Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union
1 July 2011 – 31 December 2011
Dynamism, positive energy and solidarity are values which the logo symbolizes. It shows Poland as the modern and young country, which initiates positive changes in Europe.
The author of this logo is Jerzy Janiszewski – the author of the well known logo of „Solidarnosc”, which became the historical symbol of polish way to the freedom and democratic changes in that part of the world.
Presidency in numbers •
184 days
1200 experts
Over 30 000 representatives – members of meetings in Poland
80 liaison officers from among nearly 3,000 applicants
430 million zlotys - total budget for 2010-2012 Presidency
More than 10 million zloty savings thanks to the support of business
The opening of negotiations with Moldova and Georgia
50 ministerial meetings in five cities in Poland
More than 300 meetings of experts and 200 events under the auspices of
Progress in negotiations of the Doha Round
European Integrity as the source of growth Internal Market E-Commerce European Patent The decrease of roaming charges SMEs access to the capital Intellectual capital
UE budget 2014-2020 The begining of the negotiations UE budget is connected with Europe 2020 strategy The role of cohesion politics ans The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation Inwestments in infrastructure and Human Capital
Trade negotiations The end of negotiations with Ukraine, India, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia
Neighborhood Policy
The signing of the Accession Treaty with Croatia
The development of the Eastern Partnership (EaP summit in Warsaw)
Continuation of accession negotiations with Turkey
Supporting democratization in North Africa
Progress in the negotiations with Iceland
A new strategy for the EU's relations with the Arab world
Support the European perspective of the Western Balkans
And Security Common Policy
Gaining Recommendations for The strengthening of the Common EU policy
Around 1500 meetings in Brussels and Luxembourg
The most important meeting of the Presidency take place in: Sopot - July Wrocław - September Kraków - October Poznań - November Warszawa - December In many other places across the country organized expert meetings and events under the auspices of the Presidency.
Chosen events
Safe Europe
The analysis of external policy EU energy
the Presidency
Cities of the Presidency
Europe taking advantage on openness Broadening of the European Union
The strengthening of EU bility to plan and carry out the managment operations zarządzania in the time of crisis
Dyscussions over The future of The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation
operational UE ability
Effective Use of financial EU resources
Building of the co-operation
Orientation holding
For market
The strengthening of the
The official inauguration of the Presidency (London) Joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of the European Commission (London) Informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EU-27 (Sopot) European Congress of Women (London) Eastern Partnership Summit (Warsaw) European Culture Congress (Wroctaw) Internal Market Forum (Cracow) European Tourism Forum (Cracow) V European Equality Summit (Poznan) Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership (Poznan) High-level conference for the countries of the Southern Neighborhood EU (London)