WP 7 Communication and Dissemination Deliverable 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan
Project acronym HEIRRI
Project title Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation
Funding scheme Horizon2020
Thematic priority Responsible Research and Innovation in Higher Education Curricula
Starting date 01/09/2015
Project coordinator Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Duration of project 3 years
Work package ID WP7
Expected date 30/11/2015
Work package title: Communication and Dissemination
Deliverable ID and title: 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan
Work package leader: ACUP
Deliverable description: CDP is the document that established the exact terms and details of WP7 and the instruments of coordination with the rest of WP, particularly WP1, WP6 and WP9, RRITools and the 3 Advisory Boards.
Nature [X] R - Report [ ] O - Other
Responsible for deliverable Marta Cayetano i Giralt
Submission date 30/11/2015
Dissemination level [X] P – Public [ ] CO – Confidential, only for members of the consortium
About the communication and dissemination plan ........................................................................................... 6
Main objectives .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Target groups ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Specific actions..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Communication Actions .............................................................................................................................. 9
Dissemination Actions ................................................................................................................................ 9
Communication tools.........................................................................................................................................10 5.1
Project Identity..........................................................................................................................................11
HEIRRI Blog ................................................................................................................................................11
5.2.1 Content......................................................................................................................................................12 5.2.2 Blog structure............................................................................................................................................12 5.3
Social Media ..............................................................................................................................................13
5.3.1 Twitter .......................................................................................................................................................13 5.3.2 Facebook ...................................................................................................................................................14 5.3.3 Linkedin .....................................................................................................................................................15 5.3.4 YouTube channel ......................................................................................................................................16 5.3.5 Flickr ..........................................................................................................................................................16 5.3.6 Research Gate and Academia.edu ...........................................................................................................17 5.4
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) ...........................................................................................................17
Newsletter & mailing list ..........................................................................................................................18
5.5.1 Newsletter design and content strategy..................................................................................................18 5.5.2 Mailing list.................................................................................................................................................18 5.6
Internal communication tools ..................................................................................................................18
5.6.1 Googlegroups mailing list .........................................................................................................................18
Press review ..............................................................................................................................................19
Educational kit...........................................................................................................................................19
Public relations and Press Office .......................................................................................................................20 6.1
Public Relations and Press Office .............................................................................................................20
Promotion actions .....................................................................................................................................20
Basic resources about RRI, RRI Learning and HEIRRI ...............................................................................20
Dissemination within the scientific community ...............................................................................................21
Deliverable 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan
RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) is a transformative emerging principle of research and innovation policy. The RRI concept emerges from scholarly research that is critical of the status quo of the science - society interface. The aim of HEIRRI project (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) is to start the integration of RRI within the formal and informal education of future scientists, engineers and other professionals involved in the R+D+i process. HEIRRI mainly works around the six RRI «key aspects» identified by EC (societal/public engagement, gender equality, open access, science education, ethics and governance in R&I), but above all those six “keys”, HEIRRI wants to stress the potential of RRI as a transformative, critical and radical concept. HEIRRI will create and share on OA a stock-taking inventory constituted by a State of the Art Review and a Data Base. The inventory will gather results of other EU funded RRI projects, good cases and practices of RRI and RRI Learning. Also, different stakeholders involved and/or affected by R&I will participate in a debate and reflection process on RRI Learning through online and offline Forum actions. Results from the inventory will represent the basis for RRI Training programs and formative materials, offering the students knowledge and skills to develop viable solutions to specific problems related to R&I, integrating theory and practice. They will be designed for the different HEI educational levels (undergraduate, MD and PhD, summer courses and MOOC), mainly based on Problem Based Learning methodology, and supported by multimedia materials (videos and microvideos, 2.0 materials, etc). All results and products elaborated by HEIRRI will be uploaded on OA at RRITools Platform. An internationalization plan will guarantee their spreading awareness and future use by HEI from Europe and beyond. A global scope and expertise on RRI will be provided by HEIRRI consortium that consists of 5 European HEI (Universitat Pompeu Fabra UPF, Universitetet I Bergen UiB, Aarhus Universitet AU, Institut Fuer Hoehere Studien und Wissenschaftliche Forschung IHS, Sveuciliste u Splitu Univesity of Split UNIST), the European network of science centres and museums (AEESTI/Ecsite), ”la Caixa” Foundation (FBLC), a network of universities (Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques, ACUP) and a private company specialized in R&I (Innovatec). ACUP is responsible of the WP7, based on the following Communication and Dissemination Plan (CDP). Good internal and external information flow, gathering and sharing contents of the Consortium and raise awareness of RRI in Higher Education Institutions are some of its main goals.
