Release Your Hidden Voice with Voice Lessons by Helene Goldnadel When it comes to musical instruments singing is completely different. People in general know how to sing at least a little. However, some will insist they cannot carry a tune in a bucket, and this is because they believe that you either can or cannot sing. Is it possible that they are correct? If this is true then vocal coaching is a swindle and complete exercise in futility.
Thankfully, singing is a learned skill not an innate one. Even a person who cannot carry a tune to save their life can learn to sing with the Voice platform of instruction offered through a well designed voice Vocal coach program.
In order to unlock the hidden voice inside of you it is necessary to start at the root of the vocal building process. With most traditional singing instruction, you will be taught to improve your voice through breathing, projection, diction and posture exercises. Voice vocal coach training however works on your singing instrument instead of the singing itself. Whether you are in a group or prefer private training, you will be taught to work on the cause not the effect, which leads to fantastic results!
The way voice functions are universal. As long as you do not suffer a mental or physical infirmity that prevents it, you can be taught to sing. Your voice can be constructed or modified to achieve singing! In order to accomplish that all you must do is correct the problems. Where does this building procedure start? You begin building at the registers, but what on earth is that?
Over several hundred years, the art of vocal pedagogy has been deteriorating until you come to the current techniques. Today people would rather enhance the tone than teach the proper function of the singing mechanism. In other words the focus in on effect instead of cause. Learning to sing properly has spiralled down amidst a marsh of confusing theories and ideas.
Teaching methods have been misdirected towards improving the "sound of the singing" and not the instrument that produces the singing. Consequently, students of voice experience improvement in singing skills but little to none in the singing instrument! This leads to doubt and frustration. The student begins to believe that you either got it or you don't.
The idea that someone cannot sing is a total myth! As stated above each person can sing somewhat and some can even sing very well. Each week across America, millions of people attend a house of worship and sing hymns and praise and they have never had a voice lesson. It is amazing then that people still believe they cannot sing!
The singing instrument holds the answer not the singing itself. Sadly too many people think that you either "have it or you do not" when it comes to singing. The idea however is based upon experience that tells them they cannot be taught, and not in the pure and simple fact that singing is as much a skill you learn as playing the piano! Even when you insist that they can be instructed you still find objections such as, "Oh goodness no! I am completely tone deaf and cannot carry a tune in a five gallon bucket!�
WRONG! Helene Goldnadel personally has taught hundreds of students that "couldn't carry a tune in a bucket" to sing beautifully. Their friends told them they were "tone deaf"! Some became extraordinary singers! The mystery is in knowing how to access the involuntary muscles that control pitch, intensity, and vowel (the components of the voice). Then and only then, will an instructor have the necessary tools needed to separate, balance, blend and even repair a dysfunctional singing instrument. Once the principles that govern the correct physiological function of voice (not singing) are applied, the building and repair process begins! People that have sung in the church choir for thirty years without measurable improvement will begin to improve.
To experience dramatic vocal change, the voice must undergo a rebuilding from its very foundation! The registers must be separated, balanced, and blended. The resonance must be adjusted and the vowel purified. It is a process. It takes time but as this process moves forward, the singer will experience extraordinary progress in both singing and the singing instrument!
No longer do you need to find songs that "fit" your voice. You possess the technical skills needed to sing songs the way you want, instead of the way you have to. Well designed Vocal Coach lessons delivers "vocal freedom"! Anything less is not freedom at all!
Ms. Helene Goldnadel is a life coach, a singing teacher and a recording artist. Helene has been working with children in voice placement, voice projection and has kept countless young performers from the painful damage which vocalist experience when they do not sing from the diaphragm. Helene Goldnadel offers a variety of classes for your child and along with dance classes there are also other creative activities available like learning music and theatre, if your child is interested in the same. For more details, please visit here: