Best Wayfinding Design Vol.1

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Best Wayfinding


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Best Wayfinding

Hi-design International Publishing Co., Ltd


VOL. 1



最佳导视设计(上) 办公 / 文化 徐鑫,靳晓龙,李丹,刘欢,刘舒雨 译



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Hi-Design publishing

Best Wayfinding re

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办公 / 文化

徐鑫 靳晓龙 李丹 刘欢 刘舒雨 译

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VOL. 1


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Best Wayfinding Design


Copyright ©2015 by Hi-Design International Publishing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

HI-DESIGN publishing

Edited by Hi-Design International Publishing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. URL: Email: ISBN 978-988-16585-4-8 Chief Editor: Elaine Chou Book Designer: Jiening Jiang All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing by the publisher.


Best Wayfinding Design

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115 EPO Engenharia EPO Engenharia 办公园

118 Ochanomizu Sracity 御茶之水天城

122 Supertanker Zurich 苏黎世超级油轮

126 Notting Hill 诺丁山

130 Schunk Group Spatial Graphics + Guidance and Signage System 雄克集团空间图形和导示标识系统

134 The Terrace at Alie Street Sign System and Wayfinding 艾利街露台的标识导视系统

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138 Segreen Wayfinding & Signage 涩绿公园标识导视系统

053 3M Australia HQ 3M 澳大利亚总部



064 ANZ Centre 833 Collins St Environmental Design and Signage

014 Green Horizon, Lodz 罗兹市绿色地平线办公楼

020 Edelweiss House 雪绒花之屋

026 Building AnkerstrasseBäckerstrasse Ankerstrassee-Bäckerstrasse 大厦

029 Yarra Valley Water 雅拉河谷水务公司

035 TNT Green Office TNT 绿色办公室

040 Signage DR 丹麦国家广播公司标识系统

045 Concordia Design 康科迪亚设计

049 East Thames Housing Association Headquarters 东泰晤士住宅协会总部


074 Green Towers 绿塔

082 Stadtwerke Essen Wayfinding System & Graphic Interface

Stadwerke Essen 导视系统 & 图形界面

092 1 Alie Street Identity and signage


DTED 内部导视与系统标识

culture 文化类

澳新银行中心 833 柯林斯街的环境设计与标识设计

069 Deutsche Rentenversicherung 008 DTED Interior Graphics & System Signage


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059 Unilever

145 Green Day, Wrocław


097 Signage System for Artist's House 艺术家之家导视系统

102 Centre d'art contemporain – Genève 日内瓦当代艺术中心

107 Nokia Design Helsinki 赫尔辛基诺基亚

109 Alta Diagonal Wayfinding 阿尔塔办公楼标识标牌设计

112 AachenMünchener Insurance 亚琛保险公司

152 Citizen Plaza FUKUCHIYAMA 福知山市民广场

159 Flaxman Library 弗拉克斯曼图书馆

162 Kounosu City Central Library in Saitama Prefecture 琦玉县鸿巢市中心图书馆

167 BIBLIOTEKET 瑞典皇家图书馆

173 Museum of Byzantine Culture 拜占庭文化博物馆

177 Seiro Township Library 圣龙町立图书馆

182 Obro Jagtvej Library Obro Jagtvej 图书馆

185 Magion Library 美智恩图书馆

190 Kunshan Culture & Art Center (KSCAC) 昆山文化艺术中心

194 Design Museum Holon – Signage and Wayfinding System 霍隆设计博物馆的标识导示系统

198 User Experience for a School Library 学校图书馆的用户体验

203 Signage System for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum 国际红十字会博物馆的标识系统

207 Visual Identity and Signage System for Ichihara Lakeside Museum 市原湖畔博物馆的视觉识别和标识系统

212 The Black Ensemble Theater Identity and Signage 黑乐团剧院识别和标识系统

216 Museum Wiesbaden 威斯巴登博物馆

219 Fundação Dom Cabral Signage System Fundação Dom Cabral 商业学校标识系统

222 Vorarlberg Museum Signaletik 伏拉堡博物馆标识系统

224 JAM, Japanese American Museum 日裔美国人博物馆

228 Vancouver Community Library 温哥华社区图书馆

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DTED Interior Graphics & System Signage

South Australian Department of Trade and Economic Development Adelaide, Australia



