Indico Manual

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InDiCo Manual Conference administrator’s guides Conference participant’s guides InDiCo version 0.94 April 2009


Table of Contents CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDES Conference Creation......................................................................................................... 4 Meeting Creation .............................................................................................................. 9 Lecture Creation ............................................................................................................. 13 Difference between Lecture, Meeting and Conference ............................................... 17 Management Area and Main Tab ................................................................................. 21 Files................................................................................................................................... 25 Programme – managing conference tracks .................................................................. 31 Abstracts .......................................................................................................................... 34 Contributions................................................................................................................... 47 Timetable ......................................................................................................................... 52 Registration Form - Creating the registration form.................................................... 55 Registrants – managing the participants ...................................................................... 63 E-payment: How to setup e-payment with PBS ........................................................... 73 Evaluation........................................................................................................................ 79 Display.............................................................................................................................. 85 Protection – how to handle rights.................................................................................. 95 Track coordinator......................................................................................................... 101 Badge printing............................................................................................................... 106 Calendar......................................................................................................................... 111 Events overview............................................................................................................. 113

CONFERENCE PARTICIPANT'S GUIDES Indico Account Creation .............................................................................................. 115 Payment with PBS - a step by step guide on how to pay with PBS .......................... 118


Conference Administrator’s Guides


Conference Creation Introduction This section describes how to create an Indico Conference. Description On the Indico Home page, click the "Add event" icon on the right side of the screen. Choose the third subcategory: "Conference".

After clicking the link “Conference�, a new form called "New conference" appears:


Enter the appropriate information about the conference: •

Title of conference

Description of conference

Keywords - One keyword per line

Name and address of where the conference takes place

Room – The information can be registered by typing in a name or a number

Start and end date of the conference - This information can be entered manually or by clicking the red calendar icon:


When clicking the red icon a calendar pops up:

Choose a date by clicking the date and it will automatically appear in the “New conference” form. Click the “Check dates” button to ensure that your conference is not overlapping with other conferences.

Additional information about the conference can be entered. Support email - Write an email address set up for the conference or directed to the conference secretary. Chairperson text – If the conference is co-organized by someone without an Indico account you can enter the name manually in this field. Chairperson – Locate the name of the person who is managing the meeting by clicking the search button. Note that the person you are looking for must have an Indico account for you to be able to find the name.


After clicking “OK” a new form called “Search for users” pops up. Enter personal information such as: family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization which the chairperson is associated with, and then click the search button.

A list of matching chairpersons appears. Choose a name from the list and press the “select” button. The name will now appear in the “New conference” form. If the conference is co-organized by someone without an Indico account, then click the “new” button.


A new form called “Define new chairperson” appears:

Enter the information. When clicking the “submit” button the form “New conference” reappears. Make sure that the information is correct and click the “ok” button to save the information in the Indico conference system. You will now be transferred to the conference modification interface.


Meeting Creation Introduction This section describes how to create an Indico Meeting. Description On the Indico Home page locate the "Add event" icon at the right side of the screen. Click the second subcategory: "Meeting".

When you have clicked the link “Meeting�, the form "New Meeting" appears:


Enter the appropriate information about the meeting: •

Title of meeting

Description of meeting

Keywords - one keyword per line

Name and address of where the meeting takes place

Room – The information can be registered by typing in a name or a number.


Start and end date of the meeting – The date can be entered manually or by clicking the red calendar icon:

When clicking the red icon a calendar pops up:

Choose a date by clicking the date and it will immediately appear in the “New meeting” form. Enter the start time manually. Click the “Check Dates” button to ensure that the meeting is not overlapping with other meetings, conferences or lectures.

Chairperson text – If the meeting is co-organized by someone without an Indico account you can enter the name manually in this field.

Chairperson – Locate the names of the person who are managing the meeting by clicking the search button. Note that the person you are looking for must have an Indico account for you to be able to find the name.


A new form called “Search for users” pops up:

Enter personal information such as: family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization the chairperson is associated with, and then click the search button. A list of matching Chairpersons appears. Choose a name from the list and press the “select” button. The name will now appear in the “New meeting” form.

Make sure the information is correct and click the “ok” button to save the information. You will now be transferred to the management area.


Lecture Creation Introduction This section describes how to create an Indico Lecture Description On the Indico Home page locate the "Add event" icon at the right side of the screen. Click the first subcategory: "Lecture".

After clicking the button “Lecture� a new form called "New Lecture" will appear:


Enter the appropriate information about the lecture: •

Title of lecture

Abstract of lecture

Keywords - one keyword per line

Name and the address of where the lecture takes place

Room – This information can be registered by typing in a name or a number.

Date and start time of the lecture – The date can be entered manually or automatically by clicking the red calendar icon:


When clicking the red icon a calendar pops up:

Choose a date by clicking the date and it will immediately appear in the “New lecture” form. Enter the start time and expected lecture duration manually. Speaker – Locate the names of the speakers by clicking the search button.

A new form called “Search for users” pops up. Enter personal information like: family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization the speaker is associated with, and then click the search button.

A list of matching speakers appears. Choose a name from the list and press the “select” button. The name will now automatically be transferred into the “New lecture” form.


To add speakers without an Indico account, press “new” and write the name and contact information manually.

Make sure the information is correct and click the “ok” button to save the information in the Indico Lecture system. You are now transferred to the modification interface.


Difference between Lecture, Meeting and Conference Introduction This section describes the similarities and dissimilarities between the three types of events: Lecture, Meeting and Conference. Description The three types of events can be found on the right side of the screen below the "Add event" icon. The similar features in Lecture, Meeting and Conference are: • • • •

“Files” “Evaluation” “Log” “Tools”

Files It is possible to upload files such as papers, posters, pictures, videos etc. See below for a list of what types of files can be uploaded.