1. About the communication and dissemination plan Deliverable D7.1 ‘Communication and Dissemination Plan’ (CDP) provides a detailed guidance document for all communication and dissemination activities that will be organised within the HEIRRI project in general and WP7 ‘Communication and Dissemination’ in particular. CDP is the document that establishes the exact terms and details of WP7, and the instruments of coordination with the rest of WP, particularly WP1, WP6 and WP9, RRITools and the 3 Advisory Boards. After the Kick-off Meeting, ACUP/GUNi works with UPF, AEESTI/Ecsite and FBLC to propose a CDP to the PEC (M1-M3). CDP is discussed during the online PEC meeting of M3 (17/11/2015). This plan and strategy outlines the target groups to be addressed and provides detail on the planned communication products, dissemination media and distribution channels. Key milestones at which communication and dissemination actions will be particularly important are identified, as well as important existing initiatives and networks which can be used to promote the project’s message. The main aim of this work is to ensure that this project and its results are brought to attention of those parties for which this project and its results are of interest. This group contains those that are directly involved in the project, the stakeholders and external parties. The elaboration of this detailed Communication and Dissemination Plan (CDP) will guide all WP7 tasks and actions and state the specific instruments of coordination between this WP and the rest of the project. The current CDP has been developed following the guidelines and procedures of the document ‘Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants. Horizon 2020, The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation‘ issued by Research and Innovation – European Commission.
2. Main objectives The main objectives of WP7 – Communication and Dissemination are to:
Give visibility to the HEIRRI project and its activities at International, European and national level.
Raise awareness of RRI and RRI Learning and the activities of the HEIRRI project among all stakeholders involved or affected by R&I
Provide access to the knowledge generated by HEIRRI to universities and other institutions of higher education
Disseminate and create awareness among citizenship around concepts related to RRI
Participate actively and establish a dialogue with organizations and individuals related to HEIRRI
Integrate processes that implement the concept RRI through its 6 key areas
These 6 main objectives will be implemented through a dedicated set of communication tools, channels and activities, which are adapted to the different target groups that will be identified.
3. Target groups Who are we talking to? Defining target audiences will allow HEIRRI to maximize its communication and, therefore, maximize its impact. The HEIRRI project key targets groups include the following:
Universities and Higher Education institutions: - Undergraduate, graduate, Masters, PhD and University faculty - Governing bodies of HEIs Higher education accreditation organizations Research Centres: - Centres and Institutes of Technology - Centres and Institutes of Engineering - Centres and Institutes of Innovation Informal education institutions: - Science museums and science centres - Science festivals Science editors Policy makers Professional and Civil Society organizations related to RRI Organizations of entrepreneurship and social innovation Secondary Schools Science Communicators Science Journalists
ACUP will lead and manage a list of Target groups’ contacts (mailing list –see 5.4 Newsletter section– and Twitter (TW) accounts and will ask the HEIRRI consortium members to contribute with their contacts to reach people that might be interested. Names and emails will be provided by all Consortium participants and their nearest networks.
4. Specific actions In order to achieve the communication and dissemination main objectives described above, the following specific actions are proposed.
