Portfolio Architecture Urbanisme - Hélène Coignet Architecte D.E.

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Urbanisme et Architecture Projet de Fin d’Etude, 2015 Thesis Urban renewal project

Diplômée architecte en juillet dernier, je vous présente ici mon parcours, mes motivations ainsi qu’un aperçu de mon travail. Cet extrait de portfolio vous introduit mon intérêt à la fois pour l’urbanisme, l’architecture, le paysage et les arts graphiques en général. Graduated Architect last July, I present here my young career, my motivations as well as an overview of my work. This preview of portfolio introduices you to my interest and experience in urbanism, architecture, landscape, and graphic arts in general.

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Urbanisme Pescara tra i due ponti, 2012 Urban scale Art Center

Urbanisme Concours Flash Rouen, 2014 Flash competition Rouen

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Architecture Village d’enfant 1er prix, 2014 Housing for Children

Architecture Reconversion industrielle 2014 Re-use old factory complex


Architecture Habiter entre plein et vide 2014 Mixed use project

Architecture Pavillon de la Danse, 2013 Dance center competition

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Design Concours Alu «Cookaround», 2013 Competition Alu «Cookaround»

Scénograhie 1er prix Espace Guinguette, 2013 Winning project Guinguette space

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Arts Graphiques Travaux personnels 2008 -2015 Graphism - Sketches

Photographie Travaux personnels 2008 -2015 Personnal projects of Photography


A propos/About...

Dessiner a toujours été une passion, me spécialiser en arts plastiques a développé ma curiosité, étudier ensuite les arts appliqués a élargi mes champs de compétences, enfin, entrer à l’école d’architecture fut un enrichissement de chaque instants, j’y ai trouvé ma voie en devenant architecte. L’expérience universitaire en France et en Italie, ainsi que les expériences professionnelles m’ont appris que chaque projet est un challenge, une question à laquelle il faut répondre, un univers à construire. De l’urbanisme à l’architecture, du paysage à l’espace public, du logement à l’équipement, du neuf à la réhabilitation, tous permettent une nouvelle invention, donnent une occasion de se surpasser. En travaillant à Rome pendant quelques mois, ou encore à Paris pendant un an, j’ai pu acquérir l’expérience du travail en agence, avec des phases concours, des suivis de projet, du chantier. Aujourd’hui, il est temps d’enrichir ce parcours d’expériences nouvelles, ailleurs. Notre métier donne cette opportunité de travailler partout ; poussée par l’envie de découvrir et d’apprendre toujours, je souhaite trouver un emploi en tant que jeune architecte en Angleterre ou en Suisse afin de mettre à profit mes compétences linguistiques, tout en enrichissant mon parcours d’architecte. Au delà des compétences techniques et de l’expérience, j’espère que mon enthousiasme, ma détermination, ma capacité à m’adapter ainsi que mon ouverture d’esprit seront les bienvenus au sein de votre équipe. Je serais ravie de vous présenter l’ensemble de mon portfolio, ainsi que mes motivations au cours d’un entretien. Je reste à votre disposition.

Drawing has always been a passion, specialize me in fine arts developped my curiosity in high school, then study industrial design and Arts has expanded my competences, finally, entering at the National Superior Architecture School of Normandy was an enrichment of every moments, I found my way there, by becoming an Architect. The university experience in France and in Italy, as well as professional experience taught me that every project is a challenge, a question to solve, an universe to build. From urban planning to architecture, from landscape to public spaces, from housing to equipments, from new nuilding to rehabilitated ones, they all allow a new invention, provide an opportunity to excel. By working in Rome for few months, or in Paris during one year, I acquired the experience of the professional architect rôle in a studio, or through the differents phases of a project, or on the building site. Today, it’s time to enrich this young career of new experiences, somewhere else. Our job gives us this opportunity to work everywhere ; driven by the desire to discover and learn always, I wish to find a job as a young architect in England or Switzerland in order to use my language skills, while enriching my architectural career. Beyond the technical skills and experience, I hope that my enthousiasm, my determination, my capacity to adapt me as well as my open-mind will be welcome within your team. I would be delightd to present you my whole portfolio, as well as my motivations durind an interview. I remain at your disposal.