Evaluation When an event has taken place it is possible to design an evaluation form for the participants to fill out. Below is the evaluation form to be designed by the organizer of an event. If you need more help on how to set up the evaluation, see the chapter on evaluation. When the data is collected it is possible to withdraw statistical information.


Log Indico offers three types of log keeping; “General log”, "E-mail log", and “Action log”. "E-mail log" contains an overview of emails which have been sent within the Indico conference system. “Action log” contains an overview of uploaded files and an overview of time scheduled contributions and sessions. The overview of uploaded files contains information such as creation date, time and the name of the responsible person. The log likewise keeps track of scheduled contributions and sessions. “General log” contains both an email and action overview.

Tools The tab “Tools” contains options for: • Creating an offline web site for the event. • Getting a material package • Closing the event • Deleting the event

Furthermore, there are some extra features which are separate for the different event types. In the event types Lecture and Meeting it is possible to send a notification by email to the participants.

E-mails It is possible to export the email addresses of the participants and send an email to selected participants or to all simultaneously. This feature is located differently in the 3 event types. In the conference interface it is found through “Registration” – “Registrants” – “E-mail selected”. In the Lecture and the Meeting interface it is found under “Participants” - “Send email to”.

Lecture and Meeting registration form The registration forms in the 3 event types are different. The registration forms for Lecture and Meeting can only be designed to require personal information for example name, address and affiliation.


Conference registration form The Indico conference interface allows the organizer to design a registration form containing personal information and information such as reason for participation, which sessions to attend, accommodation, social events and payment information. The participants can pay for the conference using the Danish PBS system.


The organizer can design the registration form.

Indico Conference • Registration of participants • Creation of timetables • Abstract management – Call for abstracts, abstract submission and book of abstracts. • Badge printing

Indico Meeting The extra features in Indico Meeting are timetable, videoconference listings and sessions slots.

Indico Lecture Indico Lecture has no extra features compared to Indico Conference and Meeting, Indico allows you to schedule events, from simple talks to conferences with many sessions, contributions and participants.


Management Area and Main Tab Introduction This section describes how to access the Management Area and how to modify conference information on the “Main” tab. Description Log in and click on the relevant conference title:

Once selected, a conference description pops up. To enter the “Management area” click the red icon next to the conference title as marked below:


The form “Main” appears. To edit the registered information click the “modify” button:


General event data - Click the “modify” button and the form “Modify event data” will appear. Screen dates – Click the “modify” button and the form “Event screen dates” will appear. Enter the information manually and click “submit”.

Chairpersons - To add chairpersons without an Indico account, click the “new” button:

To add chairpersons, who have an Indico account; click the “search” button:

Types of contributions. -A list of the types of contributions available at the conference, for example “oral presentation”, “poster”, etc. Click the “add” button to define a new type of contribution. 23

Management features – To enable a feature click on the red icon next to the name of the feature as marked below.

The icon then turns green. When enabled, some of the features will make new management tabs appear (see below).


Files Introduction This section describes how to upload files to the Indico Management Area. Description Enter the management area and click the tab called “Files�. This page will appear:

The process of uploading a file consists of four steps: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Select a material type Locate the file on your computer Rename the file Submit the file to the Indico Conference system

1. Select a file type from the list. See the options below:


2. Click the “Browse” button and locate the file on your computer. Choose the file by clicking it and then pressing the “Open” button.

3. Enter a new name for the file in the empty space called “Rename it to” and click the “Submit” button.


4. The file is now uploaded to the Indico Conference system, and it is displayed in a folder named after the file type (e.g. pictures, papers). See the illustration below:

Internal page files To make a folder in the files tab called Internal Page Files (for use in html on different pages in the system), you must click the Display tab.

Press the “add page� button.


Click the button marked with a red circle.

Click “Upload”


Find the file on your computer by clicking the “Browse” button:

After uploading the file, you can change the size of the picture:

The system then creates a folder called “Internal Page Files”.

To add more files to the folder, click the icon with the blue pencil


Click “add file� to find more files from your computer


Programme – managing conference tracks Introduction This section describes how to create and modify conference tracks on the “Programme” tab at the Management Area. Description Click the “Modify” button to enter the conference program description.

The form “Program description” pops up. Enter the description and click the “Save” button.

The conference program can contain several tracks. Click “Add track” to enter a track description:


The form “Creating new track” pops up. Enter the information and press the “ok” button.

When track information is entered, it is possible to rearrange the track order. To do so tick off a box and click the arrows:

To remove a track, tick off a box and press the “remove selected” button:


If you add tracks to the conference, the users are able to add tracks when they submit their abstracts, to indicate what topic the abstract is about.


Abstracts Introduction This section describes how to use the Abstracts tab in the management area of the Indico Conference system. The Abstracts tab has four sub-tabs: “Call for abstracts”, “Preview”, “List of abstracts” and “Book of abstracts”. Description The management feature “Call for abstracts” must be enabled in order to be visible in the Indico management area. Click the tab “Main” and then the link called “Call for abstracts”. The link is enabled when the icon in front of the text is green

And a tab called “Abstract” appears in the top menu.

For more information about this, see the section about Management Area and Main Tab. The sub tab “Call for abstracts” Abstract management is the process of accepting and preparing abstracts for presentation at a conference. Click the “Enable” button to activate the call for abstracts section.


Click the “modify” button to apply information about the abstract Management process.

A form called “Modify call for abstract data” pops up. Enter the following information: • • •

Start, end date and deadline for modification Announcement – a text describing the process of abstract management. Submission notification – Enter an email address if you want to be notified each time someone submits an abstract.


Misc. Options Choose either to allow a single track or multiple tracks in your conference. Click the icon attached to the link called “Allow multiple tracks selection”. When the icon is green, it is allowed to have multiple tracks, and when it is red only single track is allowed.

It is possible for the abstract submitters to choose more than one track if multiple tracks are allowed.

Abstract fields Designing an abstract submission form: The following fields have been added as default and cannot be deleted: • Title • Primary Authors • Co-Authors • Track Classifications • Comments


In order to create a new field in the abstract form, click the “add” button.

