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目 錄 Contents 服務概覽 Services Overview 主席的話 Chairman's Remarks 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 懷念老何慶華女士特輯 In Memory of Mrs Catherine Lo 「同SEN抗疫」特輯 Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children 獎項及榮譽 Awards and Honours 服務回顧 Services in Review 家庭為本 全面支援 Holistic Family Support 平等參與 接納共融 Equal and Inclusive Opportunities 健樂成長 盡展潛能 Advancement to Full Potential 與時並進 協同創新 Responsiveness and Innovation in Teamwork 承傳啟導 拓展專業 Transferring Knowledge for Professional Development 機構管治 Corporate Governance 服務數字 Service Statistics 服務單位總覽 Service Units 財務報告 Financial Reports 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

2019-2020 年 度 服 務 概 覽 Services Overview 2019-2020

主 要 服 務 對 象 Main service targets 自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder

專注力不足/過度活躍症 Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

讀寫障礙 Dyslexia

Founded in



Global Developmental Delay

言語發展遲緩 Speech Delay




staff members


families benefit every year 個家庭

Services for children and young people aged

0 - 35


years and their family members 兒童及青年,以及其家庭成員


人次參加 participants in







本地課程及研討會 local courses and seminars

榮 獲




awards won

間夥伴獲頒「商界展關懷」/ 「同心展關懷」標誌

partners awarded “Caring Company” and “Caring Organization” logos

training workshops for mainland parents and practitioners



本新書 New books published


70+ training materials 套教材



個 Apps




number of cumulative downloads


Including 其中


Mixed-mode Centres 間為綜合服務中心

16 1

早期教育 及訓練中心



特殊幼兒中心 Special Child Care Centres


「到校學前康復服務」隊伍 OPRS Teams

Early Education and Training Centres

「幼兒駐校社工服務先導計劃」隊伍 PPI Teams

自閉症人士 支援中心 Support Centre for Persons with Autism



青蔥計劃中心 Supportive Learning Project Centres

幼兒園 Nursery School

3 到校專業 支援服務隊伍 School-based Support Services Teams

7 家長資源中心


Parents Resource Centres





Service units



210 次unique pieces of media coverage 追蹤人數增加

more followers

4,428 人

長 18.5% 增 growth 追蹤人數達


opened in

2020 年成立

1,000 + 人


1,660,000 + 瀏覽量 website page views

YouTube 累積 短片播放

798,000 + 次

cumulative video views

主 席 的 話 Chairman’s Remarks


Chairman’s Remarks 在 2019年,香港接連面對社會事件和疫情的挑戰,協康會在急劇改變的環境中迎難而上。 雖然挑戰令我們的服務發展無可避免地受到影響,但在逆流中,我們幸能夠聯同有特殊 需要的兒童、青年和家庭沉著應變,持續並肩而行,發揮靈活應變的精神,迎合本年報的 主題「逆流童成長」—意味着在艱辛的環境與大家牽手同行,茁壯成長。 疫情發生後,中心服務直接受到影響,我們在停課期間除了迅即改以網上視像教學,為家長 提供家居訓練指導及個別電話跟進,又在短短一個月內推出「同SEN抗疫」網頁,為家長提 供專家文章、教學短片及工作紙等豐富網上資源;而為了支援家長應對疫情,持續在家為學 童進行趣味活動,我們又推出「SEN家長學堂頻道」,由專業教育心理學家、物理治療師、 職業治療師等為家長舉辦多個網上親職課程,反應熱烈,深受歡迎。 年初時防疫物資相當緊絀,大眾為此需要四出排隊搶購,但育有特殊需要兒童的家長未必能 夠抽身購置物資。幸經本會作出網上呼籲後,得到眾多商界夥伴及善長積極回應,為我們的 家長和學童送贈緊急物資,紓解燃眉之急。而為了照顧來自低收入家庭的有特殊需要孩子, 我們特別推出「疫境『童』心行」籌款活動,喜見不少熱心人士慷慨解囊,讓有需要的孩子 都可以在疫情下繼續獲得適切的支援和訓練。 體驗到社會各界在疫情嚴峻時,積極地對有特殊需要孩子伸出援手,實在見證了公眾教育的 重要性和成果。為了讓市民大眾加以了解和接納特殊需要人士的獨特需要,本會於4月「自 閉症關注周」推行了一系列公眾宣傳,以玩具勾畫出自閉症人士的特質。除了獲得大量 傳媒報道外,亦成功吸引超過2,800人於網上承諾去了解自閉症的症狀和接納自閉症人士, 並透過社交媒體及名人轉發,接觸超過136萬人,加強公眾對自閉症的關注。


2019, Hong Kong has been facing the challenges of social issues and the outbreak of the coronavirus. Heep Hong Society has risen above the difficulties in this rapidly changing environment. Although these challenges have inevitably affected our service development, based on our flexibility and togetherness, we are blessed to be able to walk through with our children and young people with special needs and their families. To walk hand-in-hand throughout their journey of growth at this difficult period of time, we have identified “Growing Through Adversity” as the theme of this year’s Annual Report. During the outbreak, because of the suspension of classes, we immediately switched to online teaching, providing parents with home training guidance and individual follow-up through telephone. Within a month, we launched the "Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children” web page. It provides parents with rich online resources such as expert articles, learning videos and worksheets. In order to support parents in coping with the pandemic and continuing to carry out interesting learning activities for children at home, we created the Distance Learning Project - Parent-child Education series — online parenting courses taught by our professional team, including educational psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc. We received enthusiastic responses. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was difficult to purchase protective gears due to severe shortages, particularly the parents of our children who could not spare themselves to queue for the purchases. With their needs in mind, we appealed for donations and received a remarkable response from the public and our corporate partners. All items received were timely distributed to the needy families and children. We launched a fundraising campaign “Get Through Tough Times with SEN Children” to meet the needs of the low income families. We appreciate the generosity of our donors who enable the needy children to receive timely and appropriate support for trainings.


2019 - 2020

年 報 Annual Report

在逆流中我們幸能 與大家牽手同行, 茁壯成長。 We are blessed to be able to walk through with our children and young people with special needs and their families.

良 好 的 管 理 , 是 團 隊 能 夠 凝 聚 力 量 , 發 揮 所 長 的 重 要 元 素 之 一 。 服 務 本 會 30 多 年 的 行 政 總 裁 歐 陽 偉 康 先 生 將 於 2020 年 底 榮 休 。 歐 陽 先 生 於 80 年 代 中 加 入 本 會 擔 任 中 心 主 任 , 過 去 兩 年 在 任 行 政 總 裁 期 間 , 帶 領 協康會應對每個充滿挑戰的時刻,他的服務熱誠有目共睹。在此,我謹代表董事會感謝歐陽先生多年來對 協康會的貢獻,並祝願他退休生活愉快。 本會在此特別衷心感謝社會各界在過去一年的贊助及支持,包括香港特別行政區政府、香港賽馬會、香港 公益金,各康復及教育界同業、企業伙伴、捐款者、以及社會大眾。無論順流逆流,期望社會各界繼續與 有特殊需要的兒童、青年和家庭同行,陪伴他們跨越成長路上的每個難關。 Sound management is one of the important elements for team building and development. After serving the Society for more than 30 years, our Chief Executive Officer Mr Peter Au Yeung will retire at the end of 2020. Mr Au Yeung joined the Society as a Centre-in-Charge in the mid-1980s. During the past two years, he has led Heep Hong Society to go through various challenging moments. His enthusiasm for service is well recognised. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Mr Au Yeung for his invaluable contributions to the Society over the years and wish him a happy retirement. Our deepest thanks to those who offered us sponsorships and support in the past year, including the Hong Kong Government SAR, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, The Community Chest of Hong Kong, the rehabilitation and education sectors, corporate partners, donors, and members of the public. Whether in prosperity or adversity, we hope the community will continue to walk with SEN children and young people as well as their families, accompany them to overcome every hurdle throughout their life journey.

協康會董事會主席 陳黃怡 Eleanor Chan Chairman Board of Directors



Chief Executive Officer’s Report 有 特殊需要孩子和家長走的是一場障礙賽,也是一場耐力賽。面對接踵而來的挑戰,他們都需要專業人士 的支援和家長間的互相鼓勵。在過去一年,香港面對前所未有的困難,期間有一段日子我們更需要暫停面 授課堂和活動,對學童的學習進度和家長的親職壓力影響尤甚。面對這些挑戰,我們的同事一直竭盡所能, 與兒童、青年及家長逆流「童」(同)行,改以個別訓練、網上教授/小組活動等方式提供支援,詳見「同SEN 抗 疫 」特 輯 。 在 服 務 新 常 態 下 , 本 人 樂 見 同 事 的 積 極 性 和 團 結 精 神 , 不 少 同 事 更 自 編 自 導 自 演 拍 攝 教 學 和 支援小組短片,以新穎生動的手法,務求提高學童的學習興趣,達到停課不停學的教學目的;也喜見不少 家長在充當家長教師的角色時表現出色,展示他們對孩子的關愛和正能量。以下讓我簡述本會在過去一年的 工作:

實證為本 支援自閉症、專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童

及早介入 擴展學前康復服務

本 會 自 2012 年 率 先 引 入 SCERTS 自 閉 症 綜 合 教 育 模式,期間除於各中心應用和深化此模式外,更 總 結 經 驗 , 於 2019 年 底 出 版 第 二 套 SCERTS 書 籍 《 知 情 解 意 : SCERTS 綜 合 教 育 模 式 活 動 指 南 》 及 舉行大型講座。支援專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童 方面,職業治療師團隊亦特別出版以提升專注力 為 主 題 的 《 從 專 心 出 發 》, 此 書 自 公 開 發 售 後 反 應 熱烈,訂購源源不絕。另外,我們又積極開展多 項計劃,包括支援有學習障礙學童的「吾讀吾識」 讀寫支援計劃,和設立「VR CAVE教學系統」,以虛擬 實境等技術進行社區適應訓練。

幼兒階段是學習的黃金期。本會到校學前康復服務 (OPRS)的服務名額逐步擴展,至今為逾千名於主流 幼 稚 園 就 讀 的 有 特 殊 需 要 兒 童 提 供 服 務 ; 而「 幼 兒 駐 校 社 工 服 務 先 導 計 劃 」 亦 擴 充 至 兩 隊 , 為 32 間 幼 稚 園 的 學 童 和 家 長 提 供 支 援 服 務 。 2020 年 8 月 本 會又開展由社會福利署推出的「幼稚園/幼稚園暨 幼 兒 中 心 第 一 層 支 援 服 務 試 驗 計 劃 」, 支 援 懷 疑 有 發展障礙或正輪候評估的幼兒。此外,採用蒙特 梭利教學法的協康會上海總會康苗幼稚園已於 2019 年 9 月 正 式 投 入 服 務 , 雖 然 受 停 課 影 響 , 但 教學團隊仍能迅即改為網上教學。

關顧成長 支援青年獨立生活 為有特殊需要青年提供持續支援是本會服務發展的其中一個重要範疇。除了一貫的就業支援服務外,本會 在 2020 年 國 際 青 年 日 發 布 高 功 能 自 閉 症 青 年 獨 立 生 活 的 研 究 , 顯 示 不 足 一 成 受 訪 青 年 可 以 完 全 獨 立 生 活 , 有家長憂慮自己日後年老後,其子女無法應付困難和壓力,甚至遭受欺凌,他們期望政府可以提供資源, 如設立模擬居所,給非政府機構推行獨立生活技能訓練先導計劃,協助高功能自閉症青年在社區獨立生活。

傳授知識 裝備業界及家長

才藝活動 啓發多元智能

年內,本會除繼續推行由教育局委託的幼稚園教師 專 業 發 展 課 程 外 , 又 在 停 課 期 間 推 出 全 新 的 「 SEN 家長學堂頻道」,讓家長在家免費參與網上親職教育 課程,並在此基礎上推展「SEN家庭學院」,全面地 推行家長教育。

有特殊需要的兒童和青年在不同範疇的活動都可以 展現才華,有見他們在參與坊間的興趣班時往往 遇 到 困 難 。「協 康 Talent School」計 劃 自 開 展 後 , 先後推出網球、陶藝、拉丁舞及和諧粉彩班,幫助 孩子發掘更多不同興趣,同時建立自信,促進身心 健康。

我在過去30多年與協康會一同成長,即使中間面對不同的挑戰,但在團隊上下一心的努力下,我們得以繼續 邁步前進,再闖新里程。在此,我謹向各相關政策局、政府部門和各企業夥伴對本會的協助和支持表示謝意, 我 又 特 別 在 此 感 謝 董 事 會 、 全 體 同 工 、 家 長 等 , 對 本 會 和 我 一 直 以 來 的 信 任 和 支 持 。 於 2021 年 1 月 初 退 休 後,我將會繼續關心和支持有特殊需要兒童、青年及家庭。我深信協康會的發展在未來定必再進一步, 為更多不同能力的兒童和青年創建更美好明天。


2019 - 2020


with special needs and their parents are like runners taking part in an endurance race on an obstacle course and they need both professional and mutual support. This year, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, we had to stop face-to-face classes and training sessions for an extended period of time. This inevitably affected the learning progress of students and increased pressure on parents. In the face of these extraordinary hardships, the Society’s professionals managed to provide support through individual training, online teaching, and more – for details, please refer to the Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children section. Under this “new normal”, I saw the creativity of my colleagues shine – the many videos they produced by themselves – showcased their innovative, strong team spirit and their commitment to the aim of “suspending classes without suspending learning”. I also saw parents performing well in their hastily-improvised roles of parent-teachers, demonstrating both their deep love of their children and their positive spirit. Please let me briefly highlight our work for the past year.

年 報 Annual Report

Evidence-based support for children with autism and ADHD In 2012, the Society took the lead in introducing the SCERTS model for autism. To further promote and facilitate the implementation of the model, we published a second set of SCERTS books at the end of 2019 called “SCERTS Model Activity Guide” and organised a well-attended seminar. To support children with ADHD, our occupational therapists also published a book called “From Attention to Goal”, providing a number of tips for improving concentration. The book has received an overwhelmingly positive response. Apart from these two target groups, we have also launched several new projects including “iRead & iLearn” for children with Dyslexia, and VR CAVE system using VR and AR technology to make social adaption training more lively and interesting. Expanding pre-school rehabilitation services

Talent School inspires multiple intelligences

Early childhood is the golden period for learning. Over the past years, the Society’s OPRS teams have gradually expanded to serve more than 1,000 children with special needs who were studying in mainstream kindergartens. The Pilot Scheme on Social Work Services for Pre-primary Institutions (PPI) also expanded the size of the team, serving parents of children at 32 kindergarten. In August 2020, we also launched the “Pilot Project on Tier 1 Support Services in Kindergartens / Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres” funded by the Social Welfare Department to support children who are suspected of having developmental disabilities or are waiting for assessment. Adopting Montessori education, the Heep Hong Society Shanghai Fraternity Association Healthy Kids Kindergarten commenced operation in September 2019. Although affected by the suspension of classes, teachers were able to quickly switch to an online teaching mode.

Children and young people with special needs often have talents in many areas, but they also frequently encounter difficulties with participating in interest classes. In view of this, to help these children discover their talents and build self-confidence, during the year the Heep Hong Talent School organised a number of interest classes including tennis, pottery, Latin dance and Pastel Nagami Art.

Caring for growth, supporting youth employment Apart from employment support, on International Youth Day this year, the Society released a study on the independent living ability of young people with High-Functioning Autism. The results showed that less than 10% of the young people interviewed were able to live independently. In light of these findings, we have been advocating the government to provide resources including stimulated apartments for NGOs to implement a pilot independent living training programme for young people with High-Functioning Autism.

I have been with the Society for more than 30 years. There may be occasional challenges that we have to face, but with the concerted efforts of our incredible team, we can overcome these challenges and continue our journey to reach one milestone after another. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the concerned government bureaux and departments, as well as corporate partners, for their support to the Society, I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the board of directors, all staff and parents. Thank you all for your support and the trust you have placed in me. After my retirement in early January 2021, I will continue to support children, young people and families with special needs in other ways. I firmly believe that Heep Hong Society will continue to flourish and develop in the future and create a better tomorrow formore children and young people with different abilities.

Imparting knowledge to teachers and parents For the sixth consecutive year, the Society has provided professional development programmes for kindergarten teachers. During the pandemic-related suspension of classes, our professional teams designed the Parent-child Education series which allowed parents to participate online for free. Based on this success, we have started the SEN Family Academy to provide parent education in a more comprehensive and systematic manner.

協康會行政總裁 歐陽偉康 Peter Au Yeung Chief Executive Officer Heep Hong Society


協康會自1963年創立,當年一群熱心人士眼 見社會上不少患小兒麻痺症兒童,在接受醫治 後需要持續的康復訓練和康樂活動的機會,遂 組成義工隊,積極籌款,透過定期舉辦康樂 活動,照顧這些兒童心理上的需要,這群 發起人當中就包括首屆主席老何慶華女士, 她自1979年起轉任為本會副贊助人。 Heep Hong Society was founded in 1963. It was begun by a group of dedicated individuals who saw a need for children suffering from Poliomyelitis to receive continual rehabilitation training and participate in recreational activities after receiving medical treatment. They formed a volunteer group to raise funds and organise regular recreational activities for these children, taking care of their psychological needs at the same time. One of the founders of this group was Mrs Catherine Lo, who was elected as the first Chairman of Heep Hong Society. She then became the Vice-Patron of the Society since 1979.

老何慶華女士(中)參與香港中心聖誕派對 Mrs Lo (centre) attends a Christmas party at the Hong Kong Centre

老何慶華女士出席 1972年香港中心開幕典禮 Mrs Lo attends the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Centre in 1972

香港中心於 1994年重新命名為「慶華中心」,由老何慶華女士揭幕 Mrs Lo officiates at the unveiling ceremony of the Catherine Lo Centre, formerly the Hong Kong Centre, in 1994


老何慶華女士自創立協康會以後,多年來一直貢獻不少心力和時間,本會在1972年成立的第一 間服務中心—香港中心,於1994年翻新後特別以其名字重新命名為「慶華中心」,以表揚老太 多 年 以 來 無 私 的 付 出 。 2018 年 , 本 會 於 慶 華 中 心 原 址 重 建 樓 高 1 0 層 的 協 康 會 綜 合 服 務 大 樓 , 而慶華中心亦遷至大樓的二至四樓,成為現時本港最大的特殊幼兒中心,服務120名學童。 Once the Society had been founded, Mrs Lo continued to contribute a great deal of time and effort. The Society’s first service centre – the Hong Kong Centre – was established in 1972. It was renovated and renamed the Catherine Lo Centre in 1994 in recognition of Mrs Lo’s selfless contributions. In 2018, the Catherine Lo Centre was redeveloped into the ten-floor Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex. The Catherine Lo Centre now occupies the second to fourth floors of the complex. It is the largest Special Child Care Centre in Hong Kong, serving 120 children.

慶華中心現位於協康會綜合服務大樓二至四樓 老何慶華女士出席 2001年慶華中心多感官室開幕典禮

The Catherine Lo Centre now occupies the second to fourth floors of

Mrs Lo officiates at the opening ceremony of the multi-sensory room in

the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex in Sandy Bay

Catherine Lo Centre in 2001


老太一直透過參與執行委員會為協康會的發展提供寶貴意見,轉任為協康會副贊助人後, 仍繼續關心會務發展,先後透過捐款和舉辦電影首映禮,積極為會方籌募營運經費。 In addition to her other contributions, through the years, Mrs Lo also offered invaluable advice to the Society as a member of the Executive Committee. She vacated her seat on the Executive Committee to become our Vice-Patron, but continued to be actively involved in the development of the Society, generously making donations and organising film premiere to raise funds.


老何慶華女士(左二)致送紀念品予主禮嘉賓 — 時任社會福利署副署長陳方安生女士 Mrs Lo (second from left) presents a souvenir to the guest of honour, Mrs Anson Chan, the then-Deputy Director of Social Welfare, at the opening ceremony of our first Early Education and Training Centre, the Pak Tin Centre, in 1981

老何慶華女士(後排中)主持慶華中心遊樂場竣工揭幕典禮 Mrs Lo (centre, back row) officiates at the opening ceremony of the playground at the Catherine Lo Centre

1988年,老何慶華女士(右三)出席晚宴,慶祝本會成立 25周年 Mrs Lo (third from right) attends the 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner of Heep Hong Society in 1988



代表本會接受支票捐贈 Mrs Lo (left) receives a donation cheque on behalf of Heep Hong Society at the opening ceremony of our first Parents Resource Centre in 1990

老太為人和睦,待人以善,對同事關愛有嘉, 她多年來對協康會以至香港復康業界的發展 作出寶貴貢獻,其離世對本會和復康界都是 重大損失,對協康會的無私奉獻將永記在我們 的心中。


A kind and friendly soul, Mrs Lo was a leading light who made invaluable contributions not only to the Heep Hong Society but also the wider rehabilitation sector. Her passing is a huge loss to the Society and the rehabilitation sector. Our deepest gratitude goes to Mrs Lo. Her contributions to Heep Hong Society will always be remembered.

Mrs Lo (fourth from left) attends the opening ceremony of the Chan Chung Hon Centre


﹁ 同 SEN

抗 疫 ﹂ 特 輯 Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children

由2020年初開始,協康會和每一位香港人一樣,面對新型冠狀病毒肆虐,有特殊需要兒童及家庭更 要面對比一般人更嚴峻的挑戰。但即使面對逆境,我們仍然繼續緊守崗位,迅速地安排應變方案, 讓孩子和家長能在疫情下持續接受訓練,又因應家長需要,從不同渠道搜羅防疫物資,陪伴所有有 特殊需要孩子和家庭渡過困境。 Since the beginning of 2020, Heep Hong Society has been facing the COVID-19 pandemic alongside all of Hong Kong. The situation has been especially challenging for families with children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Even in the face of such unprecedented adversity, the Society has remained steadfast in our role. From the start of the pandemic, we devised and carried out immediate and efficient contingency plans to ensure that children and parents could continue to receive training. We also sourced important hygiene and infection prevention items through various channels to help protect children with SEN and their families during these challenging times.

加強防疫措施 Reinforcing our precautionary measures 本會一向最關切服務使用者和員工的健康和安全。 在疫情初期,本會已經迅速跟從指引安排一系列防 疫措施,包括要求所有來訪者及員工必須佩戴口罩, 到訪中心者須進行健康申報、探熱及記錄、使用消毒 洗手液清潔雙手後,方能進入中心及辦公室,而所有 設施亦會定時消毒及清洗。 The health and safety of our service users and staff is always our top priority. In the early stages of the outbreak, we immediately followed the government’s health guidelines as they emerged and implemented a series of precautionary measures: Before entering our centres or offices, visitors and staff were required to wear surgical masks, sign health declaration forms, take and record their temperatures, and sanitise their hands at the reception counter. All facilities were also regularly cleaned and sanitised.


本會實施多項防疫措施, 保持地方衞生及清潔,並 鼓勵服務使用者和員工注意 身體狀況 A number of precautionary measures were implemented to maintain hygiene at our venues, with service users and staff frequently reminded to monitor their health

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were severe Hong Kong-wide shortages of essential epidemic prevention items including surgical masks and hand sanitiser, especially children’s surgical masks. Sourcing these materials was even harder for families with children with SEN, as frequently the parents had no time to stand in lengthy queues to buy these items. Also, families having financial difficulties often could not afford the items, as the shortages drove up prices to unaffordable levels. The Society appealed for public donations of epidemic prevention items for these families – we are immensely grateful to the many generous donors and corporate partners that stepped up to help. Theirs was a remarkable and generous response. We collected a sizable number of surgical masks and a lot of hand sanitisers in a short time, all of which were distributed through our service units, ultimately benefitting over 5,000 children, young people and their family members.

年 報 Annual Report

新型冠狀病毒肆虐初期,坊間口罩及消毒物品等物資 短缺,尤其是兒童口罩的供應更為缺乏,而要時刻 照顧有特殊需要小朋友的家庭,實在難以長期到街上 排隊或在網上張羅口罩及消毒防護用品,低收入家庭 更無法負擔購買口罩的昂貴支出。本會有見及此曾作 出公開呼籲捐贈口罩予本會有特殊需要兒童及青年的 家庭,衷心感激多位善長,以及多間機構及企業踴躍 響應,我們在短時間內籌集到為數不少的口罩及酒精 搓手液等防護用品,在徬徨無助的日子為有急切需要 的家庭送上關懷,同心抗疫。本會在收到捐贈物資後 已將物資轉贈予屬下單位內有需要的家庭,至今受惠 人數超過5,000人。

2019 - 2020

籌集及轉贈防疫物資 Collecting and distributing hygiene supplies

感謝李嘉誠慈善基金會捐贈防疫物資予本會 有特殊需要兒童及青年的家庭 本會收集各善長慷慨捐贈的防疫物資後,迅速派發予有需要的家庭

Our gratitude goes to the Li Ka Shing Foundation for their generous donation of epidemic prevention items

We quickly and efficiently distributed the infection prevention items that were donated to families in need

協康會行政總裁歐陽偉康先生(左三)致送學童畫作予捐贈防疫物資的新 世界發展有限公司,以示感謝 Mr Peter Au Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society (third from left), presents a painting by one of our children as a token of thanks to New World Development Company Limited for their kind donation


﹁ 同 SEN

抗 疫 ﹂ 特 輯

跨團隊合力製作網上學習資源 Our cross-disciplinary team develops online learning materials

Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children

除了在中心加強防疫措施以及提供防疫物資的支援 外,為確保兒童和青年能持續接受支援,本會安排 治療師、社工及幼兒教師在停課期間,利用視像會議 及電話聯繫等方法,為兒童提供訓練,以及指導家長 進行家居訓練,同時安排校車為個別有需要學童派送 教材及功課。

To ensure that children and young people could continue to receive support during the pandemic, we moved rapidly to arrange for our professional teams to provide training directly or guide parents to conduct training at home via video conferencing or by telephone while classes were suspended. When needed, physical teaching materials and homework were delivered by school bus to children in need.

