Com p e n s ati on P l an
Com pens ation P l an revital U does more than just encourage people to start the day off right, with a daily cup of our Brew. We want to help you look and feel better, and also live a fulfilling life. If you love what the Brew has done for you and want to help others, this is a great opportunity. For an annual fee of only $49.99, you establish yourself as an Independent Brand Influencer (Bi). As a Brand Influencer, you receive: a personalized website, a Sample Platform, which includes 5 digital and 3 personal delivery samples of revital U Brew to share, an introductory version of an industry leading online business system, that we call U Office Lite, and the benefits of having full corporate support, an executive module business and leadership training. As a Brand Influencer (Bi), you have the opportunity to earn one-time Fast Start bonuses, weekly customer acquisition bonuses and monthly customer commissions.
Fa s t S t a r t B o n u s es For Fast Start, a Bi needs to enroll a minimum amount of total customers, within 30 days, to receive one-time bonuses of up to $500. In order to earn these bonuses, the customers must have a start date and an order date within 30 days, from the enrolling Bi. When a Bi personally enrolls five (5) customers, they will receive a one-time $50 bonus. When a Bi personally enrolls 10 customers, an additional one-time $50 bonus is added – for a total of $100. If a Bi enrolls 15 customers, another $100 bonus is added on top, making the total $200. Lastly, if a Bi personally enrolls 25 customers or more, a $300 bonus is added on top of the aforementioned – for a grand total of $500.
Number of Enrolled Customers with an Order Total Bonus Earned
25 or more
A Bi can also qualify for Personal Customer Commission (PCC). A Bi earns their commission through a percentage taken from customers’ orders. For example, if a Bi personally enrolls two (2) to nine (9) customers, with active orders for the month, they will earn five (5) percent of the total sales from those customers‘ orders.
Ve rs i o n 10 . 1 . 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
Pe rs o n a l C us to me r Com m issions
A maximum of one (1) product, personally purchased from a Bi, can be included in the two (2) to nine (9) customers, needed for the five (5) percent commission. A maximum of two (2) products, personally purchased from a Bi, can be included in all other percentages, above the nine (9) customer threshold. Continuing with the Personal Customer Commissions, if a Bi has 10 to 14 Personally Enrolled Customers, with active orders for the month, they will earn a 10 percent commission. If a Bi personally enrolls 15 to 24 customers, with active orders, they will earn a 15 percent commission. Lastly, if a Bi personally enrolls 25 or more customers, with active orders, they will earn a 25 percent commission.
Number of Active Customers
Total Commission Earned
25 or more
Figuring out your commission for the month is simple. Let’s say a Bi has 10 customers, with 10 active orders, at the retail price of $49.99. This equals to $499.90 worth of product. Now, in this situation, there’s a 10 percent commission, so 10 percent of $499.90 is $49.90. This is the Bi’s Personal Customer Commission (PCC) for the month.
Q u a l i fi ed B ra n d I n flu e nce r Rank
To tal Te am C us to m e r s $99
Sharing our Brew and attracting more customers, can help a Bi move up the ranks to become a Qualified Brand Influencer ( QBi). This happens when a Bi enrolls a minimum of two (2) new customers, with combined purchases totaling a minimum of $99 worth of Personal Customer Volume (PCV). This can happen in different ways, as explained below:
Ve rs i o n 10 . 1 . 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
P e r so n al Cu sto m e r Vo lum e
Example 1: A Bi qualifies by enrolling two (2) new customers, who each purchase two (2) tubs for $49.99 each, totaling a combined PCV of $99. Example 2: A Bi qualifies by enrolling two (2) new preferred customers, who each purchase two (2) tubs for $39.99 each, totaling a combined PCV of $79. The Bi also enrolls one (1) customer, who purchases a retail tub with a PCV of $39, for a three (3) customer total of $128 PCV.
1 0 P er cen t P er s o n a l Commission Fo r Yo u r F i r s t 60 D ays! To help you get started off BIG, as a newly Qualified Brand Influencer, you will automatically earn a 10 percent Personal Customer Commission, for your first 60 days! The only requirement is that you maintain QBi status. After the 60 days are up, you will be paid based on the number of Personally Enrolled Customers you have, with active orders for that volume period.
E xe cu t i ve B ra n d I n flu e nce r Rank A person can keep building their business by becoming an Executive Brand Influencer (EBi). An Executive has four (4) Personally Enrolled Customers (PEC), with a minimum of $198 in total Personal Customer Volume (PCV). An EBi must also sponsor two (2) people, who will become QBis themselves, with their own two (2) customers each. P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lume
To tal Te am Cu sto me r s
Therefore, each sponsored QBi must have paid the annual fee of $49.99, have a minimum of two (2) Personally Enrolled Customers and a minimum of $99 PCV. In total, an Executive will have a minimum of four (4) total team customers, coming from the customers enrolled by the two sponsored QBis.
Ve r s io n 1 0 . 1. 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
Regarding the total PCV, an EBi can combine their personal and customers’ purchases for the total sum of $198 PCV. But the EBi may only count themselves as 1 of the 4 customers. The other 3 must be from outside the household of the EBi.
