Final presentation -- He Huang

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21st Century learner He Huang 12. 2015


Introduction [Candidate, School, Student] Daniel 7 year old LPS first grade

Soccer coloring

“iPad is the best” Educated family

“He is talking, talking, talking all the day!”


School Mission Statement n

learning in harmony, Appreciate diversity, work collaboratively, different ways we learn.


lifting achievement, Continually set and attain new Academic

goals, confidence and celebrate

achievement. n

and leading the future. Every one is a leader and life-long learner

“We are leading to the future by developing life skills, having life/career goals, being motivated to make a difference, and experiencing success.”


Reading and Critical Thinking n

“Using technologies in our reading and critical thinking practices.”


“Technology just a tool, the point that makes things different is what teachers and students do with the tool. ” n

(Wood, S., & Jocius, R.. 2014)


“Using Self-Selected Literature sees children at the center of the whole reading process, where they engage in learning that is authentic and purposeful”


“It takes time for students to figure out the “right books” for themselves. It is a reading process needs more supports from parents and schools and districts.” n

Parker, M. (2014, October 1)


Lesson Plan 1 •  Through the reading process, students can improve their reading skills and critical thinking skills by reading the books with teachers and discussing in a whole-class and small discussion groups. This class is planned to improve ESL students’ English proficiency.

•  Reading (Fiction book, Nonfiction books) •  Discussions •  Making non-fiction stories for animals (Technologies, Critical Thinking) •  I can list the characters in this story. (Reading content outcomes) •  I can critically think about the teacher’s questions and discuss my thoughts with other classmates. (Language outcomes) •  I can describe at least one kind of animal from this book (by its color, shape, species, and characters.) (Language outcomes, Reading content outcomes.)


Writing and CollaborationCommunication n

“When we are thinking and writing in a group with our classmates or group members, every member contributes their own understanding of material and discusses the similarities and differences. In this way, group members are allow to listen different opinions from others, and learn from the whole group. Collaboration and communication are significant in the group working, they ensure an effective interchanging and learning occur in the whole group..” n


(Aminloo, M, S., 2013)

“For ESL students, a virtual room constitutes a complement for EFL learning, since it provides students with a variety of resources (video, image, text, and sound) to practice grammar, support the topics, and use the language with communicative purposes. Also, a virtual room involves students’ collaborative work to complete virtual activities related to authentic environments.” n

Ochoa Alpala, D. d., & Medina Peña, N. s. (2014)


Lesson Plan 2 n

This class is planed to improve ESL students’ English silks domain in communication skills, collaborative learning and writing skills.


Studying on selected problems. Communication and collaborative writing. (“BME”, 3-column)




I can express my thoughts and actively communicate with classmates and teacher during whole class.


I can complete my writing goal with collaborative writing with group members.


I can do oral statements of my problem outlines in frond of classmates.


I can listen representations carefully and record their ideas.


Digital Literacy and Creativity n

“It is good for teachers to realize that every student wants to play, to build, to creative”


“As learning spaces become more flexible, the opportunity for educators to consider pedagogy that taps into boys’ love of competition, activity, collaborative learning and technology offers a real chance to foster and develop critical and creative capacities in their students.” n

Gresham, P. (2014)


“Classroom-based digital storytelling projects offer differentiated options for students to create, design, narrate, perform, and collaborate on various oral, written, audiovisual, and kinesthetic texts, and grant students the ownership of designing their own writing practice.”


“Using digital storytelling as a classroom assignment has potential to open new opportunities for students to author a rich variety of texts.” n

Yuan, T., & Bakian-Aaker, L. (2015)


Lesson Plan 3 n

This class is planned to improve ESL students’ creativity by using digital tools, including digital literacy, social networking, and search engines.


Make a real plan for our trip to Omaha Zoo


Using Youtube, Prezi, Google Earth


I can find the useful information from Internet.


I can use online recourses to create a project for my reading and studying.


I can use these digital tools and text to build my creativity.


Reflection Educational Research Multiple Intelligences

Art teaching Children Literatures

Language Teaching

Teaching Cultural Responsive Teaching


Reflection Reading





Reference: n

Wood, S., & Jocius, R.. (2014). Beyond fun and games. The Reading Teacher, Vol.68 (2), P. 129-133


Parker, M. (2014, October 1). Using Self-Selected Literature to Teach Reading: Inspiring Engagement and Deep Thinking. Practically Primary, 29-32.


Aminloo, M. (2013). The effect of collaborative writing on EFL learners writing ability at elementary level. Journal of Language Teaching and Research JLTR.


Ochoa Alpala, D. d., & Medina Peña, N. s. (2014). A virtual room to enhance writing skills in the EFL Class. How: A Colombian Journal for teachers Of English, 21(1), 62-81.


Gresham, P. (2014). Fostering creativity through digital storytelling: "It's a paradise inside a cage". Metaphor, (1), 47-55.


Yuan, T., & Bakian-Aaker, L. (2015). Focus on technology: Classroom digital storytelling in grades K-2: Writers make a movie for the reader. Childhood education, 91(5), 402-404.

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