推出「同SEN抗疫」資源網 Our “Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN children” website

兒童停課在家,不只令家長在照顧上構成壓力,也影 響了兒童的學習進度,有見及此,本會職業治療師、 言語治療師、物理治療師、教育心理學家專職治療 團隊,以及社工和幼兒導師,合力製作了「同SEN 抗疫」資源網頁,提供超過28條教學短片及13篇家 長管教、身心靈系列等專題文章、實用的在家學習 資訊、手機應用程式APP及工作紙供家長免費下載使 用,讓家長與小朋友停課不停學。

The suspension of school during the pandemic created added stress for parents and slowed down the learning process for children. To mitigate this situation, our team of professionals, including occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, educational psychologists, social workers, and pre-school teachers, launched an informative website for parents called “Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN children”. The site features 28 training videos, 13 articles on topics such as parenting and stress relief, several mobile apps, and worksheets available for free download to help parents and children with their training at home.

本會拍攝了多達 28條網上教學短片,更附有工作紙供家長免費下載使用 We produced 28 online training videos and several worksheets for parents to download for free


2019 - 2020

年 報

「童」一家計劃 Project I-Learning

Annual Report

本會「幼兒駐校社工服務先導計劃」在停課抗疫 期間,特別推行「Project I-Learning — 網上家長及兒童 學 習 園 地 :『 童 』 一 家 」 計 劃 , 進 行 超 過 7 0 節 網 上 直播,透過故事及清談節目等形式,與家長及兒童分享 正向心理、抗壓資訊、增進親子關係方法等。除了本會 的專業團隊成員外,亦邀請其他專業人士,如中醫師, 與家長分享健康育兒資訊。

團隊成員親身上陣,落力演繹兒童故事, 於網上播放 The team members became actors and performed children’s stories for the online broadcasts

Our Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions team also designed and launched Project I-Learning during the suspension of classes. The team conducted over 70 live streamed programmes in both storytelling and talk show formats. These broadcasts covered topics like positive psychology, stress-relief, parenting, and others. Alongside our own professionals, the team also invited external parties, including a Chinese medicine practitioner, to share health-related and parenting information.

團隊邀請中醫師暢談抗疫專題,分享保健知識 The team invited a Chinese medicine practitioner to introduce the latest health information from his perspective

「SEN 家長學堂頻道」20個免費網上課程 Streaming 20 free parenting courses 家 長 難 免 擔 心 停 課 會 影 響 孩 子 的 學 習 及 訓 練 進 度 , 本 會 專 業 教 育 及 發 展 學 會 ( APED ) 蒙 香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信託基金捐助,特別設立「SEN家長學堂頻道」,提供20個網上親職教育課程及網上影片重溫課程, 讓家長善用時間,持續在家與兒童進行趣味活動,寓學習於娛樂。所有課程均由本會教育心理學家、 物理治療師、職業治療師、言語治療師及資深社工策劃,題目包括「『疫』境下的正向家長秘笈」、 「 有 效 運 用 繪 本 提 升 孩 子 聽 說 讀 寫 能 力 」 等 。 課 程 反 應 熱 烈 , 錄 得 超 過 5,500 人 次 觀 看 , 直 播 課 程 名 額 全部爆滿。 Many parents were worried and stressed about the effect of the pandemicrelated suspension of classes on their children’s learning and training progress. Thanks to sponsorship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Society’s Academy for Professional Education and Development (APED) launched a Distance Learning Project – Parent-child Education series. The series comprised 20 livestream and online parenting courses designed to help parents efficiently conduct home training with their children. All the courses were jointly developed by our educational psychologist, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and social workers. The live stream courses, all of which were filled to capacity, covered a wide range of topics including positive parenting and using picture books to strengthen children’s language abilities. The courses were well received, recording 5,500 views.

專業團隊透過網上直播模式,教授育兒技巧 Our professionals conduct training through livestreaming


﹁ 同 SEN

抗 疫 ﹂ 特 輯

多元化網上訓練及活動 Offering diversified online training programmes and activities 各服務單位積極籌備豐富的網上學習環節和小組,即使兒童和青年未能到中心,也能 善用時間,持續接受訓練和支援。 During the suspension of classes, all our service units prepared online learning sessions and groups for children and young people to allow them to continue receiving training and support.

Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children

協康會「賽馬會喜伴同行」 計劃於網上舉行「生果藝術 師導師培訓」,教家長以水果 製作藝術作品,鼓勵全體家庭 成員參加,享受愉快親子時光 The Heep Hong Society JC A-Connect Project hosted an online forum where family members could create fruit-art pieces together for some enjoyable family time

上海總會康苗幼稚園製作了一系列短片, 教導家長運用蒙特梳利教學法,訓練子女 的自理技巧、小手肌等 The Heep Hong Society Shanghai Fraternity Association Healthy Kids Kindergarten produced a series of videos to help parents use the Montessori method to continue training for their children in self-care skills, fine-motor skills and other important topics

「 S.E.N.S.O.R. 學童抗逆力提升小 組」推出「復課無慮」網上課 程,幫助特殊需要兒童,面對 復課的挑戰 S.E.N.S.O.R. – our Training Groups for SEN Students on Resilience Project conducts online seminars to help children prepare for the resumption of classes

「飛躍.里晴」計劃「身心 減壓工作坊—瑜伽小組」的 青年和導師透過視像會議, 一同練習瑜伽,紓緩壓力 A coach and several young participants in our Project G.R.O.W. yoga group relieve stress by practising yoga together via video conference


協康會賽馬會「喜躍悅動」計劃拍攝短片,以 主 角 「 阿 輝 」的 日 常 生 活 故 事 , 教 導 學 童 運 用 執行功能,改善善忘的情況 The Heep Hong Society Jockey Club Kindling Active Kids Project produced videos of the everyday life stories of young people, aiming to help children learn to use their executive functions and improve their memory

2019 - 2020

設計及派發訓練教材 Designing and distributing training materials The suspension of classes also caused serious disruption to children preparing to enter primary school. The professional team from our Supportive Learning Project, which includes psychologists, pre-school teachers and social workers, created the Pre-Primary Training Kit for SEN Families, designed to assist parents with preparing their children for primary school. The content was tailored to common primary school scenarios, with a total of 60 training activities categorised into three sections: “Attention”, “Learning”, and “Problem-solving”. Each activity also comes with training materials, worksheets and a user guide. With the sponsorship of Ms Shum Mei-yee, the Koo’s Giving Charitable Foundation and the MTR Corporation, 500 kits were distributed to low-income families with children with SEN about to enter a mainstream primary school in September 2020; allowing them to conduct training at home. All 500 kits were distributed to the families over a period of two weeks. In the coming year, the Society will utilise this training kit during our own primary adaptation training for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

年 報 Annual Report

多個月的停課,打亂了學童升小的部署。青蔥計劃 專業團隊包括心理學家、幼兒導師及社工,精心 製作了《升小裝備教材套》,幫助家長在家為子女做好 升小準備,內容針對即將升讀小一學生在學校常見 的情景而設,涵蓋三大範疇:專注篇、學習篇、 解難篇,提供60個訓練活動,各個活動均附有訓練 材料和工作紙,以及相關使用教學資料。本會喜獲 岑美儀女士、顧積善堂慈善基金以及港鐵公司贊助, 免費送出500套予有特殊學習需要,並將於2020年9月 升讀主流小一學童的基層家庭,有效為有經濟困難 的家庭提供家居訓練的機會。所有教材套於兩星期 內全部送出,而來年本會亦會使用此教材於自閉症 兒童的小一適應服務中。

感謝各企業夥伴及善長贊助, 讓 500個基層家庭受惠 Our gratitude goes to the donors and corporate partners who sponsored the pre-primary training kit – their efforts directly benefitted 500 low-income families

《升小裝備教材套》齊集各個 訓練項目的訓練教材,免卻家長 於疫情期間外出購買教材的煩惱 The Pre-Primary Training Kit for SEN Families comes with training materials for each activity – meaning that parents do not need to buy these materials separately


﹁ 同 SEN

抗 疫 ﹂ 特 輯

善用科技教導防疫知識 Using technology to teach children about infection prevention

Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children

有特殊需要兒童家長在疫情下面對一大挑戰,就是 如 何 令 子 女 學 懂 戴 口 罩 。 本 會 自 2018 年 引 入 智 能 機 械 人 PEPPER 於 教 學 中 , 首 度 利 用 PEPPER 教 導 小 朋 友 如 何 正 確 地 戴 上 口 罩 。 PEPPER 配 合 老 師 在 課堂上進行教學,透過生動的演譯,以遊戲方式循序 漸進去引導兒童戴口罩,令有特殊需要兒童能在安全 的環境下持續進行學習及訓練。

Parents of children with SEN faced a huge challenge during the pandemic: how to teach their children to wear surgical masks and keep them on. Using PEPPER the robot – an important feature of our training programmes since 2018 – we taught children with SEN how to wear a surgical mask correctly and keep themselves safe. PEPPER’s animated features and fun games successfully captured and held the children’s attention.

智能機械人 PEPPER能吸引兒童的注意力,以互動方式教導兒童戴口罩 PEPPER the robot captures the attention of children with SEN, interacting with them and helping them learn how to wear a face mask

疫境「童」心行 為SEN孩子籌募訓練經費 “Get Through the Tough Times with SEN Children” fundraising campaign 疫情為各行各業帶來不同程度的影響,而育有特殊 學習需要孩子的低收入家庭,除了面對減薪、失業等 各種生活衝擊,更要為子女的訓練費用徬徨,擔心 他們因錯失訓練黃金期而延誤康復進度。本會於7月 舉行「疫境『童』心行」籌款活動,呼籲公眾捐助 來自低收入家庭的自閉症、讀寫障礙、專注力不足/ 過度活躍症學童,讓他們持續接受訓練,捉緊訓練 黃金期。衷心感謝各位善長慷慨解囊,讓有特殊需要 兒童接受專業訓練。 The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused serious impacts to daily life for everyone across Hong Kong. As with other families, low-income families with children with SEN were affected by pay cuts or lay-offs, while also feeling the financial burden of paying for their child’s training and worrying that their child may miss out on the “golden period” for such training. In July 2020, we launched a “Get Through Tough Times with SEN Children” campaign, calling for public donations to low-income families whose children had been diagnosed with ASD, Dyslexia, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The aim of the campaign was to ensure they continued to receive training during this critical period. Our gratitude goes to the many generous donors who contributed.


Life during a pandemic is something that is new to all of us – parents and children alike. During these strange days, the Society’s educational psychologists and occupational therapists were interviewed by media outlets and asked to share tips on how to cope with “pandemic life”. Their advice covered such topics as “what to do when children refuse to wear a surgical mask”, “how to handle anxiety about the resumption of classes”, “how to conduct training at home”, and other topics. Over 10 interviews and reports appeared in various media channels, including Ming Pao Happy PaMa, Hong Kong Economic Times, Apple Daily, HK01, and parenting website Ohpama.

年 報 Annual Report

疫情下的生活對孩子和家長都很陌生。本會的教育心理學家及職業治療師分別接受多間傳媒訪問,分享疫情 下的育兒錦囊,包括怎樣應對孩子抗拒戴口罩、如何處理對復課的焦慮、如何進行家居訓練遊戲等。訪問 見 於 《 明 報 教 得 樂 》、《 經 濟 日 報 》、《 蘋 果 日 報 》、《 香 港 0 1 》 及 親 子 網 站 「 O h 爸 媽 」 等 , 超 過 1 0 個 專 題 報道。

2019 - 2020

與大眾傳媒分享育兒資訊 Sharing child development information through the media


獎 項 及 榮 譽

獎項及榮譽 Awards and Honours

Awards and Honours

協康會致力服務有特殊需要的兒童、青年及 其家庭,於2019-2020年度榮獲多個獎項和 嘉許,衷心感謝服務對象和社會各界對本會 的支持和肯定,本會團隊會繼續團結一致, 再創高峰。

Heep Hong Society is dedicated to supporting children and young people with special educational needs, as well as their parents and families. In 2019-2020, we received several awards and recognitions. We are deeply grateful to our service users and the public for their support. Rest assured that we will continue to strive for excellence as we move forward.

「同行障礙賽」 短片宣傳活動 “Together We Are Stronger” Campaign 第26屆 Communicator Awards 26th Annual Communicator Awards 優秀獎項—網站 Award of Distinction (Websites)

主辦 Organiser : Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts

第14屆 W3 Awards 14th W3 Awards 網站銀獎 Silver — Website

主辦 Organiser : Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts

2020忠誠度與聯繫大獎 The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2020 最佳社會企業責任銅獎 Bronze — Best Use of Corporate Social Responsibility

主辦 Organiser : MARKETING magazine


2019 - 2020


年 報

2018-2019 Annual Report

Annual Report

第34屆國際ARC年報大獎 34th International ARC Awards 銅獎(非牟利機構—兒童康復) Bronze Award (Non-Profit Organization: Child Rehabilitation)

封面設計—優異獎(非牟利機構—兒童康復) Honors (Cover Photo/Design: Child Rehabilitation)

主辦 Organiser : MerComm, Inc.

協康會 Heep Hong Society 2020-2022年度《好僱主約章》及 「『友』 『家』好僱主」合資格機構 Certificate of the Good Employer Charter and "family-friendly good employer" 2020-2022 主辦 Organiser : 勞工處 Labour Department

義工運動2019 Volunteer Movement 2019 義務工作嘉許狀(團體)—金狀 Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organization)

主辦 Organiser : 社會福利署「義工運動」 Volunteer Movement of Social Welfare Department


家 庭 為 本 全 面 支 援

家庭為本 全面支援 HOLISTIC


Holistic Family Support

有特殊需要孩子的家長在親職上面對不少困難, 在疫情下他們承受的壓力更大,要協助他們應付 挑戰,必須提升家庭正能量,這是協康會的其中 一個使命;與家庭同行,是本會堅信的服務理念。 協康會多年來透過家長資源中心及不同的家庭 支援計劃和課程,為有需要家庭提供多元化 活動、育兒知識,以及建立家長互助平台,陪伴 一班同路人跨越一個又一個障礙。

Parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) face numerous challenges. During the coronavirus pandemic, the parenting pressures they face have been even greater than usual. To help them cope with these challenges, it is more important than ever to inject positive energy into these families. This is one of our most important missions. Working hand-in-hand with the parents is a core service philosophy of the Society and for years, we have provided a variety of activities and parenting knowledge sessions to families in need through our Parents Resource Centres and family support programmes. These offer a platform for mutual support, ensuring that parents do not need to walk alone through their often-challenging life journeys.

大口環家長資源中心 獲社署甄選資助 Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre now subsidised by the Social Welfare Department 家庭支援服務需求殷切,本會多年來積極向政府爭取在每區設立家長資源中心, 於 2018 年 開 辦 位 於 大 口 環 的 家 長 資 源 中 心 , 今 年 初 成 功 透 過 服 務 競 投 方 式 正 式 獲 社 會 福 利 署 ( 下 稱 「 社 署 」) 甄 選 , 成 為 本 會 第 四 間 由 社 署 資 助 的 家 長 資 源 中 心 , 為 港 島 區 的 家庭提供更多元化服務,當中包括各類兒童和青少年訓練及成長小組、家長小組,並提供 個案輔導和轉介服務,為家長在管教和照顧有特殊需要子女時所面對的困難,提供資源及 情緒支援。大口環家長資源中心的特色是與青蔥樂園相連,提供新穎的親子遊樂設施, 促進親子關係和增加兒童透過遊戲互動溝通的機會。 For many years, the demand for family support services has been mounting. Recognising this situation, the Society has consistently advocated for the establishment of a Parents Resource Centre (PRC) in each district. This year, after winning a bid, the Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre, which was opened in 2018, became the fourth PRC of ours to receive subvention from the Social Welfare Department. The Centre provides a more diversified range of services and facilities to families on Hong Kong Island. The Centre offers resources and emotional support for parents; at the same time, training groups, counselling and referral services are provided to children, teenagers and parents. A special feature of the Sandy Bay PRC is that it is connected to Fun World in the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex, which houses a number of innovative parent-child recreational facilities. Parents and children can form stronger bonds and interact more deeply with each other as they enjoy themselves at Fun World.


大口環家長資源中心成為本會第四間由社署資助的 家長資源中心 The Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre is the fourth such centre to receive subvention from the Social Welfare Department

「家長心敘」小組運用叙事治療手法,引導家長從另一角 度觀察子女的特質,重新認識子女專長 Through narrative therapy, parents are guided to look at their children’s special needs from another perspective and appreciate their children’s strengths

年 報 Annual Report

Additionally, throughout the year our PRCs and the JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network (Family Support) programme regularly organised creative activities. During the coronavirus pandemic, we also delivered a number of online parenting and parent-child programmes. For example, as part of our “Self-care for Parents” series, workshops on Pastel Nagomi Art and Zentangle were held to help parents reduce their stress. Other parent-child activities, such as dancing, fruit art workshops and more gave families an opportunity to bond and enjoy family time with each other, which also helped to relieve parenting stress.

2019 - 2020

各 家 長 資 源 中 心 及 本 會 的 「 賽 馬 會 喜 伴 同 行 計 劃 」, 不時舉辧創意活動,在疫情期間推出多元化網上家長 及親子課程,例如家長自我照顧系列中的和諧粉彩 工作坊、禪繞畫教室,讓家長在壓力中輕鬆一下。 另外亦透過舉辧趣味親子活動,如家中舞動、親子 生果藝術等,讓家長與孩子在停課期間可以一起 參與,促進親子關係,營造更多溫馨時光,紓緩家長 在疫情期間倍增的親職壓力。

東涌家長資源中心舉辦「聖誕幸福摩天輪」家庭活動, 一眾家庭先到室內遊樂場遊玩,再乘坐摩天輪欣賞維港 風景,共度愉快的聖誕假期 Tung Chung Parents Resource Centre organised a Christmas outing for the families which included going to an indoor playground and taking the Ferris wheel

疫情中的醫護爸爸 Message from a dad and a nurse in the pandemic 疫情中的陪伴的確能為家長打打氣。我們於5月中收到一個文字 訊息,來自一個一家四口因疫情而暫時未能回家與家人共住的護 士爸爸。爸爸經歷了憂慮、無助,與孩子的相處時間亦愈來愈緊 張,也擔心停課會影響孩子的進度。面對龐大的壓力,他在繁忙 的醫院工作中爭取午膳時間參與我們的網上家長活動,和其他同 路人家長一同紓解壓力。活動後,爸爸寫下了「堅持陪伴」作為 對孩子、對自己的承諾,找到一點力量堅持下去,不再執著於孩 子的進度,心情也豁然開朗。 Having other people to keep them company during the coronavirus pandemic can be a source of encouragement for parents. In May, we received a text message from a father, who was working as a nurse. Due to the situation at the time, his family of four all had to stay in separate places. He felt worried and helpless because he could only spend a limited amount of time with his children – he worried that the suspension of classes would affect his children’s training and learning progress. Despite being under enormous pressure, he managed to find time during his lunch breaks at the hospital to take part in our online parents’ programme. After participating in the activities, he wrote down “consistent company” as his promise to his children and himself. No longer having to constantly worry about his children’s progress, he felt much more optimistic and found the strength to persevere during this difficult time.

親子和諧粉彩,讓家長透過 專注創作,放鬆心情 Pastel Nagomi Art workshops allow parents to relieve their stress by focusing on creativity

「協康會賽馬會喜伴同行計劃」項目經理 李君茹 Lee Kwan-yu, Project Manager of Heep Hong Society JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network (Family Support)


家 庭 為 本 全 面 支 援

親職技巧課程 支援不同父母需要 Parenting skills programmes support parents with diverse needs

Holistic Family Support

提高親職技巧也可紓緩家長壓力,增加家長個人的正能 量 。 本 會 自 2014 年 起 與 香 港 理 工 大 學 及 香 港 大 學 共 同 研發一套專為育有學前特殊需要兒童的本地家長而設 的「教得其樂」家長管教技巧課程,推出以來深受 兩岸四地家長歡迎,去年共有270名家長及業界 人士完成家長或導師課程。本會計劃加入「情緒教育」 課節,改名「飛悅父母」課程。另外,為應付需要長期 輪班工作的本地父母需要,本會又以為澳門父母編寫 的「全天候父母」課程為藍本,重新編寫課程,並 加入「情緒教育」及「家長與照顧者合作」內容,預計 可於明年推出,予育有三至六歲一般幼兒的本地在職 父母報讀。 此外,本會亦參與了由「賽馬會喜伴同行計劃」聯同香 港大學社會科學學院在港推行的「世界衞生組織親子技 巧 訓 練 課 程 」, 此 課 程 適 合 輕 度 發 展 障 礙 兒 童 的 父 母 , 目前正在全球30多個地區推行,其內容包括三節家訪 及九節照顧者小組,本地化的課程內容適合香港照顧者 的需要,對象包括育有自閉症孩子的家長、照顧者及 業界人士。

This year, the Society also participated in the World Health Organisation’s Caregiver Skills Training (WHO CST) programme offered by the JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong’s Social Sciences Faculty. The programme is aimed at parents of children with mild development disorders and is currently undergoing field testing in more than 30 countries around the world. The local programme includes three home visit sessions and nine caregiver skills training sessions tailored to the needs of local people, including parents of autistic children, caregivers, and rehabilitation practitioners.

為澳門輪班工作家長而設計的「全天候父母」課程的成效研究 刊登於 2020年 2月的 Research on Social Work Practice 期刊

將「教得其樂—家長管教技巧」課程加入「情緒教育」課節, 將以全新「飛悅父母」課程推出

A study on the effectiveness of the Round-the-Clock Parenting Programme for parents in Macau who work shifts was published in the February 2020 issue of the journal Research on Social Work Practice

Emotional coaching has been added to our Happy Parenting Programme, which will soon be renamed as the Fly-over Parenting Programme

「教得其樂—家長管教技巧」課程具實證研究基礎, 自推出以來深受家長歡迎 The evidence-based Happy Parenting Programme has received favourable feedback from parents since its launch


Equipping parents with parenting skills is another way to relieve their stress levels. Since the launch of our Happy Parenting Programme in 2014, which we developed in collaboration with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Hong Kong, this parenting programme – aimed at local parents of children with SEN – has received numerous accolades in the cross-strait four regions. This year, 270 parents and practitioners have successfully completed the courses for parents or coaches. In future, emotional coaching sessions will be added to the programme, which will be re-launched as the Fly-over Parenting Programme. To better serve the needs of local parents who work long hours, our Round-the-Clock Parenting Programme, which designed for parents in Macau need to work on shift, is being revised. Emotional coaching and working with carers sessions will be added. It is set to be rolled out next year.

年 報 Annual Report

育有自閉症子女的家長,都希望孩子的社交和溝通技 巧得以改善。承蒙傅德蔭基金有限公司資助,本會於 2017-2019 年 度 推 行 「 自 閉 症 或 社 交 溝 通 障 礙 兒 童 溝 通 訓練」計劃,先後舉辦多場講座及家長工作坊。本會 言 語 治 療 師 團 隊 由 加 拿 大 引 入 的 More Than Words® 工 作 坊 , 吸 引 超 過 300 名 家 長 參 加 , 九 成 半 家 長 認 同 八節的小組工作坊及兩節的個別指導,讓他們掌握提升 孩子溝通能力的技巧,與子女溝通得到改善,成效 顯著。而香港大學教育學院以及香港中文大學大腦及 認知研究中心,現正與本會合辦「有"計"傾」計劃, 更 有 系 統 及 嚴 謹 地 研 究 More Than Words®家長工作坊 在香港華人社會中的成效。

2019 - 2020

實證方法 打開孩子溝通之門 Unlocking children’s communication abilities through evidence-based approaches

另 外 , 計 劃 亦 同 時 包 括 「 PACT 自 閉 症 兒 童 家 庭 為 本 溝 通 訓 練 課 程 」。 這 個 密 集 式 的 1 2 節 個 別 指 導 課 程 吸 引 123名家長參加。PACT(Preschool Autism Communication Therapy)由英國曼徹斯特大學醫學院精神醫學系 研發,旨在引導父母透過遊戲,訓練自閉症兒童的社交溝通的技巧。九成家長認為課程讓他們學到如何 幫 助 有 自 閉 症 的 子 女 發 展 社 交 溝 通 技 巧 。 此 外 , 本 會 亦 是 唯 一 在 香 港 認 可 的 機 構 , 舉 辦 PACT 專 業 同 工 工作坊,共有逾300名人士參加,反應踴躍,其中21人更透過課堂、實習和考核成為合資格PACT導師。 The great hope of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is that their children can improve the social and communication skills. Thanks to the sponsorship of the Fu Tak lam Foundation Limited, from 2017 to 2019 the Society ran the Parent-mediated Training on Social Communication of Children with Autism project. A number of talks and workshops were held for parents during which our speech therapist team introduced the More Than Words® programme from Canada. Over 300 parents participated in the programme, each receiving eight sessions of group training and two sessions of individual training. Over 95% of the participating parents thought that the programme successfully equipped them with techniques to enhance their children’s social communication skills, and that their children’s social communication performance had subsequently improved. The Society is now running a research project in partnership with the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong to systematically study the effectiveness of the More Than Words® programme in the local setting. The PACT (Preschool Autism Communication Therapy) course was another important component of this project. Developed at the University of Manchester, this intensive individual training course attracted 123 parents who learned how to develop children’s social communication skills through play. 90% of the participating parents agreed that the course successfully equipped them with techniques to help enhance their autistic children’s social communication skills. Being the only recognised trainer in Hong Kong, we also offered PACT training workshops, which over 300 people attended this year, with 21 of them becoming PACT-accredited trainers after completing classes, a practicum, and assessments.