A form called “Add a Field” then appears. It contains 5 fields: • • • • •

Type - Choose either “text area” or “input format” Name – A title for the field Caption – The caption/name for the field Max Length – The entered number indicates the maximum length of the text. Mandatory – Choose if the field is mandatory to fill out.

Late submission authorized users Submitters registered as “Late submission authorized users” are allowed to add abstracts after the submission end date has passed.

Click the “add” button. Then the form “Search for users and groups” appears. Enter personal information like; family name, first name, an email address or the name of the organization the person is associated with, and then click on the “search” button. A list of matching persons appears. Choose a name from the list and press the “select” button. The selected name will then appear in the form “Late submission authorized users”, and the person is now allowed to add abstracts after the submission end date has passed.


Notification templates The email templates are used, when sending a notification to abstract submitters telling them if their abstract has been accepted, merged or rejected. To enter the template, click the add button

The form called “Defining a new notification template” pops up and the following information can be entered: Title, Description, From address, To address – It is mandatory to tick off one of the checkboxes “Submitters” and Primary of, Subject, Body – tags are available. For instance insert this tag: %(submitter_first_name)s. Then the Indico system searches for all first names registered in form “Current registrants”. The first names of the registrants will be added to emails send from the Indico Conference system.

When all data is entered and saved, two versions of the notification template is available; one to modify called “Main”, and one to view the entered data called “Preview. Click the “Preview” tab and the finished notification template is shown.


Contribution creation Conditions can be added to the notification template in order to sum up the conclusion of the message. The conditions are also used as headings in the tab “Notification log”. But it demands that the contribution types are created. Contribution types are created in the “Main” tab:

Click the “add” button in the form “Type of Contribution” and a form called “Create contribution type” pops up. Create the contributions one by one, by entering a name and a description. The name could for example be poster, talk, invited talk, subjects in general etc.

In the picture below two contributions have been added: “Invited talk” and “Talk”

Condition type Now the contributions have been created, and they can now be added to the notification template as conditions. Click the name of a notification template to define the conditions for the template.


Click the “new” button to add a condition.

Choose a contribution type and a track for each condition and click the submit button. See the picture below:

In the example below the condition “Accepted” has been added:

2) The sub tab “Preview” The “Preview” sub tab shows how the abstract submission will appear for the users

In order for the registrants to submit an abstract, they most click the link “Submit a new abstract” which is visible in the Display area. See the picture below:


3) The sub tab ”List of abstracts” In this tab the submitted abstracts are stored.

Filtering criteria Use the filtering criteria to find a specific abstract. Click the arrow marked with a red circle to open the filtering criteria. See the picture below:

A list of filtering criteria appears. Tick off the checkboxes in order to sort the list of “Found abstracts”. Some of the Checkboxes are ticked off as default.


Found abstracts Click an abstract title one by one in order to add or edit details.

When clicking an abstract title, a form called “Main” pops up. In this form the following information is shown: -

Main information such as title, content, summary etc. –to edit the information click the modify button. Track classification Details on submission status Contribution type A status for each abstract (Accepted, Rejected, Mark as duplicated, Merge into, Propose to accept, Propose to reject, Withdraw)

When a status is chosen the status buttons becomes inactive.


Main information such as title, content, summary etc., can be edited. Click at the modify button and a form called “Editing an abstract� appears. See the picture below:


The notification template designed previously will now be used. When the system administrator chooses to accept or reject the abstract an email will be send. Choose a destination track, destination session and a contribution type from the drop down menu. See the picture below:

Deleting an abstract To delete an abstract, click the abstract title in the “List of abstracts” tab. See the picture below:

Choose the “Tools” tab and click the text “Delete this abstract”.


4) The sub tab ”Book of abstracts” A PDF version of all submitted abstracts can be created in the “Book of abstracts”. Additional text, which will be displayed as an intro in the PDF version of the abstracts, is addable within the “Book of abstract” tab in the management area. Click the “modify” button in order to add additional text:

The form called “Customisation of abstracts books” pops up. Enter the text and click the ok button.

The tab “Book of abstract” must be activated in order to be visible in the Display area. (For help read the section: “Display”). Then it is possible to generate a PDF version of all abstracts. The picture below shows the link “Book of abstract” as it looks in the display area:



Contributions Introduction Abstracts become active contributions when the abstracts have been submitted and accepted. Contributions are presentations in a session or a slot. This section describes how to use the filtering criteria, how to create a new contribution and how to add a sub contribution. Description Use the filtering criteria to find a specific contribution. Click the arrow marked with a red circle to open the filtering criteria. See the picture below:

Then a list of filtering criteria appears. Tick off the checkboxes in order to sort the list of “Found contributions�. Some of the Checkboxes are ticked off as default.


Create a new contribution In order to create a new contribution, click the “new” button. See the picture below:

Then a form called “Create new contribution” pops up. In comparison with the form “Submitting a new abstract”, a few new buttons have been added here and they are: •

Keywords – one per line

Type – the contribution types which come from the “main” tab

Place – Choose either the same location as the conference or enter a new one.

Room – Enter either a name or a number in the textbox

Board – Enter either a name or a number in the textbox

Start date – Use the red calendar icon to find a date. See the picture below:

Duration – Enter duration of the contribution presentation.


The picture below shows the form “Create new contribution”


Sub contributions Sub contributions can be added to contributions to organize the contribution further. Click the “add” button.

The following basic data can be entered about the sub contribution: • Title • Description • Keywords – one per line • Duration – Enter the duration of the sub contribution presentation. • Presenter – Use the “add”, “search” or “new” buttons to apply a presenter for the sub contribution.


