BOOK 2020 - collaboration freelance

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FREELANCE (Accessories & Graphical Designer)



welcome. ( in my head )



christian dior

paris five months.

my mission.

Haute Horlogerie collection.


For Christian Dior, in the ÂŤHaute HorlogerieÂť workshop, my mission was to create new collections of watches for women. With the design team and myself, we had to draw new watch animations on existing models, it was more a seasonal customization than a real creation of new models. We work in close collaboration with Swiss engineers, who after sending our creations, validate or not our models according to the technical constraints.



Louis vuitton

paris six months.

my mission.


slg and keychains collection.

For Louis Vuittton, my mission was to create new collections of small leathergood for women and men and keychains capsule collection. I was in charge to design each model and create technical sheets for all models that we want to submit to the marketing team. The SLG workshop was in Paris, so I was directly in link with for all corrections.




What will be the new SLG for the Louis Vuitton woman of tomorrow?




nat et nin

leathergoods collection.

paris six months.

my mission.

For Nat & Nin, my mission was to create new collections of leathergoods and SLG for women and men. When the models have been validated, I was responsible for sending technical sheets to our supplier and correcting prototypes received. Also and finally, I created seasonal lookbooks for each collection.



Flowers for zoe

lille a year and a half.

my mission.


jewelry collection.

For Flowers For ZoĂŠ, my mission was to create new collections of jewelry for women, men and children. When the models have been validated, I was responsible for sending technical sheets to our several suppliers, correcting prototypes received as well as developing some pieces directly made in our workshop in Lille. Also and finally, I had the opportunity to organize all seasonal shootings, with the help of the communication manager, and to fully create seasonal lookbooks for each collection.




Creation of jewelry brand.

les gemmettes

lille a year and a half.

our BRAND.

«Les Gemmettes» is the story of my sister and me, who decided to combine our know-how as designer and doctor to create a line of jewelry charged with meaning. Our choice naturally leaned towards natural fine stones, carefully selected and worked with love. Inspired by lithotherapy, each piece of jewelry is purified and delicate, in order to bring out the full potential of each stone. Each «Gemmette» carries within it a specific action on your soul, your body and your mind. You are the creator of your life, so dare the magic! Put an intention, your intention.

welcome. ( in my mind )


graph ism

my soul.


personal patterns

Here I give free rein to my creativity, no briefs or constraints, just a few free and spontaneous creations that I wanted to express.

la redoute




children world

my mission.

Today with my freelance position, I was able to discover the children’s world which is today an integral part of my daily proposals of collaborations. I take punctually part in the creation of new "girls 6-11 years" animations for «Vertbaudet» as well as for «La Redoute».

some of personal


future home lille freelance.

my mission.


home collection

I work in collaboration with ÂŤFuture HomeÂť, as a freelance graphic designer, a company which designs bed linen and decorative furniture for different brands such as La Redoute, Bouchara, Mondial Tissus, Auchan or Zodio. My mission here is to imagine future collections in bed linen (adults and children) for each of those brands, as well as for the own collection for "Future Home"

some of personal


HelenaWAINSTEIN My Resume 470 rue Jules Guesde 59510 Hem




JAN 2018 - TODAY Freelance Accessories & Graphical designer

Institut Supérieur de Design (graduation in December 2015) Valenciennes, France.

2010-2012 BTS of Interior Design (graduation in July 2012) Lille, France.

2008-2010 Technical Degree in «Commercial & Sales technics» (graduation in June 2010) Lille, France.


Creation of the new accessories collection for (Stella Mc Cartney, Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Jabobs) Creation of Patterns and animations (La Redoute, Zodio, Vertbaudet)

Several brands, Lille-Paris. NOV 2016 - JAN 2018 Jewelry & accessories Designer

Creation of the new jewelry collection (women / men /children models) Development of the first leathergoods collection Development of several sales corners

Flowersforzo .é, Lille. FEB - JUL 2016 Leathergoods Designer

Creation of the new leathergoods & small leathergoods collection (women / men models)

nat & nin, Paris.

WORK TOOLS Adobe Creative Suite Google Sketchup Keyshot Team management !

NOV - FEB 2016 Junior small leathergoods & accessories Designer

- Participation at the creation step of new small leathergood collections (women / men) - Creation of new accessories collection (keychains & charms)

Louis Vuitton, Paris. FEB - JUL 2015 Junior watches Designer (intern)

- Participation at the creation step of new watches collections (women / men) - Creation of new men jewelry & pens

Christian Dior, Paris.

I hope to collaborate with you soon.

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