九成家長認同在工作坊中學到 實用的溝通技巧,與子女溝通 得到改善,成效顯著 90% of participating parents agreed that the skills they learned in the PACT workshop effectively helped them strengthen their children’s social communication skills


家 庭 為 本 全 面 支 援

接待勞福局局長 積極反映家長訴求 Reflecting parents’ voices to the Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Holistic Family Support

家長的聲音往往是改善服務的動力和正能量。同心家長會 和鯉魚門中心的家長藉著勞工及福利局局長羅致光博士 及時任副局長徐英偉先生到訪本會鯉魚門中心時,與局長 交流對特殊服務的看法。在交流會上,有家長反映輪候 學前評估時間過長,建議參照醫療券形式讓有特殊需要 學童及早接受評估服務,把握黃金訓練期。另外不少家長 亦期望政府能夠增加專業人才培訓、增設特殊學習需要 小學生課後支援服務以及自閉人士支援中心等。家長期望 政府能聆聽及收集意見後,盡快回應及改善有關服務。

The voices of our parents are a powerful motivator for the Society, spurring us on as we work to continually improve our services. Earlier in the year, the Heep Hong Parents’ Association (HHPA) and parents from our Lei Yue Mun Centre capitalised on an occasion to exchange ideas with Dr Law Chi-kwong, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr Caspar Tsui, the then-Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, during their visit to Lei Yue Mun Centre. During the sharing session, some parents reflected that the waiting time for services was too long and suggested that subsidies similar to health care vouchers should be implemented, as this would make early intervention more accessible. Other parents conveyed their expectations that the government should allocate more resources to training professionals, setting up after-school tutorials and opening more support centres for persons with autism. Finally, the parents expressed hope that the government will listen to their opinions and improve services in a responsive manner.

勞工及福利局局長羅致光博士(後排右二) 及時任副局長徐英偉先生(後排左二)視察 特殊幼兒中心的教學情況 Dr Law Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labour and Welfare (second to right, back row), and Mr Caspar Tsui, the then-Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare (second to left, back row), observe children's training

協康會行政總裁歐陽偉康先生(右一)及協康會副行政 總裁梁惠玲女士(左一)致送紀念品予勞工及福利局局 長羅致光博士(左二) Mr Peter Au Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society (first from right) and Ms Rachel Leung, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (first from left), present a souvenir to Dr Law Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labour and Welfare (second from left)

家長於座談會上踴躍發言,反映對康復服務的訴求 Parents voiced their opinions and requests regarding rehabilitation services at a sharing session with the officials


2019 - 2020

積極倡議 盼改善融合教育 Advocating for better integrated education 同心家長會一向積極發揮其倡議角色,在過去一年《香港康 復 計 劃 方 案》的檢討工作中,鼓勵家長在公眾諮詢會中發表意見,當中尤其 關注SEN兒童融入主流學校的困難,去年為此特別約見立法會議員 反映相關意見;又主動約見教育局首席助理秘書長(特殊教育)黎錦棠 先生,反映荃灣及葵青區內中度智障特殊學校學位嚴重不足,導致 學童需跨區就讀的情況,期望情況得以改善。 同心家長會代表出席立法會福利事務委員會, 於會上發言 A representative of HHPA speaks at a meeting of the Panel on Welfare Services of the Legislative Council

Annual Report

為 關 注 有 特 殊 需 要 青 年 的 發 展 需 要 , 同 心 家 長 會 於 2019年 初 成 立 「SEN青年家長關注小組」,為有特殊需要青年及成人政策和服務發 展提出意見,鼓勵家長互相聯繫及交流經驗。

年 報

同心家長會不時為殘疾人士家長舉辦各類型家長教育和分享活動,促進家長間互助和交流。同心家長會第十屆幹 事就職典禮於2020年1月17日舉行,並邀請新任勞工及福利局康復專員陳詠雯女士蒞臨主禮及監誓。新一屆幹事 會主席和兩位副主席的子女分別屬於學前、學齡和青年階段,有助全面關注3,000多名會員的子女在成長階段的困 難和需要。 Advocacy is also an important focus for the Heep Hong Parents' Association (HHPA). In the review of the government’s Rehabilitation Programme Plan (RPP), the HHPA encouraged parents to voice their opinions in the public consultation sessions. Last year, the HHPA arranged a meeting with several legislative councillors to reflect their views on the difficulties children with SEN have integrating into mainstream schools. The HHPA also met with Mr Godwin Lai, Principal Assistant Secretary (Special Education) of the Education Bureau to discuss the severe shortage of places at special schools for children with moderate intellectual disabilities in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing districts, which resulted in many children having to travel to another district to attend school. In 2019, the SEN Youth Concern Group was formed to advocate for the development of policies and services for young people and adults with special needs. The Group also encourages parents to communicate and exchange experiences. 「第十屆同心家長會幹事就職典禮」 由新任勞工及福利局康復專員陳詠雯 女士(左)主禮及監誓 The new Commissioner for Rehabilitation Ms Manda Chan (left) officiated at the inauguration ceremony and administered the oath for the 10th Committee of the HHPA

The HHPA regularly organises events, educational activities and sharing sessions to foster mutual support among parents. One example was the inauguration ceremony of the 10th Committee of the Heep Hong Parents’ Association which was held on 17 January 2020. The new Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Ms Manda Chan, officiated at the ceremony and administered the oath as the Guest of Honour. The children of the new Chairman and the two Vice-Chairmen are of quite different ages – they are in pre-school, school-aged, and young adult. This is symbolic of how the HHPA plans to adopt a more comprehensive perspective regarding the needs and difficulties of the children of all our members.

與教育局合作 介紹特殊學校資訊 Collaborating with the Education Bureau by sharing information about special schools 為使家長掌握申請入讀特殊學校的最新程序和安排,以及 認識各類特殊學校的特色,教育局每年均與本會合辦「入讀 特 殊 學 校 簡 介 會 」, 由 教 育 局 介 紹 特 殊 學 校 的 轉 介 及 學 位 安排機制,並由本會教育心理學家在選擇學校方面作多 角度分析,本會舊生家長則分享如何協助子女適應特殊學 校的生活,幫助家長及早預備子女升小。由於疫情關係, 本年度簡介會改以網上形式進行,吸引近200名家長參加, 反應熱烈。 To help parents understand the latest procedures and arrangements for applying to special schools, as well as the features and benefits of the 今年「入讀特殊學校簡介會」以網上方式進行,參加者反應熱烈 different types of special schools, every year the Society holds a Special The annual Special School Briefing Session was held online this year School Briefing Session in partnership with the Education Bureau (EDB). The EDB explains the referral and admission procedures, while our educational psychologist share important points about the selection of schools, and parents of our graduates talk about their experiences in helping children prepare for and adapt to life in these special schools. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the annual briefing was held online but it was still well attended, with over 200 parents taking part.


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

平等參與 接納共融 EQUAL AND


Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

本會的首要任務是為有特殊需要兒童及青年 把握黃金訓練期,同時積極推廣平等參與和社會 共融。年內本會展開多元化的教育及推廣工作, 包括推動商界及社區各界參與及協辦慈善活動; 又利用傳媒及社交媒體分享專業資訊,藉著 各項公眾教育活動,提升公眾對有特殊學習需要 兒童及青年的認識和關注,建立和諧接納的社會 文化。

The primary missions of the Heep Hong Society are to provide timely interventions to children and young people during the “golden period” for their training, as well as to promote equal opportunities and build an inclusive society. During the year under review, we implemented a diverse range of public education and promotional activities, including joint charity campaigns with corporate partners and community members. Leveraging both the traditional media and social media platforms, we also launched public education campaigns to raise awareness of children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) which aimed to continue to cultivate a harmonious and inclusive society.

自閉症關注周 喚起廣泛關注 Creating public understanding during Autism Awareness Week 自 閉 症 人 士 在 社 區 不 時 被 人 誤 解 , 為 了 鼓 勵 公 眾 認 識 及 支 持 自 閉 症 人 士 , 本 會 於 2020 年 4 月 第 一 個 星 期 的 「自閉症關注周」展開大型公眾教育及宣傳活動。透過三款玩具包括玩具熊、積木以及黃色小鴨,表達 自閉症人士的特徵:包括社交困難、行為固執,以及情緒行為,並透過港鐵、巴士、電車及網上廣告等, 增加公眾人士對自閉症患者的認識,同時邀得藝人區永權、音樂人馮穎琪,以及本會家長分享照顧自閉症 子 女 的 故 事 , 並 透 過 網 上 知 名 人 士 ( KOL) 在 社 交 媒 體 協 助 宣 傳 , 活 動 共 獲 得 近 5 0 篇 傳 媒 報 道 , 在 社 交 平 台 接觸超過136萬受眾,並成功吸引超過2,800人於網上簽署承諾,表達對自閉症人士的支持。

透過三款玩具,包括玩具熊、積木以及黃色小鴨, 讓公眾人士了解自閉症人士的特徵 Three toys – a teddy bear, building blocks, and a yellow duck – illustrate the primary characteristics of ASD


2019 - 2020

年 報 Annual Report

利用公共交通工具進行 宣傳,增加宣傳受眾 Advertising on public transit helped to broaden the reach of our important message

藝人區永權及音樂人馮穎琪分享 個人故事,支持「自閉症關注周」 活動 Artists Albert Au and Vicky Fung supported our Autism Awareness Week campaign by sharing their experiences

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often misunderstood. To encourage the public to become more understanding and supportive of people with ASD, during Autism Awareness Week – held in the first week of April 2020 – the Society launched a large-scale education and promotion campaign. Three children’s toys – a teddy bear, building blocks and a yellow rubber duck – were chosen to illustrate the main characteristics of ASD: having difficulty with socialising, being rigid in behaviour, and having trouble regulating emotions. These toys became the face of an advertising campaign that appeared on the MTR, on buses and trams, online, and in other locations around Hong Kong. To lend further support to the campaign, we also invited artists Albert Au and Vicky Fung to share their stories as parents of autistic children. The campaign was a success, receiving nearly 50 news reports and attaining a reach of over 1.36 million with the help of social media key opinion leaders. Over 2,800 people made online pledges to support individuals with ASD.

傳媒工作者方健儀小姐 呼籲大眾關注自閉症 Media personality Ms Akina Fong calls for public awareness of ASD


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

政策倡議 為康復界及家長發聲 Advocating for the rehabilitation sector and parents

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

政 府 委 託 康 復 諮 詢 委 員 會 籌 劃 《 香 港 康 復 計 劃 方 案 》, 本會作為康復界最具規模的機構之一,亦克盡己任, 就「制訂建議」階段報告中多個主題,包括學前康復 服務、由幼稚園升讀小一過渡性銜接、融合教育的 措施、就業支援、社區支援服務、處所及服務規劃, 提出意見,並主動建議增設校本職業治療服務,期望 進一步為有特殊需要兒童、青年及其家人爭取權益和 資源,締造共融社會。 This year, the government tasked the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee with formulating a Rehabilitation Programme Plan (RPP). As one of the largest rehabilitation organisations in Hong Kong, the Society proactively made suggestions in several areas during the Formulation of Recommendations stage of the planning process. Our suggestions touched on pre-school rehabilitation services, transitional support for children going from kindergarten to primary school, employment support, community support services, accommodation, and service planning. We also proposed that school-based occupational therapy should be implemented. We hope that our contributions to this exercise will improve the welfare of children and young people with SEN as well as their families and ultimately help to build a more inclusive society.

本會接受傳媒訪問,對 2019施政報告中有關 康復服務的政策作出回應 The Society was interviewed by several media outlets and gave our response to the rehabilitation policies outlined in the government’s Policy Address 2019

本 會 亦 就 2019 施 政 報 告 作 出 回 應 。 作 為 開 創 到 校 學 前 康 復 服 務 模 式 的 先 驅 , 本 會 對 於 報 告 中 提 出 增 加 「 到 校 學 前 康 復 服 務 」 ( OPRS ) 學 額 以 及 加 強 支 援 自 閉 症 學 童 表 示 歡 迎 , 惟 認 為 有 關 措 施 未 能 舒 緩 評 估 服 務 長時間輪候問題。為免因評估服務不足致令有需要的兒童錯過黃金學習期,本會建議以醫療券方式資助幼兒 接受評估服務,以及即使未正式完成評估,如兒童經兒童體能智力測驗中心初步會見,並懷疑有發展障礙, 便可先獲得社會福利署提供的學習訓練津貼,接受由認可服務機構提供的訓練。就著未有改善人手及服務場地 不足的情況,本會建議政府集合跨部門,以一站式為非政府機構處理所有相關服務場地租用申請,加快及省卻 繁複的申請過程,同時檢討現時服務所需的人手及場地面積,增撥資源及培訓專業人才。 The Society also responded to the government’s Policy Address 2019. As a pioneer in developing the On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) service model, the Society welcomed the Policy’s stated increase in the OPRS capacity. However, our belief is that these measures would not effectively relieve the issue of long waiting time. To reduce the chance of children missing out on the “golden period” of their training due to inadequate assessment services, we proposed that health care vouchers be issued to families which could then be used for child assessments. Additionally, even if a child has not completed their assessments, but has attended consultations at Child Assessment Centres and is subsequently suspected to have developmental disorders, the Social Welfare Department could issue training subsidies to them so that they can attend training given by non-governmental organisations. Addressing the persistent Hong Kong-wide lack of manpower and service venues, the Society suggested that the government establish a special cross-department team to provide one-stop processing of applications for service venue rentals – this would streamline the currently complicated application process. We also advised that the government review the manpower and venue size situation and allocate more resources to professional training.


協康會積極借助傳媒力量,向公眾推廣特殊學習需要的資訊及相關育兒知識,同時介紹創新治療技術。 例如年內在協康會綜合服務大樓的賽馬會水療池舉辦傳媒招待會,介紹本會的水療服務,又獲邀到港台 電視31節目《精靈一點》分享本會針對不同發展困難兒童的水療支援計劃。

年 報

This year, the Society continued to actively use different media platforms to promote knowledge and understanding of SEN and child development, and to introduce the latest developments in training and intervention. In one example, we held a press briefing to introduce our hydrotherapy training at the Jockey Club Hydrotherapy Pool in the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex. One of our physiotherapists was invited to talk about these hydrotherapy services on the Healthpedia programme aired on RTHK 31.

Annual Report

2019 - 2020

結集傳媒力量 推廣專業資訊 Marshalling the power of the media to promote professional knowledge

本會物理治療師(右) 出席港台電視節目, 分享水療知識及介紹 本 會 針 對 SEN 學 童 的 支援計劃

水療服務傳媒招待會當日,吸引十多間媒體 出席採訪

Our physiotherapist (right) introduces the concept of hydrotherapy and the Society’s services for children with SEN on an RTHK programme

Over 10 media outlets attend a press briefing about our hydrotherapy training

另外,本會專業團隊亦多次接受傳媒訪問,包括在香港開電視 《 Fit 開 有 條 路 》 介 紹 自 閉 症 譜 系 障 礙 及 破 解 公 眾 對 自 閉 症 的 迷 思 ;《 香 港 01 》 親 子 版 邀 請 本 會 教 育 心 理 學 家 拍 攝 一 連 四 集 的「身心靈教室」影片,主題圍繞父母管教及孩子行為問題。 本 會 又 與 多 個 網 上 平 台 合 作 , 於 《 壹 週 刊 》、 Oh 爸 媽 、 親 子 王 國、荷花親子平台發表專題文章,傳遞管教育兒及健康資訊, 讓更多人了解特殊需要人士需要。年內本會在各大媒體, 包括:報章、雜誌、電台、電視台、網上平台的曝光率達210次。 Our professional team members are also regularly invited to take part in interviews. For example, our team of educational psychologists talked about ASD on the Road to Healthiness programme on Hong Kong Open TV, and filmed a series of four episodes about parenting skills and child behaviour for the HK01 channel. We have also produced a number of articles on parenting and health to raise public awareness of SEN. These articles have been published on several online platforms, including Next Magazine, Ohpama, Baby Kingdom, EugeneBaby, and others. This year, we achieved 210 pieces of media coverage across newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, and online platforms.

本會教育心理學家(中)在香港開電視節目《 Fit開有條路》 分享自閉症人士在幼童至成人不同階段需要和挑戰 One of our educational psychologists (centre) talks about the needs and challenges of children and young people with ASD on Hong Kong Open TV’s Road to Healthiness programme

配合自閉症關注周宣傳,協康會行政總裁 歐陽偉康先生在商台節目《有誰共鳴》分享 服務機構多年的歷程及感受,以及自閉症人士 的成長故事及挑戰 During Autism Awareness Week, Mr Peter Au Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of the Heep Hong Society, shares his story of working in the social service sector on Commercial Radio’s Share My Song

「 協康會賽馬會喜伴同行」計劃家庭支援服務項目經理 ( 中 ) 接 受 NOW 新 聞 訪 問 , 講 解 自 閉 症 兒 童 支 援 計 劃 的重要性 The project manager of the Society’s JC A-Connect (Family Support) project (middle) discusses the importance of support programmes for children with ASD on NOW News


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

新增社交媒體 加強與大眾互動 Launching new social media platforms to strengthen public engagement

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

本 會 Facebook 專 頁 由 開 設 至 今 , 累 積 接 近 29,000 人 追 蹤 , 去 年 人 數 更 上 升 近 19% , 定 期 為 公 眾 提 供最新服務資訊。農曆新年間,本會再次聯同本 地人氣漫畫角色癲噹@貓室(din-dong)合作推出限 量版賀年揮春。賀年揮春上的書法由協康會青年 學員親自撰寫,向各位送上新年祝福。參與本會 Facebook 遊 戲 並 完 成 簡 單 登 記 , 即 可 免 費 獲 贈 限 量版賀年揮春乙套,活動共吸引近250人參加,接 觸到近42,500人。本會近年亦加強運用網上直播、 短片教學及圖像等多媒體形式與公眾分享學習資 源,擴闊服務受眾。 Since its launch, the Society’s Facebook page has amassed nearly 29,000 followers, achieving a 19% increase over the past year. The page is updated regularly with the latest service information. During the last Lunar New Year, we partnered with popular comic character Din-dong to create limited edition spring scrolls. Those who completed our Facebook contest and registered received a free set of these unique and delightful scrolls. The game attracted nearly 250 participants and achieved a reach of around 42,500 people. Over the year, we also put extra effort into using multimedia to share knowledge and learning materials with the public, using live streaming, videos, and infographics to reach a wider audience.

推出 Facebook遊戲,送贈限量版賀年揮春及學習資源 We created Facebook games to give away limited edition spring scrolls and learning materials

為 將 本 會 服 務 資 訊 進 一 步 傳 達 予 更 多 公 眾 人 士 及 業 界 , 本 會 於 2019 年 開 設 協 康 會 Instagram( IG ) 及 LinkedIn 帳號。新設的IG帳號可以接觸較年輕的服務使用者,而LinkedIn帳號則可用作加強與業界、企業夥伴及人力資源 相關之聯繫。 The Society also created Instagram and LinkedIn accounts in 2019 to further broaden the reach of our messages to the public and within the rehabilitation sector. Our Instagram account mainly targets the younger generation of service users, while our LinkedIn account is used to create stronger communication within the sector and with our corporate partners, and for human resources purposes.

善用 Instagram限時動態功能,推廣最新 服務資訊、網上直播等活動 We use Instagram stories strategically to promote our services and activities including live streaming

協康會 Instagram以年輕一代為主要對象 The Society’s Instagram page targets the younger generation

本 會 開 設 LinkedIn 帳 號 , 加 強 與 業 界 、 企業夥伴交流,拓展人力資源網絡 The Society’s LinkedIn account helps strengthen our network within the rehabilitation sector and with our corporate partners, and is used for human resources purposes too


2019 - 2020

增辦少數族裔服務 照顧多元文化 New support service embraces ethnic diversity

年 報 Annual Report

根 據 《 2016 年中期人口統計主題性報告:少數族裔人士》, 目前在港居住的少數族裔人士超過58萬人,佔全港人口 的8%,本會關注到他們同樣需要特殊教育服務的支援, 海富家長資源中心繼多年前善用捐款提供「少數族裔支援 計劃」及出版相關書籍後,早前獲社會福利署資助, 於 2020 年 3 月 中 旬 起 正 式 成 為 本 會 首 間 為 少 數 族 裔 中 有 特殊需要兒童、青年及其家長提供全面支援服務的家長 資源中心。中心聘請了一位南亞裔職員,並以油尖旺及 九龍城區的少數族裔家長為主要服務對象,幫助他們提 升家長管教技巧,紓解培育子女的困難和壓力,加強彼此 互助。因應少數族裔的語言障礙和文化差異的情況, 為他們制定適切的支援,以鼓勵他們與社區互動交流, 促進社會共融,至2020年7月已接觸約40個家庭。

海富家長資源中心為本會首間為少數族裔服務的家長 資源中心 The Hoi Fu Parents Resource Centre was our first PRC to offer comprehensive services to ethnic minority groups

According to the “2016 Population By-census Thematic Report: Ethnic Minorities”, there are over 58,000 people classified as being ethnic minorities residing in Hong Kong, making up 8% of the total population. The Society has always been conscious that these people also need SEN support services. A few years ago, our Hoi Fu Parents Resource Centre implemented a project, which was funded by donations, to support ethnic minority families and published books in their native languages. In March 2020, with funding from the Social Welfare Department, the Hoi Fu Parents Resource Centre officially became the first Parents Resource Centre (PRC) of the Society to offer comprehensive services to children and young people with SEN from ethnic minority communities and their families. We also employed a staff member with an ethnic minority background. These services are targeted at parents in the Yau Tsim Mong and Kowloon City districts and focus on helping them learn parenting skills and methods to relieve parenting stress, while also fostering a sense of mutual support. The services are also designed to account for language differences and cultural diversity. The participating families are encouraged to interact and become more engaged with the community. Up until July 2020, the programme had benefited around 40 families.

攜手合作 關懷SEN兒童 Collaboration with corporate partners provide love and care to children with SEN 企業和機構夥伴的支持讓本會能夠獲得更多的資源 幫助有特殊需要的兒童、青年和家庭。今年共有 111 間 由 本 會 提 名 的 企 業 和 機 構 夥 伴 榮 獲 2019/20 「商界展關懷」/「同心展關懷」標誌嘉許。謹此感謝 各夥伴與本會同心攜手,為有特殊需要兒童創建更 美好明天。 Support from our corporate partners and other organisations gives the Society much-needed resources to help children and young people with SEN and their families. This year, 111 companies and organisations were nominated and awarded the Caring Company or Caring Organization Logo 2019/20. Our sincere gratitude goes out to all of these partners for joining us in creating a better tomorrow for these children and young people.

提供訓練資助 支援基層家庭 Offering subsidies to support low-income families 對育有特殊需要孩子的低收入家庭來說,子女的訓練 費用絕對是一大負擔。承蒙希望之友教育基金會再度 支持,青蔥計劃連續第三年獲得資助,此資助計劃 對象為在輪候政府資助學前康復服務期間,就讀 「伴我童樂 / 伴我童行」學 前 自 閉 症 兒 童 密 集 式 訓 練 課 程 的 低 收 入 家 庭 , 2019-2020 年 度 共 有 1 8 個 合 資 格 的 家 庭 獲 每 月 25% 或 40% 學 費 資 助 , 大 大 紓 緩 經 濟 負擔。在停課期間,參與資助計劃的學童亦獲安排 進行個別訓練或治療。 For low-income families with a child or children with SEN, the costs of training may be a huge financial burden for them. Thanks to the continued support of the Friends of Hope Education Fund, the Society’s Supportive Learning Project was able to offer fee subsidies to low-income families with children enrolled in intensive training programmes for pre-school children with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are waiting for government-subvented pre-school rehabilitation services. In 2019-2020, a total of 18 families received 25% or 40% subsidies towards the enrollment fee, which helped to relieve this financial burden. Furthermore, during the suspension of classes due to the pandemic, individual training was arranged for all of these children.


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

夥伴關愛 聖誕送暖 Supporting our Christmas campaigns

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

港島香格里拉大酒店是本會的長期合作夥伴。本會 原訂於該酒店舉行「The Gift of Wonder」慈善晚宴, 活動雖然因社會事件及交通狀況而告取消,惟仍獲 各界熱心支持及捐獻,成功為本會的「兒童及青年訓 練基金」籌得超過HK$145萬元善款。本會衷心感謝 各企業夥伴和善長慷慨解囊,在任何艱難環境下仍 願意協助有特殊需要兒童、青年及其家庭。

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong is one of the Society’s most loyal and long-standing partners. Earlier in the year under review, “The Gift of Wonder” Charity Dinner was scheduled to take place at the hotel. Though the dinner was cancelled due to concerns over social unrest and transportation, support for the Society remained undimmed, with sponsors and donors contributing HK$1.45 million to our Children and Youth Training Fund. Our deepest gratitude goes to our corporate partners and donors for their outstanding generosity – thank you for supporting children and young people with SEN as well as their families during these difficult times!

協康會董事會主席陳黃怡女士(左三)、港島香港里拉大酒店時任駐店經理朱立安先生(中)、協康會 董事林李天恩女士(右三)、協康會行政總裁歐陽偉康先生(左一)、協康會副行政總裁梁惠玲女士 (右一)出席港島香格里拉大酒店聖誕樹亮燈儀式 Mrs Eleanor Chan, Chairman of Board of Directors of Heep Hong Society (third from left), Mr Julian Darisse, then-Resident Manager of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong (centre), Mrs Grace Lam, Member of Board of Directors of Heep Hong Society (third from right), Mr Peter Au Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society (first from left), and Ms Rachel Leung, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society (first from right), attend the tree-lighting ceremony at Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong

另外,該酒店每年都邀請本會學童參與酒店的聖誕樹亮燈儀式,除了 為酒店連串節慶活動揭開序幕,亦讓學童一展才華,在公眾面前展示 他們訓練和努力的成果。2019年聖誕樹亮燈儀式於12月5日進行, 由港島香港里拉大酒店時任駐店經理朱立安先生及本會董事會主席 陳黃怡女士一同主持,來自灣仔中心的兒童則穿上繽紛閃耀的服飾, 以歌聲和舞蹈,為賓客送上祝福。 Every year, Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong invites children from the Society to participate in their tree-lighting ceremony to kick-off festive celebrations at the hotel. At the same time, the event showcases the talents of some of our children. The 2019 tree-lighting ceremony took place on 5 December and was officiated by Mr Julian Darisse, the then-Resident Manager of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong and Mrs Eleanor Chan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Heep Hong Society. Several children from our Wan Chai Centre celebrated the occasion in style, singing and dancing while wearing glittering festive costumes.


