Materiality analysis Given the events of the last decade, sustainable development is no longer a mere concept attached to the company’s business strategy, but an imperative that must be integrated into day-to-day operations to ensure long-term market presence. Transparency and accountability for the economic, social, and environmental impacts our activities generate are at the heart of our efforts to develop sustainably. Therefore, since 2010, we have reported the main measures and actions we have implemented to ensure the sustainable growth of the company, as well as the objectives we have set.
The latest survey was conducted in June-August 2021 and involved consulting with specialists and managers within HeidelbergCement Romania S.A. and all stakeholders categories (”interested parties”), previously identified by the team responsible for sustainability reporting within the company, through online questionnaires distributed via email, hosted by the Survey Monkey platform. The stakeholder categories consulted were employees, suppliers, customers, non-governmental organisations, local and central authorities, media, local communities, business partners, academic communities, and industry associations.
The materiality analysis is at the heart of the sustainability report, a process that can take place annually or biennially, depending on the sustainability context and legislative developments.
Each member of the team sent the questionnaire to the stakeholders they normally communicate with via digital channels. Stakeholders were asked to rate the given topics according to how much their decisions and relationship with HeidelbergCement Romania S.A. are influenced by the way the company manages each topic. Experts and members of the management team assessed each topic according to the extent of the economic, social, and environmental impact resulting from the company’s activity on each of the listed topics.
This analysis entails identifing the sustainability topics where the company has a positive or negative, direct, or indirect economic, social, or environmental impact and which at the same time influence stakeholders’ decisions and relationship with our company. In practice, these processes are carried out through two online questionnaires, sent to all stakeholder categories - identifying the topics that influence them, and to specialists and management - assessing the economic, social, and environmental impact.
The next step in the materiality analysis was the collection and analysis of the responses to the two questionnaires. For each of the topics evaluated, two scores were thus obtained, representative of the two dimensions: impact and influence, represented graphically in the materiality matrix below.
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