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Hey girls Croatia is fast approaching and I need a new bikini! 11.25 ASOS DESIGN mix and match rib knot front bikini top in mint green Cancel Complete purchase
The Aster Crop - Grey Tala
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WhatShop is a direct response to the way in which younger consumers are choosing to discover and purchase products today. Developing an extension for WhatsApp enables a large portion of this cohort to be reached, providing strong financial return and room to expand in the future.
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Flat B234 HOLIDAY 2020 I hate my moisturiser Emily Õs Wedding Harriet: I want a top like you wor... Amelia: So, basically , atm IÕm usi... Alex purchased a bikini from from Nasty Gal
Acea, KA 2018. Flatlay. [Online]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original Available from: https://unsplash.com/photos/Nm5MnMNxAK4
Evison, H. 2020. Brand development mock-up. [Illustator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.
Bored of PLT Bestival babyyyyy Amelia purchased a t-shirt from &otherstories WHERE DID YOU GE.... Alex Hey girls Croatia is fast approaching and I need a new bikini! HOLIDAY 2020 11.25 Hey girls!!! Our annual holiday is fast approaching and I NEED to find the perfect bikini, help a gal out! 9.25 Ahhh I know!!! IÕve been looking at some nice ones on ASOS,Õll send over xx 9.33 Emily Saved Items
Holly OÕBryan Holly purchased a lipstick fro...
Evison, H. 2020. Brand development mock-up. [Illustator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.
Evison, H. 2020. Brand development mock-up. [Illustator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.
ASOS DESIGN mix and match rib knot front bikini top in mint green £14.00
Size 12 ASOS DESIGN mix and match rib knot front bikini top in mint green
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Evison, H. 2020. Brand development mock-up. [Illustator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.
Evison, H. 2020. Brand development mock-up. [Illustator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.
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Nordwood Themes. 2017. High Impace designs for influencers. [Online]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original Available from: https:// unsplash.com/photos/yyMJNPgQ-X8
Evison, H. 2020. LinkedIn mockup. [Illustrator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original available at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/whatsapp-inc/
Evison, H. 2020. Instagram video mockup [Illustrator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original available at: https://www.eboostconsulting.com/facebook-instagram-ad-types-image-sizes-text-limits-everything-you-need-to-know/
Evison, H. 2020. Billboard mockup [Illustrator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original available at: https://www.roninmarketing.co.uk/ wp-content/uploads/setwenty-billboard-mockup.jpg
Kendall, R. 2018. Light bulb. [Online]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original Available from: https://unsplash.com/photos/AijuW-HlE30
Hey girls Croatia is fast approaching and I need a new bikini! 11.25 ASOS DESIGN mix and match rib knot front bikini top in mint green Cancel Complete purchase
The Aster Crop - Grey Tala
£22.50 £2.99
Tateisi, J. n.d. Step up. [Online]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original Available from: https://unsplash.com/photos/bJhT_8nbUA0
Evison, H. 2020. App development mockup [Illustrator]. [Accessed 10 May 2020]. Original.