灣仔中心的兒童全情投入表演,慶祝聖誕佳節 Children from our Wan Chai Centre gave a wonderful performance to kick off the Christmas festivities

港島香格里拉大酒店製作了便攜特別版大富翁 作慈善義賣

年 報 Annual Report

As we all know, board games are a mainstay of many Christmas parties. At their 2019 Christmas Charity Sale, Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong produced a custom Monopoly set, the sales of which were used to benefit the Society.

2019 - 2020

聖誕派對少不了桌上遊戲,港島香格里拉大酒店再次為本會 舉行慈善義賣活動,發售以酒店設施為主題的便攜特別版 大富翁。

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong’s custom Monopoly set used in their 2019 Christmas Charity Sale

本 會 長 期 合 作 夥 伴 、 有 機 天 然 彩 棉 嬰 兒 用 品 專 門 店 natures purest 第 12 年 與 協 康 會 推 出 聖 誕 慈 善 義 賣 , 今 年 特 別 推 出 三 款 抱 抱 熊 聖誕慈善套裝,隨套裝附送由本會學童繪畫的聖誕賀卡,所得 收益撥捐本會作培育有特殊需要兒童及青年之用。 Another longstanding partner of ours, the brand “natures purest”, also organised a Christmas charity sale with us for the 12th consecutive year. For the 2019 sale, they put together three Christmas sets, each of which included a Christmas card drawn by our children. The proceeds of the sale went towards supporting children and young people with SEN.

natures purest 推出三款抱

抱熊聖誕慈善套裝 natures purest put together three Christmas sets for their 2019 charity sale

舉辦籌款活動 全賴各界支持 Public support for our fundraising efforts 雖然過去一年社會面對多重挑戰,但仍無損一眾善長的善心,熱心支持本會的籌募活動。本會於2020年4月 至6月期間推出「協康會慈善獎券」籌款活動,每張獎券售價HK$20,並附送三張餐飲及購物優惠券,獲捐 贈的獎品價值超過HK$12萬。受疫情影響,絕大部分公開銷售活動需要取消,需要透過中心及網上發售, 幸得各界善長和公眾鼎力支持,在疫境下共襄善舉。活動收益悉數用於本會非政府資助服務,以支援本地 有特殊需要兒童及其家庭。 Heep Hong Society is grateful for the generous contributions from all donors and supporters, despite the many challenges that we have all faced during the past year. Thankfully, we were able to hold our annual raffle in 2020, which took place from April to June. Priced at HK$20, each raffle ticket came with three complimentary food and beverage and shopping vouchers, while the total value of prizes donated by our sponsors was over HK$120,000. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most of public sales activities were cancelled, meaning that the majority of raffle tickets were sold at our centres or online. We are thankful to the many donors and sponsors who contributed to the raffle this year. All proceeds went to financing our non-government-subvented services for local children with special needs and their families.

本會於2019年聖誕期間舉辦「給孩子畢生 受用的聖誕禮物」籌款活動。善款已悉數 撥入「童途有您」捐款計劃,予超過850名 有特殊需要兒童、青年及其家人接受本會非 政府資助的早期訓練和支援的機會,謹此 感謝各位善長熱心捐助。

因應疫情,今年度「協康會慈善 獎券」籌款活動改於本會各中心及 網上發售 Due to the pandemic, this year’s raffle tickets were mostly sold at our centres or online

感謝公眾在疫情下仍積極支持 「協康會慈善獎券」籌款活動 We are grateful to everyone who supported our raffle this year and purchased tickets despite the coronavirus pandemic

In late 2019, the Society organised a “Christmas Gift Guide: Blessings for Children with Special Needs” fundraising campaign. All proceeds from the campaign went to our Monthly Donation Programme, which enables over 850 children, young people and families in need to receive our non-government-subvented training and services. Our sincere thanks go to all donors who supported this campaign.


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

發揮創意 合力籌募善款 A creative and competitive fundraising effort

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

友 邦 香 港 及 澳 門 於 2019 年 7 至 9 月 期間,舉辦營業競賽為慈善機構 籌款,友邦的財務策劃師每完成 一 張 新 保 單 , AIA 便 透 過 「 友 邦 慈 善基金」捐款予協康會,是次活動 合共為協康會籌得約HK$60萬元 善款,用作支持協康會綜合服務 大樓「歷奇天地」及相關服務。 During the year, AIA Hong Kong and Macau held a sales competition to benefit charity organisations, which saw the AIA Foundation make a donation to the Society with each new insurance policy completed by their financial planners. Around HK$600,000 was raised, which was used to help finance Adventure Land and other relevant services at the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex. 感謝友邦香港及澳門支持有特殊需要兒童及青年 Thank you to AIA Hong Kong and Macau for supporting children and young people with SEN!

本 會 連 續 第 二 屆 獲 挑 選 成 為 AEON Stores 永 旺 ( 香 港 ) 百貨有限公司舉辦的「幸福的黃色小票」活動受惠 團 體 。 顧 客 於 2019 年 8 月 至 2020 年 1 月 期 間 將 該 收 據 放 入 店 鋪 外 標 明 「 協 康 會 」 的 投 放 箱 內 , AEON 永旺百貨就會根據所收集的收據合計金額的1%, 以 物 資 形 式 捐 贈 予 本 會 , 支 持 協 康 會 的 有特殊需要 兒童 及 青 年 。 感謝公眾人士選擇以協康會為捐獻對象 Our thanks go to all the members of the public who selected the Society as their beneficiary

Meanwhile, for the second year, the Society was selected as one of the beneficiaries of AEON’s “Yellow Receipt Campaign”. One per cent of the total receipts collected from August 2019 to January 2020 was donated to the Society as an in-kind donation to support children and young people with SEN.

現場設有攤位,由本會職員向公眾 講解本會服務 One of staff members explains the Society’s services to a member of the public


2019 - 2020

大 快 活 集 團 有 限 公 司 於 2020 再 次 支 持 本 會 , 於 2020 年 6 月 1 日 至 8 月 31 日 期 間 , 在 大 快 活 130 多 間 分 店 放 置 籌 款 箱 。 聖 誕 節 期 間 , 環 亞 機 場 服 務 管 理 集 團 於 旗 下 環 亞 機 場 貴 賓 室 舉 辦 「 Gift a Wish」 活 動 , 顧 客 每 掛 一 張 心 意 卡 到 聖 誕 樹 上 , 環 亞 均 會 捐 款 HK$5元 予 本 會 。 另 外 , 法 式 私 房 菜 餐 廳 AnOther Place 於 店 內 擺 放 協 康 會 宣 傳 杯 墊 , 並 為 本 會 籌 募 捐 款 , 所 得 善 款 將 用 作 支 援 SEN 兒 童 及 青 年 。

年 報 Annual Report

Fairwood Fast Food Limited also renewed their support for the Society in 2020. From 1 June to 31 August, our donation boxes were placed in over 130 Fairwood branches around the city. Also, during the 2019 Christmas season, Plaza Premium Group hosted “Gift A Wish”, with the proceeds going to the Heep Hong Society: HK$5 was donated to the Society for each visitor to the Plaza Premium Lounge who wrote down a wish and hung it on their Christmas tree. Finally, private kitchen AnOther Place printed Heep Hong Society information on their coasters and raised funds for the Society to support children and young people with SEN.

本會再度與大快活合作放置籌款箱 Our donation boxes were placed in Fairwood Fast Food branches around Hong Kong

AnOther Place 在杯墊印上本會資料 AnOther Place printed Heep Hong Society information on their coasters

環亞機場服務管理集團 舉辦「 Gift a Wish」活動 Plaza Premium Group hosted the “Gift A Wish” initiative

此 外 , 譚仔雲南米線與本會首度合作, 推 出 2020 年 座 檯 月 曆 , 每 個 月 份 都 印 有 協康會學童的可愛畫作,並附有餐飲優 惠券,收益全數撥捐本會。 The Society also collaborated with local catering service company Jointed-Heart Limited for the first time to create a 2020 charity calendar. Each month features a drawing by one of the Society’s children. The calendar also came with complimentary dining vouchers. All proceeds of the calendar’s sale went to the Society.

本會首度與譚仔雲南 米線合作,推出慈善 月曆 The Society collaborated with Jointed-Heart Limited for the first time to create a charity calendar for 2020


平 等 參 與 接 納 共 融

舉辦巡迴展覽 宣揚共融訊息 Public exhibitions promote social inclusion

Equal and Inclusive Opportunities

為推廣公眾教育,本會舉辦「童途有您」巡迴 展覽 —「星星的孩子」,透過「學」與「玩」帶 公眾走進自閉症人士的世界。展覽展板介紹 自閉症人士家長的故事和心聲,特殊需要的 資訊及本會服務發展。亦設有各種互動設施, 以平板電腦展示由專家研發、協助學童學習的 應用程式,以及模擬自閉症人士感覺統合困 難的遊戲等。協康會賽馬會「星亮計劃— 飛『悅』30」青年亦有到場擔任義工,協助 講解遊戲玩法,與參觀者互動交流。在六場 展覽期間,獲得近300名參觀者的支持,承諾 成為定期捐款者,以行動支持有特殊需要的 兒童、青年及其家庭。 Another of the Society’s public education efforts this year was our roving “Children of the Stars” exhibition. Visitors 小朋友在塗鴉牆上寫上打氣字句,鼓勵有特殊需要兒童及青年 were given information on children with SEN and read Children write messages on a graffiti board to boost the spirits of children and stories about the parents of children with ASD through young people with SEN display boards and interactive content – like trying out the apps developed by our professionals, and playing a Sensory Integration Disorder simulation game. Youth members of the Heep Hong Society Jockey Club CHEER 30 Project acted as guides during the exhibition, explaining the game’s rules to visitors. The exhibition visited six different places, with nearly 300 people visiting our booth and signing up to become regular donors who will support children and young people with SEN and their families.

參觀者體驗自閉症人士有感覺訊息處理困難的遊戲 本會青年學員藉著擔任展覽義工,增加與公眾交流的機會

Visitors experience what it is like to have Sensory Integration Disorder, a condition suffered by some individuals with ASD

Youth members of the Heep Hong Society act as volunteer guides and meet the public

本會獲香港科技大學學生輔導中心邀請,在大學校園內 舉辦「星星戀事多」小型展覽。除了以幽默漫畫呈現 自閉症人士典型特徵及困難外,協康會賽馬會「星亮 計 劃 — 飛 『 悅 』 30 」 亦 透 過 舉 辦 真 人 圖 書 館 , 讓 兩 位 自閉症青年與校內師生進行個人分享,提升他們對 自閉症人士的認識。 The Society was invited by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to hold an Autism in Love mini-exhibition on their campus. The exhibition illustrated the characteristics of individuals with ASD and the challenges they face, while two youth members from the Heep Hong Society Jockey Club CHEER 30 Project spoke at a “human library session” with students and staff, helping them gain a better understanding of ASD.


本會青年向科大學生講解自閉症人士特徵 One of our youth members explains the characteristics of ASD to a student at HKUST

2019 - 2020

多元體驗 助兒童融入社群 Organising activities to support social inclusion 有特殊需要兒童和青年在社區中面對不少困難,本會與企業和機構夥伴不時合作舉辦多元化的活動, 讓兒童和青年擴闊生活體驗,增加與不同人士相處的機會,幫助他們融入社群。

年 報

Children and young people with SEN often encounter challenges when interacting with people in the community. The Society collaborates regularly with our corporate and organisation partners to host a wide range of activities which allow children and young people to broaden their horizons and interact with people from all walks of life, helping them to better integrate into the communities.

Annual Report

感謝海洋公園再度捐贈入場門票予本會九龍西區 的家庭,讓他們度過一個既具教育意義又充滿歡 樂的假日

本會學童參與由香港迪士尼樂園度假區舉辦的「社區妙韻樂 飄揚」,於城堡廣場舞台上獻唱聖誕歌,並獲邀請在樂園內 遊玩,享受奇妙之旅

Ocean Park donated entry tickets to families from our centres in Kowloon West, giving them a chance to spend a fun and educational day at this world-class theme park

Several children participated in a Community Choir Sing Along event organised by Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, performing Christmas carols on the castle stage; they also enjoyed a complimentary visit to the enchanted theme park

環亞機場服務管理集團香港 總經理劉劍豪先生(右圖左), 與一眾同事到訪東涌中心,與 小朋友一同製作聖誕曲奇甜品 Mr Eric Lau, General Manager Hong Kong of the Plaza Premium Group (left in the photo on the right) and their volunteers visited our Tung Chung Centre and made Christmas desserts with the children

恒生銀行贊助本會 一 連 串 社 區 適 應 活動,企業義工亦有 參與,與本會學童 同行 Hang Seng Bank sponsored a series of social adaptation activities; their volunteers also participated in the activities

港鐵公司於疫情期間,安排義工協助本會包裝教材套, 讓學童停學期間亦可在家學習 Volunteers from the MTR Corporation helped us pack teaching materials so children could keep learning at home during the pandemic-related suspension of classes


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能



Advancement to Full Potential

過去一年,本會一如既往照顧在人生不同階段 的兒童和青年的成長需要,包括增加學前的校本 服務隊伍;增強抗逆力小組、課後輔導計劃的 服務內容,支援小學生;開展全新「飛躍‧里晴」 青年成長及職業培訓計劃等。雖然疫情為服務 帶來不少挑戰,但專業團隊都能靈活應變, 設計合適的網上訓練,持續幫助兒童和青年發揮 潛能。

Over the past year, the Heep Hong Society continued to support the developmental needs of children and young people. This year, we added and enlarged teams of our school-based services and enriched the programmes of our resilience training groups and our after-school tutoring classes for primary school students. We also launched a new programme, “Project G.R.O.W.”, which provides both personal growth and employment support to young people. Although the outbreak of the coronavirus has created many challenges in service delivery, our teams of professionals have quickly adapted to this new situation, designing tailored online training programmes to ensure that children and young people continue to develop their potential despite these trying times.

康苗幼稚園 正式投入服務 Healthy Kids Kindergarten officially opens 協 康 會 上 海 總 會 康 苗 幼 稚 園 於 2019 年 9 月 正 式開學,設有幼兒班、低班和高班,為三至 六歲幼兒提供半日制及全日制的優質教育, 採用蒙特梭利教學法,著重STEM教育,全校 約 10 至 15 % 學 生 為 有 特 殊 需 要 學 童 。 幼 稚 園 設有駐校社工,本會的專業團隊亦會定時 到訪校園,為學生提供評估及訓練,並支援 家長需要。 The Heep Hong Society Shanghai Fraternity Association Healthy Kids Kindergarten (SFAHK) officially began its first school year in September, 2019. SFAHK offers half-day and whole-day classes in Kindergarten One through Kindergarten Three for children aged three to six. The school adopts the Montessori method of education, placing special emphasis on STEM education. SFAHK offers an integrated education programme in which 10% to 15% of students are children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). In addition, school-based psychologist and social worker from the Society visit the school regularly to provide assessment and training to the students and support to their parents.

協康會上海總會康苗幼稚園採用 蒙特梭利教學法,培養幼兒自主 學習及探索 SFAHK adopts the Montessori method, which promotes self-directed learning and exploration


2019 - 2020

為了讓家長及公眾認識更多幼稚園的環境及運作, 幼 稚 園 於 2019 年 8 月 舉 辦 開 放 日 , 吸 引 超 過 150 位 公 眾 人士到校園參觀課堂及設備,如多用途活動室、大肌肉 室及攀石牆,讓家長與校長及老師有更深入的交流。

年 報 Annual Report

An open day was organised in August 2019 for parents and the public to experience the school environment and operation of SFAHK. Over 150 visitors toured the campus and saw the multi-purpose room, gross motor training room and the climbing wall, among other facilities, and chatted with the Principal and teachers.

模擬小一課堂有助學童預早熟習小學課堂模式,升小後 盡快適應 Simulated primary school classes allow students to become familiar with the mode of learning in primary school, allowing them to quickly adapt to this new environment

老師透過網上模式教導學童及家長製作手工藝品 Teachers taught parents and children to make handicrafts through online workshops

老師和學童準備了火雞,一同慶祝聖誕節 SFAHK teachers prepared a turkey to celebrate Christmas with the children

協康會上海總會康苗幼稚園提供以「兒童為本」的課程 SFAHK offers a child-centred curriculum

停課抗疫期間,幼稚園製作了一系列 短片,教導家長在家運用蒙特梭利 教學法;老師每星期都與家長定期 聯絡,了解學童進度,再調整教學計劃。 趁著父親和母親節,幼稚園更特別安排 網上親子環節,教導家長和學童一同做 手工藝品,送贈予父母。外籍英語老師 及普通話老師又特別錄製兒童故事, 讓學童在家也能發展兩文三語。在6月 復課期間,校方特別把課室佈置成 小學,讓老師模擬小學各學科老師 教學,令幼稚園高班學童體驗到小學 生活,為升讀小一做好準備。

Responding to the Hong Kong-wide suspension of classes due to the coronavirus pandemic, SFAHK produced a series of videos to guide parents through using the Montessori method at home. The teachers also maintained close contact with parents each week, keeping track of their students’ progress and adjusting the teaching plans accordingly. Additionally, to celebrate Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, the kindergarten held online family workshops for children on how to make handicraft gifts for their parents. Also, the school’s native English teacher and Putonghua teacher recorded stories for the students to listen at home to keep up with their language learning. After classes resumed in June 2020, the kindergarten redecorated some classrooms to simulate the environment of a primary school and the teachers offered classes in the same format as primary schools. This allowed students in Kindergarten Three to experience primary school life and get ready to take the next step in the new school year.


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

到校學前康復服務 第六隊投入服務 The sixth OPRS team commences services

Advancement to Full Potential

本 會 自 2014 年 到 幼 稚 園 提 供 到 校 專 業 支 援 , 一 直 獲得學校及家長高度評價。為了讓更多有特殊需要 學童受惠,本會近年不斷致力擴展服務,新增的第 六隊到校學前康復服務(OPRS)隊伍,於2019年10月 正式投入服務,而現有隊伍的服務名額亦有所增加, 總服務人數達870名。本會於2020年9月1日起再度 增 加 服 務 名 額 , 現 正 與 91 間 學 校 攜 手 , 為 1,030 名 學 童 提 供 支 援 。 本 會 OPRS 年 內 獲 社 會 福 利 署 撥 款 資助租用四個新服務中心,分別位於沙田、元朗、 荔枝角及九龍灣,並正籌備於石硤尾增設一個服務 地點,方便九龍及新界多區的家庭。 本會又成功競投社會福利署透過獎券基金而推行的 「幼稚園/幼稚園暨幼兒中心第一層支援服務試驗 計 劃 」, 為 懷 疑 有 特 殊 需 要 的 兒 童 提 供 早 期 介 入 , 於 2020 年 8 月 起 為 1 2 間 幼 稚 園 服 務 。 計 劃 主 要 由 教育心理學家及特殊幼兒教師提供專業諮詢和 訓練,協助他們識別有特殊需要跡象的幼童,並 在教學上作出調適,同時亦為兒童提供訓練、評估 或轉介服務,以及支援家長提升育兒技巧。

第一層支援服務試驗計劃將配合 OPRS進行,期望兩者能發揮協同效 應 The “Pilot Project on Tier 1 Support Services in Kindergartens / Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres” operates in synergy with the OPRS

Since the Society launched the school-based support services for kindergartens in 2014, it has received consistently favourable responses from schools and parents. To make these services accessible to even more children with SEN, the Society formed its sixth On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Service (OPRS) team and expanded the existing teams in October 2019, which increased our total service capacity to 870. On 1 September 2020, the service capacity was expanded even further, to 1,030 students. The OPRS has received funding from the Social Welfare Department to rent four additional training centres located in Shatin, Yuen Long, Lai Chi Kok, and Kowloon Bay. A new service point in Shek Kip Mei is expected to come into operation later in 2020.

The Society also won a bid to operate the “Pilot Project on Tier 1 Support Services in Kindergartens/Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres” subsidised by the Social Welfare Department’s Lotteries Fund. Starting in August 2020, we provided early intervention to children suspected of having SEN at 12 schools. These services included professional consultation and training provided by educational psychologists and pre-school teachers, which aimed to help teachers identify students showing signs of SEN and assist them in making adjustments to their teaching. Assessments, short-term training and referral services were also offered to the children. Meanwhile, their parents also received support and advice on ways to improve their parenting skills.

早期教育及訓練中心 檢視服務模式 Reviewing the operation of Early Education and Training Centres 隨 著 OPRS 的 推 行 , 早 期 教 育 及 訓 練 中 心 的 輪 候 情 況 大為舒緩,接受這些服務的兒童愈來愈多介乎零至 三歲。這些幼兒的能力一般較弱,所需的訓練配套 也有不同。有見及此,本會在年內全面檢視早期教 育及訓練中心的服務模式,按幼兒的年齡及特殊需要 類別,檢討訓練框架及策略、家長支援的模式等, 務求為幼兒提供更適切的支援。同時舉行內部培訓, 加強前線特殊幼兒老師及治療師的專業知識及技巧。

本會期望調整後的服務及訓練模式能為幼兒和家人帶來 更適切的支援 It is hoped that the adjustments made to the services and training will provide better support for the children and their parents


As the Society’s OPRS services continue, the waiting list at our Early Education and Training Centres (EETCs) have gradually shortened. Increasingly more children who enter EETCs are aged between zero to three, meaning that the training approaches used in these centres need to be adapted to the needs of these children, who are usually weaker in their abilities. Last year, the Society began a review of the operation and service mode of our EETCs. The training framework and strategies, as well as the format of parental support have been adjusted to the ages and the particular SEN type of the children. Internal training has also been conducted to equip front-line pre-school teachers and therapists with the essential knowledge and skills needed to adapt to these changes.

2019 - 2020

幼兒駐校社工服務 服務隊伍增至兩隊 Pre-school Social Work Service expands to two teams

年 報 Annual Report

本 會 自 2019 年 2 月 起 先 後 成 功 競 投 第 一 及 第 二 期 「 幼 兒 駐 校 社 工 服 務 先 導 計 劃 」, 為 幼稚園提供專業社工駐校服務,推動正向 文化及正向心理教育,為學前兒童、家長、 照顧者提供適切支援,並為教職員提供專 業諮詢,共舉行了2,216節小組及活動,受惠 人次 達 6,744 人 。 本 會 年 內 再 成 功 競 投 第三期服務,幼兒駐校社工服務隊伍將於 2020 年 8 月 起 增 至 兩 隊 , 共 為 3 2 間 幼 稚 園 提供駐校社工服務。團隊於疫情停課期間推 出「Project I-Learning — 網上家長及兒童 學 習 園 地 :『 童 』 一 家 」 計 劃 , 以 網 上 直 播 形式支援家長和幼兒,詳情可參閱「同SEN 抗疫」特輯。

社工團隊定期到訪幼稚園,為學童提供輔導小組等支援 Our teams of social workers regularly visit the kindergartens we serve to provide support services such as children support groups

In February 2019, the Society won a bid to operate the first and second phases of the “Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions” (PPI). The PPI promotes the concept of positive culture and positive psychology. The services provide social and emotional support for pre-school children, parents and carers, and professional consultation for teaching staff at kindergartens. Last year, 2,216 group activity sessions were held, benefiting 6,744 individuals. This year, the Society was also successful in our bid to operate the third phase of the PPI. In August 2020, the number of teams has expanded to two, serving a total of 32 kindergartens. During the pandemic-related suspension of classes, the PPI teams launched “Project I-Learning”, a series of livestreamed programmes providing support to parents and children. For details, please refer to the special feature “Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children”.

喜伴同行 與自閉症學童前行 JC A-Connect helps autistic children integrate into mainstream schools 本會繼續參與由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款資助, 聯同香港大學社會科學學院、教育局及其他非政府 機 構 推 行 的 「 賽 馬 會 喜 伴 同 行 計 劃 」。 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 年度,本會的社工團隊到訪59間主流小學及18間主流 中學,為校內超過1,300名自閉症學童進行小組訓練, 小 組 數 目 亦 由 240 組 增 加 至 255 組 。 社 工 團 隊 同 時 支 援 學 校 及 學 童 的 家 庭 , 年 內 總 共 為 超 過 130 名 教 師 及 2,050 名 家 長 提 供 諮 詢 和 有 系 統 的 培 訓 。 計 劃 即 將 踏 入 最 後 一 年 , 於 2021 年 7 月 圓 滿 結 束 後 將由教育局承接,提供資源予非政府機構在校內舉行 自閉症學童支援小組。

This year, the Society continued to participate in the JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network, which is sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Social Sciences, the Education Bureau, and several other non-governmental organisations. During the 2019-2020 year, the Society’s social work teams visited 59 mainstream primary schools and 18 mainstream secondary schools, providing group training to over 1,300 students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The number of groups increased from 240 in the previous year to 255 this year. The teams also provided support to the schools and the families of students, with consultation sessions and systematic training given to over 130 teachers and 2,050 parents. The project has now entered its final year, and will be continued by the Education Bureau after its completion in July 2021. The Bureau will continue to provide resources for NGOs to provide support groups for students with ASD.