Finding a contribution through the front end When the sub contributions have been added, they will appear in the Display area attached to a contribution. Click the link “Contribution list� in the left side of the screen, and then choose a contribution title from the list. See the picture below:

A detailed description of one contribution pops up. See the picture below:


Timetable Introduction This section describes how to create a timetable in the Indico Conference system. Description The timetable tab is found in the management area. See the picture below:

Click the “modify” button to define a start and end date for the timetable. The time zone information is addable within the “Main” tab. The form called “Editing schedule basic data” pops up. Apply a starting and ending date for the conference timetable.

Click the button “New session” and a form called “Create a new session” pops up. See the picture below:


Enter the appropriate information about the new session: • Code – a text or a number • Title – It is mandatory to enter a title. • Description – max. length of 2000 char. • Place – Use the same as for the conference or enter a new one • Room – Enter a name or a number. • Start and end date - Entered manually or automatically by clicking the red calendar icon. See the picture below:


Then a calendar pops up:

Choose a date by clicking the date and it will immediately appear in the “Create a new session” form. Enter the starting time and the finishing time for the session manually. • • • • •

Contribution duration – Enter an indication of time Time table type – Choose either standard or poster Background colour – Use the colours to indicate a new topic or session etc. Text colour – Use the colours to indicate a new topic or session etc. Convener – Enter the name of the session convener


Registration Form - Creating the registration form Introduction This section describes how to create the registration form. Description To build up the registration form, you must go to the Indico Management Area and choose the “Registration” tab:

When creating the form you have to use the tab “Setup”. The subsections of this tab are explained below: The first thing you must do is enabling the registration form, by pressing the grey button:

The field will then be open. You can click “Modify” to edit the information:


Modify registration form The start and end date defines the time span when the registration must be open. In the title field you can decide what the title of the form is going to be (e.g. Registration form) Announcement is a text that is going to appear when the conference participant clicks “Registration”

In the “Max no. of registrants” field you can limit the number of people who can register for the conference. If you want the conference participation to be unlimited you must write a zero (0) in the field. In the field “Contact info” you can write contact information for the registrants to use (e.g. an address or a phone number). This information is shown alongside the registration dates and the announcement in the front end. “Notification” is for the email address of the conference committee or secretary who has to know every time a participant is registered. The email you put here is notified each time a person submits the registration form. If you want people to have an Indico account before registering for the conference, you can tick off the “Must have an account” check box. The participants then must have an Indico account to be able to submit an abstract for the conference. It is a good idea to have people registering as Indico users before registering for the conference, because they then have the possibility of correcting the information themselves, and also have the possibility of paying for the conference at a later time. At last, you have to choose the currency for the conference payment. EUR is the only one supported by the PBS payment system. When you have filled out all the fields you press “OK” and the information will be saved. 56

Person Data In the field “Person Data” you can choose which subfields you want your conference participants to fill out. If you want a field to be on the registration form, the icon on the left side of it must be green. To remove a section from the registration form, click the green icon, turning it red. When the icon is red in the left side of the section, it is not shown in the registration form.

The section “Personal data” will look like this to the user.

Sections of the form In the field “Sections of the form” you can choose which sections/fields you want to be in the registration form.


If you click the green button it will turn red and the subfield won’t appear on the registration form.

The numbers indicates in which order the subfields should appear in the registration form.

If you want a new section, click the ”New section” button. If you want to delete one of the sections you’ve made, check the box to the left of it and then click the button “Remove section”.

To edit a subfield, click the title of the subfield.

The fields that are already there when you start making your form are default fields. It is not possible to delete these fields, but you can always turn them off by clicking the green icon. If you want to use some of them, you can edit the information by clicking the title. Below there is an explanation on how to edit the fields that you make and a description of the different possibilities you have: When you add a new subfield to the form it will per default always be called “Miscellaneous Information”. You can change this name, add a description and add fields by clicking the title (“Miscellaneous Information 1” in the example above).


You will then get to this page:

To change the title or the description, click “Modify”. To add fields, click the “Add” button. Then you will be directed to the next page:

In “Caption” you can write the title of the field. In “Type of field” you can choose which kind of field you would like to create.

The “Multiple choices/checkbox” will look like this:

And then the participant is able to choose more than one option.


The “Label” is not really a field, it is just a place where you can write information for the users, but they can’t fill out any information. If you for example have to write some information about payment or accommodation you can write it here, explaining what the participants have to do to pay or to arrange accommodation. The “Number” is a field where the user is able to write how many people he or she wants to attend an event. The field looks like this for the users:

The user can write a number in the field indicating how many who will attend the conference tour (in this example). “Multiple choices/One choice” is what you normally call “Radio buttons”. They look like this for the conference participant:

The participant can only choose one option. These kinds of buttons are often used for the conference fee, if you have different fees for e.g. “students”, “early registrants” and “late registrants”. “Text” is a one line field where the conference participant is able to write a one line text/comment. “Text area” is a larger field where the conference participant can write a longer text. See the difference between the two fields below:

“Yes/no” is a field where the conference participant has the choice to answer yes or no to a question by using a roll down menu (See the example below).


Billable fields The fields which can be billable are: - Multiple choices / checkbox - Number - Multiple choices/one choice - Yes/no

To make the field billable you have to check the box “Billable”, and write a price in the field “Price”. The price has to be in EUR to be supported by the payment system PBS. The price has to be written in numbers without “EUR” text or any other signs. No commas can be added. The system recognizes the currency from the setup on the first step described in this section. Example:


Once you have filled out the information about the subfield and clicked the “Add” button, the field will be added and you can add another. When the fields are added it looks like this:

When you have added all the subfields you want to have in “Registration fee”, you have to click the “Save” button. Finally, to see how the registration form will look to the conference participant, go to the “Preview” tab:


Registrants – managing the participants Introduction This section describes how to get an overview of who are registered for the conference; how to send emails to participants, and how to check who have paid, etc. Description When you want to see the participants registered for the conference click the tab “Registrants”:

In this tab you are able to see all information about the conference participants stored in the system. In the section “Filtering criteria” it is possible to decide what kind of information about the participants should appear on the registrant list.

