image the logo does not sit over objects and areas of detail.

People have a thirst for learning. Given the choice, they would rather stop doing what they’re doing and pursue their dreams. We want to show everyone that they should always follow their dreams.


Faraday Faraday Faraday Art Institute Art Institute Art Institute


CRIMSON TEXT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*?()[]{}\|/:;.,<>~

COCHIN ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*?()[]{}\|/:;.,<>~

HELVETICA ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*?()[]{}\|/:;.,<>~


TYPOGRAPHY The Faraday Art Institute brand utilizes three typefaces. The first being Crimson Text as the typeface that is included in the logotype. The logotype is the only place where this text is use. The second FAI official typeface is Cochin, which is used in all the texts we have here in the manual. The third FAI official typeface is Helvetica. This font is used for titles and for headers. “ALL OF THESE TYPEFACES COMBINE TO ENCHANCE THE FARADAY ART INSTITUTE BRAND IMAGE”


3 APPLICATIONS Take FAI with you everywhere


STATIONARY The official Faraday Art Institute stationary concists of office supplies such as paper, envelopes, notebooks, and pens among other things that are designed for everyone at the institute to have. The stationary is perfect for anyone to work with the professionally designed imagery of the Faraday Art Institute.




BUSINESS CARDS The business card is the presentation of every person. Nothing says professionalism like a business card does. The design of the card is pretty simple. The noticeble red strip that the stationary has as well. “IT TAKES SECONDS FOR SOMEONE TO CREATE AN OPINION OF YOU. AS AN ART INSTITUTE WE MUST OWN THIS SECONDS AND A BUSINESS CARD IS KEY.”

1) The FAI logo 2) The Institute’s address 3) The name and position 4) Phone number 5) Cellphone 6.) Email


PROSPECTUS A school’s prospectus is a document sent to potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admissions. It usually contains information about the institution and the available courses, including advice on how to apply and the benefits of accepting a place.



MERCHANDISE There’s nothing that could make us more proud than to see our students accomplish their dreams and have success in their lives. For the same reason when we see our students wearing proudly our brand, we want to make more things for them. Here we’ll have some of the merchandise available at the Institute’s campus and online shop.

1) Men’s gray shirt - Logo 2) Women’s lead shirt - Logo 3) Unisex black hoodie - Logo 4) Official FAI pens 5) B&W Official FAI mugs








FACULTY CARD A great number of our staff are young artists that sometimes can be mistaken by students. For this reason, we came up with a Faculty Card that all faculty members have around their necks. The card holds a picture of the staff member, what they do, and why they’re at the school. For example, in the page at the left there’s a Faculty Card of Graphic Designer Melody Ford from Elegant Themes who is attending FAI to talk about her work.


BILLBOARDS We have advertisments all over the city. When we create advertisments for our school we try to use images of our students working in a project related to their major. We try to use these images so prospective students can look at them and see themselves instead. “IF A PERSON DOESN’T SEE HIMSELF DOING ANYTHING THAT WE TEACH, HE WON’T UNDERSTAND WHY WE DO IT.”

1) Photography Major Advertisment 2) Especial Effects Major Advertisment 3)Graphic Design Major Advertisment 4) Film Studies Advertisment 5) FAI Prospectus Advertisment








VEHICLE We have a small number of cars for our faculty to use during special occasions whenever we need to move a group somewhere or make a special errand. These cars aren’t use commonly but come very helpful once in a while.

Fun Fact: Doesn’t matter how much we tried, we couldn’t make it not look ridiculous.


4 VIDEOS Get to know us


INTERVIEW WITH ELY SALAZAR - CLIP We interviewed a young and talented makeup artist called Ely Salazar. She talks about her experiences at the Institute and how it has helped her to become a better makeup artist. She has been part of several short films and behind their makeup effects.




Truman Show - Typography Video Our Graphic design student, Laila Tibenoch, created a short typography video of a quote from the The Truman Show. She was kind enough to let us share it in this Brand Identity Manual in order to show what our students are capable of.


Faraday Art Institute 144 E John St Seattle, WA 98112

Faraday Art Institute Building a World for Creatives

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