透過合作遊戲,學童可以練習社交溝通技巧, 培養團隊精神,更可學習與朋輩相處 Through collaborative games, children learn and practise their social and communication skills, cultivate team spirit and develop friendships


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

校本執行功能訓練 支援ADHD學童 Providing school-based training for students with ADHD 執行功能缺損對專注力不足/過度活躍症(ADHD)學童 的日常生活、學業和社交都帶來影響,本會透過兩個 校 本 計 劃 , 為 ADHD 學 童 提 供 小 組 訓 練 , 提 升 他 們 的 執行功能。

Advancement to Full Potential

本會自2018年起獲邀參與賽馬會「喜躍悅動」計劃, 踏入第二年度,本會的教育心理學家及社工繼續為 12 間 中 小 學 內 135 名 學 童 提 供 小 組 訓 練 , 學 童 在 個人計劃和組織能力、社交技巧、情緒管理方面均有 明 顯 改 善 ; 同 時 又 進 一 步 支 援 學 校 和 家 庭 , 共 有 140 名 老 師 和 122 名 家 長 參 加 培 訓 或 接 受 諮 詢 服 務 。 本 會 計劃未來支援更多中小學,讓更多學童接受專注及 執行功能訓練。

中學學童學習運用計劃和組織能力, 按部就 班製作 珍珠奶 茶

g Secondary school students put their new plannin g the and organising skills into action by followin steps to make bubble tea

承蒙利希慎基金贊助,由本會策劃的「啟動腦潛能— ADHD 初 中 學 生 自 我 管 理 訓 練 」 計 劃 為 六 間 中 學 、 35 名 初 中 ADHD 學 生 進 行 密 集 式 訓 練 , 本 會 職 業 治 療 師 及 社 工 團 隊 運 用 PEO ( 個 人 、 環 境 、 活 動 ) 模式提升學童的執行功能,為學童建議在學習及 家居環境作出調適,從而增強其自我管理能力。 「 啟 動 腦 潛 能 」 計 劃 亦 為 學 童 的 家 長 及 197 名 教 師 提供講座及工作坊等支援。

小學 學童 參與 「時 間攤 位」 時內 完成 最多 的任 務

遊戲 ,務 求於 限

complete as many tasks as Primary students attempt to possible during a timed game


Having deficits in executive functions has profound effects on everyday life, academic performance, and the social lives of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The Society is working to mitigate these effects through two school-based projects which offer group training to ADHD students and help them strengthen their executive functions. In 2018, the Society began taking part in the Jockey Club Kindling Active Kids project. This year, our educational psychologists and social workers continued to provide group training for 135 students at 12 mainstream primary and secondary schools. After joining our training, the participants showed significant improvements in their planning and organisational skills. Their social and emotional regulation skills also improved. At the same time, training and consultation sessions were offered to 140 teachers and 122 parents. In view of the positive outcomes, the Society plans to support even more schools and students in the future.

停課期間 透過網上 訓練短片 ,以不同的 化解衝突 技巧,配 以「停」 、 「想」、「做」的 概念,教 導學童學 習控制衝 動行為

During the suspension of classes due to the pandemic, the team produced online videos to help students learn how to control impulsive behaviours

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Lee Hysan Foundation, the Society launched the Brain Challenge Intervention Programme for ADHD Secondary School Students with 35 students at six secondary schools participating. Using the Person – Environment – Occupation (PEO) model, our occupational therapists helped students enhance their executive functions and made suggestions about making adjustments to their learning and home environments. These support measures successfully improved the self-management abilities of the participants. The Brain Challenge Intervention Programme also organised talks and workshops for groups of parents and 197 teachers.

「啟 動腦 潛能 」計 劃以 生活 化及 富趣 味的 活動 , 訓練 同學 的執 行功 能

The Brain Challenge Interventio n Programme uses interesting games to train students’ basic executive functions

年 報 Annual Report

由 「 滙 豐 150 週 年 慈 善 計 劃 」 透 過 香 港 公 益 金 資 助 , 「愉快啟航-自閉症兒童升讀小一支援計劃」踏入 第二年,不但為幼稚園高班學童提供升小適應課程, 也為正就讀小一的學生提供社區為本的持續支援。 在本會多間中心舉辦了一系列由幼兒導師、社工、 言語治療師、職業治療師及心理學家帶領的小組, 以及五天校園體驗日營,協助自閉症學童及家長面對 升讀主流小一的新挑戰;又舉辦專家講座,讓老師 及家長掌握幫助自症閉學童融入主流小學生活的 方法。超過八成的參與計劃學童在適應小一校園生活 的能力有明顯提升。 Sponsored by the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme and allocated through The Community Chest of Hong Kong, this year the Transitional Support Project for Autistic Children in Mainstream Education programme entered its second year of implementation. This year’s services included preparation-stage training offered to Kindergarten Three children and continued adjustment training offered to Primary One students. Group training sessions were also offered at our centres by pre-school teachers, social workers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists to help children prepare for and adapt to primary school life. A five-day school-based day camp was also organised, along with talks to help teachers and parents learn how to support children with ASD integrate into primary school. Over 80% of participating students showed improvements in their core functional skills – which are crucial to their ability to adapt to life in primary school.

2019 - 2020

小一適應計劃 助學童融入主流校園 Adaptation programmes help prepare children for Primary One

五天校園體驗日營讓自閉症學童預先熟習小學的上課 模式及校園生活 The five-day School-based Day Camp allows children with ASD to become familiar with the learning mode and school life of primary school

本會同時獲「香港賽馬會慈善信託基金」屬下的 「社區資助計劃」贊助,舉辦「小一適應班」計劃, 為已入讀小一而有特殊需要的學童提供八節的適 應課程,當中透過本會八間早期教育及訓練中心 所設計的小組,協助學童提升社交能力及調適 生活習慣。 在「社區為本」的支援基礎上,本會已獲楊蔡慧嫻 基金會的撥款,進一步拓展自閉症兒童的初小銜接 服 務 。 將 於 2021 年 1 月 開 展 創 新 的 計 劃 , 除 了 以 中心為本的訓練外,也嘗試與小一老師協作,提供 首年到校支援,透過雙軌支援模式,更有效地幫助 自閉症兒童。 Under the sponsorship of the Community Project Grant of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Society implemented our Primary Adaptation Programme at eight of our Early Education and Training Centres. There, children with SEN who were set to enter primary school participated in eight group training sessions designed to enhance their social skills and ability to adapt to school life.

學童接受治療師帶領的小組訓練,提升社交溝通技巧等核心能力 Children take part in groups led by therapists to improve their core functional skills such as communication skills

Thanks to the sustained success of our community-based support services, the Society has secured sponsorship from YCWH Trust to develop a new primary school adaptation training programme. In January 2021, in addition to centre-based training, we will collaborate with Primary One teachers to offer school-based support to children with ASD. This dual model of service is expected to further increase the effectiveness of the adjustment programme.


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

校外支援服務 再獲撥款延展三年 Funding for off-campus support services extended for three years

Advancement to Full Potential

本 會 獲 香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金 資 助 , 於 2017-2020 年 度 推 行 「 發 展 障 礙 學 童 校 外 支 援 服 務 」, 為 主 流 小學生及其家長提供支援,繼續透過「躍動成長 路-ADHD學童執行功能訓練計劃」及「S.E.N.S.O.R. 特殊教育需要抗逆力提升小組」計劃,分別為專注力 不 足 / 過 度 活 躍 症 ( ADHD ) 學 童 舉 辦 支 援 小 組 及 家 長 工作坊,以及為有特殊需要兒童舉辦抗逆力提升 小 組 , 增 強 他 們 面 對 逆 境 的 能 力 , 共 有 超 過 340 位 有特殊需要兒童及其家庭成員受惠。兩項計劃的 成功,令本會再度獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 資助將服務延展三年,讓更多有特殊需要兒童及 其家庭受惠。

With the sponsorship of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Society implemented the Off-campus Support Service for Students with Developmental Disorder programme from 2017-2020. This programme was aimed at mainstream primary school students and their parents and was an umbrella for two projects: The Support Programme for ADHD Children for those with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); and S.E.N.S.O.R. – Training Groups for SEN on Resilience Project, which was designed to enhance students’ resilience. Over its three-year run, more than 340 children with SEN and their families benefited from the programme. Best of all, the success of the two projects meant that the Society has secured funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to extend these services for three more years, which will undoubtedly benefit more children with SEN and their families.

SENSOR 小組 提升學童抗逆力 S.E.N.S.O.R. – Training Groups for SEN on Resilience Project 面 對 逆 境 , 有 特 殊 需 要 學 童 和 家 長 可 如 何 面 對 ? 「 S.E.N.S.O.R . 特 殊 教 育 需 要 抗 逆 力 提 升 小 組 」 計 劃 ( 簡 稱 「 SENSOR 」 ) 過 去 一年作出多項新嘗試,除了開辦由教育心理學家及社工帶領的 「Anxiety SENSOR 應 付 焦 慮 加 強 版 : 對 『 焦 』 有 法 」 小 組 訓練 外,又開展校本服務,到訪學校幫助有特殊教育需要小四至小六 學 生 。 因 應 停 課 安 排 , SENSOR 開 辦 了 網 上 「 SENSOR 抗 逆 力 提升小組之復課無慮」,幫助學童適應回校上課的安排。 支 援 家 長 方 面 , SENSOR 舉 行 「 童 升 抗 逆 」 網 上 家 長 講 座 , 由 教 育 心 理 學 家 教 授 提 升 孩 子 抗 逆 力 的 秘 訣 , 並 出 版 《 家 長「 童 」 抗 逆 錦 囊 》, 免 費 送 贈 與 講 座 參 加 者 。 另 外 , S E N S O R 亦 在 年內建立計劃網頁,方便家長接收最新活動資訊及相關知識。 How do children with SEN and their parents face adversity? This year, the S.E.N.S.O.R. – Training Groups for SEN on Resilience Project – implemented several new initiatives. These included the Anxiety SENSOR group, which was led by educational psychologists and social workers, as well as a school-based service in which our professional team visited schools to provide support for Primary Four to Primary Six students. In response to the pandemic-induced suspension of classes, a SENSOR – Preparation for Class Resumption online course was offered to help children prepare for the eventual resumption of classes.

小組運用VR虛擬實景技術,幫助兒童練習 應對不同的處境,減少焦慮情緒 VR technology is used in training groups to help children practise coping with anxious feelings when they face different situations

In terms of parental support, the SENSOR programme organised an online talk for parents, during which educational psychologists introduced several strategies to enhance children’s resilience. Each participant was given a free copy of Resilience Enhancing Support Toolkit (R.E.S.T.) for Parents. Additionally, a SENSOR webpage was launched during the year to make resilience-related knowledge and course information more accessible to parents.

《家長「童」抗逆錦囊》就著兒童常遇到的 「思想陷阱」為家長提供應對策略 Resilience Enhancing Support Toolkit (R.E.S.T.) for Parents offers tips to parents on how to help children cope with mental traps


2019 - 2020

ADHD 訓練計劃 加強學童執行功能 Continuing our Support Programme for ADHD Children

年 報

家長教育方面,透過一系列五場家長講座,由本會教育心理 學家、物理治療師、職業治療師、言語治療師等主講, 讓家長全面了解提升ADHD子女執行功能及管教的方法。

在活動時,桌面上放着本會設計的「裝備卡」 作視覺提示,提醒兒童運用相關的執行功能 During activities, visual cue cards designed by the Society are placed on desks to remind children how to exercise their executive functions

Annual Report

本會專業團隊一直透過臨床實證治療,研究改善專注力不足/ 過 度 活 躍 症 ( A D H D ) 兒 童 的 執 行 功 能 。「 躍 動 成 長 路 - ADHD 學 童 執 行 功 能 訓 練 計 劃 」 透 過 專 業 團 隊 帶 領 的 小 組 訓 練 , 幫 助 小 三 至 小 五 ADHD 兒 童 提 升 執 行 功 能 , 從 而 協 助 他們更有效地學習,建立人際關係及參與群體生活。

Throughout the year, our professional teams studied how to improve the executive functions of children with ADHD through evidence-based and clinical training. The professional team attached to the Support Programme for ADHD Children provided group training for Primary Three to Primary Five children with ADHD, focusing on helping them enhance their executive functions. In turn, this allowed them to study more effectively, maintain better social relations and participate more fully in group activities. To support the parents of these children, five different parents’ talks were organised. The Society’s educational psychologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and speech therapist introduced strategies and methods to improve children’s executive functions and sets of parenting skills to help these children.

才藝學校 栽培兒童五大才能 Talent School nurtures children’s natural talents in five areas 有特殊需要的兒童和青年都有才華洋溢的一面。本會除了關顧 兒童的學習和生活技能外,也促進他們在才藝方面的發展。由 跨專業團隊策劃的「協康Talent School」計劃(簡稱才藝學校), 鼓勵兒童和青年發展體育和藝術才華。本年度共有102名兒童 及青少年參加多項體藝活動,除了繼續與香港網球總會合辦 網球訓練班外,計劃又推出一系列精彩活動,包括拉丁舞、 陶藝、和諧粉彩,期望透過多元智能的介入及優勢為本 ( strength-based ) 模 式 , 讓 有 特 殊 需 要 的 兒 童 及 青 少 年 發 掘 個 人 專長,並發展為長遠的興趣,甚至建構未來事業發展。才藝學校 計 劃 於 來 年 積 極 發 展 音 樂 及 戲 劇 範 疇 , 促 進 五 大 發 展 項 目- 運動、視覺藝術、舞蹈、音樂、戲劇同步平衡發展,為有特殊需要 兒童及青少年提供更廣闊的平台發揮所長,從而提升他們的自信心 及培養正面的自我價值。 面對疫情持續的挑戰,各視覺藝術的班組,如和諧粉彩的小組, 由暑期開始便改以視像形式進行。導師一邊講解一邊示範如何製作 和諧粉彩,讓兒童在家中也可繼續學習藝術,成效良好。

視覺藝術是才藝學校五大發展項目之一 Visual art is one of the five “talent areas” which the Talent School develops

踏入第二期的網球訓練 班繼續深受兒童及家長 歡迎,有逾70人參加

Just like everyone else, children and young people with SEN have their own unique and The Talent School’s tennis individual talents. Apart from helping children improve their academic performance classes continued to be and enhancing their daily living skills, the Heep Hong Talent School encourages them popular among children and parents, with over 70 children to develop their sports and artistic potential. Last year, 102 children and teenagers enrolled in the second phase participated in a variety of activities, including a tennis class organised in collaboration with the Hong Kong Tennis Association, as well as brand new activities including Latin dance, pottery and Pastel Nagomi Art. The Talent School adopts the theory of multiple intelligences and takes a strengths-based approach to helping children and young people with SEN discover their strengths and develop their interests – something which may eventually act as a foundation on which they can build a career. Looking ahead, the Heep Hong Talent School will explore further opportunities in arts and drama which will allow children and young people to have an even wider platform to exercise their potential in five talent areas: sports, visual arts, dance, music, and drama. Providing a broader platform will help boost their confidence and their positive self-image even further. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year, much of the Talent School’s visual arts groups were conducted online, with the teachers demonstrating and explaining how to create art pieces through video conferences, helping the participating children to enjoy creating art at home. Despite the less-than-ideal situation, the response to these groups was very favourable.


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

親子水療 兒童進步顯著 HAP:PIER children benefit from parent-child hydrotherapy

Advancement to Full Potential

物理治療師團隊針對不同發展需要的兒童設計了 多個水療課程,促進兒童的體能發展及提升運動 和學習表現,包括由「攜手扶弱基金」贊助、針對 自閉症或肢體弱能兒童的「樂水·適遊-肢體弱能 及 自 閉 症 兒 童 水 療 支 援 計 劃 」, 讓 4 8 名 兒 童 與 家 長 或照顧者一同參與由物理治療師帶領的水療小組 訓練。有參與計劃的學童,經過12節的親子訓練 後,發現體能有明顯進步,學習能力亦有所改善。 此外,物理治療師團隊亦負責策劃及帶領青蔥計 劃 轄 下 的 「 自 游 . 自 在 - 親 子 水 療 學 堂 」, 以 及 由 「美贊臣社區關懷計劃」贊助的「親.早.啟動」 早產幼兒親子水療課程。去年 亦在網站加入水療資訊及影片, 讓公眾認識水療的效用。

During the year, the Society's physiotherapist team designed a range of hydrotherapy programmes tailored to the developmental needs of children to help them raise their fitness levels and improve their sports and learning performance. Project HAP:PIER, sponsored by the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, provided hydrotherapy groups for 48 children with ASD or physical handicaps and their parents. After 12 hydrotherapy sessions, the participating children showed significant progress in their fitness and learning abilities. In addition, the physiotherapists also designed and conducted the hydrotherapy programmes for our Supportive Learning Project, as well as Project PRETERM, which was sponsored by the Mead Johnson Nutrition Community Care Scheme. Information and videos have been added to the webpage to introduce hydrotherapy to the public.

個案分享 Case sharing 先天有肢體弱能的芊悠,關節及肌肉緊張,四肢出現水 腫,難以控制身體活動。協康會物理治療督導主任許鳳 櫻表示:「芊悠身形較胖,她在水中不受重量限制,能自 由活動,拉筋時也輕鬆得多,經過12節的訓練,芊悠的 心肺功能有明顯進步,促進了血液循環,改善了她長期 緩慢的心跳。」 Chin-yau has a congenital physical handicap. As a result, her joints and muscles are tense and her limbs show signs of oedema. She often has difficulty controlling her body’s movements. Ms Winnie Hui, Physiotherapist Supervisor for the Heep Hong Society says, “Chin-yau’s body is on their heavier side, but she is not weighed down in the water and can move freely. She is more flexible when she stretches. After 12 sessions, her cardiac and pulmonary functions have been much improved. Her blood circulation has also improved, which leads to improvements with her slow heart rate condition.”


2019 - 2020

個案分享 Case sharing

Chun-wing shows signs of ASD. Due to a global developmental delay, his motor coordination is weaker, which makes him prone to falling when he walks. He is also fearful of having his head coming into contact with water, getting very upset every time he washes his hair. His mother, Mrs Mak, reported that “One time, Chung-wing lost his temper because of a trivial matter. The physiotherapist taught him to use breathing techniques to calm his breathing and relax his mind. Now, he can put his whole head into the bathtub when he bathes. His ability to balance his body and his muscular strength have also improved a lot.”

Annual Report

有自閉症傾向的 竣 穎 , 因 整 體 發 展 遲 緩 , 身 體 協 調 能 力 較 弱 , 走 路 時 容 易 跌 倒 , 他 又 害 怕 眼 耳 口 鼻 接 觸 到 水 , 每 次 洗頭都會情緒失 控 。 媽 媽 麥 太 說 : 「 有 次 竣 穎 因 小 事 發 脾 氣 , 治 療 師 利 用 水 中 的 呼 吸 技 巧 , 讓 竣 穎 慢 慢 從 呼 吸 的 節 奏中放鬆心情,現在洗澡時則可以把整個頭浸到浴缸中玩水!他的身體平衡力大有改善,肌肉力量也得以提升。」

年 報

「Play N Able計劃」 提升兒童玩樂質素 Play N Able programmes provide quality play for children 玩樂是兒童的基本權利。本會有幸獲陳廷驊慈善基金 會及顧積善堂慈善基金贊助,於2019年12月至2021年 8月舉辦「Play N Able計劃」,為特殊幼兒中心教職員 提供遊戲教學培訓,學習將「自由遊戲」(free play)注入 有特殊需要兒童的教學內容。此外,計劃亦為家長提 供遊戲訓練及親子遊戲實踐課,讓他們體會遊戲對 有特殊學習需要孩子的重要性,享受親子樂。計劃 同 時 資 助 15 間 特 殊 幼 兒 中 心 的 兒 童 參 與 由 智 樂 兒 童 遊 樂 協 會 舉 辦 的 「Play N Able Day」,以 及 資 助 中 心 添置遊戲課教具及物資。 Playing is a basic right of children. Thanks to the sponsorship of the D. H. Chen Foundation and the Koo's Giving Charitable Foundation, the Society implements the Play N Able Project from December 2019 to August 2021. Training is provided to teachers at our Special Child Care Centres (SCCCs) to help them incorporate free play into the curriculum. Play training and parent-child play classes are offered to parents so that they can understand the importance of play for children with SEN. The project also sponsored 15 SCCCs for taking part in the “Play N Able Day” hosted by Playright Children's Play Association and purchasing new toys for play classes. 兒童參與「Play N Able Day」活動,樂而忘返 Children have a great time at “Play N Able Day”


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

課後輔導 支援SEN學童 Supporting SEN students through after-school tutoring

Advancement to Full Potential

在主流學校就讀的有特殊需要學童不論學業上或校園 生活上均面對不少挑戰,本會特意推行多個課後支援 計劃,幫助就讀主流小學的有特殊需要學童應付學習 上的要求,主要以小組形式為學童提供課後全方位學 科功課輔導,協助學童解決功課上的難題,提升主動 學習的能力,並引入社交訓練小組,以提升學童的社 交技巧和情緒控制能力,又不時舉辦講座及工作坊, 以紓緩家長的管教壓力。

Children with SEN who study in mainstream schools face a multitude of challenges to both their academic performance and their school life. Over the years, the Society has implemented a number of support programmes to help these children cope with academic demands, including after-school tutoring groups designed to help them academically and stimulate their interest in learning. These groups also provide the participants with social skills training to improve their social and emotional regulation skills. A series of talks and workshops were also held for parents to help relieve their stress.

由攜手扶弱基金贊助、為期兩年的「成長導航—課後功課輔導及支援服務計劃」(第二期)於2020年 順利完成,獲參與的學校老師、社工及家長好評。2019-2020學年,「成長導航」計劃移師至新界 區舉辦,同時推出高功能自閉症兒童社交溝通家長講座系列,讓家長從社交思考的角度去了解自 閉症兒童的社交表現,掌握有關的訓練方法,從而協助兒童改善人際關係。 The two-year After School Tutoring Support for Students with SEN in Mainstream Schools programme, sponsored by the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, successfully drew to a close in 2020. The programme gained overwhelmingly favourable responses from the participating teachers, social workers and parents. During the 2019-2020 school year, the programme moved to the New Territories, with a series of talks held for parents of children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. These talks guided parents to understand their children’s behaviour through the perspective of social thinking and also equipped them with training methods to help their children improve interpersonal relationships.

攜 手 扶 弱 基 金 同 時 贊 助 「 愛 心 教 室 延 續 計 劃 」 課 後 學 習 及 情 緒 支 援 服 務 , 於 2019-2022 年 推 行 , 每 年 到 主 流 小 學 支 援 24 名 有 特 殊 需 要 的 學 童 , 年 內 又 在 校 舉 行 兩 次 的 家 長 育 兒 工 作 坊 , 以 及 舉辦了三次網上家長教材分享工作坊,增強家長跟進子女功課及培育子女的技巧。 The After School Tutoring and Emotional Support Group for Students with SEN programme is also sponsored by the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, running from 2019 to 2022. This year, the programme supported 24 students with SEN. Two parenting workshops were held at the participating schools as well as three online workshops in which teachers shared their teaching materials to help parents nurture their children and keep track of their homework performance.

「星之學堂」由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助,為八至十名自閉症學生提供持續性課後支援 服務,助學生適應主流學校環境。社工及特殊幼兒老師針對自閉症中小學生的需要,提供適切 支援,如停課期間持續於網上舉辦情緒、學術及社交小組等,以及舉辦網上家長講座,幫助家長 了解親子關係和升中選校等。 Meanwhile, our Star Classroom - After School Learning and Social Support Group programme, sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, also continued. The programme supports eight to 10 children with ASD attending mainstream schools and sees social workers and teachers from the Society provide services tailored to the needs of primary and secondary school students with ASD. During the pandemic-related suspension of classes in 2020, the programme held online groups that provided emotional support, academic support and social skills development. Online talks were also organised to help parents gain deeper insight into parent-child relationships and the secondary school selection process.


年 報 Annual Report

With the sponsorship of the Van Tse Zung Charity Foundation, the Van Tse Zung After-school Tutorial Project was launched in 2019. The project provides group training and academic guidance to primary school students which allows them to adapt to school life and the new learning mode. The participating children learn how to follow classroom rules, adopt an active learning attitude, and integrate into the social groups more effectively.

2019 - 2020

承 蒙 萬 志 仁 慈 善 基 金 贊 助 ,「 萬 志 仁 課 後 支 援 計 劃 」 於2019學年開展,旨在透過持續及循序漸進的小組訓練, 讓兒童對小學生活有全面的理解和掌握,為適應學習生活 作更好的準備。課程主要包括為兒童提供學習指導、小學 生活流程訓練等,建立及鞏固兒童的課堂規則及積極的 學習態度,讓兒童適應小學的群體生活。

課後功課輔導不但幫助有特殊需要學童提升學業表 現,同時也能紓緩家長的育兒壓力 After-school support projects not only help children improve their academic performance, they also help parents learn to relieve stress


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

自閉症人士支援中心 拓展社區網絡 The Society’s Support Centre for Persons with Autism expands its social network

Advancement to Full Potential

協康會自閉症人士支援中心主要為15歲或 以上高能力自閉症青年及其家庭提供支援。 過去一年共支援182位青年,並為其中40位 青年訂立全方位個別就業計劃,為他們投入 職場作充分的準備。同時舉辦社區聯繫活 動,讓社區人士增加對自閉症青年的認識及 了解,擴闊社區網絡。因應青年的個人興趣 和才華,自閉症人士支援中心亦設立合適的 平台讓他們發揮所長,參與社區活動,例如 安排熱衷攝影的青年到本會中心的畢業禮中 擔任義務攝影師等。 年內,自閉症人士支援中心採用以優勢 為本(strength-based approach)的支援模式 與青年同行,務求讓青年能夠發展個人 潛能,貢獻社會。在「工作自選站」 小組中,青年需與組員一起商討、策劃、 鼓勵 自閉 症青 年參 與社 區活 動, 增添 社交 溝通 經驗 ,幫 助大 眾了 解自 The Centre encourages 作出決策,以及實踐計劃,以達成指定 閉症 young people with HFA to play an active role them gain more social in their communities, and com mun icati helping 的目標,社工擔任從旁指導的角色。 on experience while edu cating the public about ASD 過程中,青年能培養解難能力、責任感、 團隊精神、社交溝通能力,提升自信心, 對他們的日常生活帶來正面的影響。參與 小組的青年成功為本會白田中心設計及製作畢業禮物, 更親身到中心向家長分享製作時的點滴,最後將他們的「作品」獻給畢業生,令家長大為感動。 The Support Centre for Persons with Autism (SPA) primarily provides support to young people with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFA) aged 15 or above and their family members. Over the past year, the Centre supported 182 young people to prepare them for entering the workforce. Comprehensive employment support service was offered to 40 of these participants. The Centre also held a number of community activities to give the general public opportunities to interact with and gain a deeper understanding of young people with ASD. Based on the personal interests and talents of the young people, SPA also set up platforms for them to use their strengths and participate in community activities, such as arranging those who were enthusiastic about photography to serve as volunteer photographers in the graduation ceremony of other service centres. SPA adopted a strength-based approach to support young people, so that young people can develop their personal potential and contribute to society. In the “work-selection station” group, young people needed to discuss, plan, make decisions, and execute plans with other group members to achieve the specified goals. Social workers only provided guidance to them. During this process, young people developed problem-solving skills, sense of responsibility, teamwork, social communication skills, improved self-confidence, which all had a positive impact on their daily lives. The young people who participated in the group successfully designed and produced graduation gifts for our Pak Tin Center. They even visited the center to share with the parents their experience with producing the souvenirs, and finally presented their products to the graduates. The parents were touched.

不時 舉辦 戶外 活動 ,讓 青年 與朋 輩享 建立 友誼 ,互 相扶 持

受快 樂時 光,

activities to help young people The Centre regularly holds outdoor time together bond with each other and enjoy their


「工 作自 選站 」小 組鼓 勵青 年參 與計 劃和 決策 , 互相 合作 ,以 達成 目標

The “work selection stati on” group encourages youn g people to be actively involved in planning and decision-m aking, and be cooperative with each othe r to achieve their goals

With sponsorship from the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, the Society launched Project G.R.O.W., a two-year programme which provides guidance for career development and employment support for young people with SEN. Adopting the GROW model approach, our social workers offer career planning and counselling to young people with ASD, dyslexia, physical handicaps, speech impairments, and learning difficulties. The project helps young people understand their own abilities and value systems, set career goals, create action plans, improve their vocational skills, and strengthen their self-confidence and resilience – all with the ultimate goal of helping them overcome life’s challenges. Project G.R.O.W. launched earlier in 2020 and has so far benefited over 167 young people.

年 報 Annual Report

本會獲得社會福利署攜手扶弱基金撥款資助,推 行為期兩年的「飛躍.里晴」青年成長指導及就業 支 援 計 劃 , 運 用「 GROW Model-生 涯 規 劃 」介入 策略,由社工提供成長輔導及生涯規劃指導服務, 協助有特殊教育需要,包括自閉症譜系障礙、讀寫 障礙、肢體殘障、語障及學習遲緩的青年。計劃 主要幫助青年認識個人能力和價值觀,設定職涯 目標和行動計劃,提升他們的工作技能、自信心 和抗逆力,讓他們能夠應付生活中各種挑戰。計劃 自2020年開展,現已服務超過167名青年。

2019 - 2020

生涯規劃指導 踏上「飛躍 ‧ 里晴」之路 Project G.R.O.W. guides young people along their career paths

青年參與「職興啟導工 作 坊 — 餐 飲 訓 練 篇 」, 學習摺疊餐巾 The young people learn how to fold napkins in the food and beverage workshop

職場體驗 助青年尋找路向 Vocational experience gives direction to young people 在 太 平 山 扶 輪 社 支 持 下 , 本 會 海 富 中 心 於 2020 年 6 月 設 立 「 青 年 職 業 訓 練 空 間 」, 以 及 推 出 為 期 兩 年 的 「 V I P- S E N 青 年 職 場 訓 練 及 體 驗 計 劃 」, 幫助16至35歲曾就讀主流學校的有特殊學習需要 青年認識自我及尋找職業路向。青年可自選職業 培訓工作坊,亦有機會到職場實習體驗。除了實用 技巧,中心亦會透過生涯規劃、歷奇為本活動等, 助青年認識自己、改善社交溝通,為投身職場作 充分準備。未來將舉行社區融合活動,加強公眾 教育,讓更多人認識特殊學習需要青年的工作 需要,並給予他們機會和支持。 感謝太平山扶輪社支持「VIP-SEN青年職場訓練及體驗計劃」 Our gratitude goes to Rotary Club of the Peak for supporting the VIP-SEN programme

青年即場為嘉賓沖調奶茶和咖啡 A young person brews coffee and milk tea for the guests

Supported by the Rotary Club of the Peak, the Society’s Hoi Fu Centre set up the Vocational Training Space for Youth in June 2020 and launched the two-year Vocational Training and Internship Programme for Special Educational Needs (VIP-SEN). The programme is designed for young people with SEN between 16 and 35 years of age who have studied in mainstream schools and are seeking to explore their career paths and understand themselves. The participants are able to pick their own vocational training workshops and take part in internships. Apart from practical skills, the programme also helps young people come to understand themselves and improve their communication skills through career planning and adventure-based activities – eventually preparing them to enter the workforce. In the future, the programme will organise community integration activities and public education activities which will help create public support and understanding about the vocational needs of young people with SEN.


健 樂 成 長 盡 展 潛 能

飛「悅」難關 一站式就業支援 CHEER 30 Project provides employment support at one stop 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助,為期三年的協康會 賽 馬 會 「 星 亮 計 劃 — 飛 『 悅 』 3 0 」踏 入 第 二 年 度 , 繼續提供一站式的就業支援,服務16至35歲的高功 能自閉症青年及其家人。計劃團隊包括心理學家、 職業治療師、社工、培訓及就業主任,為自閉症青年 尋找各類的工作機遇及進行訓練,當中包括積木禮品

Advancement to Full Potential

製作、電腦程式檢測、教材製作及繪畫插圖等,讓 他們發展專長及技能,發揮才華,往夢想進發。

The CHEER 30 Project – a three-year programme sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust – entered its second year this year, continuing to offer one-stop employment support to young people aged 16 to 35 with HFA and their families. The project team, including psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, and employment coaches, actively looked for employment opportunities for the young participants and then provided them with the appropriate training. A series of workshops was organised, which included such diverse topics as making building block souvenirs, computer programme testing, designing training aids, and drawing and illustration. Each workshop was designed to help the participants reach their full potential and work towards their chosen goals.

計劃 轄下 的「 星Club同 樂會 」不 時舉 辦小 組活 動, 讓自 閉症 青年 擴闊 社交 圈子

The STAR Club hosts regu lar group activities to help young people with HFA expand their socia l circles

在導師 帶領下 ,學員接 受獨立 生活技 能訓練

living skills under The young participants develop their independent the guidance of a coach

個案分享 Case sharing 今年24歲的協康會青年學員Michael,有高功能自閉症,擁有典型自閉症 譜系障礙的特質,如社交溝通困難、固執思想等,現於社福機構擔任活動 助 理 , 並 與 父 母 同 住 。 Michael 媽 媽 Windy 認 為 兒 子 仍 未 有 足 夠 能 力 展 開 獨 立 生 活 :「 幾 年 前 我 和 丈 夫 去 台 灣 旅 行 , Michael 要 獨 自 在 家 , 由 於 他 不會烹飪,竟連續幾天只吃雪藏蛋糕果腹,或到附近餐廳進餐,也沒有 幫忙處理家務。」 Michael 其 後 參 加 了 飛 「 悅 」 30 計 劃 , 在 職 業 治 療 師 及 社 工 協 助 下 , 學習多種獨立生活技能,包括個人管理方面如整理儀容、財務管理、家居 管理如洗熨和烹飪等,獨立生活能力大大提升。

以前Michael還未懂烹飪,現在已能下廚烹調 簡單家常菜 Before participating in CHEER 30, Michael did not know how to cook, but now he can prepare simple meals

Michael, 24, is a youth member of the Heep Hong Society. He has HFA and displays some of the typical characteristics of ASD, such as difficulties with social communication and stubbornness. He lives with his parents and works at a non-governmental organisation. His mother, Windy, believes that he is not yet ready to start living independently. Windy says, “A few years ago I went on holiday with my husband to Taiwan. Michael had to live alone at that time. As he did not know how to cook, he only ate cake from the refrigerator or went out for meals whenever he was hungry. He also did no other chores.” Later on, Michael joined the CHEER 30 Project and received independent living skills training from occupational therapists and social workers. After taking part in the project, he has made gains in self-care aspects liking grooming and financial management, and in home management tasks like ironing and cooking. His ability to live independently has significantly improved.


2019 - 2020

StarTER 計劃 助青年「啟程 ‧ 職聘」 StarTER Project helps young people embark on their careers

青年 參加 海上 歷奇 訓練 ,提 升獨 立能 力和 團隊 合作 精神 Young people take part in nautical adventure-ba sed training exercises to build their inde pendence and team spirit

The Heep Hong Society’s Jockey Club StarTER Project was implemented in 2018, with sponsorship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The project serves young people over 15 with HFA, ADHD, or other specific learning difficulties, as well as their families. The participants receive vocational training and employment support. The project team has also formed partnerships with employers which allow the young people to take part in internships and begin planning their employment. Last year, the project served 258 young people. This year, during the coronavirus pandemic, 136 activity sessions were conducted via video conferencing, allowing the participants to continue their career development. Activities covered during the online sessions included career planning, emotional regulation, social skills, and sports and health.

興趣啟導活動有助青年發掘興趣,發揮才 提升自 信,認 識志同 道合的 朋友

年 報 Annual Report

協康會賽馬會「啟程 ‧ 職聘」支援計劃自2018年開展, 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款資助,主要為15歲以上 高功能的自閉症、專注力不足/過度活躍症,以及特殊 學習困難青年及其家人提供職訓及就業支援,並與僱主 建 立 「 伙 伴 合 作 關 係 」, 支 援 青 年 於 職 場 實 習 及 開 展 就 業 計 劃 , 去 年 共 服 務 了 258 名 青 年 。 疫 情 期 間 小 組 改 以 網 上 視 像 會 議 方 式 進 行 , 舉 行 了 136 節 以 生 涯 規劃、情緒處理、社交技巧及運動健康為主題的小組, 幫助青年在居家抗疫期間維持生涯規劃的發展。


their potential Special interest activities help young people explore get to know peers and their interests, enhance their confidence and who share a similar interest

個案分享 Case sharing Peter 大 專 畢 業 後 , 加 入 「 啟 程 ‧ 職 聘 」 支 援 計 劃 學 習 職 場 社 交 技 巧 訓 練,讓有自閉症的他了解到職場上與上司及同事相處時,對答時要顧及別 人感受。 Peter 亦 參 加 了 工 作 實 習 計 劃 , 在 實 習 單 位 中 , 學 到 書 本 及 學 校 沒 有 教 授 的實際工作知識及技巧,讓他了解自己職涯規劃上的發展。他在完成實習 後,成功找到與於他畢業學科的全職工作,亦在工作中找到滿足感。同時 又繼續參加計劃中的在職年輕人小組,一起分享工作的苦與樂。 After graduating from a tertiary education institute, Peter, who has ASD, joined the StarTER Project. Learning social skills for an office environment has taught him to pay attention to the perspectives of others when making conversation with his supervisors and colleagues. During his internship, he learned practical skills and knowledge which he had not been taught at school, gaining insights into his own career development in the process. After the internship, he found a fulfilling full-time job which was related to his degree. He continues to participate in groups where working young people share their work-related experiences with each other.


與 時 並 進 協 同 創 新



Responsiveness and Innovation in Teamwork

過去一年面對種種挑戰,協康會上下都沒有因而停滯 不前,反而繼續積極拓展服務,除開設了新的青蔥 計劃服務中心,又緊貼科技發展趨勢,於協康會綜 合服務大樓內設置全新的「VR體驗館」及相關科技 設施,大大提升社區適應訓練的真實感。本會又首度 舉辦網上書展及新書推介會等,讓讀者以更便捷的 方法購得專業育兒書籍。

Over the past year, the Heep Hong Society has continued to work actively to expand our services. In addition to opening a new Supportive Learning Project Centre, the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex also installed a brand-new, high-tech VR CAVE and related IT facilities, additions which have dramatically improved the authenticity of our social adaptation training offerings. Also, for the first time, the Society organised an online book fair and online book launches to help keep readers safe during the pandemic and make it easier for them to purchase parenting books.

設新中心及服務點 擴充服務名額 Opening new centre and service points to expand service capacity 本會成功投得社會福利署將軍澳雍明苑項目,即將成立本會 第八間綜合服務中心,提供60個特殊幼兒中心學額及90個早期 教育及訓練中心學額,預計最快可於2021年第一季投入服務, 進一步紓緩東九龍區學前康復服務短缺的情況。 另外,為了讓有特殊需要兒童及早得到適切的治療,青蔥計劃近年 積極拓展服務網絡,於中環開設新服務中心,為有發展障礙的學前 幼兒、學齡兒童及青少年提供專家評估及訓練,包括心理服務、 兒童發展治療、幼兒訓練及個別音樂治療。當中嶄新的發展治療 服務為不同年齡層的孩子提供導向治療,定出有特別發展需要的 領域,發展個人的潛能。

中心設有心理學家服務,為兒童提供評估 Psychologists at the Centre provide assessments to children

青蔥計劃又與不同團體攜手合作,分別於旺角、荃灣、銅鑼灣新增 三個服務點,為二至四歲的兒童提供物理治療服務,期望未來可以 陸續增加更多訓練地點,方便家長和兒童。 The Society won a bid for a Social Welfare Department project in Yung Ming Court in Tseung Kwan O. This means we are set to open our eighth mixed-mode centre, which will offer 60 special child care centre places and 90 early education and training centre places. The centre is expected to begin operations in early 2021, which will hopefully relieve the chronic shortage of pre-school rehabilitation services in the East Kowloon Region.

協康會青蔥計劃中環兒童發展中心位處中環 核心地段,交通方便 The SLP’s new Central Child Development Centre is easily accessible as it is situated in the heart of Central


To ensure that children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) receive suitable training as early as possible, the Supportive Learning Project (SLP) has been putting extra effort in expanding the service network. A new centre was opened in Central in 2020 which provides professional assessment and training to pre-school children, school-aged children and teenagers. The new centre offers psychological services, child development training, pre-school training, and individual music therapy. Each of these services adopts a child-oriented approach: therapists identify each child’s areas in need of development, and then work with them closely to help them reach their full potential. This year, the SLP also worked in collaboration with other organisations to add three new service points in Mong Kok, Tsuen Wan and Causeway Bay, each providing physiotherapy services to children aged two to four. It is hoped that more training venues will be added in the near future to make such services even more accessible to parents and children.

2019 - 2020

善用科技裝置 提升社區適應訓練 Using technology to “level up” social adaptation training The Society always strives to keep abreast of the latest technology and find ways to apply it to our training and services. This year, with the sponsorship of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, two high-tech facilities were installed in the multi-purpose S.H. Ho Hall in the Heep Hong Society Integrated Service Complex – both of which have improved the quality of our social adaptation training offerings. The first is the VR Cave, designed to apply virtual reality (VR) technology to generate simulated real-world scenarios using graphics, computer simulations, artificial intelligence, sensors, and realistic displays. Using the VR devices, SEN children learn to adapt to different types of day-to-day activities, such as taking the MTR, crossing roads safely, visiting neighbourhood parks and theme parks, and even participating in sports. The second installation is a physical mock-up of a gate system that is used to help children learn how to enter and exit public transport gates. The system uses near field communication (NFC) technology, which allows the non-contact point-to-point transfer of data. During the simulations, children swipe a card as they pass through the gate. Teachers can pre-set different situations – both routine and unusual – and, through role-play, help the children learn to adapt to these scenarios.

年 報 Annual Report

本會緊貼科技發展,在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助 下,於協康會綜合服務大樓內的何善衡堂多用途室, 設置兩項嶄新的科技裝置,進一步提升社區適應訓練 質素。應用虛擬實境科技的「VR體驗館」,利用電腦 整合電腦圖形、電腦仿真、人工智能、感應、顯示 等技術,產生虛擬世界,讓學童學習適應五類社區 活動,包括乘搭港鐵、道路安全、參觀主題公園、 到公園遊玩及參與體育活動。此外,模擬「協康 快線」入閘訓練系統讓兒童學習出閘及入閘程序, 適應乘搭交通工具的場景。此系統應用了嶄新的「近場 通信」技術(NFC,Near Field Communication),可以 進行非接觸式點對點資料傳送,讓兒童體驗拍卡出 入閘的過程。而通過角色扮演,老師可以為兒童預先 設置不同的出入閘情景,提高兒童的反應能力。

全新的「VR體驗館」提供真實感極高的環境, 進一步提升兒童社區適應訓練的質素 The VR CAVE creates highly realistic simulations of different environments, significantly improving the quality of social adaptation training

另外,本會自2018年起開始於兒童的社區適應訓練中 引 入 機 械 人 Pepper , 研 發 出 「 社 會 適 應 — 超 級 巿 場 購物體驗」教案,配合模擬超級市場的場境,與兒童 一起互動學習,2020年6月更於「第十屆兩岸四地 啟智會議」以海報形式發表,與業界分享於教學中 應用機械人的心得。 本會亦於年內推出了兩個重要的系統—內聯網系統 (intranet)及人力資源管理系統(HRIS),藉以進一步提 升運作效率,提高整體服務質素。

Since 2018, the Society has used Pepper the Robot in various training situations. Using Pepper and a simulated supermarket environment, our team has developed a sophisticated teaching plan for social adaptation training that focuses on getting used to shopping in supermarkets. In June 2020, the teaching plan was presented in poster format to rehabilitation practitioners in the 10th Cross-strait Four Regions Special Needs Service Conference. The Society also launched two important systems during the year – the intranet and the human resource management system (HRIS) - to further improve operational efficiency and overall service quality.

兒 童 購 物 後 請 Pepper 一同檢視購買的物品 是否正確

兒童使用「協康快線」 入閘訓練系統練習出閘

With Pepper assisting, a child verifies that the goods she has selected are correct

A child uses the entrance gate system to practice entering the gate


與 時 並 進 協 同 創 新

出版育兒新書 首辦網上書展 Releasing new books at our first-ever online book fair 本 會 於 年 內 推 出 新 書 ─ 從 多 角 度 提 升 兒 童 專 注 力 的《從專心出發》,以 及 鞏 固 兒 童 聽 說 、 閱 讀 及 書 寫 基 礎 的 《 悅 讀 語 文 家 族 》。《 從 專 心 出 發 》 由 協 康 會 的 職 業 治 療 師 團 隊 精 心 編 寫 , 引 導 讀 者 從 多 角 度 去 分 析 孩 子 不 專 心 的 成 因 , 介 紹 在 日 常 生 活 中 具 體 可 行 的 專 注 訓 練 策 略 及 方 法 ;《 悅 讀 語 文 家 族 》 由 協 康 會 跨 專 業 團 隊 編寫,精選50個有趣好玩的語文活動,幫助幼兒在「聽與說」、「閱讀」及「書寫」三個範疇打好基礎。兩本 新書均包含多個教材和教學短片,只需用手機掃瞄二維碼(QR code)即可下載及收看。

Responsiveness and Innovation in Teamwork

This year, the Society published two new books: From Attention to Goal, which helps children enhance their attention abilities; and The Language Family, designed to strengthen children’s language foundations. Written by our team of occupational therapists, From Attention to Goal guides readers through the causes of inattention and introduces practical strategies to help children focus better. The Language Family was written by our cross-disciplinary team of professionals and includes a compilation of 50 fun and engaging language games that help children develop a solid foundation for listening and speaking, reading, and writing. Both new publications come with online teaching materials and training videos which can be accessed by scanning a QR code on the book.

本 會 今 年 又 決 定 進 軍 香 港 書 展 2020 , 雖 然 因 疫 情 關 係 需 要 延 期 舉 行 , 但 網 上 書 展 自 2020 年 7 月 推 出 後反應熱烈,讓家長和教師可以足不出戶購得專業 育兒書籍。 To promote these books, the Society also planned to take part in the Hong Kong Book Fair 2020, which was eventually postponed due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Despite this setback, we participated in the Online Book Fair that took place in July and received an enthusiastic response. The Online Book Fair made it possible for parents and teachers to buy Heep Hong Society publications without leaving their homes.

家長可利用《從專心出發》 內的策略,幫助孩子成為 「 專 心 小 王 子 / 小 公 主 」, 改善自我管理表現 Parents can adopt the strategies introduced in From Attention to Goal to help their children become better at self-management

《悅讀語文家族》內的活動 特別適合有潛藏讀寫困難的 兒童 The activities inside The Language Family are especially suitable for children who are at risk of developing dyslexia

新世代家長育兒系列書籍廣受讀者歡迎, 其中五本於 2020年推出新版 Five of our most popular publications were published in new editions in 2020


2019 - 2020

鑽研SCERTS模式 出版活動指南 Publishing our research on the SCERTS model

年 報

Short for “Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support”, the Society first introduced the SCERTS® model, which originated in the United States, into our training in 2011. The Society first sent a delegate overseas to observe how the model was applied. We then published our own SCERTS Model Implementation Guide and a “Social Emotion” app in 2015. After gaining invaluable experience, in 2017, our SCERTS team embarked on a new phase of service and research through sponsorship from the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged. The SCERTS model was then adopted in five early education and training centres and five special child care centres, eventually benefiting 302 children and their parents. Up to this year, nearly 1,250 training sessions for children and over 320 consultation sessions for parents and teachers have been provided.

Annual Report

協 康 會 於 2011 年 開 始 從 美 國 引 進 SCERTS®自 閉 症 綜 合 教 育 模 式 , 並 曾 派 員 工 到 海 外 考 察 SCERTS 模 式 的 應 用 , 並 於 2015 年 出 版 《 知 情 解 意 : S C E R T S 綜 合 教 育 模 式 應 用 手 冊 》。 協 康 會 S C E R T S 專 責 小 組 累 積 了 多 年 的 實 踐 經 驗 , 於 2017 年 展 開 新 一 期 的 服 務 及 研 究 計 劃 , 由 攜手扶弱基金贊助,於五間特殊幼兒中心及五間早期教育及訓練中心內 推 行 SCERTS 模 式 , 幫 助 302 名 幼 兒 及 其 家 長 , 進 行 了 近 1,250節 訓 練 , 以及逾320節教師及家長諮詢服務。

講 座 能 有 效 加 深 參 加 者 對 SCERTS 模 式 的 理解和應用 The seminar was well-received and gave the participants a deeper understanding of the theories and practice of the SCERTS model

SCERTS專責小組於2019年12月推出「知情解意」系 列 第 二 本 書 籍 《 知 情 解 意 : SCERTS綜 合 教 育 模 式 活 動 指 南 》, 按 自 閉 症 兒 童 的 發 展 階 段 , 設 計 了 60個 適 用於個別及小組訓練之活動,幫助自閉症兒童發展 社交溝通和情緒調節能力,與廣大業界同工及家長 分 享 。 同 月 又 舉 行 講 座 , 介 紹 SCERTS的 各 項 支 援 策 略 及 分 享 實 際 應 用 之 經 驗 , 吸 引 超 過 320名 業 界 人士及家長出席,更有超過95%參加者表示會於日常 訓練中應用講座介紹的策略。

SCERTS模式運用圖卡, 協助兒童溝通 The SCERTS Model uses cards to help children communicate

In December 2019, the Society’s SCERTS team published their second book, the SCERTS Model Activity Guide. The book outlines 60 individual and group training activities which are categorised into different stages to assist the development of children with ASD, aiming to help them develop their social communication skills and emotional regulation competence. In the same month, the team also held a seminar to introduce various support strategies and share their clinical experience. More than 320 sector practitioners and parents attended the talk, with over 95% of them saying that they would apply these strategies in their training sessions.

《知情解意: SCERTS綜合教育模式活動指南》 包含超過 60個本會自家設計的精選活動 The SCERTS Model Activity Guide comes with over 60 training activities designed by the Society


與 時 並 進 協 同 創 新

教材顯創意 網上直播講故事 Producing creative teaching materials and live streams 要提升兒童及青少年參與訓練的動力,從他們的興趣入手是一個好方法。本會由利希慎基金贊助的「啟動腦 潛能—ADHD初中學生自我管理訓練」計劃在設計教材上別出心裁,為了迎合時下中學生的興趣,本會職業治 療 師 團 隊 特 別 創作了一首饒舌歌曲,歌詞包含各種口訣,幫助有專注力不足/過度活躍症(ADHD)的學 童 將 運 用執行功能的方法銘記於心,以改善衝動行為。另外,團隊亦以「電競」為主題,製作了一系列「裝備卡」, 將執行功能抽象的概念變得具體,幫助學童掌握。

Responsiveness and Innovation in Teamwork

To make children and teenagers more motivated to participate in training, a good way to start is by tapping into their interests. This year, the Society’s Brain Challenge Intervention Programme for ADHD Secondary School Students, sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation, used this idea to put in extra effort into designing teaching materials. The programme’s occupational therapist team wrote a rap song which helps teenage ADHD students remember ways to use their executive functions to give them better control over their impulsive behaviour. They also designed a deck of “gadget cards” using an e-sports theme to make these executive functions more concrete for the students.

本會職業治療師以新穎手法,包括創作 饒舌歌曲,提醒學童運用執行功能,控制 衝動行為 Our occupational therapists employed creative means like writing a rap song to remind students about the importance of controlling impulsive behaviour

「啟動腦潛能」計劃以青少年熱愛的「電競」主題設計教材,提升學童 參與訓練的興趣 Some teaching materials were designed using an e-sports theme to make the training more appealing to adolescent students

面對疫情持續不斷,學校需要停課,公眾亦避免 外出。本會的團隊發揮靈活變通的精神,設計一 系列網上活動和節目,作出不少新嘗試,讓家長 和孩子安坐家中也能善用時間學習。本會「幼兒 駐校社工服務先導計劃」在停課抗疫期間推行 「Project I-Learning — 網 上 家 長 及 兒 童 學 習 園 地 : 『童』一家」計劃,團隊成員更以真人演繹兒童 故 事 , 包 括 本 會 的 原 創 故 事 《 無 限 星 學 堂 》, 更 親 自 創 作 主 題 曲 , 並 首 次 在 協 康 會 Facebook 專 頁 直播,讓兒童能夠在家欣賞話劇,學習共融理念, 吸 引 超 過 3,400 人 次 觀 看 。 所 有 網 上 節 目 的 觀 看 次數合共近19,000次。 As the coronavirus pandemic continued, classes were suspended and people mostly avoided going out. To help children and parents continue learning and training at home, the Society’s team of professionals got creative, producing a series of live streamed programmes. The Society’s “Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions” launched the “Project I-Learning” video series. The team also performed children’s dramas, including Infinity Star Academy – an original story written by the Heep Hong Society – to teach children about integrated education. They even wrote a theme song. When the drama was aired live on the Society’s Facebook page for the first time, the broadcast attracted over 3,400 views. The online shows have accumulated a total of 19,000 views this year.