Click the arrow to fold out the filtering criteria.

When you have folded out the “Filtering criteria” section you are able to choose different views, such as accommodation, social events and sessions.


The sections on top are the same as the default sections of the registration form. The possibility to filter here will make the list smaller, sorting it by categories, so if you for example check the box for CERN hostel you will only see the registrants who have registered for CERN hostel on your list of registrants.

The section called “Display� changes the view of the list of registrants. See example below: When you tick the boxes, for example last name, first name, email, institution etc. only the chosen information will appear on the list of registrants.

You can export the registrations list to formats such as PDF and Excel by clicking the icons on top of the list: 64

The icons give you the possibility to:

Export to PDF format Click the PDF icon to export the current list to a PDF file.

Export to Excel format: Click the Excel icon to export the current list to an Excel file.

When you click the icon a dialogue box appears. If you use Windows/Internet Explorer the box looks like this:

To open the file in Excel press “Save�.


The file is saved as a comma delimited file (*csv file). To put the content into the columns (in Excel 2003) you have to mark the first column (A) and click on “data” in the top bar. Choose “Text to columns” in the roll down menu:

Press the “Next” button.

Only the “Tab” square is marked as default – both the “Tab” square and the “Comma” square should have a mark. Tick off the “Comma” square and the data example changes and you can see what the file will look like.

Press “Next” and then you have an option to change the formatting of each column. It is done by clicking a column and ticking off either “General”, “Text”, “Date” or “Do not import column” box. If you do not want to change the formatting you can press “Finish” Now the data is in the columns, but the headlines doesn’t fit to the data


To move the headlines one step to the right you can mark A1 and right click and press insert. A new box appears:

Click on “Shift cells right” and then click “OK”.

Export to mail To email the whole list of participants, press the letter icon showed below:

If you only want the email to be send to specific people you can tick off the box next to their name and press the button “Email selected”. See the explanation “Email Selected” later in this help topic.

Registrant statistics When pressing the “i” icon you will get a list of people registered for the different events, sessions etc. that you have set up in the registration form:

For instance if you arrange different tours, you can see how many are attending the tours:


“Add new”, “Remove Selected”, “E-mail Selected” and “Print Badges for Selected”

On the top and on the bottom of the registrant list there are grey buttons called “Add new”, “Remove Selected”, “E-mail Selected” and “Print Badges for Selected”:

The “Add New” button gives you the possibility to add a conference registrant manually.


When you press the button you are directed to the registration form on the conference home page. There you can fill out the information on the conference registrant.

The “Remove Selected” button gives you the possibility to delete registrants from the list. To delete a registrant tick off the box next to the name and press the “Remove Selected” button. When pressing the button you get a warning.

If you still want to delete the registrant, press the “ok” button:

The “Email Selected” button gives you the possibility to send an email to specific people. Tick off the box next to their names and press the “Email selected” button. When you press the button, you are transferred to this page:


On this page you can set up your email as you like. The tags in the right side of the screen can be used to add generic information to the email, such as name, conference title and accommodation. Press the “Preview� button to see what the email will look like.


Press the “Send” button to send the email to the selected registrants.

Use the “Print badges for selected” button if you want to print name tags for some of the registrants. Tick off the boxes next to their names and press the “Print badges for selected” button. You are then transferred to this page:


If you haven’t made a badge template yet you can do it by clicking the “Badge template design” link:

This moves you to the “Tools” tab. Create your template by pressing the “New” button:

See the “Badge printing” topic for help on creating the badge template.


E-payment: How to setup e-payment with PBS Introduction This section describes how to set up the Danish e-payment system PBS in Indico. Description When you want to set up the payment system, go to the management area of your conference. Then activate the e-payment feature and the registration feature on the main tab.

The features are per default disabled (red). To enable a feature, press the red icon. It will then turn green and be enabled. To be able to set up the payment system, both the registration form and e-payment features must be enabled (green). When the icons for registration form and e-payment are enabled they will appear as tabs in the conference backend:


When you click the e-payment tab you arrive at this screen:

To enable the e-payment feature click the “enable” button.


When you have clicked on the “enable” button, you can modify the comment field, wherein you can enter details about the payment. Press “Modify” to add text to the field.

When you click “modify” you come to this page:

When you have written the text in the “details of payment” field, click the “ok” button. Then you must configure the PBS payment system. In the bottom of the screen you can choose different payment systems.

The icons to the left of the payment systems “YellowPay”, “PayPal” and “worldpay” in the bottom of the page must to be red (disabled). The icon to the left of “PBS” must be green (enabled). The icons should look like this:


Configuring the PBS payment system To configure the PBS payment system you have to press the link “PBS”:

You are then transferred to this page: Click “modify” to change the fields.

Title is the name of the payment system – “PBS”

URL of PBS is the URL for PBS – it must set to for the system to work

The merchantID is the code for DTU’s PBS account. You can get this from the system administrator.

The testMode field shows whether the system is running in test mode or production mode. If the field is empty the system is in production mode.

ValutaFactor is the currency for when you change EUR to DKK. The daily currency can be found on:

Press “ok” to save the changes. When you use the PBS payment system you must add a page with “Payment terms”. See how to below:


Adding “Payment terms” page to the left menu Go to the “Display” tab in the conference management area:

Press the ”add link” grey button in the left side of the screen.

You then arrive on this page:

”Name” is the name of the link in the left menu on the conference home page – e.g. “Payment terms”.


In the URL field you have to write the link to the external page with payment terms written by DTU: This page also contains information on which credit cards the PBS payment system accepts and information on how to pay by bank transfer (DTU’s bank account information etc.).

In the “Display target” field you can decide if the page has to be showed in a new window or in the same window.

Click “save” when you have filled out all the fields. The payment system is now configured.