Hélène Coignet

Architecte Diplômée d’Etat Architect Part II



née le

date of birth




31.03.1990 permis B

31.03.1990 driving licence


looking for









(+ 33) 06 24 17 30 33 Hélène Coignet Architecture et urbanisme

permanent/fixed term contract


experience improve my technical, linguistics and social skills with an internationale international experience in architecture and/ or urbanism field

Education 2015 - Master en Architecture spécialité Urbanisme- Architecte DE mention AB à ENSA Normandie. Rouen. France - urbanisme - architecture - paysage - scénographie - rehabilitation Master degree in Architecture specialty Urbanism with honors Architect part II status - at Normandy School of Architecture. Rouen. France - urbanism - architecture - landscape - scenography - re-use 2012 - Licence en Architecture Università G. d’Annunzio. Pescara. Italie - urbanisme - architecture - réhabilitation - design - dessin technique Licence degree in Architecture during my erasmus exchange program at G. d’Annunzio University. Pescara. Italy - urbanism - architecture - re-use - design - technical design 2009 - Mise à Niveau Arts Appliqués mention TB Lycée Jeanne d’Arc. Rouen. France - architecture - scenographie - photographie - graphisme - design - illustration - scultpure - maquette - beaux arts - histoire de l’Art One year degree in Industrial Design and Arts with honors Jeanne d’Arc school. Rouen. France - architecture - scenography - photography - graphism - design - illstration - sculpture - modelling - fine arts - history of Arts 2008 - Baccalauréat Littérature et Arts mention AB Lycée Claude Monet. Le Havre. France - litterature - philosophie - langues - atelier arts - histoire de l’Art High school degree in Litterature and Fine Arts with honors Claude Monet high school. Le Havre. France - litterature - philosophy - languages - fine arts studio - history of Art -

Langues Languages Français

mother thongue

Italien fluent



Allemand EU level B1

Compétences informatiques Computer skills Mac



Revit (in progress)


ArchiCAD (in progress)

Office pack

Sketch up PRO


Artlantis studio




Solid Works

Savoir-faire Modelling wood - cardboard kadapac - laser cut - origami...


handdrawing graphic tablet - aquarelle...

Moodboard collage -

material research - ambiances


event photographs for 2 years

Experiences 2014 - CDD 1 an - Tectum Architectes Urbanistes - Paris. France - Ecuelles - Projet Lauréat du Concours MOE Village d'Enfants (APD - programme logements et équipement - projets paysager.) - Gentilly - Réhabilitation de 192 logements ( DET - Suivi de chantier - Suivi OPC) - Ecquevilly - Réhabilitation et VRD pour 55 logements (PC - PC modif) One year contract as Architect Assistant at Tectum architects urbanists studio - Ecuelle - Winning project in competition for Children Village - Phases A to D - Gentilly - Rehabilitation Housing - Phases J to K - Ecquevilly - Rehabilitation and landscape for housing - Phase VISA 2013 - Stage 3 mois - Labics - Rome. Italie - Genève - Concours International Pavillon de la danse (Phases ESQ - APD) - Paris - Concours MOE Zac Paris Rive Gauche (Phases APD - logements commerce - bureau en collaboration avec Agence Bartolo - Villemard Paris.) Three months internship as Architect Assistant at Labics studio - Geneve - International competition for Dance Pavillion - Phases A to D - Paris - International competition for Housing, Office and shop - Phases A to D 2013 - Mission 3 mois - Lauréate concours - Rouen. France - Festival Viva Cité - Conception et réalisation décor scénographique Atelier 231. Maison des Artistes. Sotteville. France Three months mission for Street Art Festival at Atelier 231 - Conception and building of our winning scenography competition project 2012 - 1 an - Tutorat Relations Internationales ENSA Normandie. Rouen. France One year tutoring contract as International relation manager 2012 - 2 ans - Tutorat «Architecture au Collège» - Rouen. France CAUE - FRAC Normandie- ENSA Normandie - Collège Claude Bernard Two years contract as Architecture teacher in Middle School working on the design of an «Innovative Ideal School» project with the children 2011 - Stage 3 mois - Tectum Architectes Urbanistes - Paris. France - Gentilly - Réhabilitation de 192 logements (Phase DIAG) - Poitiers - Réhabilitation de 22 Bâtiments ( Dessin des plans d'EXE pour les halls) - Saint Ouen l'Aumône - Projet neuf de 55 logements sociaux (ESQ) - Butry Sur Oise - Quartier de logements ( fin de chantier - OPR) Three months internship as Architect Assistant at Tectum studio - Gentilly - Rehabilitation Housing - Phase of technical Diagnostic - Poitiers - Rehabilitation Housing - Phase E to K - Saint Ouen l’Aumône - New building of Housing - Phase A to D - Butry Sur Oise - Housing quarter - Phase K to L 2010 - Stage 3 mois - Suivi de chantier A-Docks - Le Havre. France avec AR-Conteneur - NewDen Design - Atelier Cattani Architecture. Three months internship as Assistant on the building site of Innovativ Student housing made of ship containers