E xecu t i ve R a n k P r omot ion If you’re feeling particularly motivated, then you’re in luck! There’s currently a promotion up for grabs. If a person becomes an Executive within 30 days of their initial start, there’s a one-time bonus of $250. This means a Brand Influencer must follow all steps to become a Qualified Brand Influencer and then, an Executive Brand Influencer. Although this is a one-time bonus, the chance won’t completely disappear, if this goal isn’t met within the given timeframe. If a person still wants to achieve Executive status after the 30 days are up, they can simply head to their U Office. There they will have a chance to press the “Reset Button,” once within their first year. A $100 one-time bonus is still within reach, by gathering the Executive qualifications before 30 days. Once the reset feature has been activated, you’ll begin to work towards becoming an Executive.
S e n i o r B ra n d I n fl u ence r Rank After successfully achieving Executive rank, the next milestone is becoming a Senior Brand Influencer (SBi). An EBi becomes a Senior when they have 10 Personally Enrolled Customers, with $399 in total Personal Customer Volume. The SBi must also have a minimum of three (3) Personally Enrolled Legs. A leg is created when an Influencer personally enrolls a person. For example, if an SBi personally enrolls three (3) people, they would automatically have three (3) Personally Enrolled Legs. In each leg, there must be one (1) Executive Brand Influencer – for a total of three (3) Executives. In addition, there must be a minimum of 15 customers per leg. Overall, a Senior must have a minimum of 50 total team customers. P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lum e
x 15 (PEC)
To tal Te am Cu sto m e r s
x 15 (PEC)
x 10
x 15 (PEC)
Ve r s io n 1 0 . 1. 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
R e g i o n a l B ra n d I n fl u e nce r Rank From here on out, moving up the ranks no longer focuses on growing your number of Personally Enrolled Customers (PEC) and Personal Customer Volume (PCV). Instead all Influencers, from Regional to Universal, must maintain a minimum of 10 PEC and a minimum of $399 in total PCV. Similar to the last rank, an RBi, must have the aforementioned PEC and PCV, in addition to having a minimum of three (3) Personally Enrolled Legs. A Regional must also have a minimum of 1,000 total team customers, with a minimum of 250 customers per leg. P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lume
x 10
x 250 (PEC)
x 250
x 250
To tal Te am Cu sto me r s
1 ,000
Na t i o n a l B ra n d I n flu e nce r Rank Once an RBi has conquered their rank, they can strive to become a National Brand Influencer (NBi). An NBi continues following the pattern of having a minimum of 10 PEC and a minimum of $399 in total PCV.
Ver s i on 1 0 . 1 .2 0 17 _ 0 0 4
An NBi also has a minimum of four (4) legs, with a minimum of two (2) Executive Brand Influencers and a minimum of two (2) Regional Brand Influencers (RBi). There will either be one (1) EBi or one (1) RBi in each leg. A National must also have a minimum of 5,000 total team customers, with a minimum of 1,000 customers per leg.
P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lume
x 1,000 (PEC)
x 10
x 1,000
x 1,000
x 1,000
5 ,000
To tal Te am Cu sto m e r s
G lob a l B ra n d I n fl u ence r Rank As people continue working up the ranks, they have the potential to become Global Brand Influencers ( GBi). Like in the below ranks, a GBi must maintain 10 PEC and $399 in total PCV. A GBi also has a minimum of four (4) legs, with a Regional Brand Influencer (RBi) in each leg – for a total of four (4) RBis. A Global must also have a minimum of 15,000 total team customers, with a minimum of 2,500 customers per leg. P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lume
x 2,500 (PEC)
To tal Te am Cu sto m e r s
x 2,500
x 10
x 2,500 (PEC)
x 2,500 (PEC)
1 5 ,000
Our newest rank position, and the highest, is Universal Brand Influencer (UBi). GBi’s can become Universals by maintaining a minimum of 10 PEC and a minimum of $399 in total PCV. A UBi also has a minimum of six (6) legs. A Universal must have a minimum of 50,000 total team customers, with a minimum of 5,000 customers per leg.
Ver s i on 1 0 . 1 .2 0 17 _ 0 0 4
U ni ver s a l B ra n d I n flu e nce r Rank
P e r s o na l C us to m e r Vo lume
x 10
x 5,000
x 5,000
x 5,000 (PEC)
x 5,000
x 5,000
x 5,000
5 0,000
To tal Te am Cu sto m e r s
Te a m C us to me r Co mm issions Teams are led by seven different ranks (six being Executive ranks): Qualified Brand Influencer ( QBi), Executive Brand Influencer (EBi), Senior Brand Influencer (SBi), Regional Brand Influencer (RBi), National Brand Influencer (NBi), Global Brand Influencer ( GBi) and Universal Brand Influencer (UBi). As you build your team, you can become eligible for Team Customer Commissions (TCC). These are paid once a month, for the volume period of the previous month. This plan rewards you in two key areas. The first is by building what we call an Open Line Customer Volume ( OCV). An Open Line allows team leaders to earn a certain percentage, from the total volume from team members, who have not reached the same rank as them or higher. The second type of TCC is what we call Leadership Development Generations (LDG). These apply to team members who are the same rank as the team leader or higher.
