09 城視報
除了作者文笔外, 出版编辑功力影响甚大。 Clarity出版社的Rosaline Chua 及Patsy Yap深明上述道理, 出版社名字直接标榜“明确”、 “清晰”的编辑理念, 官网介绍甚至写着 “没有bullsh*t”,
“可能我天生就是好奇心比较重的人,也挺擅长找出故事中心,协 助作者在作品中展现自己的特色。我想很多人对编辑的工作内容有 误解,以为编辑只是修正语言 – 语法及拼音,其实那只是编辑工作 中的其中一小块。” Roz自嘲自己的语法及拼音不好,所幸能和其他文字编辑合作,由 他们润饰作品。Roz主要负责找寻有精彩故事想要述说,或写法特 别的作者合作,延伸他们的想法。“当我们都满意书本内容走向, 就开始动笔了!”
显见其玩味真性情。 出版社成立初期,他们专注为其他不熟悉印刷、编辑及设计的公司 提供编辑及出版服务。不管是公司年度总结报告、精装大开本画
Clarity Publisher
一本书在茫茫书海中是否出位,除了作者文笔及内容,抓住读者目 光,让读者在短时间内看懂书所要表达的内容,或者吸引读者继续 把书看下去,编辑是关键。Clarity这标榜年轻,创意和本土的英文 出版社,当年为乔治市‘魔镜系列’画家Ernest 出版的本子,是许 多人的收藏,大胆的编法也显示他们比同行走前几步。
Clarity Publishing ——Tanjong Life 马来漫画家 Mi 画出 槟城的庶民生活和岛 上风情。
精选35道娘惹名厨 Pearly Kee 的地道槟城娘惹料理食谱,贴心 的圈线绑定,让食谱在你下厨时 不会自行翻面。
夜里,令人毛骨悚然的 生物在周围,两个在狩 猎的主角能在时间结束 前解开神秘谜题吗?
。 破格 简单。 明了
册、杂志等,他们都带着“明确”这项原则服务,帮助客户达到出 版目标。“我很喜欢‘明确’(clarity)这个字,这是我们保持一 切简单、到位的原则,而秉持这样的信念带来很正面的结果。”
在英国念书工作后回国的Roz,在槟城创立Clarity出 版社的原因很简单。“槟城是我家。这里是世界上最 了不起的地方。” “我们专注出版大马作家和本地故事。这里有很多人 才,他们需要更大的发展平台。”她说,与其一直寻 找海外作者,不如懂得珍惜及支持本地作家及设计师 的作品。“这是一个坏习惯,我们趋向看低自己的人才,没有给予 充分支持,让我很气!” 若出书是为了赚钱致富,Roz衷心建议你打消念头。“这太难了! 若你喜欢书及人,就做吧,不要期待出书后马上成功,即使是JK罗 琳(《哈利波特》作家)也是苦了多年,才有大突破。”
5 城視報
我的 Legography 出版槟城
第一次把相片集合成书是数年前的事。与丈夫及小孩到各国背包旅 行后,喜欢书本质感的江美菁从网上发现Photobook好康,于是 选出旅游途中走走停停拍摄的相片,打印成精装版相册。选择及编 辑照片用了她2、3周时间,也在这时,江美菁发现拿相机的她很 少出现在相片中,于是有了带Lego模型拍摄乔治市的念头。 “我孩子很喜欢Lego friends 系列,刚巧里面有个角色看起来像 我,就带着相机骑上单车出发了。”于是,江美菁一有空档就穿越 乔治市大街小巷,拍摄并写下对这座城的挚爱。
与其说出版,江美菁不断强调把相片打印成书只是“自爽”,带着 分享的心态少量印刷。期间确实有从事出版的朋友询问她是否有出 版意愿,“但这太有压力了,加上我的中文程度只有小学六年级, 还是不要好了。” 翻阅美菁的《Legography》,街景 有Lego模型人物出现,加上美菁在旁 毫不吝啬分享,乔治市当年的人情味 仿佛重现。在乔治市拍照的旅人多不 胜数,看着陪伴自己成长的乔治市日 日改变,美菁翻看多年前所拍的照片 时,感触特别多。好在,我们还有记录这座城的相集,陪我们转过 一个又一个熟悉的街角,走那回不去的从前。
印刷脑袋 里的故事
Kangblabla把参加24小时漫画比赛获得第二名的作 品,印成小杂志出版。
独立出版小杂志(Zine) 对本地艺术家Kangblabla而言, 是这几年的习惯。 你无法在书局里找到他的漫画小杂志, 但这小书已出了十几册, 并且在本地文艺圈子里 欢喜的传阅订购。
喜欢旅行、 骑单车及摄影的乔治市市民江美菁觉得, 上载至面子书或留在电脑硬碟里的照片, 就像少了灵魂的躯体, 打印出来翻阅后,才有生命力。 她用外型和自已雷同的Lego人物纳入镜头, 印制出一本本意境不俗的影集。
“Kangblabla”是70年代英语俚语,寓意“任何东西”(anything) 或“所有东西”(everything),也是Kangblabla以此取名的用意。 他所出版的小杂志如其艺名,包含“任何东西”及“所有东西”,形式 有时是漫画、插图,有时是诗词;内容上至太空,下至生活上奇怪逗趣 的想象。 就读小学时,他每周使用一本练习 簿,自己决定内容、版面设计, 在练习簿上涂涂写写,让同学们 传阅。这样的兴趣没因年纪增长 而磨灭,反之,看得多,脑袋里 的想法也增多,一册又一册的 Kangblabla小杂志持续诞生。 “当时很喜欢看本地漫画刊物,于是用练习簿画漫画、写食谱给同学们 传阅。看的同学都很喜欢,总是期待下一期的出现,让我有持续做的动 力。”他笑说,长大后选择以艺术为生,小杂志成了收入来源之一,需 要收入时就会印刷50至100本出版。“小杂志成本不高,很快可以回 本,赚点生活费。” 多数时候,他所出版的刊物内容是虚构的,唯有序是真实的。他坦诚对 出版有兴趣,但不喜欢开会、纸本作业等程序,所以一直维持独立作业 和出版。 超过10册作品中,Kangblabla最喜欢近期配合“猪朋狗友联展”所出 版的漫画,“因为它没有任何删减,我之前的作品任何人都能看,这期 小孩不宜。”这本售价10令吉,把日常生活想象化成漫画的小杂志,还 附送自制彩色贴纸,这份诚意也够让人佩服了。
13 城視報 出版槟城
Second-HAND bookstores in Chowrasta Market