Publications/Concours publication- competitions 2015 Mention spéciale - Concours Alu Eco design

A propos ... je suis... by the way... I’m... Créative

Et j’aime... and I like to... Voyager

travel : roadtrips through Balkan, Cuba and Italy...

Special Honor - international design competition

creativ and able to adapt quickly to new situations and projects

2014 Mention spéciale - Concours Flash Gare Rouen

Déterminée determined and work

2014 1er prix - Concours Scénographie g

Enthousiaste enthousiastic to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary team

take always few minuts to draw what’s around me

2013 Publication projet j - Transform de JB Cremnitzer


Nager, bouger...

Special Honor - student urban competition

Winning project - student scenogrpahy competition Project publication in the book Transform by JB Cremnitzer

hard to reach the best results

curious and look forward to get new skills. Because there is always something to learn...

Lire reading science fiction as well as classic litterature or architecture publications...


swim, dance, move, go there, see that, do that...


Between city and port, housing and industries, the river and the sea, technical and natural landscape, the urban project takes shape in the territory of the south district of Le Havre, large of 800 hectares. Based on varies urban regeneration projects, which were drawn by the Urban department of the City since the 1970’s and increasing during the 2000’s, the question is ; How to connect industrial and port activities spaces with the urban regenerations ambitions in the south districts of Le Havre ? After a thorough analysis of the site, three restructurations projects were designed with concern to : link these neighborhoods with downtown, hang these quarter to the city entrance’s boulevard, and, finally, link the housing and activities programs around the landscape and the water. The project develops this last question, from urban to architectural scale, with four typologies from housing to equipments and activities buildings. The programs are mixed and meets in the waterfront, where the dock are converted as a huge public space directly connected to the habour’s landscape and the water. Housing and activities are linked, in the shape as in their locations, offering then, an urban renewal. The project brings back the link between city and water, also between urban, technical and natural landscape, which are revealed by a coast promenade, crossing the scales.

Territoire et contexte « L’espace y est portuaire, fait de bassins, de quais, de hangars, mais aussi de plans vides. L’espace y est urbain : bâti en friches, habité et désertique, délaissé et convoité. Le Havre n’échappe pas à cette règle : espaces portuaires, urbains, et aussi industriels y sont complètement imbriqués. » Brigitte Deltombe-Fouilland

Entre mer et fleuve, sur la rive nord de l’estuaire de la Seine, Le Havre, ville née de son port, étends son territoire dans un paysage atypique. Face à la mer, adossée à ses coteaux, la ville s’étire d’est en ouest, de la mer au fleuve. Au sud, le réseau de bassin portuaires sculpte et découpe une frontière avec le port. Limite physique aujourd’hui, le système des bassins était autrefois le coeur de la vie quotidienne havraise, où le docker comme le flâneur parcourait les quais. Ce sont les quartiers sud ; à la fois portuaire, commerçants, industriels, et habités. Dévastés par les bombardements à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, la ville et le port se sont reconstruits chacun de leur côté. Le centre ville avec Perret, impose son image à la trame régulière et ses grands tracés. Les quais deviennent des routes, l’industrie se reconstruit, le port se déploie vers l’estuaire et le quartier portuaire se reconstruit sur lui même.