Communication Actions
1. Communicate and disseminate HEIRRI in the online ecosystem through the blog (news, interviews and events), social networks and newsletter 2. Generate audiovisual or infographic materials that allow HEIRRI to be spread 3. Have presence in media 4. Create and maintain a mailing list for the Newsletter 5. Implement monitoring tools 6. Use RRI Tools as a communication platform 7. Guarantee, together with WP9, an effective internal communication among all Consortium Members, as well as with the 3 Advisory Boards and the Forum, providing technical channels when needed and general guides of internal communication
Dissemination Actions
8. Facilitate the dissemination of HEIRRI through academic publications and conferences. ACUP and GUNi will propose the Consortium members that, at least, one member of each WP will publish an article about HEIRRI in the journals of their field and present the project in a conference. 9. Contribute to the general knowledge about RRI and RRI Learning among the scientific and academic community (dissemination activities).
5. Communication tools This chapter describes all the communication tools produced in order to achieve the communication and dissemination objectives and actions described above, promote the project results and stimulate their take-up. With a main and central channel of communication (HEIRRI Blog), the project will create and lively maintain diverse 2.0 resources, all of them linked among themselves. ACUP, as coordinator of WP7, will create the blog and the rest of 2.0 instruments. Some parts of them will be actively updated by other partners, following the overall structure of HEIRRI (for instance, UPF will promote and regularly update the blog and the rest of social networks in the framework of its general coordination of HEIRRI Forum Online activities, see WP1). Many EU projects have a website as a main communication instrument, but HEIRRI will not have it. This decision lies in two reasons. First, all resources provided by HEIRRI (including Forum activities) will be published at the RRITools Website Platform and have a highlighted place also in GUNI website; creating a new website will duplicate and disperse efforts. Second, the creation and regular updating of a website are technically more complex and consume more resources than a blog, while its dissemination potential is similar; it is also more complex to share “administration” permissions among several organizations in a website than in a blog The current CDP aims to differentiate two kinds of content in its communication strategy: · Corporate and institutional communication: ACUP is in charge of creating the content related to the corporate and institutional development of the project. Latest news, meetings, interviews to consortium members, WP publications, events, congresses, etc… will be published in the blog and spread out through 2.0 communication tools. · Generating debate and content about RRI into HEI (Forum Online): UPF (see WP1) will be in charge of dynamizing the debate and content about the core of the project itself. Projects, articles, publications and content related to RRI that may generate interest and debate amongst HEIRRI community will be published in the blog and other actions addressed to generate debate will be spread out through 2.0 communication tools.
Project Identity
To give the project a visual identity, a project logo and graphic charter has been created in month 2 (October 2015). All WP leaders had the chance to see and comment on the first logo proposal presented by ACUP. The logo resulted from a participative process. The graphic identity comes from two main concepts close to HEIRRI: - window/door (open, access, participation, path, innovation...) - book (knowledge, education, university, research...) Other criteria, such as facilitating the reading and creating a fresh impact, have been basic for developing the brand image. The Project Identity includes: - Logo - Different uses of the logo - Corporate identity manual, which outlines general guidelines for the good use of the HEIRRI image - .pptx template for HEIRRI presentations - .docx template for HEIRRI deliverables - .docx template for HEIRRI general documents
The HEIRRI blog url address is www.heirri.eu The HEIRRI blog aims to be the project’s main gateway to the outside world, providing information on HEIRRI objectives, partners, results, events and as well as the main channel for the HEIRRI Online Forum (see WP1). It is created by ACUP and managed together with UPF. It addresses all target groups described in the current document and the content is in English. The blog will include links to dedicated HEIRRI pages/groups/accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Academia.edu and Research Gate (see dedicated ‘5.3 HEIRRI and Social Media’ section below for more details). During HEIRRI events such as conferences, meetings, pilots, public engagement events, etc., interviews to key stakeholders and relevant participants will be carried out. The material will be made publicly available on the blog.
