1 minute read



1. To Re- Value-ize the Site Landscape into ‘Immutable and Mutable Mobiles’.


2. Research immutable mobile if you do not know what these are to build on the Work of Richard Galpin and His Techniques

Arrange in Time Order

Windrose Speed Dec-Feb

From the Windrose diagram, at the Winter period, most of the prevailing wind are coming form North East, Which potentially reduce the facade temperature on those sides

From the Windrose diagram, at the Summer period, most of the prevailing wind are coming form South West to East, Which potentially reduce the facade temperature on those sides

A collection of various paths on land and the water, the pier as an transitional area for the transient, also as and border for two type of living style.

Blending thoose photograph together and connect the paths by ovelapping, rotating and cropping


From the Windrose diagram, the majority of prevailing wind are from the East side.

Winter Solstice sun-path Winter Solstice sun-path Winter Solstice sun-path

The wind properties in Yung Shue Wan are influenced by the surrounding hills, the ocean, and the overall weather patterns of the region. The town experiences prevailing winds that blow from the east, which means that the wind often comes from the ocean. To mitigate the effects of wind on buildings, architects and engineers use a range of design strategies, including windbreaks, bracing, and anchoring systems.

Blending thoose Immutable and Mutable Mobiles together and create impossible perspectives and a continued paths.

Partially extract Artificacts/man-made as black solid flat plane representing Mutable mobiles, void as Immutable mobiles.

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