Son tissu caractérisé par des quartiers d’habitations isolés imbriqués aux grandes emprises industrielles et portuaires se pérennise. Le bassin économique du Havre dure. Dans les années 1970, le port se délocalise vers l’estuaire. Obsolète, les installations historiques, les docks, les bassins, les entrepôts, les quais deviennent très vite des friches ; c’est l’animation, la vie, l’image des quartiers sud qui se dégradent. L’activité industrielle subsiste néanmoins et le port se développe. A partir des années 1990, la position stratégique en frange du centre ville, et la valeur foncière des parcelles en friches, attire des projets de la Ville. Vingt ans plus tard, les opérations fleurissent dans les Quartiers Sud. Un centre commercial des Docks, une salle de spectacle, halle d’exposition, piscine, pôle universitaire, port de plaisance, grand stade, futur palais des congrès, opérations de logements… Autant d’opération à rayonnement à plusieurs échelles : quartier, ville, agglomération. La ville construit sur le Port. Les Quartiers sud deviennent le territoire d’exécution des ambitions de métropole maritime internationale de la Ville du Havre.

Territoiry and


« The space is there a port, made of pond, docks, shed, but also of empty areas. The space is there urban : neglected buildings, inhabited and deserted, abandoned and desired. Le Havre does not escape this rule : harbour , urban spaces,and also industrial are completely imbricated there. » Brigitte Deltombe-Fouilland

Between sea and river, on the north shore of the Seine’s estuary, Le Havre, city born from its port, spreads its territory in an atypical landscape. In front of the sea, lean on its hillsides, the city streches from east to west, from the sea to the river. In the south, the pond’s network sculpts and cuts a frontier with the port. Physical limit today, the system of ponds was once the heart of the everyday life for the people in Le Havre, where the dockers as the « flâneurs » browsed the quays. This is the south districts ; at the same time harbour, commercial, industrial and inhabited area. Almost completely destroyed by bombing at the end of the Second World War, the port and the city were rebuil each one apart. The city center with Perret, imposes its image with its regular frame and large avenue. Quays become roads, industries reconstructs, the port deploys towards the estuary, and the harbour districts is rebuilt on itself.

The urban canvas of these quarter caracterised by isolated inhabited imbricated in the large industrial and harbour parcels perpetuates. In the 1970’s, the port is relocated toward the estuary. Outdated, the historical installations, the docks, the ponds, the sheds, the quays become quickly wastelands ; it’s all the animation, the life, the image of the south districts which degrade. The industrial activity still remains and the port keep on developing itself. From the 1990’s, the strategic position in fringe of the city center, and the land value of the fallow plots attracts projects leed by the City Council. Twenty years later, operations flourish in the south districts. A shopping mall named Les Docks Vauban, a theater, a showroom, a swimming pool, an university center, a marina, a big stadium, a future conference hall, housing’s operations… So many operations which radiance in differents scales : the district, the city, the urban area. The city builds on the port. The south district become the territory of execution of the ambitions of the city of Le Havre to be an international maritime metropolis.

Analyse territoriale/ Territorial analysis

Analyse socio-ĂŠconomique/ Social-economic analysis

Diagnostique / Diagnostic

Le territoire : Ce territoire de 800 hectares est caractérisés par l’imbrication de petites zones d’habitats éparses dans une large étendue d’infrastructures industrialo-portuaires hors d’échelle. Les quartiers sud sont structurés spatialement par les bassins du Port au sud et l’axe d’entrée de ville et sa gare au nord. C’est un territoire d’enjeux économiques qui trouve des répercussions à plusieurs échelles : le quartier, la ville, l’estuaire jusque l’axe seine. Diagnostique socio- démographique : Si la population havraise a une tendance à la baisse régulière depuis une quinzaine d’année, la démographie des quartiers sud est elle positive. La population est en majorité jeune : 47 % a moins de 29ans. Elle est constituée de plus de 6000 ménages pour 15 000 habitants environs. Beaucoup de personnes seules, cellules monoparentales, beaucoup d’enfants. C’est une population ouvrière, peu qualifiée, qui compte 5000 actifs avec emplois dans une zone qui concentre 30 % de l’emploi sur l’ensemble du Havre. Diagnostique économique : Bassin économique du Havre, l’économie des quartiers sud est basée sur le port, la logistique et le traitement des matières premières. Des entreprises anciennes, complétées par l’installation récente de PME et PMI offrent 16 000 emplois. De nouvelles entreprises d’envergure continuent de s’implanter sur ce territoire stratégique. Ces entreprises profitent des dessertes portuaires maritimes et fluviales, du réseau de fret en développement et du réseau routier desservant l’hinterland ; de la basse, la haute normandie et au-delà au départ du port du Havre (autoroute, pont de normandie, pont de tancarville…) Bien que l’économie du port domine, des alternatives émergent : le nautisme, la plaisance, le tourisme, le commerce, le numérique, les services aux entreprises et surtout la logistique, qui viennent s’installer sur les terrains anciennement en friches et dans les édifices historiques réhabilités.