Step into the Chowrasta Market, you could find fresh vegetables, meats, tasty street food and local products here. Located at the heart of George Town, it is a one-stop for shoppers to purchase daily necessities and groceries. Chowrasta Market is also being well-known for its second-hand book stores at first floor, however business here has been going slow since the market renovation started in 2013. It was a hot afternoon as usual. Chowrasta’s first floor was quiet as a mouse until an Indian young man appeared. He stopped by a bookstore and told the owner about the books he wanted. Surrounded by thousand stacks of books, the owner nodded and immediately walked to a one of the racks. The walkway was narrow and could only allow one person moving in and out at one time. He stood on a stool and took a bunch of book that was tied up neatly. The young man smiled in relieve when he saw the books, and a deal was made. Mohamed Assalam bin Gulam Mohamed, 33, is one of the owners of second-hand book stores for 15 years. The business was established by his grandfather since 1991 at Teik Soon Street, and later shifted to Macalister Road before moving in here at 1996. Mohamed's bookstore consists of 90% English books, while 10% is a mixture of Malay, Chinese, Japanese and others. From novel and medical books to fiction and old magazines, you could find a million books with the cheapest price from RM 1 onwards. “The business has been slowing down since the market renovation started approximately two and a half years ago. We have moved to temporary shop lots until the renovation finishes.” Despite temporary lots were small and packed with books, but Mohamed could identify the exact location of books upon customer’s request. When asked how he could manage to find out the book, he smiled and said, "I arrange all books by myself, so I can remember where to get them." Mohamed opens bookstore every day from 12pm to 8pm. When there is none customer, the book lover mingling with different races and has close ties with them. “We seriously hope that the upgrading project could help improve the business of second-hand bookstores. With the new car park, lift and escalators, we believe that more people would come to shopping here.” Lebuh Tamil, George Town, 10100 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Another bookstore owner, Abdul Samad said that the renovation has minor effects to his business. “The renovation expects to be completed in March 2015, but it has delayed due to certain issues. To me, it is a give and take process, and the upgrading project would sure bring business.” Operating second-hand bookstore business for 18 years, Samad sees an increase of Malay readers in recent years. Most of them come to buy English and Malay books quite often. Samad enjoys meeting scholars because they are polite and highlyeducated. He said some lecturers would take their children to visit bookstores, to instill good reading habits in their children at early age. Nabilah Madzom, an intern in RTM, used to look for old books and magazines for her assignments during her secondary school time. Each time she would fill her bags with English novels after she visits Chowrasta. "I could find any books I want here. The price is also reasonable. I think this kind of bookstores should be remained so that more people would be benefitted from reading books."