Finding Your Child's Musical Inspiration The Source of Inspiration
The source of inspiration, musical or otherwise, comes from within your mind. The right experiences, ones that shape and develop powerful musical images, are the source of artistic guidance and vision.
So how can you inspire someone else?
The answer is to help shape their vision, their musical imagery. Fill their hearts and minds with powerful images and sounds and they will respond with true inspiration.
The Artistic Image
The artistic image is an overall impression resulting from a person's knowledge and experience. As a parent you have a huge role in shaping the artistic image of your child. If you aren't musical, don't fret. Remember your child absorbs information from everyone around them. You can create an environment and a strong artistic image in your child through a wide variety of musical experiences.
Developing the Artistic Image
Its not the quantity but the quality. Be aware of the experiences that really affect them. Take them to see the best pianist in the world may not affect them but playing chopsticks with their favorite uncle does. Know
what turns them on to music and do as much as you can to enhance those experiences. In other words, be sensitive to your child’s feelings and what they respond to and why.
Musical Experiences
A child may experience music in a variety of ways.
Listening to music at a live concert or on a recording Hearing stories about music Being taught how to play music Performing music in public Meeting people who perform music Incorporating music into their daily lives and routine Consistency and Hard Work
When learning music, as with any challenge, there are many ups and downs. But how do we create an environment where there are more "ups" than "downs"? Make sure they are putting in consistent effort. Many rewards are not immediate. A music education, like school, never really ends. There are only a series of successes along the way. It takes years of consistent effort to really master music.
Helene Goldnadel is a recording artist, a song writer, and a musician. She provides lessons to children on various activities ranging from acting, singing, dancing to life coaching and personal development. Helene talks about the power of self-confidence and how it has improved her student's lives. To know more about Helene, please visit here: