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Sustainable Technologies Inspired By The Ocean
Increasing Hull Efficiency
We have an impressive track record in creating lightweight and ultraefficient hull forms. The Fast Displacement Hull Form already decreases fuel consumption by 30%. Less weight means greater efficiency.
Improving Propulsion Efficiency
Alternative fuels may be the future, but there are still huge possibilities to increase the efficiency of diesel-powered yachts. These include our acclaimed hybrid propulsion system, standard applications of SCR emission control and more efficient propeller designs.
Sustainable Production Methods
Reducing yachting’s footprint includes a sustainable build process. 3D Printing, electrostatic paint-spraying, waste reduction and recycling can significantly reduce environmental impact.
Sustainable Operations
Improved waste management and electric-powered tenders are just two examples of how to reduce local environmental impact and improve a yacht’s operational efficiency.
Alternative Materials And Recycling
Each yacht is built from tons of steel, aluminium, wood and other materials that require sourcing and production. Innovation in this field includes extensive recycling and the use of alternative materials, such as sustainable woods.
Energy Saving At Anchor
On average, a yacht remains at anchor for 95% of the time. Sustainable power generators and waste heat recovery systems are therefore highly effective in reducing a yacht’s total energy consumption by increasing generator power and HVAC efficiency.