Helene Goldnadel on Importance of Special Education

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Helene Goldnadel on Importance of Special Education Children with learning disabilities often form negative opinions of school and education. This isn't their fault. The need for more special education classes offered to these children is a necessary addition to the school system. All children have the possibility of a bright future ahead of them. All children should have an enjoyment of learning not a fear of it. It is the responsibility of the generations before theirs, the adults in this world, to see that that happens.

A special education class comes in many different forms. Basically though it is a class geared toward specific learning disabilities displayed in children and adults. These classes work with an individual in a way that best fits their learning process. Not everyone see the world in the same way, not everyone is going to pick up on things as quickly or understand them like others do. That doesn't mean it is impossible for a child or even an adult to learn new things. The possibility of being able to live an active and fulfilling life is a possibility for everyone no matter the disability they are born with. Most special education classes are focused on the major groups of disabilities such as Aspergers Autism, Dyslexia and many other learning disorders.

However, there are smaller syndromes such as ADHD that cause learning disabilities and yet these children are expected to fit in to a normal school structure and keep up with their peers. In some cases this is impossible for the child and can actually be detrimental to their education, not to mention their selfconfidence and self-image. Because disabilities such as ADHD are hard to diagnose and an article of controversy amongst the medical professions, these children are often left by the way side and are the worse for it.

It doesn't take much to make an effort in helping a child with a learning disability. "Patience and understanding are the key points", says Helene Goldnadel. This of course can be difficult in public schools with large classroom sizes. Every child deserves some one on one time with the teacher. But a child with a learning disability needs a little extra of that time. This is why special education programs are so important to the health of our children's educational future. We need more teachers and more programs dedicated to the education of all children. The argument is right in that our future depends on it.

Learning should be a fun activity. Life and the world around us is always changing, always adapting and always growing. We should take an active part in it and receive enjoyment from learning from it. Having a learning disability should not keep us from doing so. Having a learning disability should not be a stigma placed on our children. It does not make them less of a person. It only means they see something differently than the rest of us. In fact, if we try looking at the world from their point of view we may even learn something. Developing a broader special education system should be a priority of the education system.

To learn more, please visit here: https://helenegoldnadelca.blogspot.com/

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