5.2.1 Content The HEIRRI blog will offer the following information to visitors: · Objectives of the project · Presentation of the HEIRRI consortium members · Editorial board · Editorial staff · News · Online Forum · Links to HEIRRI social media · Calendar of events The blog will not allow comments, since the conversation generated belongs to the Online Forum and is intended to take place through Social Media channels (mainly Twitter and Facebook). Periodicity: at least 1 post per week will be published in the blog. In total, at least 52 posts every year (26 posts of Forum Online content, and 26 of corporate and institutional communication and information related to RRI). 5.2.2 Blog structure The homepage will include the following features: · About HEIRRI: what is HEIRRI, info about Consortium members, RRI and RRI Learning, Editorial Board and Editorial Staff · News: dynamic news boxes with a picture and a teaser text · Calendar of events on front page · HEIRRI in the ongoing: reports, deliverables and the ongoing dissemination activities of all project partners. · Resources: this section will be divided into two or more subsections in parallel with results from WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 · Online Forum · 2.0 press room · Twitter feed / tagboard on front page · Tag cloud / taxonomy · Newsletter subscription · Contact: contact data (HEIRRI communication office, coordinated by ACUP) · Links to Social Media A short press release to announce the blog creation (and social networks instruments) will be sent to relevant mailing lists (RRI and HEI networks, RRITools Network, members of RRI projects, students, industry and business sectors, scientists, social scientists, journalists, health operators, patients associations).
HEIRRI blog will be closely linked to RRITools platform and GUNi website, and structured so to capture the complexity of the public intended to reach. All partners will give regular updates on their local dissemination activities (posts with video, publications, interviews, etc.). AEESTI/Ecsite (as coordinator of WP1) and UPF (as coordinator of Forum Online) will also have administration permissions to maintain regular updates of the blog. As ACUP/GUNi is both coordinator of WP6 (Internationalization) and WP7 (Communication and Dissemination) it will not be necessary to give this organization extra permissions.
Social Media
Social media channels can help create a community feeling and thinking alike and subscribing to the project’s mission. The following 2.0 tools are also useful channels to get out quick and real-time messages to an interested audience that has actively signed up to being informed on RRI in general and HEIRRI in particular. This could for example relate to projects working on RRI. Role of partners Social Media channels will be created by ACUP. Both ACUP and UPF will coordinate to manage them: · ACUP disseminates the corporate and institutional communication and information related to RRI · UPF is in charge of dynamizing the Online Forum through Social Media (see WP1) · All other Partners provide input, participate in the social media discussions and report on project and local news to the multiple social media channels
5.3.1 Twitter The HEIRRI Twitter account, @HEIRRI_, can be consulted at https://twitter.com/HEIRRI_ Twitter will be used to convey quick and snappy messages and news items on RRI in general and HEIRRI. Periodicity: the number of tweets from the HEIRRI TW account related to corporate and institutional communication will be, at least, 2 tweets per week. The number of tweets of Forum content will be at least 2 per week. In total, at least 4 tweets will be published every week from the HEIRRI TW account.
5.3.2 Facebook A HEIRRI Facebook page has also been created, further increasing the project’s dissemination potential, including reaching out to the general public. The Facebook page is more informal than the LinkedIn group and addresses both experts and the general public: https://www.facebook.com/HEIRRI Periodicity: at least 1 publication per week will be published in the Facebook page, linked to blog posts. In total, 52 publications every year will be posted on Facebook.
5.3.3 Linkedin The creation of a community and related stakeholders will be enhanced by making use of a dedicated HEIRRI group on Linkedin, where experts and people interested in HEIRRI can virtually meet and exchange experiences, as well as be kept informed about the HEIRRI development. Periodicity: at least 1 message per week will be published in Linkedin, linked to the blog content. In total, 52 messages every year will be published in Linkedin.
5.3.4 YouTube channel Youtube will be used to upload the videos produced by HEIRRI as well as to create playlists of relevant content for HEIRRI.
5.3.5 Flickr The HEIRRI Flickr page will collect pictures from meetings and other HEIRRI events and activities. Periodicity: pictures will be uploaded following HEIRRI events.
