HOW TO TELL IF YOUR LOVED One is an Exhibitionist Narcissist How to Tell if Your Loved One is an Exhibitionist Narcissist Is your loved one an exhibitionist narcissist? It’s common to encounter people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Discover the key signs that reveal this disorder. Consider this information about exhibitionist narcissists and see if anyone in your life fits the description:
1. What is an exhibitionist narcissist?It’s a person who has a grandiose view of themselves, and an inflated ego. An exhibitionist narcissist is similar to other types of narcissists. They usually grow up with poor self-esteem and may lack a nurturing environment at home. They often compensate for this by having an inflated sense of self.
Exhibitionist narcissists also have a sense of entitlement. 2. Center of attention.Exhibitionist narcissists always have to be the center of attention. They want the whole world to revolve around them. They love attention and seek it out. They want everyone to love and praise them. They’re not comfortable sharing the spotlight with friends or other family members. They easily become jealous if they’re not the center of attention. 3. Lack of empathy.Exhibitionist narcissists don’t understand what other people
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are feeling. They can’t relate to them and often ignore them. Although exhibitionist narcissists are capable of feeling hurt, they don’t realize it when they hurt others. They’re only able to see their own feelings and don’t care about how others feel.
Exhibitionist narcissists also tend to be selfish. They expect the world to bend to their needs and desires. They want everything immediately and lack patience. They don’t care that their wishes inconvenience others. 4. Expecting perfection.Most exhibitionist narcissists expect perfection from those around them. They have unrealistic expectations and extremely high standards. They also believe that they’re perfect, and it’s impossible to convince a narcissist that they’ve made a mistake. They push their expectations on others and refuse to live in the real world.
Projecting perfection is also important for the exhibitionist narcissist. They will go to great lengths to convince others they’re perfect. They’ll spend hours editing photos, cleaning their homes, or buying new things. They’ll lie if it’s necessary to convince someone they’re perfect.
Often, exhibitionist narcissists will post idealized images and stories about their lives online. 5. Using others.Since exhibitionist narcissists don’t care about other people, it’s easy for them to use others. In some cases, they’ll use family members as props. They often tend to think of people as things. They believe they’re easy to replace and exchange.
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Exhibitionist narcissists can make family or friends feel like they’re accessories. Since the narcissists have to be the center of attention at all times, they’ll push people aside to get what they want.
Narcissist have a hard time returning affection because they don’t view others as their equals. 6. No apologies or responsibility.Exhibitionist narcissists are not able to apologize even if they realize they’ve done something wrong. They don’t take responsibility for their actions. They refuse to acknowledge that they’re wrong. You can wait forever to hear an apology from them, and you won’t get one.
Admitting a mistake would be a devastating blow to their egos.
It’s easier for them to pretend nothing is wrong. It’s easier to ignore issues forever and let others suffer because, once again, they don’t care.
Once you learn the signs, it’s easy to spot an exhibitionist narcissist.You can learn how to see these signs and use the information to avoid narcissists.
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