Address Your Attitude and Enjoy More Favorable Results Address Your Attitude and Enjoy More Favorable Results Why resist the current situation in which you find yourself? It’s reality. When you fight reality, you lose. When you stew over how you think things “should” be or how you want them to be, you’re using up time and energy that could be spent on making your life great. When you deal with anything other than reality, you’re working from a false premise, and your solutions will be less than optimal. The key to accepting your current situation is your attitude. A negative attitude brings about negative thoughts and, more often than not, a poor outcome. Use these strategies to maintain a positive attitude and deal effectively with the real situation:
1. View life as a game filled with challenges. Your job is to find a way to keep all of your plates spinning while you find a way to solve your unique challenges. It’s a tough game. Enjoy the challenge of trying to solve it.
2. Spend time with others that have a positive attitude. Your attitude, beliefs, and habits are affected by those you spend time with. If you want a more positive attitude, fill your social circle with those who can uplift you with their positive perspective.
3. Take care of your business.Life is more stressful when you have things hanging over your head. When you manage your life responsibly, your attitude will become more positive. Procrastination and avoidance negatively affect your
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4. Keep your mind in the present moment. Thinking about the past and the future can cause regret and worry. Keep your mind right here where you need it.
5. Practice gratitude. It’s easy to feel down when things aren’t going your way. One way to feel even worse is to focus on your challenges and what is currently lacking in your life. Instead, make a list of all the good things you experience each day. Remind yourself of these things when your attitude takes a nosedive.
6. Keep your self-talk positive. If you’re not on your side, who will be? Say something nice and encouraging to yourself.
7. Enhance your environment. Fixing up your environment can boost your attitude. Clean up a little. Paint the walls. Get outside and enjoy a nice day. Plant a tree in the front yard. Hang a few photographs. Control the things you can control, like your environment.
8. Expect the best. Being optimistic is more enjoyable than being pessimistic. Why not enjoy yourself? Holding negative thoughts will create pessimism in your life. Try to see the positive side of every situation and expect good things to come your way. You’ll be surprised how often you’re right!
9. Monitor yourself. Notice when your attitude begins to drift. Notice where your thoughts are directed. Are you dealing with the situation at hand, or feeling annoyed that things aren’t the way you’d like them to be? Our beliefs and attitudes cloud our perspective. A clear, open mind is much more likely to view a situation accurately.
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Keep tabs on your attitude and be more accepting of what life has to offer. Your resistance does nothing but prolong your misery. Once you’re practicing acceptance, your situation becomes easier to alter.
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