5.3.6 Research Gate and Academia.edu Both online platforms will be used to engage experts and academic staff.
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
In order the follow the development of the social media and analytics, the following KPs are proposed: KPI’s Blog
Social Networks
nº visits nº document downloads nº comments nº followers *Facebook: - nº likes - nº shares - positive/negative comments review - nº comments - nº messages on the wall - nº clicks to publications - posts’ engagement *Twitter: - nº followers and other descriptors of them (i.e.: geographical distribution) - nº new followers (daily, weekly, monthly) - engagement: replies/RTs/favourite - descriptors of impact (i.e.: number of potential readers) - thematic descriptors (hashtags most used and their impact)
nº subscribers: new subscribed and nº of unsubscribed open ratio clicks to links
Newsletter & mailing list
5.5.1 Newsletter design and content strategy A bimonthly newsletter will keep the interested HEIRRI community up to date with the project’s progress. It will have fixed headers and sections to improve recognisability and will follow the HEIRRI corporate identity manual. i.e. each newsletter will: · feature one the HEIRRI partners · have an interview with a person related to RRI or other stakeholders · report on key project outputs from the different work packages · highlight upcoming relevant events across Europe · other relevant information 5.5.2 Mailing list The HEIRRI mailing list database will include contacts from all the target groups (see ‘3.Target groups’ in the current CDP). The emailing platform Mailchimp will be used to manage subscriptions and carry out mailings. ACUP will create, maintain and manage a HEIRRI mailing list through which the newsletter will be sent, taking into account HEIRRI Target groups (see “3.Target groups” section in the current document). ACUP will ask HEIRRI consortium members to contribute with their contacts in order to reach potentially interested people. Names and emails will be provided by all Consortium participants and their nearest networks.
Internal communication tools
In order to achieve internal effective communication among participants and facilitate strategic connections and conversations within HEIRRI partners, ACUP is in charge of opening and managing the following communication tools (during M1/M2). 5.6.1 Googlegroups mailing list HEIRRI@googlegroups.com mailing list has been the first tool created to share information amongst HEIRRI consortium members and other contacts. It was opened at the beginning of the project (M1) A first welcome email was sent (14/09/2015) by ACUP giving instructions about how to send messages, write to all participants and visit the mailing group.
Press review
The specific aim is to make accessible, through links, scientific papers published by specialized journals on the HEIRRI core-topics. The editorial staff will be in charge of monitoring the main specific and generic press. This activity will constitute a section of the blog.
Educational kit
Schools are a crucial target for the project. The kit will be created under the philosophy of the “learning by doing�: it will be composed by and enriched with material (a downloadable .pdf file or animation video) produced under other dissemination activities. Basic notions about the alignment among science and social challenges, the importance to be an active citizen with respect with R&I, the concept of equal opportunities for both male and female in R&I and basic notions about open accessibility to knowledge will be covered by this material. It will be elaborated together with the educational experts from the consortium and the respective Advisory Boards.
6. Public relations and Press Office 6.1
Public Relations and Press Office
ACUP will act as the contact point between journalists (including bloggers and other communicators) and HEIRRI. All partners will support ACUP contacting and liaising with national communication institutions and specialised journalists. ACUP will create, maintain and manage a Media mailing list: European and international journalists, science communicators and press offices. ACUP will ask the HEIRRI consortium members to contribute with their contacts and knowledge of institutions. Press releases will be written and issued by ACUP and will be publicly available through the 2.0 press room on the blog.
Promotion actions
WP7 also includes the promotion of the two HEIRRI Conferences (see WP1). This will be based mainly on 2.0, PPRR and Media actions and will be performed in coordination with the conferences organisers (FBLC-First Conference, AEESTI/Ecsite-Second Conference).
Basic resources about RRI, RRI Learning and HEIRRI
A comprehensive communicative set of audio and video materials, info-graphics, documents, etc. will be developed and put at the disposal of communication professionals. This material will be publicly available at the 2.0 press room on the blog.
7. Dissemination within the scientific community Key tools for the HEIRRI dissemination will be conferences and peer reviewed journals. Each HEI partner will present HEIRRI, at least, at one local and one international scientific event. Peer reviewed journals will also be key channels of scientific dissemination of HEIRRI results (for instance, State of the Art Review and Data Base, Pilots Results, etc.). Open access policies will be compulsory for all publications derived from HEIRRI. Researchgate and Academia.edu will also be used for dissemination.