The territory : This 800 hectare territory is characterized by the imbrication of small scattered zones of housing in a wide area ok indutrial port infrastructures out of scale. The south districts are spatially structured by the ponds of the port in the south, the axis of city entrance and its train station in the north. It’s the territory of economics stakes taht finds repercussions in several scales : the district, the city, form the estuary to the Seine river in its hinterland. Social and demographic diagnostic : If the population of Le Havre has a regular downward trend since about fifteen years, the demography of the south districts is positiv. The population is young for the greater part : 47 % are less than 29 years old. More than 6000 household/family for about15 000 inhabitants. A lot of lonely living people, single parent cells units, many children. It’s a labour population, with few qualifications ; that counts 5 000 activ working people with jobs in a zone which concentrates 30 % of the employment on the whole Le Havre. Economic diagnostic : Economic area of Le Havre, the south districts ressources are based on the port activities, the logistics and the treatment of raw materials. Old companies, completed by the recent settlement of small and medium sized entreprises and small and medium sized industries offer 16 000 jobs. New large scale entreprises continue to establish themselves on this strategic territory. These companies take advantage of maritime and river harbour traffic network, the railway for freight in development, and the road network well conected to the hinterland : from Basse and Haute Normandie, and beyond, from the port of Le Havre which is directly connected to highways, Normandy Bridge, Tancarville Bridge… Even if the port economy dominates, alternatives ermege : water sport, sailing, tourism, digital technology, trade, and most of all the services to companies and logistic, which all come to settle down on the old fallow plots and in the rehabilitated/ reuse historics buildings and structures.

Diagnostique programmatique : La principale caractéristique des quartiers sud reste l’imbrication du tissu habité au tissu de l’activité. Maison de ville, pavillons, barre de logements, petits collectifs… se regroupent en quartiers enclavés dans un tissu de grandes emprises industrielles et portuaires ; parfois en friches, parfois en activité générant des nuisances dûes aux trafics routiers et poids lourds importants. Des équipements à rayonnement métropolitains s’implantent dans la partie ouest, la plus proche du centre ville, depuis une dizaine d’années. Accompagnés d’opérations de renouvellement urbains concentrées sur le logement, la VRD et les requalifications de voierie, la ville, peu à peu vient s’implanter sur ce quartier portuaire, à la forme urbaine atypique et complexe.

Programmatic diagnostic : The main characteristic of the south districts remain in the interwaving of inhabited and industrial/port plots. Houses, pavillons, collectiv housing from the 1960’s, recent small collectiv group... all together grouped, inclose in urban cells surrounded by the huge industrial plots, sometimes activ, noisy and disturbing, sometimes as fallow, abandonned… The road trafic, where trucks and cars circulate non stop, generate disturbances. Equipements with metroolitan radiance are settled since a decade in the west part of the districts, very close from downtown, offer a new dynamic to the south districts. Followed by operations of urban renewal concentred on housing and urban accomodation, the streets and the landscape change, little by little this harbour district and its atypical shape are urbanised.

Potentialité des espaces délaissés: Si l’eau est omniprésente dans les quartiers sud , les quais et leurs abords restent sous utilisés ; déployés sur un linéaire qui s’étend de l’entrée de ville maritime à l’entrée de ville fluviale, ils ne sont utilisés que ponctuellement par la ville, le port , les entreprises, la plaisance. L’entrée de ville, assimilée davantage à une fin d’autoroute qu’à un axe d’entrée qualifié n’est urbanisé que par touche, bien que des projets d’aménagements émergent. De nombreuses friches, espaces libres, en jachères, en attentes, sont repérables de manière ponctuelle sur l’ensemble des quartiers. Les axes de circulations importants pour la ville comme pour le port, traversent les quartiers sud sans interagir avec le contexte. Axes structurants, ils forment une trame détachée de la réalité des quartiers et de leur cadre de vie.