Evaluation Introduction This section describes how to set up an evaluation, how to create the questions and how to manage the results. Description The evaluation setup form is placed in the “Evaluation” tab. Click the “modify” button to apply main information about the evaluation. Se the picture below:


Modify Evaluation The picture below shows the form called “Modify Evaluation”:

Enter the following information in this form: • Start and end date – The start date is the date where the evaluation form opens for registrants to answer the evaluation. When the end date is reached the evaluation closes. • Evaluation title • Maximum number of submissions – Enter a number in order to set a maximum limit on responses. • Announcement – A text describing the evaluation process. • Contact info – Enter an email address belonging to the person responsible for the evaluation. • Notifications – “Start of evaluation”: Send an email notification when the evaluation is ready for the registrants to complete. • Notifications – “New submission”: An email will be send to the entered addresses, when a registrant has answered the evaluation.


• •

Tick off the checkbox “Must have an account” if you do not wish the registrants to answer the questions anonymously. Tick off the checkbox “Anonymous” if you the registrants should be able to answer the questions anonymously. (This could bring more answers, but be aware that it is possible for one person to answer the questions more than once).

Current status It is possible to design an evaluation form and keep it hidden for the registrants. Click the “HIDE” button at the top of the page, and the evaluation form will be hidden for the registrants. To display the evaluation form again, click the “Visible” button. In the example below the current status is visible.

Special Actions Amongst other things it is possible to export and import the collected data. See the list of Special Actions below:

Design of questions The tab called ”Edit” contains a tool for designing the evaluation questions. In order to create a new question, click one of the sub links in the box called “New Question”. Choose a form for your question such as a “Text box”, a “Text area”, a “Password” or multiple choice buttons such as “Checkboxes”, “Radio” and “Select”. See the picture below:


When a question type is chosen, you can enter the following information: • “Required” - If the checkbox is ticked off an answer for the question is mandatory. • “Keyword” - Entered keywords are displayed as headlines in the Display area. • “Description” - Enter an explanatory text to the question asked. • “Help” - Enter an explanatory text for the question asked. The text will be displayed when holding the computer mouse over the question mark, which is placed after the Keyword. • •

“Default answer” - In this field an answer for the question can be suggested. The registrants can delete the answer if it is not relevant for them. “Position in form” - Use the scroll down menu to move the question either up or down in the evaluation. Enter a lower number to move it up or enter a higher number to move it down.

Preview ”Preview” tab provides a preview of how the finished evaluations form appears in the front end. In the example below the question types “Text box”, “Text area”, “Select”, “Radio” and “Checkbox” are used:


Results When registrants have answered the questions in the evaluation form the results will be displayed under ”Statistics”. Click the “export” button to get the answers displayed as an EXCEL file.


It is possible to deselect some of the answers received. Click the “Select” button and the form “Select submitters” will pop up. Then tick off the relevant checkboxes and press the “select” button.

To delete some of the incoming answers, tick off the relevant checkboxes and click the “Remove” button. Now the answers given by the selected submitters will be deleted from the Indico Conference system.


Display Introduction This section describes how to use the Display tab. This tab provides options to View and change the graphic design of your conference website. The tab Display provides possibilities to: • • • • • •

Enable and disable menu links Modify menu links Add new pages, links and spaces Change the colours of the conference website Upload a logo to the conference website Add an dynamic announcement on the conference website

Description Enable and disable menu options Menu options cannot be removed from the Indico conference system, but it is possible to remove the links from your conference front page by disabling them in the “Display” tab. This can be relevant if some of the management features are not usable for you or for example if you would like to publish the evaluation feature after the conference is over. If the management features you are looking for are not present in “menu display” list, it is possible that the feature is not enabled in the “Main” tab, because they are disabled as default. The features available in the main tab are: “E-payment”, “Registration form”, “Evaluation form” and “Call for abstracts”. See the section “Management Area and Main Tab” for help. As default the following System links are enabled: Overview, Scientific Programme, Timetable, Contribution List, Author index, My conference, My sessions, My contributions, Evaluation, Evaluation Form and Modify my evaluation. The System link called “Speakers index” is as default disabled. See the picture below:


To disable a link choose one and click the “Disable” button. In the example below the system link “Timetable” is chosen.

Now “Disabled” is shown after the word “Timetable” in the “Menu display”. The menu link will no longer be visible in the front end of your conference. To enable the link again press the “Activate” button.


Modify system link Choose a system link and click the “modify” button to rename it.

Enter a new name for the link and press the “save” button. In the example below the system link “Contribution List” can be renamed by deleting the word and entering a new word.


The system link name “Contribution list” has been changed to the Danish translation of the word, “Konference bidrag”. The new name now appears in the “Menu display” on the left side of the screen. See the example below:

Likewise, the new name is visible at the front page of your conference website for your participants to see. See the image below:

Add new pages, links and spaces Furthermore, it is possible to create spaces between two links and to add new pages and links in the menu display.


How to add a link To add a link click the button “add link”:

The form called “Create external link” appears. Enter a name and an URL and choose either to display the link in a new window or in the same window. Then click the save button.


The link “DTU” appears in the “Menu Display” list. See the image below:

It is now possible to add a sub link. This is done by clicking the “add sub link” button which makes the form “Create external link” reappear. Enter a name and an URL for the sub link and it will appear beneath the “DTU” link. The links can be repositioned in the “Menu display” by using the up and down arrows. When clicking an arrow either up or down the link moves one position. The image below shows the position tool:


How to create a new page Click the “add page” button:

The form “Create internal page web” opens (See the image below). When dragging the arrow over a button an explanatory text appears. When your page has been created choose either to display the page in a new window or in the same window. If you want to add pictures to your page, you have to upload them to the system as internal page files. See the section called “Files” for help on how to upload internal page files.


Change the colours of your conference website The image below shows the default colours of the title text and title background set by Indico.

To customize the colours, click the links “Title background colour” and “Title text colour” one by one. Then click the button marked with a red circle below.