DTED 内部导视与系统标识

Photographer Rob Geh


该项目是阿得雷德中心商业区的一栋全新五层办公 楼的内部公共空间设计。近期由 Motiv 公司设计完成的

Motiv Brand Design

简洁标识体现出 DTED 的品牌特点。 鲜亮的色调是本案设计的基本元素,办公区的每个 楼层都大胆地使用了不同的色调,以区分不同楼层的主 要活动范围。雕塑材质的指示牌由色块和镶嵌面板构成, 并首先在场外组装并进行无痕拼接,然后就地安装。 走廊、接待处、主题屏幕、釉面贴花、会议室私密

The design called for the creation of interior public spaces through 5

thematics formed part of the total project.


levels of an entirely new office building in the Adelaide CBD. Central to

Motiv Brand Design (MBD) were responsible for interior design and


the brief was the expression of the DTED brand, recently developed by

creative brand installation. Motiv worked in conjunction with MPH


architects (Adelaide). Sculptural panels were manufactured and installed

A distinctive colour palette was developed as a basic element of brand

by Custom Works (Adelaide).

guidelines and each level of the new DTED offices was boldly colour-

Reception areas/foyer and signage were manufactured by Rodney

coded to reflect each level’s main area of activity. A sculptural texture

Robertson & Associates (Adelaide) under the supervision of Paul Jones.

was developed by formulating irregular blocks attached to modular

Project Building Managers: ISIS Adelaide.

室内设计以及创意品牌设计由 Motiv Brand Design (MBD) 公司与阿得雷德设计师 MPH 合作完成。雕刻嵌板 由阿得雷德 Custom Works 公司制造并安装。 接待处、门厅标牌在 Paul Jones 的指导下由阿得 雷德 Rodney Robertson & Associates 公司制造。项目建 筑管理商为 ISIS Adelaide 公司。

panels, assembled off-site and ‘invisibly’ butted together and installed in situ. Corridors, reception areas, theme screens, glazing decals, meeting room privacy screening, directory signage, floor level identities and foyer



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oo ks to re Kolektyf Client


Skanska Location


Lodz, Poland

Medusagroup, Joanna Sowula, Xenia Mrozowska, Kolektyf


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Green Horizon, Lodz



Karolina Kosowicz

The graphic design of this project tells a story of a factory operating between 1924 and 2005. Today in its place we can see a big office block that was certified by energy saving LEED Silver. Visual complexity of this project uses originality of historic graphics and documents illustrating the textiles factory of Ajzyk Piaskowski. Black and white designs are visible by the entrance and lift corridors, whilst colours are there to identify 4 different entrances and parking for the building

本案的图形设计讲述了一间工厂在 1924-2005 年间运营的故事。现在 在工厂的原址上我们可以看到一座雄伟的、获得 LEED 能源与环境设计先锋 奖银级认证的办公楼。 本案的视觉组合运用了原有的历史图形和一些描述 Ajzyk Piaskowski 纺 织工厂的文件。 入口处和电梯通道旁黑、白两色的设计显而易见,同时不同的颜色用 来区分该建筑 4 个不同的入口和停车场。



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Edelweiss House

Design Company



Leaf Design Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India Area



Taruna Verma, Tanvi Dalal, Anuja Selva, Sandeep Ozarde

21,182 m2

Edelweiss House is envisioned to be a center of empowerment enabling


employees to act as catalysts, extending the brand into designing of the


space. Conceiving the brand environment for Edelweiss office premises


entailed crafting wealth from ideas that resonated with the values of


financial innovation. The space design combined imagination with a series of origami craft renditions, expressing both the sophistication of the space and the endlessly inventive spirit behind the company. At the core of Edelweiss, is the conviction to “create ideas yet protect its values”. In sync with the brand personality and new values – all workspace areas

时保护其价值”。为了与品牌特点和新的价值观同步,所有工作区都要摆脱遮掩和保 密的控制。因此折纸手工的创新形式与金融界与众不同的开放、透明和高效的理念相 符,也为未来的发展方向铺设了一条鼓舞人心的道路。商标化的折纸视觉语言用其现 代的抽象理念和时尚形式指明了一条更大胆的新方向。

were to do away with frosting and privacy controls. Thus the innovative forms of Origami resonated with the open mindedness, transparency & efficiency – that is disruptive in the financial world. And also paves a more courageous way of looking into the future. Branded origami visual language with its modern abstractions and contemporary forms paved the way to a bolder, new direction.



