Responsible Research and Innovation at Technical Universities – Challenges and Opportunities Marlene Altenhofer & Erich Griessler (Techno-Science & Societal Transformation, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna) 1st HEIRRI Conference, Barcelona, 18 March 2016
Overview • About the Project RRI.TU • Workshop Design for RRI Purposes in HEI • HEI & Industry: Challenges
About the Project RRI.TU • Main aim: developing RRI promoting approaches and measures for the Vienna University of Technology, Austria (TU Vienna) • Four-part workshop at TU Vienna • Participants from research, research funding, industry, advocacy groups, and civil society • Provision of short round-ups of previous sessions and detailed minutes
Workshop Design for RRI Purposes in HEI (I) • Evaluation of workshop design (qualitative interviews with participants before and after workshop) • Beneficial for identifying and developing integrative research and teaching settings in the sense of RRI • Working both on and in the sense of RRI
Workshop Design for RRI Purposes in HEI (II) • Heterogeneous group of participants: Allows addressing challenges and opportunities in research and teaching settings close to industry Allows learning from each other
• Open workshop structure: Contents and structure of workshop not pre-set Allows bottom-up working in an RRI sense and cocreative working
HEI & Industry: Challenges • RRI in general: “Blurry” definition clear working definition needed
• Open Access: Open access vs. intellectual property
• Public Engagement: “Real” engagement vs. information, how to enable PE, enable PE at all, etc.
• Gender: Low quota of women in STEM fields
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Marlene Altenhofer Techno-Science & Societal Transformation
Erich Griessler Techno-Science & Societal Transformation