本會首次在 Facebook專 頁直播講故 予在有獎問 事,更送出 答遊戲獲勝 《無限星學 的觀眾 堂》 The Society

aired its first drama on Fa cebook Live, Academy to giving out co winners of an pies of Infinit in-show quiz y Star

The two book release talks originally scheduled to take place at the Hong Kong Book Fair were instead aired on our Facebook page, reaching a combined audience of over 12,000 people.

2019 - 2020

本會原定於香港書展期間舉行兩場新書推介會,因應 書 展 延 期 , 亦 改 於 協 康 會 Facebook播 放 , 兩 場 新 書 推介會接觸到超過1萬2千名公眾人士。

年 報 Annual Report

編寫團隊成員於協康會 Facebook介紹兩本新書,分別接觸 過萬名公眾人士 The authors introduced their two new books on Heep Hong Society’s Facebook page, reaching over twelve thousand people

新書推介會幕後製作花絮 Behind the scenes of the book release talks

團隊成員親身上陣,落力演繹《無限星學堂》, 於網上播放 The team members perform the Infinity Star Academy drama


與 時 並 進 協 同 創 新 Responsiveness and Innovation in Teamwork

「同行障礙賽」再獲三項殊榮 “Together We Are Stronger” takes home three more awards 本會2018年底推出「同行障礙賽」短片宣傳活動,活動網站有幸獲頒發第14屆 W3 Awards 的網站銀獎, 於 全 球 超 過5,000份 作 品 中 脫 穎 而 出 , 證 明 網 站 於 創 意 、 功 能 、 視 覺 設 計 、 瀏 覽 及 使 用 等 方 面 達 致 一 定 水準,同時亦於第26屆 Communicator Awards 中榮獲「優秀獎項—網站」。Communicator Awards是享譽 業 界 的 國 際 獎 項 , 有 超 過 6,000間 來 自 全 球 不 同 規 模 的 公 司 和 機 構 參 與 競 逐 , 旨 在 表 彰 營 銷 和 傳 訊 業 界 的 卓 越 表 現 。 而 「 同 行 障 礙 賽 」 活 動 亦 於 2020忠 誠 度 與 聯 繫 大 獎 中 , 獲 頒 發 最 佳 社 會 企 業 責 任 銅 獎 , 以表揚本會在提升與持份者的互動,以及對社會帶來正面的影響。 「同行障礙賽」短片宣傳計劃自2018年底推出以來,共錄得超過450,000次短片瀏覽,以及過百個回饋 及留言,為六個個案主人翁送上真摯的鼓勵。本會將繼續致力推動公眾教育,提升公眾對特殊需要的 關注和接納。 Towards the end of 2018, the Society launched our Together We Are Stronger video campaign, aimed at the parents of SEN children. This year, the campaign website was awarded the “Silver – Website” award at the 14th W3 Awards, beating out intense competition – over 5,000 submissions were made globally. This award recognises the creativity, usability, navigation, functionality, visual design, and ease of use of the campaign website. The campaign website also received the “Award of Distinction (Websites)” at the 26th Annual Communicator Awards. Recognising excellence in marketing and communications, these prestigious international awards received over 6,000 submissions from corporates and organisations of all sizes from around the world. Finally, the Together We Are Stronger video campaign was also presented with the “Bronze – Best Use of Corporate Social Responsibility” award at the Loyalty and Engagement Awards 2020 in recognition of the site’s deep engagement with stakeholders and its positive impact on society. Since the launch of the Together We Are Stronger campaign, the videos have amassed 450,000 views and collected over 100 comments. This is a huge encouragement for the six participating families and reinforces the importance of our work. The Society will continue our public education efforts as we work to raise public awareness and deepen understanding of children and young people with SEN.

以僱員為本 締造家庭友善環境 Cultivating a family-friendly workplace culture 本會一向以僱員為本,並重視生活與工作平衡,今年再度獲頒發兩項榮譽。本會獲 勞 工 處 確 認 為 2020-2022 年 度 《 好 僱 主 約 章 》 合 資 格 機 構 , 證 明 本 會 的 政 策 及 福 利 符合該約章,包括關愛僱員的僱傭措施、工作與家庭/個人生活平衡、優於法例的 僱員福利及良好勞資溝通。同時,本會亦獲勞工處確認為《『友』『家』好僱主》 的合資格機構,表揚本會實行家庭友善僱傭措施,營造一個家庭友善的工作環境。 Heep Hong Society adopts employee-oriented practices and values the concept of work-life balance. This year, we were honoured to receive two awards presented by the Labour Department in recognition of our outstanding performance as an employer. The Certificate of the Good Employer Charter 20202022 recognises the Society’s practices of caring for our employees, promoting work-family and work-life balance, offering employee benefits that are better than the statutory requirements, and maintaining good communications with our employees. The Society was also awarded the “Family-friendly Good Employer” logo for cultivating a family-friendly workplace.


The Society’s Annual Report wins an international award again 協 康 會 2018-2019 年 報 於 第 3 4 屆 國 際 A R C 年 報 大獎(International ARC Awards)中榮獲「非牟利 機構—兒童康復」組別銅獎,以及「封面設計— 兒 童 康 復 」 優 異 獎 。 國 際 ARC 年 報 大 獎 是 全 球 最 大型且享負盛名的年報比賽,能夠再度報捷, 年報水平備受肯定,更是首度獲得設計獎項。 本會將繼續努力不懈提升年報的質素,與社會各 界保持緊密聯繫。

2019 - 2020

融入創新意念 年報再獲國際獎項

年 報 Annual Report

The Society’s 2018-2019 Annual Report received a Bronze award (Non-profit Organization–Child Rehabilitation) and an Honours award (Cover Photo/Design: Child Rehabilitation) at the 34th International ARC Awards. This is the second time the Society has been gilded at these prestigious international annual report awards – a solid endorsement of the quality of our corporate communications work. This was also the first time we have been recognised for our creative design at these awards. The Society will harness this positive encouragement and maintain the high quality of our annual reports while continuously improving our stakeholder communications.

2018-2019年報榮獲國際 ARC年報大獎( International ARC Awards)

銅獎及「封面設計—兒童康復」優異獎 Our 2018-2019 Annual Report won a Bronze award and an Honours award for cover design at the ARC Awards

革新機構刊物 豐富網站內容 Revamping newsletter and enriching website content 本會透過不同渠道與持份者保持緊密的聯繫和 溝通。本會機構刊物《協康滙訊》在2019年重新 定位,以全新雜誌面貌,每半年出版一次,並 改以電郵形式發布以減少資源浪費,為讀者帶來 更豐富的內容、更深入的報道,深受各界歡迎。

《協康滙訊》革新後以雜誌 形式出版,發掘更多感人故事 The revamped Heep Hong Express is published in magazine style, bringing more in-depth and touching stories to readers

協康會網站亦新增以本會專業治療服務為主題的 內容,除了介紹物理治療、言語治療及職業治療 服務外,亦提供相關的評估及訓練範圍、書籍 及其他資訊等。另外,又於網站內增設聊天 機械人,增加互動體驗,幫助用戶更輕易地搜尋 基本服務資訊。

The Society believes in maintaining close communications with our stakeholders through multiple channels. In 2019, our corporate newsletter Heep Hong Express was revamped into a magazine and published every six months, delivered electronically via email in order to be more environmentally friendly. With richer and more in-depth content, the revamped version has been well received by readers.

協康會網站新增專業治療服務專頁 The Heep Hong Society website established a new therapeutic services section

This year, the Heep Hong Society website also added a new section on the Society’s therapeutic services. In addition to introducing physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy, the section also provides information on assessment, training, publications, and other content. A chatbot was also added to the website to engage visitors and help them find basic service information more easily.


承 傳 啟 導 拓 展 專 業


Transferring Knowledge for Professional Development


作為香港最具規模的教育及康復機構之一,本會 一向重視人才培育,轄下的專業教育及發展學會 (APED)緊貼時代步伐,配合特殊學習需要發展 趨勢,將實證為本的專業知識及臨床經驗,傳承 予兩岸四地教育及康復服務業界人才,推動業界 積極發展,同時不忘協助家長裝備多元化的管教 技巧。

As one of the leading education and rehabilitation organisations in Hong Kong, Heep Hong Society takes professional development importantly. Our Academy for Professional Education and Development (APED) has been a pioneer in nurturing talent in the education and rehabilitation sectors in the cross-strait four regions. Keeping abreast of the trend in Special Educational Needs (SEN), our professionals are devoted to sharing their expertise and clinical experience with peer practitioners as well as equipping parents with parenting techniques.

傳承專業 引領業界新力軍 Training the next generation of practitioners 知識是推動康復業界發展的動力來源,本會連續六年獲教育局委託舉辦「教師專業發展課程—照顧幼稚園學生 的學習多樣性:基礎(應用)課程」,檢討問卷的結果顯示,課程成效獲得肯定。課程專為在職幼稚園教師及 校長/副校長而設,旨在讓他們獲得及早識別兒童發展和學習差異的知識和技巧,從而掌握有效的教學策略, 並在課堂上運用,以支援學習多樣性的兒童。另外,第三年開辦的「教師專業發展課程—照顧幼稚園學生的 學 習 多 樣 性 : 進 階(應用)課程」,讓學員在修畢課程後,增加對「介入反應模式」(Response to Intervention)的 認識,並懂得運用進階評估技巧檢視兒童需要,為他們制訂個別教育計劃,以及採取適當的課堂策略和協調 不同教育人員,支援學習多樣性的兒童。上年度兩項課程學生人數近120人,歷年來共培訓528位在職幼稚園 教師、校長及副校長,獲一致好評。 The quest for knowledge is what drives our motivation to promote the development of the rehabilitation sector. This year, for the sixth consecutive year, the Society was commissioned by the Education Bureau to organise the Professional Development Programme for Kindergarten Teachers on Catering for Learner Diversity. A questionnaire circulated after its completion revealed that the participants felt that the programme was effective. Designed for kindergarten teachers, principals and vice principals, the programme equipped them with the knowledge and skills needed to identify children with learning difficulties, as well as effective teaching strategies to use when teaching and supporting children with diverse educational needs. 2020 also marked the third year that an advanced version of the programme was offered. Participants who had completed the basic programme were able to enrol in the advanced course, which focused on how to apply intervention approaches, advanced assessment skills, the formulation of individual education plans for children, the application of classroom strategies, and the coordination of educators. This year, 120 people enrolled in the two courses. Over the past six years, a total of 528 kindergarten teachers, principals, and vice principals have completed at least part of the courses. Overall, the feedback has been very positive. APED團隊分工合作,以視像會議形式舉辦訓練課程 The APED team pulled together to provide training courses via video conferencing


During the 2019-2020 school year, the Society was commissioned by the Education Bureau to organise a new programme – the Schoolbased Teacher Development Scheme in Supporting Students with Developmental Needs in Kindergartens: A Positive Classroom. This was a 14-hour training workshop attended by 90 kindergarten teachers. During the workshop, the teachers learned about the principles and techniques involved in promoting positive behaviour and the strategies needed to manage a classroom that caters to the learning diversity inherent in any group of children. The aim of the programme was to have the participating teachers become proficient at cultivating an inclusive atmosphere at their kindergartens and supporting children who have been diagnosed or are at risk of developmental delay.

年 報 Annual Report

本 會 於 2019-2020 學 年 受 教 育 局 委 託 推 行 「課 堂 『 正 』 策 — 正 向 行 為 管 理 技 巧 」校本 教師發展計劃。計劃為90名幼稚園老師舉辦 14小時的教師培訓工作坊,讓老師學習正向 行為管理的原則和技巧;培訓老師應用課室 管理策略,以支援學生的學習多樣性,期望 日後在幼稚園中建立共融文化,積極支援有 發展遲緩或發展遲緩傾向的學生。

Over the past year, due to social unrest and the coronavirus pandemic, most of our APED courses were conducted via online teaching. The Distance Learning Project – Parent-child Education series was especially popular. For details, please refer to the special feature “Fighting the Coronavirus with SEN Children” in this report.

2019 - 2020

過去一年,因應社會情況及疫情發展,專業 教 育 及 發 展 學 會 ( APED) 的 課 程 主 要 以 網 上 視 像 會 議 形 式 舉 行 , 其 中 「 SEN家 長 學 堂 頻道」課程系列尤其受家長歡迎,詳情請 參閱「同SEN抗疫」特輯。

本會於 2019 - 2020 學年首度舉行「課堂『正』策 — 正向行為 管理技巧」校本教師發展計劃 The Society held the School-based Teacher Development Scheme in Supporting Students with Developmental Needs in Kindergartens: A Positive Classroom for the first time during the 2019-2020 school year

本會連續六年獲教育局委託舉辦「教師專業發展課程」 The Society was commissioned by the Education Bureau to conduct the Professional Development Programme for Kindergarten Teachers on Catering for Learner Diversity for the sixth consecutive year

到校學前康復服務 提供針對性培訓 The OPRS provides training tailored to teachers’ and parents’ needs 本會除了透過APED舉辦教師及家長培訓課程, 承傳專業知識和技巧,本會轄下的服務計劃 亦有提供相關培訓。其中到校學前康復服務 團隊過去舉辦了多場講座及工作坊,由本會 教育心理學家、言語治療師、職業治療師、 物理治療師、社工、幼兒教師等主講,內容 涵蓋各類特殊需要,並針對幼稚園教師及家長 所面對的處境和需要而設計。教師講座及 工 作 坊 總 共 涵 蓋 6 3 個 主 題 , 包 括「 如 何 向 家 長 作 出 轉 介 建 議 」、「 面 對 『 不 願 意 學 習 』 的 孩 子 」、「 在 課 室 環 境 中 提 升 兒 童 的 互 動 溝 通 能 力 」等 。 支 援 家 長 方 面 , 共 有 56 個 不 同主題的講座及工作坊,重點幫助家長增強 管教技巧,掌握進行家居訓練的方法,更特別 設有小一銜接和小一適應講座,講解如何協助 孩子順利過渡至小學。

In addition to organising courses through APED to share our knowledge with teachers and parents, the Society’s service projects and programmes also regularly offer training. Our On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) teams have organised many talks and workshops, which are hosted by our educational psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, and pre-school teachers. The content covers different types of SEN and is tailored to the needs of kindergarten teachers and parents. The workshops and talks for teachers held this year covered no less than 63 topics, including “How to Make Referral Recommendations to Parents”, “Children Who Are Unwilling to Learn”, and “Enhancing Children’s Social Communication Skills in the Classroom”. For parents, there were 56 topics that covered a variety of concepts related to parenting skills and home training. There were also talks about transitioning to Primary One designed to help parents prepare for their children’s advancement to primary school.


承 傳 啟 導 拓 展 專 業

與公大加強合作 培訓本地幼教人材 Partnering with OUHK to nurture future pre-school teachers

Transferring Knowledge for Professional Development

本會自2011年與香港公開大學(下稱公大)開始 合作發展一系列有關學前特殊教育的遙距學士 學位及高級文憑課程,攜手培育幼兒教育界 新 血 。 自 2015 年 更 推 出 幼 兒 教 育 榮 譽 學 士 (幼兒教育:領導及特殊教育需要)銜接學位 面 授 課 程 , 去 年 招 生 的 第 五 屆 學 生 人 數 達 100 人。另外,本會與公大進一步合作,於公大 新 建 的 大 樓 開 設 「 兒 童 發 展 中 心 」, 預 計 可 在 2021 年 初 開 始 運 作 , 除 可 為 學 前 和 學 齡 階 段 的 有特殊學習需要學童提供訓練及支援服務外, 也可為公大學生提供教學示範。

Since 2011, the Society has been partnering with The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) to organise distance learning programmes to help nurture new talent in the pre-school special education sector. Since 2015, face-to-face bridging degree courses have been introduced and became increasingly popular, with 100 students enrolled in the fifth cohort of OUHK’s Bachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education (Leadership and Special Educational Needs). To deepen our partnership, the Society and OUHK will open the Child Development Centre situated in the new building of OUHK. The centre is expected to come into operation in early 2021. Apart from offering training and support services to children from pre-school to primary school age, the centre will serve as a demonstration unit for the training of OUHK students.

善用資訊科技 培訓內地同業 Using information technology to provide training in mainland China 因疫情關係,本會的專業團隊年初起以視像會議 形式為內地不同省市的康復界人員舉行超過40 個培訓班。雖然理論應用課堂及考核均於網上 進行,但學員都仍然積極學習,反應正面。本會 期望於疫情有所改善後,能再度前赴內地繼續 舉辦不同培訓課程。 Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all our courses for rehabilitation practitioners in mainland China were delivered online since early 2020. In spite of the challenges inherent with this model, the Society still managed to conduct over 40 courses and, even though the theory classes and assessments were conducted online, the students were still enthusiastic about learning. The Society hopes to resume delivering face-to-face training in mainland China when the pandemic situation eventually improves.

內地康復界人員透過視像會議形式學習 Rehabilitation practitioners in mainland China attend courses via video conference


鑒於香港地區和中國內地在經濟、社會 和 文 化 領 域 有 差 異 , 本 會 於 2015 年 與 中 山大學附屬第三醫院及香港理工大學合 作就繁體中文版PEP-3進行簡體字版的修 訂,並進行驗證研究,收集內地自閉症 兒童的測試資料,建立了中國內地的常 模 數 據 , 並 於 2019 年 推 出 由 廣 東 海 燕 電 子 音 像 出 版 社 出 版 的 《 CPEP-3 自 閉 症 兒 童 心 理 教 育 評 核 內 地 驗 證 研 究 報 告 》( 簡 稱:CPEP-3)。

2019 - 2020

出版CPEP-3 研發內地評估及訓練教材 Developing assessment and training materials for mainland China

年 報 Annual Report

新 出 版 的 CPEP-3 以 內 地 常 模 數 據 取 代 原 有的香港常模數據,讓訓練人員能夠準 確評估內地兒童的能力和學習需要,以 制訂適合的教育計劃,有助推動內地康 復界的評估和發展。 Taking into account the economic, social, and cultural differences between Hong Kong and mainland China, in 2015, the Society began a partnership with the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to prepare a Simplified Chinese version of the PEP-3 (Psychoeducational Profile, Third Edition), which was based on the Traditional Chinese version, and conduct evidence-based research to establish a norm for children with ASD in mainland China. The Simplified Chinese version (CPEP-3) was published in 2019 by the Guangdong Petrel Electronic and Audio-Visual Publishing House. In the newly-published CPEP-3, the original Hong Kong norm is replaced by the mainland China norm, which allows practitioners to assess the abilities and needs of children in mainland China with higher accuracy. As a result, they can formulate more suitable educational plans for these children. Publishing the CPEP-3 also means we have taken another step towards raising the quality of assessment and rehabilitation development in mainland China.

內地版《兒童發展評估材料》套裝可協助教育人員為學前幼兒進行 評估及訓練 The mainland version of our Developmental Learning Package helps educators conduct assessments and provide training to pre-school children

另為非自閉症兒童,本會於內地開辦「發展遲緩兒童評估 及訓練」課程多年,有見過往內地學員經常難以購買合適 的評估訓練工具,本會去年特別推出內地版《兒童發展 評估材料》套裝,套裝附有超過600件不同形狀、顏色及 用料之評估工具,輔助幼兒教育人員進行六大發展範疇: 大肌肉、小肌肉、自理、認知、語言、社交與情緒的評估 及訓練。

新出版的 CPEP-3提供內地常模數據,專為內地 自閉症評估而設 The new CPEP-3 comes with the mainland China norm, which was specifically established for the assessment of children with ASD in mainland China

For non-autistic children, the Society has offered the Assessment and Training for Children with Developmental Delay programme in mainland China for many years. Recognising how difficult it is for practitioners to purchase suitable assessment and training materials in mainland China, the Society launched a mainland version of our Developmental Learning Package. This version comes with over 600 items used for assessment and training that fall into six major domains: gross motor, fine motor, self-care, cognition, language, social skills, and emotions.


承 傳 啟 導 拓 展 專 業

優質服務分享會 鼓勵員工互相學習 Best Practice sharing event encourages mutual learning

Transferring Knowledge for Professional Development

本會每年均舉辦優質服務分享會,以促進員工之間的學習和欣賞,發揮團隊精神。「優質服務分享會 2020」於1月23日圓滿舉行,當日以「接力同行」為主題,共舉辦了30多個分享工作坊及專業培訓 活動,另外有31間中心及團隊合共展出接近70份不同形式的教材,而員工頒獎禮亦因周年晚宴取消 而改於同日舉行,以表揚去年表現傑出的員工,全日參與同工人數超過700人,30多個工作坊亦迅即 爆滿,反應踴躍。

「優質服務分享會 2020」提供機會和平台讓不同專業及來自不同服務單位的員工交流 Our 2020 Best Practice event was a platform where staff members from different disciplines and service units could exchange knowledge with one another

Every year, the Society holds the Best Practice Sharing Session to encourage its staff to learn from each other and cultivate their team spirit. The 2020 event was held on 23 January with “Passing the Torch of Care” as its theme. Over 30 workshops were offered, and 31 centres and teams presented nearly 70 sets of teaching materials at the session’s exhibition. The staff wards ceremony, which was suspended due to the earlier cancellation of the Annual Dinner, took place on the same day. More than 700 staff members joined the session, with all the workshops filling up within a short period after enrolment opened. 員工可自由選擇參與工作坊,學習最新的訓練策略 Staff members could select workshops based on their preferences, giving them a chance to learn about new training approaches


This year’s management retreat was held at the Breakthrough Youth Village. Corporate training consultant, Education for Good, delivered a workshop on design thinking encouraging our management to apply design thinking in the design and operation of our services, as well as empathising with the needs of our service users. The retreat successfully built deeper understanding within our management team and created interactions between older and newer staff, giving an invaluable boost to the team’s spirits.

年 報 Annual Report

本 年 度 全 體 主 管 退 修 日 在 沙 田 突 破 青 年 村 舉 行 , 由 仁 人 學 社 教 授 設 計 思 維 (Design Thinking)的 概 念 和 工具,讓同事學習在管理及服務設計上運用創意思維,以及透過理解服務對象的需要去開創新猷。是次 活動同時能增加主管之間的認識,促進新舊同事的交流,提升團隊精神。

2019 - 2020

全體主管退修日 開拓設計思維 Learning “design thinking” at our annual management retreat

本會管理層參與「設計思維」訓練,務求在服務及管理上再創新猷 Our management team learned about design thinking, becoming inspired to be more creative in planning services and everyday management tasks

同事投入參與各個分組討論,學習應用「設計思維」 The staff actively participate in the group discussions to practise design thinking


機 構 管 治


Organisation Structure

Corporate Governance

董事會 Board of Directors

委員會 專責 / 工作小組


Task Force / Working Groups 財務




Research & Development


The Great Chefs of Hong Kong

Fund Raising


Human Resources


Information Technology



行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

副行政總裁 Deputy Chief Executive Officer


區域經理 / 青蔥計劃總經理


Allied Health Teams

Regional Managers / General Manager, SLP

Department Heads



專業教育及發展學會 Academy for Professional Education and Development

早期教育及訓練中心 Early Education and Training Centres




Special Child Care Centres




Occupational Therapy


到校學前康復服務 On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services



Nursery and Kindergarten

Parents Resource Centres




Corporate Development


Speech Therapy


Mixed-mode Centres


Support Centre for Persons with Autism

Human Resources

Supportive Learning Project


Information Technology

Psychological Service

專業團隊 PROFESSIONAL TEAMS 工 社 幼兒教師 物理治療師 職業治療師 言語治療師 心理學家 護士



Social workers Pre-school teachers Physiotherapists Occupational therapists Speech therapists Psychologists Nurses


團隊人數 Total number of staff members





Board of Directors and Committees Vice-Patron 老何慶華女士

年 報 Annual Report


2019 - 2020


Mrs Catherine Lo

榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisers 郭琳廣先生, SBS, JP (法律顧問)

Mr Larry Kwok, SBS, JP (Legal Adviser)

黎樹仁先生 (法律顧問)

Mr Derek Lai (Legal Adviser)

劉 秀瑜女士 (法律顧問)

Ms Judy Lau (Legal Adviser)

曾蘭斯女士, JP

Ms Nancy Tsang, JP

謝 明浩先生

Mr David Tse

嚴元浩先生, SBS, JP (法律顧問)

r Tony Yen, SBS, JP M (Legal Adviser)

董事會 Board of Directors




Mrs Eleanor Chan




Mr Peter Kwan


Ms Helen Wong


Board of Directors

財務委員會 Finance Committee




Mr Ronnie Wu




Mr Alan Liu



歐陽卓倫醫生, JP

Dr Henry Au Yeung, JP


Mr Ivan Cheung


Mr Thomas Ho (from April 2020)

(由2020年4月) (由2020年1月)

Mr Larry Kwok, SBS, JP (from January 2020)


Ms Helen Wong

郭琳廣先生, SBS, JP


Honorary Treasurer


Mr Ronnie Wu




Dr Fanny Lam



Mrs Grace Lam

Fund Raising Committee


Prof Lam Shui-fong


Ms Judy Lau




Mrs Merianna Lok


Mr Peter Kwan


(until January 2020)


Dr Anna Hui


(from November 2019)


Ms Heidi Hui


Mr Alan Liu


(from November 2019)


Mr Albert Shu


Mr Alfred Sit, JP


(from November 2019)




Ms Bonnie Lam



歐陽卓倫醫生, JP

Dr Henry Au Yeung, JP


Mr Simon Chau


Mr Edson Chow


Mr Sammy Fu


Mrs Grace Lam


Ms Helen Wong

(至2019 年12月)

(until December 2019)


機 構 管 治 Corporate Governance



Human Resources Committee

Information Technology Committee






Mrs Eleanor Chan (from April 2020)


Ms Helen Wong

Mrs Merianna Lok (until January 2020)







Mr Bernie Wong (from August 2020)


