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Questions & Answers
from Filtration Techniques - Which filtration techniques can improve virus protection in HVAC systems?
The best way to reduce viruses, bacteria and other airborne pathogens in the HVAC system is to install a UV-C lamp that emits UV-C only in the wavelength of 254nm. At the very least, this UV-C light will emit the recirculated air, since airborne pathogens are most likely to be emitted from people in the ship. Suitable filters should always be fitted to protect the UV-C light from pollution.
UV-C against viruses Now the question everyone thinks about; can UV purification systems be used to minimise virus transfer in HVAC systems? Short answer: we don’t know yet, as no research has been completed on how UV-C affects the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, there are studies showing that UV-C can be used against other coronaviruses such as SARS.
UV-C is already applied in China, where buses are illuminated with UV-C light to clean them, while UV-emitting robots clean floors in hospitals. However, more research is needed before a definitive answer can be given as to whether this could be a solution in the fight against SARSCoV-2.
What we can already offer are answers to any questions you may have about installing a UV air purification system or the best position to install a UV lamp.
Your solution Every ship has different requirements, so every ship and every air handling unit must be carefully analysed to find the right solution. For example, the location of the equipment may vary from system to system, so it should be analysed whether a hepa filter, UV-C light or a combination of both is recommended.
In addition to these solutions, there are several other measures that can be taken regarding onboard HVAC systems that will improve virus protection.
Contact our sales department to find your best solution: sales@heinenhopman.com.