Sniffing the mountain air
The best hiking trails for you and your dog
Tips and tricks for traveling across the U.S. with your dog
of traveling with your dog
Items to bring to ensure safe adventures
Sandy Paws
Best beaches to see with your dog
Tips and tricks for traveling across the U.S. with your dog
Items to bring to ensure safe adventures
Sandy Paws Best beaches to see with your dog
Sniffing the mountain air The best hiking trails for you and your dog
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5 Benefits of traveling with your dog
44 11 23
Tips and tricks for traveling across the U.S. with your dog
Items to bring to ensure safe adventures
27 5 Benefits
of traveling with your dog
Paws 44 Sandy Best beaches to see with your dog
Sniffing the mountain air The best hiking trails for you and your dog
56 23 27
of traveling with your dog
1 Make you feel safe
It is like your unspoken protection. Most likely no matter where you are staying, if someone unknown comes through your door, your dog will bark or get your attention in some way. Even if by chance you are traveling with a small dog, it’s less likely that you will get pick pocketed if you are carrying your dog.
2 They make you look like a local Right along with making you feel safe, they also make you seem friendly and approachable. They also make you look like someone who belongs, a local, a contributor to the city’s economy, intead of someone who is there just to take a few snap shots and move on to the next place.
3 Forces you to be Active
The benefit of bringing your dog is keeping a routine instead of sleeping all day in the hotel room. Dogs need daily walks and taken out to go to the bathroom, so why not explore since you’re already up and out of bed. Dogs are always ready to go on the next adventure.
4 Great Icebreaker
When you have a dog with you, you cannot help but make friends. Everyone loves dogs and love to play with them, which always leads to conversation with people that you might not have spoke to otherwise, which is also a benefit for your dog because of the extra attention.
Having a dog with me, I’m seen as friendly and approachable
5 Makes the trip more enjoyable
Bringing out the suitcases often causes many dogs to unleash full body wiggles in anticipation of joining their favorite people for a travel adventure. Where or for how long doesn’t matter to them: they are just excited to be your travel mate. Hands down (or paws down) dogs make the best travel buddies. To have the unconditional love and tail waggin excitement for each and every adventure, makes traveling so much more enjoyable.