Easy Fashion Tricks for Slim People
Not every fashion fits all kind of people. It is purely based on your physique and the structure of your body. Like how healthy people consider ‘proportion play’, skinny people need to consider ‘layering’ to their body. After all, a good sense of fashion is unfettered of your body type. With these tips below, change your fashion appearance and let the world know you are no different than others. Not to forget, a good perfume such as HE Deodorant – men’s body spray is always a complimentary product for your appearance.
Put on only those clothes that fit you As far as the misconception goes, “slim people should wear extra-large clothes if they wish to look healthier—or fatter”. This, however, is wrong because usually doing this will make you look much smaller, slimmer and shabbier. The best advice: wear what fits you. Doing this won’t compromise on your appearance—your height, your physique, or other physical factors. Don’t mistake this for skinnyfitted apparels though. Slim-fitted clothes will not make you look smart, it will also give you a gentle look. So, be it any occasions, always remember—wear well-fitted clothes, avoid extra accessories, and put on a good perfume, much less HE Deodorant – Men’s best perfume.
Pack your wardrobe with slim-fits Like we mentioned in the previous point, you should only consider wearing slim-fits if you wish to dodge all the taunts and criticism to being unpurposely thin. The prime idea of wearing fitted clothes is that it grips each and every body part of yours avoiding unnecessary stretching or compression of body area. Wearing slim-fits will let the apparel fall freely on your body without making you look shabby or skinnier. It will also provide a linear sight for the viewer.
Keep a check on your shoulder The thumb rule to check whether a shirt/t-shirt fits you or not is by noticing its fitting around your shoulder. And if you’re skinny, checking that becomes even more prominent. If any apparel doesn’t fit you properly on the shoulders, refrain from wearing it as much as possible because looking like a slouch is the last thing you’d want. Invest in new clothes instead, and like we said, nothing better than investing in slim-fits. Make a ground rule of checking your shoulder before stepping out for any reason.
Layer yourself up Putting on layers of clothes over your body is a good option provided you don’t go overboard with it and look like one affected by snowing. Layering will enhance your appearance—thick or thin, that’s up to you to decide, of course. But, we suggest you start off with lighter fabrics and put on heavier later on, if needed. Caution, and we repeat: Don’t go overboard as it might make you look “extra”. Having said that, while you are at it, don’t forget to layer yourself up with HE Deodorant – Men’s best perfume.
Play with your neck There is an array of option you can consider while dressing up—turtlenecks, zip necks, shawl collars, there are lots of them. Playing with your neck is advisable for skinny people as it gives an illusion of squared shoulders and doesn’t give an impression of your actual physique—a skinny boy’s dream, isn’t it? So, it’s time you make changes to your wardrobe and bring in some cool, neck-collared apparels. Being skinny is something you can’t help. You’re gifted with a metabolism and you can’t get done with it in any way. But, what you can do is not let it reflect on your appearance. With the tips mentioned above and HE Deodorant – men’s body spray, make your personality stand out.
Source Image gq.comhomedepot.commazon.co.ukmensjournal.com