Mr Lee Wing-wai (from April 2020)






陳結珠女士 陳慧儀女士 (由2020年4月) 黎樹仁先生 (由2020年1月) 廖詠梅女士 (由2020年4月) 黃家平先生 (至2019年12月) 熊靜林女士 (由2020年4月)

Ms Gloria Chan Ms Linda Chan (from April 2020) Mr Derek Lai (from January 2020) Ms Glenda Liu (from April 2020) Mr Ronald Wong (until December 2019) Ms Angeline Yong (from April 2020)

服務委員會 Services Committee



陳煒良先生 崔煒韜先生 江啟源先生 林霆鋒先生

Mr William Chan Mr Richard Chui Mr Kai Yuen Kiang Mr Leslie Lam (from January 2020) Mr Patrick Tam Prof Wong Yu-cheung


譚樹培先生 黃於唱教授

研究及發展工作小組 Working Group on Research & Development




Prof Lam Shui-fong




Ms Penita Cheung


(until May 2020)


Dr Alice Keung




許娜娜博士 (由2020年1月)

Dr Anna Hui (from January 2020) Mrs Eleanor Chan (until January 2020;

林琳博士 劉偉誼女士

陳黃怡女士 (至2020年1月轉任委員)

stayed on as a Member)



許嬋嬌女士 (由2020年1月)

Ms Heidi Hui (from January 2020)



何慕清醫生 許冠基先生

Dr Linda Ho Mr Simon Hui (from January 2020) Mr Hung Wai-shing (from August 2020) Dr Fanny Lam Dr Janet Leung Ms Angel Law (until December 2019) Dr Rachel Poon Prof Kenneth Sin Dr Alfert Tsang (from January 2020)


孔偉成先生 (由2020年8月)

林蕙芬醫生 梁倩儀博士 羅幗濤女士 (至2019年12月)

潘麥瑞雯博士 冼權鋒教授 曾韋僑醫生 (由2020年1月)




劉啓泰先生 麥希齡醫生 于璐博士

(from June 2020)

Dr Lorinda Lam Ms Alice Lau

(until May 2020)

Mr Joseph Lau Dr Rose Mak Dr Yu Lu

全港廚師精英大匯演工作小組 Working Group on Great Chefs of Hong Kong




Ms Kim Murphy




Mrs Grace Lam



馮仕耕先生 朱嘉勻女士 郭偉信先生 林寶儀女士 陸碧珊女士 龐心怡女士 冼潔靈女士 Jaakko Sorsa先生

Mr Fergus Fung Ms Susan Jung Mr Wilson Kwok Ms Bonnie Lam Ms Selina Lok Ms Samanta Pong Ms Kiri Sinclair Mr Jaakko Sorsa

2019 - 2020


Honorary Consultants 綜合服務中心

Early Education and Training Centres

Mixed-mode Centres

年 報


Cheung Ching Centre


Fu Cheong Centre


Dr Shek Chi Chiu

陳翠華女士 鄭蕙蕙醫生 麥希齡醫生 伍啟昌醫生

Ms Alice Chan Dr Cheng Wai Wai Dr Rose Mak Dr Desmond Ng


Jockey Club Centre

衛兆輝醫生 容立偉醫生

Dr Wai Shiu Fai Dr Michael Yung


Kwok Yip Lin Houn Centre


Dr Eva Fung


Leung King Centre


Dr Chak Wai Kwong


Pak Tin Centre


Dr Tang Siu Chung


Shun Lee Centre


Dr Ma Che Kwan


Hoi Fu Centre


Dr Lettie Leung


Tai Wo Hau Centre

吳瑞芬醫生 邱建昌醫生

Dr Ng Sui Fun, Grace Dr Yau Kin Cheong, Eric


Tung Chung Centre


Dr Shek Chi Chiu


Wan Tsui Centre

廖鑑添醫生 戴淑梅醫生

Dr Liu Kam Tim Dr Tai Suk Mui



Yu Ming Centre

Special Child Care Centres


Dr Yau Man Mut


Alice Louey Centre


Prof Albert Martin Li


Catherine Lo Centre

李素輪醫生 楊穎欣醫生

Dr Lee So Lun Dr Ada Yung


Cheung Sha Wan Centre

卓蘊樺醫生 張美盈護士 麥勤興醫生 吳國強醫生 曾英美醫生

Dr Sharon Cherk Ms Cheung Mei Ying Dr Mak Kan Hing Dr Daniel Ng Dr Robert Tseng


Chun Shek Centre

陳子昂醫生 任君明醫生

Dr Chan Chi Ngong


Mary Wong Centre

鄭俊輝醫生 馬子軍醫生

Dr Cheng Chun Fai

Dr Yam Kwan Ming

Dr Ma Che Kwan

自閉症人士支援中心 Support Centre for Persons with Autism 曾韋僑醫生

Dr Alfert Tsang

幼兒園 Nursery School 康苗幼兒園

Healthy Kids Nursery School


Dr Yam Ka Ling, Winnie

自閉症兒童結構化教學法顧問 Advisers on TEACCH Programme 張美娉女士 Laura G Klinger 博士 林琳博士

Ms Penita Cheung Dr Laura G Klinger Dr Lorinda Lam


Shui Pui Wai Centre


Dr Chak Wai Kwong


Tin Ping Centre



Prof Albert Martin Li

Steering Committee on Service Projects for Autistic Individuals and Their Families


Wan Chai Centre


Dr Henry Au Yeung, JP

Annual Report


梁敏教授 梁美嫻女士 (至2020年6月)

潘麥瑞雯博士 曾韋僑醫生 余錦泉校長 惲福龍校長

Prof Cynthia Leung Ms Michelle Leung (until June 2020)

Dr Rachel Poon Dr Alfert Tsang Mr Yu Kam Chuen Mr Yuon Fuk Lung, Eric


服 務 統 計 數 字


Early Education and Training Centres

Service Statistics

兒童弱能類別 Nature of disabilities of children 發展遲緩 Global Developmental Delay

自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder

早產嬰兒 Premature baby

兒童總人數 Total no. of children


言語發展遲緩 Speech Delay

專注力不足 / 過度活躍症 Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

有限智能 Borderline / Limited Intelligence

肢體弱能 Physical Handicap

其他(如:多項弱能、感官障礙) Others (e.g. Multiple Handicap, Sensory Impairment)

兒童總人數 Total no. of children

兒童離開中心後的安排 Placement of children after leaving centres 主流小學 Ordinary schools

特殊幼兒中心 Special Child Care Centres

普通幼兒中心 / 幼稚園

離開中心 兒童總人數 Total no. of leavers


Ordinary child care centres / kindergartens

特殊學校 Special schools

轉往其他同類型中心 Transfer among centres of same nature

混合幼兒中心 / 幼稚園 Integrated Child Care Centres / kindergartens

其他 Others

兒童總人數 Total no. of children




No. of children

Percentage (%)





















No. of children

Percentage (%)

















2019 - 2020


Special Child Care Centres Nature of disabilities of children 自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder

發展遲緩 Global Developmental Delay

多項弱能 Multiple Handicap

兒童總人數 Total no. of children


早產嬰兒 Premature baby

肢體弱能 Physical Handicap

言語發展遲緩 Speech Delay

感官障礙 Sensory Impairment

其他(如:唐氏綜合症) Others (e.g. Down's syndrome)

兒童總人數 Total no. of children

兒童離開中心後的安排 Placement of children after leaving centres 特殊學校 Special schools

主流小學 Ordinary schools

普通幼兒中心 / 幼稚園 Ordinary child care centres / kindergartens

離開中心 兒童總人數 Total no. of leavers


轉往其他同類型中心 Transfer among centres of same nature

混合幼兒中心 / 幼稚園 Integrated Child Care Centres / kindergartens

其他 Others

兒童總人數 Total no. of children



No. of children

Percentage (%)





















No. of children

Percentage (%)















Annual Report


年 報


服 務 統 計 數 字


Parents Resource Centres

Service Statistics

兒童及青年年齡分佈 Age groups of children and young people

兒童及 青年總人數 Total no. of children and young people




No. of children and young people

Percentage (%)









六歲以下 Under 6

六至十六歲 Aged 6 to 16

十六歲以上 Over 16

兒童及青年總人數 Total no. of children and young people

兒童及青年弱能類別 Nature of disabilities of children and young people



No. of children and young people

Percentage (%)





















自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder

發展遲緩 Global Developmental Delay

專注力不足 / 過度活躍症

兒童及 青年總人數 Total no. of children and young people


Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

言語發展遲緩 Speech Delay

唐氏綜合症 Down Syndrome

智障 Intellectual Disability

早產嬰兒 Premature baby

肢體弱能 Physical Handicap

其他(例如:多項弱能、待評估∕待確診) Others (e.g. Multiple Handicap, awaiting assessment/diagnosis)

兒童及青年總人數 Total no. of children and young people


2019 - 2020

年 報




No. of sessions

Percentage (%)





















兒童興趣班 Children interest classes

兒童發展小組及訓練課程 Developmental groups and training programmes for children

親子興趣班 Parent-child interest classes

總節數 Total no. of sessions


家長互助小組 Parent support groups

社區教育活動 Community education programmes

家長興趣班 Parent interest classes

教育講座及工作坊 Educational talks and workshops

社交及康樂活動 Social and recreational activities

其他(如:青年就業支援) Others (e.g. Youth employment support programmes)

總節數 Total no. of sessions

Annual Report

Programmes and groups organised


Training Subsidy Programme

兒童總數 Total no. of children


普通津貼 Normal level subsidy

高額津貼 Higher level subsidy

兒童總數 Total no. of children




No. of cases

Percentage (%)

Total no. of service sessions











服 務 統 計 數 字


Service Statistics

Supportive Learning Project 個別服務 Individual services 心理學家服務 Psychological service

言語治療服務 Speech therapy service


個案總數 Total no. of cases


Occupational therapy service

學前幼兒訓練服務 Pre-school training service

物理治療服務 Physiotherapy service

個案總數 Total no. of cases

學校及團體服務 Services for schools and organisations 駐校服務(小學) School-based service (primary school)

家長工作坊及講座 Workshops and talks for parents

駐校服務(中學) School-based service (secondary school)


總節數 Total no. of sessions


Workshops for teachers

駐校服務(幼稚園) School-based service (kingergarten)

甄別服務 Screening service

親子工作坊 Workshops and talks for parents and children

總節數 Total no. of sessions




No. of cases

Percentage (%)















No. of sessions

Percentage (%)

















2019 - 2020


School-based and community-based support services

年 報 Annual Report

學校類別 Types of schools 學校數目

No. of parents

No. of teachers /principals





















小學 Primary schools



No. of children and young people

Nurseries and kindegartens



No. of schools


No. of schools

兒童及 青年人數

中學 Secondary schools

大學、專上學院及 社區團體 Universities, tertiary institutes and community groups

合計 Total

弱能兒童及青年類別 Nature of disabilities of children and young people 自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder

專注力不足 / 過度活躍症 Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

發展遲緩 Global Developmental Delay

服務總人數 Total no. of service users


讀寫障礙 Dyslexia

言語發展遲緩 Speech Delay

早產 Premature baby

多項弱能、肢體弱能、智障 Multiple Handicap, Physical Handicap, Intellectual Disability

特殊學習困難 Specific Learning Difficulties

其他 Others

普通學童 Non-SEN children

服務總人數 Total no. of service users



No. of children and young people

Percentage (%)

























Location Map of Service Units

25 26 27 28 29



Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre



青蔥計劃辦事處 Supportive Learning Project Office



協康會中環兒童發展中心 Central Child Development Centre


38 17


Team 6

到校專業支援服務 School-based Support Services 40

Jockey Club Supportive Learning Fun World

第六隊 34

Jordan Child Health & Development Centre 35

宏利兒童資源中心 Manulife Children's Resources Centre

荔枝角中心 Lai Chi Kok Centre



太子中心 Prince Centre


石門中心 Shek Mun Centre



大坑東中心 Tai Hang Tung Centre



元朗中心 Yuen Long Centre

Central Administration and Service Units

2019 - 2020


年 報 Annual Report

香港薄扶林大口環道19號2-4樓 2/F - 4/F, 19 Sandy Bay Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong +852 3158 8315

+852 3158 8325


14-15, G/F, Wan Loi House, Wan Tau Tong Estate, Tai Po, N.T.

12-16, 2/F, Sand Martin House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, N.T.

5-8, G/F, Leung Chi House, Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.

11-15, G/F, Tin Mei House, Tin Ping Estate, Sheung Shui, N.T.


九龍九龍灣宏開道16號德福大廈18樓05室 Unit 05, 18/F, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon +852 3974 6004

+852 3621 0632


+852 3563 7199

+852 2817 2214



Sandy Bay Parents Resource Centre

香港薄扶林大口環道19號7樓 7/F, 19 Sandy Bay Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong +852 3158 8371

+852 3158 8380

九龍大坑東邨東裕樓地下12號 12, G/F, Tung Yu House, Tai Hang Tung Estate, Kowloon

第六隊 Team 6 九龍長沙灣長沙灣道650號中國船舶大廈12樓1204室 Room 1204, 12/F, China Shipbuilding Tower, No. 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon +852 3620 3012

+852 3620 3940


+852 3101 9102

+852 3101 9120



協康會康苗幼兒園 Heep Hong Society Healthy Kids Nursery School

+852 3705 2251


+852 3618 7623



賽馬會「喜躍悅動」計劃 Jockey Club Kindling Active Kids Project 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道932號興迅廣場25樓

年 報 Annual Report

+852 2391 8422

2019 - 2020

賽馬會「喜伴同行」計劃 JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network

25/F, Grandion Plaza, 932 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

協康會中環兒童發展中心 Central Child Development Centre

+852 2959 7016

香港中環德輔道中22號國際醫療中心 25樓 25/F, International Medical Centre, 22 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong +852 2393 7555

+852 3142 7221


賽馬會青蔥樂園 Jockey Club Supportive Learning Fun World 香港薄扶林大口環道19號7樓 +852 3158 8380

九龍荔枝角長沙灣道932號興迅廣場25樓 25/F, Grandion Plaza, 932 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon +852 2197 8339

7/F, 19 Sandy Bay Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong +852 3158 8333

啟動腦潛能訓練計劃 Brain Challenge Intervention Programme for ADHD Secondary School Students




財 務 報 告

Income and Expenditure

Financial Reports

2019-2020 以港幣 百萬元計

收入 香港特別行政區政府 The Government of HKSAR

非資助項目 Non-subvented projects

贊助 / 捐款 Sponsorship/donations

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

獎券基金 Lotteries Fund

收費 Dues and fees



百萬港元 HK$ millions

The Community Chest of Hong Kong

其他 Others

以港幣 百萬元計 HK$ millions

Percentage (%)





































2019-2020 以港幣 百萬元計

支出 Expenditure 專業服務, 特別項目及其他 Professional services, special projects & others

特殊幼兒中心 Special Child Care Centres

綜合服務中心 Mixed-mode Centres

早期教育及訓練中心 Early Education and Training Centres

家長資源中心 Parents Resource Centres

工程及添置設備 Capital expenditure




Central administration

HK$ millions

幼兒園 Nursery school


Percentage (%)

HK$ millions






以港幣 百萬元計


HK$ millions

Percentage (%)

HK$ millions

Percentage (%)





































備註: 為符合本年度的列表方式,個別比較作出調整,但不影響2018-2019年度的帳目報告。

以上帳目不是關於本會的指明財務報表,本會帳目本要涵蓋的財政年度的指明財務報表,將於會員大會後交付公司註冊處處長,並已就關乎該財政年度的指明財務報表擬備核數師報 告,在會計師報告中:i) 沒有保留或以其他方式修改;ii) 沒有提述該核數師在不就該報告作保留的情况下以強調的方式促請有關的人注意的任何事宜;iii) 沒有載有根據香港《公司條例》 第406(2) 或 407(2) 或(3) 條作出的陳述。

截至2020年3月31日,非定影員工的公積金儲備為三仟五十五萬,本會將會把非定影員工的公積金儲備,全部用於支付這些員工的公積金供款,亦會定時檢討及採取措施,確保公積金 盈餘妥善地運用。

Remarks: Certain comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to current year’s presentation. These adjustments had no effect on the reported result for year 2018-2019.


The above accounts are not specified financial statements in relation to the Society. The specified financial statements for the financial year with which those accounts purport to deal will be delivered to the Companies Registrar after the Annual General Meeting. An auditor’s report has been prepared on the specified financial statements for the financial year. The auditor’s report i) was neither qualified nor modified; ii) did not refer to any matter to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report; iii) did not contain a statement under section 406(2) or 407(2) or (3) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.

As at 31 March 2020, the Provident Fund Reserve balance for non-snapshot staff amounted to HK$30.55 million. The reserve will be fully deployed for non-snapshot staff on Provident Fund contributions. The Society will regularly review and consider measures to optimally use the Provident Fund Reserve.

2019 - 2020


Sources and Usage of Donations and Sponsorships Sources

以港幣 百萬元計

公眾捐獻及企業贊助 Donations from the public and corporations

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

香港公益金 The Community Chest of Hong Kong

社會福利署攜手扶弱基金 Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged



2018-2019 以港幣 百萬元計


HK$ millions

Percentage (%)

HK$ millions

Percentage (%)





















Annual Report



年 報

百萬港元 HK$ millions

2019-2020 以港幣 百萬元計

用途 Usage 特別項目 (社工服務支援、 教育服務支援及自閉症支援 計劃)


2018-2019 以港幣 百萬元計


HK$ millions

Percentage (%)

HK$ millions

Percentage (%)

































Special projects (social worker services, educational services, autism support projects, etc.)

指定用途基金,包括非資助 家長資源中心基金 Designated reserve including non-subvented Parents Resource Centres

非資助家長資源中心 經常性開支 Recurrent expenses of non-subvented Parents Resource Centres



百萬港元 HK$ millions

Fundraising activities

工程及添置設備 Capital expenditure

社會福利署攜手扶弱基金 資助項目 Projects supported by Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged

行政開支 Administration and support


鳴 謝



Acknowledgement 我們謹此向各慷慨捐獻以改善協康會服務質素及訓練設施的善長及贊助團體,以及協助協康會轄下中心 推行服務及活動的家長和義工致以衷心謝意;並感謝各企業夥伴、善長,以及政府部門、學校、團體及 義工支持協康會慈善籌款活動。最後亦感謝各傳媒機構協助推廣協康會各大服務及活動。 We would like to thank all donors and funders for their generous donations for providing better services and facilities for our children and their families, as well as parents and volunteers who assisted in centre activities. Special thanks go to corporate partners and donors for their sponsorship and contributions; and government departments, organisations and volunteers for their support for Heep Hong Society’s fundraising and promotional activities. Last but not least, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to the media for promoting our activities and services.

機構夥伴 Partner organisations

捐獻及支持 Donation and support 3D Lab Store 759 Store AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited AIA Foundation Alfar Charitable Trust Angelchild Ltd. AnOther Place AnterCare Limited AUism Charitable Foundation Limited AXA XL Regional Grant Program Baby Kingdom Bawang International Group Bull Capital Partners (Hong Kong) Limited C S Surveyors Ltd. Charitable Choice Chinese Estates Holdings Limited Citywalk Management Company Limited Clifford Chance Colt Technology Services Limited The Community Chest of Hong Kong Computime Group Limited Crystal Rise Jewellery Ltd. The D. H. Chen Foundation The Dairy Farm Company Ltd. - Wellcome Diamond Design Limited Dignity Kitchen Duff & Phelps Charitable Foundation Eastern District Youth Programme Committee EDICO Financial Press Services Limited Enterprise Square Tower 1 Evershine Investments Co., Ltd. Every Life is a Song Fairwood Fast Food Limited Food For Good Friends of Hope Education Fund Limited Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited Fung Performance Motor Limited Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation Goodwell-Fortune Property Services Limited - +WOO Goodwell-Fortune Property Services Limited - Ma On Shan Plaza Goodwill International (Holdings) Limited


Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Greenbase AD Limited Hang Lung Properties Limited - Kornhill Plaza Hang Seng Bank Hasbro Healing Voices Healthy Seed The Hong Kong Golf Club Charitable Foundation Limited The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hopewell Centre Management Limited House of Blessings Foundation Limited HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme Hysan Leasing Company Limited Lee Theatre Plaza Impact Communications Company The Incorporated Trustees of the Zoroastrian Charity Funds of Hongkong, Canton and Macao Infinitus (Hong Kong) Company Limited International Medical Centre Island Resort Mall Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Jointed-Heart Limited K & K Charity Foundation Kai Shing Management Services Limited Kingsford Environmental (HK) Ltd. Koo Tin Lok Charitable Foundation Koo’s Giving Charitable Foundation Leisure and Cultural Services Department L'hotel Management Company Limited Li Ka Shing Foundation Link Asset Management Limited Lions Club of Center Point Lions Club of Silverstrand Logicalis HK Ltd. Lotteries Fund The Mabs Mardulyn Charitable Foundation Manna Café

Manulife (International) Limited Marco Polo Hotels Marsh (Hong Kong) Limited Marshall Wace Asia Limited Mayfare Group Megabox Development Company Limited Methanex Asia Pacific Limited Mighty Charitable Foundation Limited Mind & Life Miracle Day Charity Limited MTR Corporation Limited Natural Home Collections Limited Natures Purest Asia Limited Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. New World Development Company Limited Novation Solutions Limited Ocean Park Hong Kong OEM Interactive Company Limited Okian Optical Olympian City Optimas Foundation Limited Oriental Sunday Oxfam Hong Kong Pac-Fung Feather Company Limited Pacific Century Group Panda Place Management Limited Para Co Limited Perfect Optronics Limited Phoelia (Far East) Co. Ltd. Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited Prenatal Retail Group Prince Jewellery & Watch Company Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd. Ralph Lauren Asia Pacific Limited Reckitt Benckiser Group plc - Mead Johnson Nutrition (Hong Kong) Limited Regal Hotels International Regentville Estate Management Company Limited REM Advertising Remad Foundation Ltd. Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile Community Service Fund Limited

Value Partners Group Vanke Property (Hong Kong) Company Limited Vanke Property (Overseas) Limited Vibro (HK) Ltd. Victoria Charitable Trust Fund The Walt Disney Company (Hong Kong) Weekend Weekly Welcome Construction Co. Ltd. Wing Shing Toys (HK) Limited Woo Kwan Lee & Lo YCWH Trust Zonta Club of Hong Kong Zonta Club of the New Territories Charitable Trust

年 報 Annual Report

Supporting Unit for Special Educational Needs (SuSEN) of EdUHK Swire Properties Management Limited Pacific Place Tai Hing Catering Group Talent Academy Limited Tang’s Living Group Tastelab Group Tian Yu Limited theOrigo Limited Travel Kind Troika International Ltd. Uni Lab Ltd. Universal Florist The University Lodge of Hong Kong, No.3666 E.C. UPS Foundation Limited V City

2019 - 2020

Rotary Club of The Peak Rotary Club of Victoria Rotary Club of Wanchai The S. H. Ho Foundation Limited Satay King (Holdings) Company Limited Save the Children Hong Kong Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited Sheung Shui Centre Shopping Arcade Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Ltd. Sing Kin Limited Sino Estates Management Ltd. Shatin Galleria Sino Estates Management Ltd. - tmtplaza SmarTone Social Welfare Department The "Star" Ferry Company Limited

佛教大光園慈善基金會有限公司 香港329單車會

義工 Volunteers Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Central, Western & Islands District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team, Hong Kong Young Woman's Christian Association Connexus Travel Limited Doctor Pet

Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital at Sandy Bay Hong Kong Red Cross volunteers Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre Hotel Jen PCCW Limited

Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College 飛翔義工團

個人 Individuals

捐獻及支持 Donation and support Mr Andrew Au Ms Au Kwan Ying Ms Chan Choi Kam Mr Chan Koon Hin Timothy Mr Chan Kwok Ying Mr Sunny Chan Hei Tak Mr Chan Wing Kin Mr Chan Wing Ming Ms Chan Yin Ping Mr Simon Chau Sik Ming Mr Cheng Wing On Mr Herbert Chia Mr Ching Yu Lung Mr Anderson Choi Chun Fat Mr Chow Chi Tat Ms Fong Ho Yan Ms April Fong Ho Yan Ms Guo Ying

Mr Ho Chuen Hei Dr Ho Hing Lan Mrs Lucina Ho Laam King Ying Ms Hon Kit Ching Ms Katherine Hung Siu Lin Mr Kung Ze Lin Joshua Mr Peter Kwan Boon Tak Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin Mr Kwok Shek San Ms Lai Pui Ki Ms Bonnie Lam Po Yee Mrs Grace Lam Lee Tin Yan Ms Ivy Lam Po Wan Ms Joyce Law Chi Yan Mr Lee Ho Fung Mr Lee Pak Sing Ms Lee To Wong Ms Leung Fung Ling

Ms Leung Man Wah Mr Li Man Hong & Mrs Deborah Li Fong Sze Man Mrs Liu Heung Fa Ms Lo Lai Ching Mr Lui Man Wai David Ms Angela Mui Mr Graham Ng Chi To Mr Amit Rajpal Eng Khan Seet Ms Shum Mei Yee Katherine Mr Siu Yu Hang Leo Dr Rose Mak Ms Vilma Suen Wai Lan Ms Sun Hui Ying Ms Cecilia Szeto Mr Kevin Tam Mr Richard Tsang Wai Kwok

Mrs Tsang Wai Lin Eileen Mr Tsui Chi Yan Ms Cindy Tung Lin Fung Ms Esther Wong Ka Wai Ms Helen Yau Oi Man Ms Yeung Mei Chun Jeny Mr Yuen Shun Hang





王 賢女士






























檀 婷女士




伍綺玲小姐 吳靜嫻女士 岑志安先生 李蘊瑩女士 沈偉雄先生 周美德女士 林佩霞女士 蔣卓倫先生 鄭浩然先生 柏慧媽媽

義工 Volunteers

* 按筆劃及英文字母排序 In alphabetical order * 篇幅所限,恕未能盡錄所有善長芳名。 Owing to space limitation, we regret that we are unable to include the names of all donors and supporters.


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