Potential of the abandoned spaces : If the water is omnipresent in the south districts, the quays and their accesses stay under valuated, under used : deployed from the maritime city entrance by la Manche to the river city entrance by La Seine, they are only ponctually used by the city, the port, the companies, the sailing. The city entrance, likened more to the end of highway than to a qualified boulevard of entrance is urbanised only by touch, although projects of requalification emerge. Numerous fallow plots, free spaces, abandonned, in waits, are locatable in some ponctual point across the districts. Important trafic connexion for the port as well for the city cross the districts without interacting with their context. Structuring axes of the districts, they form a frame detached from the reality of the living environment.

Comment articuler les espaces industrialo-portuaires avec les ambitions de renouvellement urbains dans les quartiers sud du Havre ? How to connect industrial and port activities spaces with the urban regenerations ambitions in the south districts of Le Havre ?

4 + 1 axes de projet urbain/ 4 + 1 entries for urban conception



De la ville/From the city...



urban renewal


city entries


housing vs industries

urban structure

au port/to the port

Plan guide/ Masterplan

Etat des lieux/ Existant

Plan guide/ Masterplan

Plan masse/ Site plan

Photographies de maquettes urbaine / Pictures of urban scale models


Urban scale project of a WMusic, Dance and Arts center in Pescara integrated to riverside landscape, studio led by Giuseppe Barbieri, during my second semester of Erasmus in Pescara Architecture Faculty in G. d’Annunzio University. Project designed in Laboratorio di progetto urbano. The site is located at the crossing of the river, train and highway infrastructure. A new bridge project connect the resident riverside and the other riverside dedicated to economic activities. To articulate the programs, the project offers a large requalification of both riversides as vegetal public space preserved for bicycle, pedestrian promenade and an important equipment for the district and the city. Exhibition spaces, concert hall, theater, classes, atelier, studio‌ the Arts Center gives a new dynamism to this area, organising the varies flows, providing a buffer space, between habitat and activity.

Plan Masse urbain / Masterplan

Plan Masse / Site Plan

Coupe AA / Section AA





Plan RDC / Ground floor Plan

Coupe BB / Section BB


Flash competition : Rouen Train Station distrisct To resolve the difficulties of the travellers to orient themselves, to lift, to travel with serenity, the project proposes to merge the different spaces of the square and to council all his functions. The plan centralizes the uses on one axis, and the flow on another, releasing the square from its obstructions and so from its lack of readibility. The project have been chosen, mentioned and published by SNCF and will be a part of an exhibition at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris.

Vues 3D de du projet d’aménagement / 3D views of the urban design project Un revêtement de sol uni et lisse rythmé par des nervures organisent l’espace, une large allée droite traverse le parvis liant directement l’entrée de la gare et l’avenue J. d’Arc. Une plateforme en bois s’étends sur la largeur du parvis et offre des bancs, assis-debout, parking vélo, abri bus, attente taxi . Enfin le végétal structure les vues et accompagne le voyage. A new ground layer, plain and smooth punctuated by ribs, organises the space. A large straight allee goes through the public square, creating a direct connexion between the Train Station entrance and the J. d’Arc Avenue. A wood platform creates a second straigt line, from left to right, offering benches, sit-stand, bicycle parking, taxi stop. Finally, the vegetation structures the views and follows the travel.

SchÊmas des principes du projet / Diagrams of the project’s principles

Plan Masse / Site Plan

Phasage du projet / Phases of the project


Winning project of the competition « Village d’enfant » lead by Action Enfance and France Habitation. Project won during my contract as architect assistant at Tectum studio. Realisation of a children village including housing, equipments for administration and children leisure. The project has obtein varies labels – and respond to the accessibility regislation for young children and disabled. The client is France Habitation comminssioned by Action Enfance. Complete mission from A to L, the construction begins in the first trimestre of 2016.