This will make a new window pop up. It shows a panel of colour options. Choose a colour by clicking it and it will immediately be in use.


Upload logo Click the “Browse” button to locate the finished logo on your computer. The size of the logo is typically about 15.000 bytes and the dimensions are about 314 x 200 pixels. Click “Save the logo” button and your logo has been uploaded to the Indico Conference system.

The logo now appears in the “preview” window and it will also be visible on the front page of your conference website. It is possible to remove the logo by clicking the “remove” button. See the image below:

Add a dynamic announcement on your conference website When this feature is enabled, it is possible to add a dynamic text box at the front page of your conference website. This text box will be visible once you enter a text in the empty field called “Text announcement” and click the “save” button.

In the image below an example of a dynamic announcement is shown. The text “Conference proceedings available online” has been added and the text works as a dynamic link. The conference participants can choose either to have the announcement shown at the top or at the button of the page.



Protection – how to handle rights Introduction This section describes how to use the tab “Protection” in the Indico Management Area. The Protection tab gives the manager options to delegate modification rights. Description There are 6 sub links in the Protection tab. The picture below gives an overview on the sub links within the Protection tab:

Modification control A person who has been added as manager in the form “Modification control” has access to modify the entire conference website. In order to add a manager, click the add button. See the picture below:


A form called “Search for users and groups” pops up. Enter personal information such as; family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization the person is associated with, and then click the “search” button. A list of matching persons appears. Choose a name from the list and click the “select” button. The person now has full access to make modifications within the Indico management area.

Modification key It is possible to require an extra Password when entering the conference website. Enter a self chosen password in the text box called “Modification key” and press the “change” button. Se the picture below:

Registration modification control To give a person access to modify in the Registration tab, click the “add” button in the form called “Registration modification control”. See the picture below:

A form called “Search for users and groups” pops up. Enter personal information such as; family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization the person is associated with, and then click the “search” button. A list of matching persons appears. Choose a name from the list and click the “select” button. The selected name will then appear in the form “Registration modification control”.


This person now has access to the 3 sub tabs “Setup”, “Registrants” and “Preview”. See the picture below:

If he/she tries to modify other tabs in the management area, he/she will be shown the following message: “The modification of this event has been restricted by its owner and you are not authorized to use it”. See the picture below:

Access control There are several ways of managing the access of your website: • Make the site private. • Give chosen registrants access by adding their names in the form “Users allowed to access”. • Create an “Access key” and distribute it to chosen registrants.

Private Click the “Private” button in the form called “Access control”. Then it is only possible to access the site if you have an Indico account and are logged in.


When the status has been set to ”Private” the word “protected” will appear next to your entry link at the Indico front page. See the picture below:

If people try to enter your website, they will be asked to login with an Indico account.

Access key Set the “Current status” to “Private” and enter an access key and click the “Change” button. In this mode, registrants who try to enter the website will receive the following message: “This event is protected with an access key”. See the picture below:

Domain control (only for conference managers) "Domain control" lets you limit the access to a specific resource to an IP address that belongs to a certain class. Before a Domain is selectable, they most be registered in the Admin interface (only for conference managers). Follow the guide below:

In order to register a domain, click the link “Admin” located at the front page.


Choose the “IP Domains” tab and click the “New Domain” button.

The form “Registering a new DOMAIN” pops up.

Specify an "IP filter" (which is basically a network address). For instance, registering the domain "LOCAL" with the IP filter "192.168" would restrict access to computers whose IP address is 192.168.x.x.


Tools The rights to “submit” and “modify” an abstract or a contribution can be given to the registrants by clicking the buttons presented within the “Tool” form. See the picture below:

Session coordinator’s rights In “Session coordinator’s rights”, there are two options. You have the choice to either give coordinators the rights to modify in the contributions or to give unrestricted rights to make alterations in the timetable. Click the red cross as shown in the picture below, in order to enable these features one by one.


Track coordinator Introduction This section describes how to create tracks, how to add a track in each abstract form, and how to give chosen participants permission to become track coordinators. Tracks can be used to coordinate the review process. Tracks can be a subject related to the conference or a type of presentation like a Poster or a Talk. As a Conference Manager you can assign the job as track coordinator to anyone who has an Indico Account. Track Coordinators are able to propose the acceptance or rejection of abstracts and contributions within a track. But the final decision to reject or accept abstracts is made by the Conference Manager. Description When one track is created it gives track coordinators access to all abstracts and all contributions. When two or more tracks are created, it gives track coordinators limited access for example within a specific subject. The process of adding tracks Tracks can be added within the “Programme” tab.

Click the “add track” button, and the form “Creating new track” pops up. Name the abstract, add a description and click the “ok” button. See the picture below:


In the picture below, three tracks have been added.

How to add tracks to abstracts After creating the tracks they must be assigned for each abstract. Click the tab “Abstract” first, then the tab “List of abstracts”, and finally click the title of each abstract one by one.


Click the button “Change track assignment�. The button is marked with a red circle in the picture below:

A list of checkboxes appears showing the available tracks. Choose a track from the list by ticking it off. It is possible to choose more than one. Then click the save button. See the picture below:


Now your choice of track appears as a “Track classification” in the form abstract Main. See the example below:

How to give the participants control to coordinate abstracts and contributions In order to give a participant rights as a track coordinator, all abstracts must have a track added. Click the tab “Programme” and a track, for example “Talks”.

The form called “Track Talks” appears. Choose the tab “Coordination control” and click the “add” button. See the picture below:


A new form called “Search for users” appears. Enter personal information such as; family name, first name, email address or the name of the organization the participant is associated to. Click the search button when the information is entered.

A list of matching chairpersons appears. Choose a name from the list and click the “select” button. The name will now appear in the form called “Users allowed to coordinate this track”. The person now has access to comment and propose to accept/reject abstracts and contributions related to the conference. The person can enter the features through the conference front end and by using the link “Scientific Programme” and the sub link “Manage my track”. See the picture below. Please note that he/she has to log in using the Indico account.


