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Tips for a Potential Reviewer
Have you just read a book
and want to tell your friends about it? How about telling the whole world? You can, by writing a review on
Amazon. You don't have to be a famous literary critic, you don't have to be an English professor, you have only to be a reader . You don't even have to judge if the book is of a brilliant standard or if it deserves awards, you have only to say whether or not you liked it.
De tail fro m Wo man Writing a Le tte r : G e rard te r Bo rc h
CONTENTS AT A GLANCE Why your Review is Needed
Don't have an Amaz on account?
What you Need to do in a Review
But I don't have a Kindle!
What NO T to Write in your Review
Do I have to buy from Amaz on to write a... Are you an Author?
How can I write an Amaz on Review?
What Authors Say about Reviews
Why your Review is Needed Using an eBook example Buying an eBook is certainly much easier than buying a physical book. The eBook is instant. It's easy to carry around. And it's a heck of a lot cheaper. (In Australia about one quarter of the price). PDFmyURL.com
But you're not in a bookshop. You're not face to face with a helpful clerk who can give you some ideas on what may be appropriate for your ten year old nephew, or to let you know if there's some new historical fiction similar to what you've been reading. By the way, is the new Henning Mankell up to standard? No, you rely on others to tell you. So you look at reader reviews and Amaz on's "also bought" suggestions. You can check through reviews and decide to purchase
(or not purchase) the book based on what you've read.
Now you can help others decide if they want to purchase!
Don't have an Amazon account? 1
Go to the Amaz on homepage
Select Start Here at the top of the page.
This takes you to a page that asks for your name and email address. It will then ask you to enter and reenter your password. Now you can click on Create a new account
But I don't have a Kindle! Don't have a kindle? It doesn't matter. There are lots of ways to read
a book in kindle format without even having a Kindle!
Amaz on provide free reading apps for every major smartphone, tablet, and computer. There's an app for Smartphones such as an iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone. An app for Tablets such as an Android Tablet, iPad, Windows 8. There's an app for your computer - for your Mac, Windows 7, XP and Vista, and for Windows 8 You can read books in your Kindle Cloud
You can start reading a book on one device, and pick up where you left off on another device What are you waiting for? Download your FREE App and read anywhere
Do I have to buy from Amazon to write a review?
No. It doesn't matter if you purchased your book somewhere else.
If you actually purchased through Amaz on, you'll get a verification mark on your review but you don't need it to have your review published. You may have just borrowed the book from a friend but, if you feel strongly enough about it, you can certainly write
a review.
As long as you have an account with Amaz on you can write a review. So, if you don't have an Amaz on account, open one. You can use amaz on.com. amaz on.ca or amaz on.uk - the process is the same. PDFmyURL.com
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How can I write an Amazon Review? Easy! Go to the page of the book you've purchased. If you haven't purchased from Amaz on, search for the book you've
just read and find the page which features it. Look down towards the bottom of the page, to where the reviews are already posted. Scroll to the last review on that page to the button Write a customer review NO reviews yet? Be the first to write one!
Next Step PDFmyURL.com
Amaz on will ask you to sign into your account (if you're not signed in already)
This is where you choose a star rating for your review. Anything from one star to three stars is a pretty bad review. (Suppose you didn't like the book at all? Sure, pick a low star rating and then explain why you didn't like it). After you've chosen your star writing
, write a Title for your review
Now, Write your Review
As you can see, it's a straightf orward process to write your review.
Quick T ip Write your review in your word processor and, when you're happy with it, simply copy and paste it into the Amazon page
What you Need to do in a Review 1
Click on a Star rating and enter a title, make it short and to the point PDFmyURL.com
Say whether you liked the book or not. .Make this simple. " The book was really good. I enjoyed it right to the last page ". Or something like "I was
Say something you liked about the book. (Or didn't like). Was it the plot, a particular scene, the characters, the feelings it aroused in you? " I was amused with the witty dialogue when Mary first met John". Or "Somehow John didn't seem real to me, his actions were too predictable ".
Finally .. would you recommend this book?
disappointed with this book".
What NOT to Write in your Review 1
Keep it short and to the point. Anything over 250 words isn't going to be read by anyone
Don't give away the ending of the book!
This isn't about YOU. We don't need long, personal stories on who you are and why you have particular personal tastes.Tell us about the book, not about
This is NOT a review of the retailer, but the content. If there was a problem with the ordering, contact Amaz on.
Make your review HELPFUL to others
Are you an Author? PDFmyURL.com
If you have a book published in any ePublishing format, it's simple to send a review copy. Send the file to your reviewer. If the potential reviewer has no Amaz on account, explain that it's a quick and easy process to sign up (and doesn't cost anything). Be prepared for a critical review, don't expect everyone to gush in awe about your book. If you've put your toe in the water, accept whatever temperature it is.
What Authors Say about Reviews Christine Larsen, author of Small Knitty Gritty Folk Tales "Reviews guide and challenge me to strive ever harder to improve my creations... sincerest thanks for your gifts of time and belief in me and mine
Glen Allen Stadler, author of Captain Banjo and his Merry Band of Marauding Pirate Goats "An author reading reviews of their book is like a doctor checking on the blood pressure of a patient. The news might not be what you hoped for but at least it gives you an indication of where to improve"
Just for Laughs Some products seem to call out for a tongue in cheek review. I'm not suggesting you scour through Amaz on looking for something outrageous or that you feel you have to be ironic, I've included these products so you can have a chuckle at the reviews they've recieved.
How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W. Trimmer Wonderf ully f unny reviews f or an absurd product Buy Now
Uranium Ore More hilarious reviews PDFmyURL.com
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21 Ways to Launch a Successful Virtual Book Tour (21 Ways Books) by D'vorah Lansky A practical step by step plan Buy Now
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You don't have write a review here, but a comment would be nice Add Comment
Jun 6, 2013 @ 7:53 am
Your screen shots are great especially as they are by the side of what you are explaining. I will be writing a review about a macro lens I bought at Amaz on recently so thanks for this.
Jun 2, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
Great tips, especially the ones about focusing on the product, not the problems with Amaz on or the reviewers story.
sharadkg upta
Jun 2, 2013 @ 9:45 am
Thanks for sharing such a good stuff.Now writing reviews on amaz on is easy for me.
Jun 2, 2013 @ 6:07 am
Thanks for this helpful info on how to write an Amaz on Review. So often, I don't review products that I have purchased and I know they are helpful because I always read them. I will try to do better.
Jun 1, 2013 @ 8:07 pm
I like the "make the review HELPFUL for others". No matter what the product i think most people like to read the reviews before they purchase.
Jun 1, 2013 @ 2:49 pm
I always read the reviews on Amaz on before making a purchase. Some of them are more helpful than others, but in general I feel I will be happy with a product if others have been. Thank you for the tips!
Jun 1, 2013 @ 2:43 pm
very helpful - i need to write a few reviews myself
Jun 1, 2013 @ 2:01 pm
Thanks for this article. I actually learned something - how to gift the book.
Jun 2, 2013 @ 3:33 am
Just remember that you are actually PAYING for the book yourself, then sending it to someone else.... even though its your book, you don't get to gift it to someone for free. You need to send out your own review copies of the book directly to your reviewer/friend if you want to give them for free.
Jun 1, 2013 @ 8:24 am
woo hoo! Thanks for creating this page Susanna, I'll start sharing it with people who are reading review copies of my books! BTW: I always break #3 of what you say not to do... I always waffle on about myself and why I liked the product... I'm a me, me, me type of gal I guess - lol!
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