Plan Masse / Site Plan

Elevation sur site/ Site prospect

Vues 3D du projet / 3D views of the project


Re-use project of an old factory complex in Lisieux, studio led J.B. Cremnitzer and R. Schlumberger, during the special master class DRAQ, during my 5th year of study at the Architecture School of Normandy. Project designed in collaboration with a student, an architect DRAC and an engineer with the cares of constructability, control costs and compliance with french building regulations. Following a phase of survey and complete diagnosis, our project provides conservation and conversion of three buildings of this former industrial complex. Two housing programs collective and individual integrate with the complete redevelopment of the island, which offers self-directed craft workshops, greenhouses, community gardens, aimed at revitalizing the residential area and its strong association community.

Plan Masse / Site Plan

Insertion dans le contexte / Context relations

Plan RDC / Ground floor Plan

Elevation Est / East Prospect

Vues 3D/ 3D views


Coupes/ Sections


Détails techniques : 1.Toiture zinc 2. Paroi bois type mob 3. Porte fenêtre lame argon (4-16-4) 4. Dalle sur plot 5. Complexe d’étanchéité (relevé 20cm) 6. Isolant toiture terrasse 7. Garde corps en verre 8. Bavette d’étanchéité métallique 9. Revêtement de sol 10. Complexe de sol (dalsec - dalsol -plancher chauffant) 11. Dalle béton existante 12. Isolant entre solives métalliques 13. Complexe placoplâtre (BA25) + isolant 14. Isolant entre solives 15. Solives bois 16. Plancher bois 17. Système de fixation garde corps 18. Bardage zonc sur volige avec goutte d’eau 19. Complexe isolant placoplâtre 20. Bardage «Trespa» sur tasseau bois 21. Dalle bois sur chevron fixés dans la dalle 22. Isolant sous dalle







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Mixed use project, housing and shops, studio led by Eric Babin during my 4th year of study at the Architecture School of Normandy. Project designed during my first year of master degree. From urban insertion to the structures detail, the project was drawn by the alternance of fill and empty spaces in an urban landcape. Each side of the plot represent the fill, with the building, opening a central vegetal corridor, from the north to the south : the emptyness. Individual and collective housing, shops facing the mainstreets, and a vegetal covered parking plot were designed. The project respects the french legislation of housing, accessibility, and tecnics needs.

Plan RDC/ Ground floor plan




Coupe AA/ Section AA

Vues 3D/ 3D views

Coupe BB/ Section BB

Vue 3D/ 3D view

Coupe/ Section Détails techniques : 1. Complexe de sol toiture terrasse 2. Egout écoulement EP 3. Bardage ajouré bois type persienne 4. Garde corps 5. Revêtement zinc 6. Egout EP 7. Complexe isolant toiture terrasse 8. Complexe d’étanchéité (relevé 20cm) 1. Gros oeuvre béton 2. Porte fenêtre lame argon (4-16-4) 3. Garde corps en verre 4. Système de fixation garde corps 5. Bavette d’étanchéité métallique 6. Dalle béton et complexe isolant sur dalle 7. Revêtement de sol 8. Complexe placoplâtre (BA25) + isolant 9. Vide Sanitaire 10. Complexe de sol toiture terrasse 11. Egout écoulement EP 12. Bardage ajouré bois type persienne 13. Garde corps 14. Revêtement zinc 15. Egout EP 16. Complexe isolant toiture terrasse 17. Complexe d’étanchéité (relevé 20cm)


International competition of Pavillon de la Danse in Geneva, Swiss Project designed during my three months internship in Rome, at Labics studio in association with Arup Milano. It was a multicultural experience, as the conception and design were led by the project managers in italian, the final presentation in french, and the team work with an architect and a designer in english and italian. Designed as a precious case made of wood and metal structure, the removable pavillon houses in its heart a theater around which the spaces dedicated to the public and the artists interact. The pavillon was designed in accordance with the context and buildings around it, interacting with the vegetal, the streets, and the flow in the square.


Coupes/ Sections

Maquette en bois 1/100 Wood model scale 1/100

Vues 3D/ 3D views


First Prize project for the Scenography project for Guinguette Cité Raspail at the Viva Cité Festival, in Sotteville-lès-Rouen at Atelier 231 Project designed and built in collaboration with artists for the street arts festival Viva Cité in June 2013. Design of urban furnitures which, with touch of colours, give a rythm the Guinguette space, respecting the artists work and leading the public to shows and artistic representations. Day and night, during the three days of the festival, the scenography creates convivial meeting points in direct contact with the artistics representations. Professional experience from design to construction, then installation of the project. Respecting the current french laws, budget management and deadlines, creativ solutions to technic and spaces issues.