Badge printing Introduction This section describes how to design a template for table signs or badges and how to print them. Description The feature is called “Badges/Table Signs” and it is located in the Management Area under the “Tools” tab. See the picture below.

Click the “New” button to create a badge template.


The interface for creating the template looks like this:

Enter a name for the template in the “Name” field.

To apply a background picture, click the “browse” button and find a file (jpeg, png or gif format) on your computer. Press “Send file” to add the picture as background on your badges. If you want to remove the picture, press the “Remove background” button.

The size of the template can be altered in the fields “Badge Width” and “Badge Height”. Click the fields and enter the size in cm.

Choose elements from the drop down menu and use the “Insert” button to apply. Then the Indico conference system will collect data from your list of registrants and add it automatically. To add a self chosen text, insert the element “Fixed text” in the drop down menu, and write the text in the field called “Text (for fixed text)” and then press the “Change” button. In the picture below you can see the full list of elements to choose from:


The elements can be removed by clicking the element and clicking the “Remove” button.

Design the look of the badges by using the “Position tool”. Click an element and use the buttons in the tool to either move it to the top, to the bottom, to the left, to the right or to the centre of the badge. The adjustments can also be made by using the drop down menu called “Alignment” at the end of the page. Below is a picture of the position tool:

To alter the designs further, use the click an element, and drag it to the wanted position, while holding the left button on the mouse.

The font, colour, style and size of the badges can be altered by using the drop down menu called “Attributes”, which is located at the end of the page. See the picture below:


When you click the “Save” button you are entering the “Badge Printing” page:

To see the name badges before printing, choose the file from the “list of available templates”, and click the “Try Selected Template”. Be aware that it is possible to change the margins and size of the page. The finished name badges appear on the screen in a PDF version. See the example below:

If you are not content with the result, it is possible to edit the name badges by clicking the icon picturing a white piece of paper and a blue pencil. It leads you back to the page called “Creating new badge template”. To


delete the template, click the red crossed icon. To duplicate the name badges, click the icon with two white papers.


Calendar Introduction This section describes how to use the Indico Calendar. The calendar gives an overview on Lectures, Meetings and Conferences registered in the Indico system. Description On the Indico Home page locate the "Tools" menu at the right side of the screen. Choose the third subcategory: "Calendar".

Having clicked on the link “Calendar�, this page appears:


The calendar enables you to see all conferences and meetings that take place over a certain period of time.

Choose a number of months to be displayed.

Choose a number of columns to display the months.

Choose which month is to be displayed first. Number 1 is January and number 12 is December. Then click the “apply” button.

In the example above 6 months are chosen to be displayed in 3 columns starting with March 2008.

All conferences or meetings that take place in the selected period of time are highlighted in blue and pink colours. Pointing at a highlighted date shows a short description of the conference or meeting.


Events overview Introduction This section describes how to use the “Events overview” in the Indico Conference system. The “Events overview” gives you the possibility to search for upcoming events. Description The “Events overview” button is located on the right side of the front page on the Indico Conference system:

The “Events overview” page will look like this:


To find an event, choose relevant search criteria such as: - A specific date. - A period, for example a specific day, week, month or the next 7 days. - An agenda, session or contribution. Drop down menus: Select a date or period in the drop down menus. You may combine this data with the type of event.

Calendar: It is also possible to select dates by using the calendar. Click the forward and backward arrows to find the right month and year. Finally, choose a date by clicking a date.

Once you choose the dates, the information on the event during this period will appear next to the calendar. You can click the event name for more information.


Indico Account Creation Introduction This section describes how to create an Indico account. You have to register as an Indico user before registering at each conference, and also before you submit an abstract for a conference. Description A login icon can be found on the right corner of Indico Homepage. If you don’t have an Indico account, you can create one by pressing the login icon, which directs you to this page:

If you click the link “here”, you will go to the form where you can register the information for your account.


In the form you have to fill out your personal data and choose what login and password you would like to have for your account. Only the fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Once you click “confirm� on the bottom of the page, you will go to this next page:


When this confirmation page appears you will receive an email with a link. You must open the email and click the link to confirm that you want to be an Indico user. Important: Remember to check your junk/spam mail folder if the email from Indico doesn’t appear in your inbox. After you click on the link in the email this page will appear:

You can click the grey button if you want to have your login information to be sent by email. You can click the blue word “here” if you want to login to the Indico system immediately. Finally, when you are logged in to the system, your full name is shown in the right corner of the screen.


Payment with PBS - a step by step guide on how to pay with PBS Introduction This section will describe how to pay for a conference using the PBS payment system. Description The first thing you have to do is fill out the registration form on the conference home page. See example below:

The registration form can have different appearance and different fields depending on how it is set up by the conference manager. The fields with a red mark are mandatory, meaning you must fill them out.


After you have filled out the different fields, click the “register” button at the end of the form. You will then be asked to confirm that you want to submit the form. Press “ok”:


The next page is a confirmation page divided into two. On the top of the page you can see the information you have just entered:

On the bottom of the page you can see the details of your payment:


Before pressing the “proceed to payment� button, you must read the payment terms. You can find the link in the left menu of the page:

When you press the link with payment terms a new window pops up with the terms of the payment:


After you have read the terms of payment, you can switch back to the window with your registration form and press the button “proceed to payment”:

You will then be directed to this page, where you must click the button “Proceed to PBS”:


When you have pressed the “proceed to PBS” button, you get to a PBS page where you have to choose what kind of credit card you are paying with. Choose your type of card and press the “forward” button on the bottom of the page:

You are then transferred to a page where you can enter your credit card information:

You can find the card number and date of expiry on the front of your card. 123

The CVV/CVC number is the last three digits on the back of your card:

After completing entering the credit card information, press the “forward� button.

You will now be transferred to a page where your payment is confirmed. You have now paid for the conference through the PBS payment system.


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