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Building Ankerstrasse –Bäckerstrasse 项目名称中文翻译

Client Stiftung Abendrot Photographer Büro4



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Büro4 AG für Gestaltung + Kommunikation Zurich

Signage concept for an office building in Zurich’s District 4. The renovated industrial building in the inner courtyard has two postal addresses: Ankerstrassee and Bäckerstrasse. Two newly created signs differentiate the two building entrances: anchor and pretzel.

设计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设 计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设计说明中文翻译设计说明 中文翻译设计设计说计说

Yarra Valley Water

Senior Creative / Conceptual Design Matt Ryan


Junior Designer / Finished Art Ilana McMorran Photographer

Gray Puksand

Mark Duffus, MD Photography


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The design was to respond to Yarra Valley Water and celebrate the

graphics package that had been developed uniquely for each building on

essential service this client provides to the community.


This theme continues to drive the graphic design, which was inspired by

I n d i v i d u a l b ra n d i n g i c o n o g ra p hy a n d u n i q u e c o l o u r p a l e t te s

the movement and beautiful array of colours evident as the spectrum of

were developed for each building on site, supported by the integrated

light becomes visible as it refracts through water.

environmental graphic treatments throughout each building.

A multi-faceted geometric design featuring an infinite number of over

This calculated use of colour within the building's branding and

lapping pentagrams strives to represent an impressionistic response to

iconography created a secondary reference of building location without

the clients core business (Melbourne's largest municipal water supplier)

having to display additional levels of information, reducing the number of

by emulating the effects of the refraction of light through water, in what

signs and directional aids required. By reducing the amount of information

can ultimately been seen by the naked eye as a myriad of triangles.

users needed to recall, movements between departments and buildings

This design methodology formed the basis on which a heavily researched

was now a simple act, regardless of nationality or age simply through

and designed way finding package was conceptualised.

clean design and sound colour theories

This package not only achieved its objective by reducing congestion and general confusion around heavy traffic areas whilst displaying minimal information, it also complemented all aspects of the environmental



本次设计是为应雅拉河谷水务公司 这需,反映其为社区所提供的重要服务。 该主题成图形设计的驱动,进而受 到运动和光线经水折射展现出光谱的靓丽 色彩的启发。 本案为多面几何设计,无数重叠的 五角星通过模拟光通过水的折射呈现出客 户的核心业务(墨尔本最大的市政自来水 供应商),这样最终就可以看到无数的三 角形。 这种设计手法在经过缜密研究和设 计后,逐渐成形为整套导视系统。 这套系统不仅减少交通拥堵区域的 拥堵和混乱,达到了预期目标,同时也以 最简方式提供信息,而且作为补充,也为 校园里的每座大楼专门设计了多方面的环 境图形导视。

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在每座大楼完整的环境图形系统的 支持下,每座建筑都具有独特的品牌图标 和色调。 大楼品牌和图标上色彩的精心使用, 为大楼导向提供了辅助参考,也就不需要

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额外提供信息,这样减少了所需的方向指 示和标识的数量。通过减少用户需记的信 息量,公寓和大楼之间的通行现在变得非 常简便,简洁的设计和完善的色彩体系使





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TNT Green Office


TNT 绿色办公室

TNT Photographer Thijs Wolzak



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Studio Dumbar

In 2009 TNT opened their new Green Office in Hoofddorp. Designed by Dutch architect Paul de Ruiter, this pioneering project was heralded upon completion as the most sustainable building in Europe. Commissioned to design the building’s signage system, Studio Dumbar had to consider the guiding principles that characterised its design: sustainability, transparency, and personality. The signage system we designed employs colour and materials in their simplest form. The signage system suits the spirit of its surrounding, communicating information clearly without being intrusive. The concept of light is integral throughout the building. For example, workspaces are located on the outer edge of the building, with transparent glass walls looking onto the building’s interior. Window graphics were introduced to ensure that people working in the offices enjoy privacy whilst benefiting from the energy and function of natural light.



2009 年,TNT 公司在霍夫多普开设了新的绿色办公室。该 大楼由荷兰设计师保罗 ・德 ・鲁伊特设计,这座先锋式的建 筑在完成伊始,就被誉为欧洲最可持续化发展的建筑。自被委 任设计这座建筑的标识系统以来,登贝设计公司便思考将可持 续性、透明性和个性化融入设计中。 该标识系统以极简的方式利用色彩和材料。 本案与其周边环境融为一体,传达信息清晰,毫不突兀。 并且十分注重整个建筑中光线的概念。例如,办公区域设于建 筑的外缘,阳光可透过透明玻璃,射入建筑内部。窗户上的图


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Signage DR


Front Nordic

丹麦国家广播公司标识系统 Creative Director


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Masoud Alavi

Masoud Alavi designed the Danish National Broadcasting Corporation's (DR) image graphics and integrated signage for a new state-of-the-

Masoud Alavi 设计的丹麦国家广播公司(DR)图像图形和整体标识系统融 入哥本哈根最先进的总部中,该总部是由五栋各具特色的大楼组成的建筑群。

art Copenhagen headquarters, a 5-building complex with 5 different architectural concepts.