Open Line
1% LDG : Leadership Development Generation
Ve rs i o n 10 . 1 . 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
Every earned ranking, from Executive to Universal, has an Open Line Customer Volume of two (2) percent and up to three (3) Leadership Development Generations, at one (1) percent each. Below is an overview of this:
Q u a l i fi ed B ra n d I n flu e nce r TCC Qualified Brand Influencers ( QBi) are in a unique position when it comes to Team Customer Commission. A QBi begins with an Open Line of two (2) percent commission and Leadership Development Generation 1, at one (1) percent commission. Any additional LDGs are determined by the Influencer’s number of personal customers, as seen in the table below: QBi Personal Customers
Open Line
2 - 9
10 - 14
15 - 24 25 or more
For example, if a QBi has 15 customers, they will have an Open Line of two (2) percent, along with LDG 1 and 2 at one (1) percent. If a QBi has 25 customers or more, they will have an Open Line of two (2) percent, LDG 1 and 2, with the additions of LDG 3 and 4.
E xe cu t i ve B ra n d I n flu e nce r t hrou g h U ni ver s a l B ra n d I n flu e nce r TCC Following in the same pattern, the other six ranks also have an Open Line of two (2) percent. These ranks are: Executive Brand Influencer (EBi), Senior Brand Influencer (SBi), Regional Brand Influencer (RBi), National Brand Influencer (NBi), Global Brand Influencer ( GBi) and Universal Brand Influencer (UBi).
Executive Open Line
1% Ve rs i o n 10 . 1 . 2 0 17 _ 0 0 4
Unlike a QBi, each rank (from Executive to Universal) has a specific number of LDG available to them. EBis and SBis have an Open Line of two (2) percent, along with LDG at one (1) percent. An RBi has an Open Line of two (2) percent, with LDG 1, 2 and 3, as seen below:
Open Line
Open Line
An NBi has an Open Line of two (2) percent and LDG 1 at one (1) percent. A GBi has an Open Line of two (2) percent and LDG at one (1) percent. Lastly, a UBi, the highest rank, only has an Open Line at two (2) percent.
Open Line
Open Line
Open Line
Ve r s io n 1 0 . 1. 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
As Inuencers achieve higher ranks, their Team Customer Commission accumulates, as seen in the table below. To reiterate, EBis, SBis and RBis have an Open Line of two (2) percent, with LDGs at one (1) percent.
Open Line
1% LDG : Leadership Development Generation
If a person was an RBi, their TCC would consist of the accumulation of the Executive Open Line, Senior Open Line and Regional Open Line. Since all of the three have an Open Line of two (2) percent, an RBi would have a total of a six (6) percent Open Line and LDG 1 of three (3) percent, because each rank has it at one (1) percent. An RBi would also have LDG 2 and LDG 3 at one (1) percent each. The same pattern happens for each rank, from Senior to Universal.
W E LCOME TO rev it al U
Ve r s io n 1 0 . 1. 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
We hope you’re as excited as we are, about joining us on this journey. Welcome to the revital U family, where everyone works together to reach amazing goals. If at any time you need additional assistance or help in understanding our Compensation Plan, please feel free to contact your Upline or our support team at
O ctober 2 01 7 P r omoti on s Team Achi eve me n t B on us e s
Te a m Ac h ieve me n t Bonuses As the acronym T.E.A.M. suggests, “Together Everyone Achieves More,” collaboration is key. Team leaders can earn one-time bonuses with the help of their Influencers. Team Achievement Bonuses (TAB) are based off of new business each month and happen through the Open Line. In other words, bonuses are given from the total volume of new customers, from Influencers below their rank. For example, the Open Line for an Executive leader is: Qualified and Brand. On the first date of each month, each team leader starts off at zero (0) and must actively work to get their members to accumulate new customers. The leaders themselves can also get new customers to go towards the one-time bonuses. Now, depending on the total volume number collected by the end of the month, the bonus amounts vary. For example, for the given month, an Executive leader with $3,000 in new business, is eligible for a $500 one-time bonus. With this promotion, an Executive leader can earn up to $2,000 for the month, by helping their team sell revital U product to new first month customers. This pattern is repeated throughout the ranks, from Executive to Regional, as seen below:
Open Line Volume
Ve r s io n 1 0 . 1. 2 0 1 7_ 0 0 4
Senior Open Line Volume
Regional Open Line Volume
Ve r s i on 1 0 . 1 .2 0 17 _0 0 4
The Team Achievement Bonus (TAB) promotion is available to all Executive Brand Inuencers and above. Bonuses are paid for new Open Line customer revenue during a given month and paid with the Personal and Team commissions the following month.
National Open Line Volume
Open Line Volume
Ve r s i on 1 0 . 1 .2 0 17 _0 0 4
Š 2017 revital U International LLC.