Sub7 Rules

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GENERAL RULES: 1) A minimum £15 donation per competitor is required. Spectators will be asked for a donation of their choice upon entry. 2) No unsportsmanlike conduct will be allowed. You may be disqualified or ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct. This will include any swearing or negative remarks aimed at anyone at the event. 3) The referees WILL be shown maximum respect at ALL times. Their decisions are final and will NOT be overturned. 4) No striking, biting, eye gouging (including chin to eye), head butting, small joint manipulation (finger or toe locks), hair pulling, grabbing the windpipe or ear pulling will be permitted. 5) No slamming allowed. Illegal slamming will be defined as slamming your opponent to escape and/or pass the guard; or standing from the guard and/or jumping from a standing position to slam your opponent. Slamming will result in an automatic DQ. There are no exceptions to this rule. Takedowns are NOT considered slams but you MUST deliver your opponent to the mat safely to the mat. 6) All matted areas will be thoroughly disinfected before the tournament; therefore no outdoor footwear will be permitted on any of the matted areas for the duration of the day. This will also include any referees or judges etc. 7) No infectious skin diseases (such as ringworm, staph and MRSA) or open wounds will be permitted. No lubricants, oils or lotions of any kind will be permitted on any part of the body or clothing. 8) All matches will be started from a standing position. 9) Competitors will be allowed to continue grappling anywhere on the matted area, provided they don’t interfere with another match. If the competitors near the edge of the mat, they will be restarted from the same position, unless the referee is unable to duplicate the position for any reason. In case the referee is unable to duplicate the position, the competitors will restart from a standing position. 10) If a competitor flees the ring when a submission is locked in and the competitor is obviously fleeing to avoid submission, he or she will be automatically disqualified. 11) Women will not be permitted to compete in Men’s divisions. Men will not be permitted to compete in Women’s divisions. Teens (14+) will be expected to compete in the same sex adult divisions. There will be NO junior categories. All teens will need permission from their parent or coach who MUST be present on the day.

NOTE: Sub7 reserves the right to expand or combine divisions to accommodate competitors.

SUBMISSION GRAPPLING RULES: 1) No grabbing of any clothing, including your own, will be permitted. 2) The only submissions below the waist legal for the beginners division are straight ankle locks (AKA straight foot locks) and knee bars. 3) Wrist locks will not be permitted at beginner level. 4) Neck cranks, spine locks, figure4s, heel hooks and flying scissor take downs are not permitted in any categories. 5) All competitors must wear a mouthguard/gumshield. All men must wear groin protection (Women’s groin protection is optional but recommended.). Shirts must be tight fitting; rashguards are recommended. All long/loose hair must be tied back (For both Men and Women.). 6) Anyone who is a blue belt or above in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu MUST compete in the advanced category. There will be no exceptions to this rule. MATCH LENGTHS: All matches will consist of 2 minutes no points scoring straight into 4 minutes points scoring. This will total in 6 minutes per match. Only legal submissions and referee stoppages will end the match before the 6 minutes is up. Should the score be equal at the end of the 6minute match, the competitors will be given a 1 minute rest followed by an additional minute of competing. The winner will then be decided via a ‘sudden death’ points scoring system, meaning the first competitor to score points or sub their opponent during that time will take the win. Should there still be no score after the full 7 minutes; advantages will be used as a tiebreaker. The referee will score advantages in the event of a near submission or score (near takedowns, near guardpasses, etc.) The referee’s decision is final.

SCORING:        

Takedown or throws = 2 points Sweep = 2 points Pass opponents guard = 3 points Back mount with hooks in = 4 points Back mount knees on the ground, opponent flat on stomach = 4 points (Additional 4 points are scored by putting hooks in from this position) Body triangle from the back = 4 points Knee on stomach = 2 points

1) To gain points for a position, the competitor must show clear control for 3 seconds (including takedowns and throws.). 2) There will be no score for the first 2 minutes of each match. 3) No stalling: Referee will issue warnings for the 1st offence of stalling (i.e. backing out of the guard without engaging, hugging the opponents hips inside the guard, backing away from the opponent out of bounds etc.). A 2nd offence will result in an advantage for the staller’s opponent. A 3rd offence will result in a 2 point deduction. A 4th offence will result in a disqualification. 4) If a competitor flees the ring to avoid a takedown and it is obvious that the competitor is going to be taken down, his or her opponent will be awarded 2 points. 5) There are no points for reversals. It is a person’s obligation to escape a bad position (mount, rear mount, side control, etc). No points are awarded for these escapes.







WOMEN: -68kg


(Additional categories will be added to the women’s division should there be sufficient entrants.)

SKILLS LEVEL: Beginner – 2 years experience or less

Advanced – Over 2 years experience Note: Anyone who holds a blue belt or above in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu must compete in the advanced category. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

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