M. Sallard

durant le

festival VIva CitĂŠ


Special mention for the project of solar oven «Cookaround» during the international competition «Aluminium pour l’éco-design» edition 2015 Cookaround is an innovativ, alternativ and sustainable solar oven which allows to cook food and liquids in the same time, by the only solar energy in a record time. It could be use as well for pic nics than emergency siutation or for people with limited ressources. The dimensions and the design allow to take Cookaround wherever the user need ! Elaboration of the project from concept to detailed structure and materials study, evaluation of carbon footprint, viability of the project. Costs analysis for factoring and distribute the product.

Principes/ Concepts

Le four solaire Cookaround propose une manière alternative et complètement écologique de cuisiner, chauffer, cuire, mijoter, préparer, conserver, mitonner ses petits plats ou boissons grâce à l’énergie solaire. Les propriétés de conduction, diffusion, résistance, légèreté du matériau aluminium ont fait naître l’idée du four solaire. Cookaround permet de consommer sans dépenser d’énergie ni émettre de pollution tout en libérant les usagers du temps pris par la préparation des repas. Cookaround réponds aux préoccupations économiques, écologiques et sociales propres au développement durable. Cookaround is a solar oven which offers an alternativ and ecologic way to cook, prepare, conserve meals or drinks thanks to solar energy. Conduction properties, diffusion, strength and light weight of the aluminum material have raised the idea of the solar oven. Cookaround allows to consume without spending any energy or emit pollution while freeing users the time taken by the preparation of meals. Cookaround answers the economic, ecological and social concerns specific to sustainable development.

Eclaté/ Decomposition Détails techniques : 1. Couvercle d’aluminium diam.40 cm 2. Couvercle de verre amovible diam.30 cm 3. Cercle de fixation en bois 4. Anneau d’aluminium creux contenance 3L 5. Enveloppe isolante bois epaisseur 5mm 6. Sangle de lin 7. Fixation de sangle en aluminium 8. Plaque d’aluminium avec bouchon + robinet + thermomètre et valve 9. Articulation en aluminium entre plaque et couvercle d’aluminium


Graphism – sketches Sample of sketches, paintings, drawings realised during art classes, travels and free time‌ Always keeping a sketchbook with me, the habit of drawing what is around me grows with time. The sample presents sketches realised in different situations, with varitions of the medium.

Recherche graphique autour de l’eau Peinture/ Graphic research water theme Painting

Cours de dessin ombre et lumière/ Drawing class light and shadows

Cours de dessin, modèle vivant/ Drawing class

Croquis extraits de mes carnets, au stylo, quelques minutes pour retransmettre une atmosphère...


Skecthes from my sketchbook with a simple pen, few minuts to re-transmit an atmosphere...

Croquis de voyage/ Travels sketches

Croquis de chantier/ Sketches from the building site

Croquis réalisés pendant le chantier cité universitaire A-Dock au Havre, observation du travail des ouvriers dessins-reportage sur les métiers et les techniques


Skecthes from the building site Student housing A-Dock in Le Havre observation of the workers and their activities sketch-report on the professions and the technics


Photography – personnal projects Varies pictures illustrating travels and architectural tour. Then a photo-reportage on the A-Docks student housing building site in le Havre, designed by Atelier Cattani architect, NewDen Design and AR-C. Building site where I was an architect intern.

Voyages et visites architecturales, du détails au monumental Travels and architecture tour, from details to monument Albanie Allemagne Autriche Belgique Bosnie - Herzégovie Bulgarie Croatie Cuba Espagne France métropolitaine France outremer Grèce Hollande Hongrie Italie Macédoine Monténégro Pologne Portugal Roumanie Slovenie Slovaquie Suisse Turquie

Photo reportage de chantier/Photo report from the building site

Merci de votre attention

Je serais ravie de vous présenter l’ensemble de mon travail, ainsi que mes motivations au cours d’un entretien. Je reste à votre disposition.

Thank you for your attention I would be delightd to present you my whole work, as well as my motivations durind an interview. I remain at your disposal.

Hélène Coignet Architecture et Urbanisme (+33) 06 24 17 30 33 helenecoignet@gmail.com

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