丹麦国家广播公司(DR)是一家国有公司,分别播放多平台的新闻、文化和 娱乐节目。DR是一个公共服务媒体供应商,能够覆盖全国信号和听众接收点。

The Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR, is the state-owned Danish

2006 年 DR 从“电视之城”和“无线电之家”搬到了新址“DR 小镇”。此项

media company broadcasting multi-platform news, culture, and


entertainment. DR is a Public Service media provider with full-country coverage and audience connection.

鲜艳的标识系统,同时能够强化 DR 的新形象。

When DR moved from "TV City" and "Radio House" to its new location, "DR Town" (DR Byen) in 2006. The challenge was to visually integrate the five very different buildings by creating a user-friendly, colourful wayfinding sign system which also reinforced the new DR image.



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Concordia Design

Design Company Brandburg in cooperation with no4




Location Poznan, Poland


Maciej Kawecki, Kuba Jankowiak

Concordia Design – an old printing house converted into a design and

form and decided to reverse roles and focus on interaction. This is when

creativity center. Here design means the process of defining goals,

wayfinding became more of a playfinding. We used white boards against

innovative work, novel solutions and business implementations.

a white background. The floor you are on is shown by the words and

The logo combines a couple of elements: first there is the blue line.

icons shooting out like sprouts. This system invites you to come closer

Mobile and flexible, it takes form of the objects it describes. It is dynamic,

and get in touch with the information. Your sensory journey starts with

follows shapes, creates things but also denies them. Another element

various textures and materials. Materials are important to our senses. We

is the expanded typography. The spaces make the user experience

used contrasting surfaces like the rough brick wall and the shiny surface

the logo as ideas that are being either separated, analyzed or joined,

of the board. Some elements became hyperbolic, like spatial elements

synthesized. It denotes betweenness, a process.

of 2.5 meters signing the floor – they are both objects and information.

The shape of the line and the logo appear in multiple areas, such as

Arrows bend around wall corners. Room numbers hover just 30 cm above

stationery, everyday objects, lines inside the building as wall graphics,

the ground instead of the usual eye-level. Large-scale steel boards with

LED screens as info displays, in communication without actually using

letters cut out in Concordia font placed in open spaces of the building

the logotype, as installations outside the building, in printed materials, in

encourage the people to communicate. Even the stairs and floors carry

wayfinding solutions or corporate gadgets.

messages. They all invite you to start a dialog, to play and get involved.

In the wayfinding system we rejected the standard rule of function over

They capture the creative spirit of the place.


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康科迪亚设计——老印刷工坊变身为设计创意中心。在这里, 设计意味着目标明确、作品创新、方案新颖和项目实施。 本案标志结合了一组元素:首先有一个移动灵活的蓝色线状元 素,可组成任意图形,它变化万千,不仅可以模拟形状、创造新奇, 也可以变形。另一个元素是放大版文字。让用户体验到或分散或整 合的构想。这就是中间作用。


企业标志与线型形状应用于各种场地,如办公用品、日常用品、 建筑墙壁上的线型图标、呈现信息的 LED 屏幕,或是未投入使用却 已用于与用户交流的商标原型,如:建筑外表装饰、印刷材料、导 视方案或公司小玩意。 我们摒弃了导视系统中功能重于形式的标准规则,决定互换角 色并专注于互动,此时导视系统便成为了一种寻乐系统。我们在白 色背景上使用白板,像嫩芽一样剑出的文字和标图会明示你所处的 楼层。该系统邀你近距离观察,与信息互动,你将在各式各样的图 案和材质中开始你的感官之旅。材质给我们的感觉很重要,我们采 用了粗砖壁面和光滑板面这两种对比表面,一些元素的应用相对夸 张,比如楼板上 2.5 米高的空间要素——它们既是建筑元素也提供 信息。箭头随墙角弯曲,房间号码不再置于通常与视线水平的地方, 而是悬挂在距地面约 30 厘米处的位置。大型不锈钢板上裁出康科 迪亚字样,固定在建筑的空地,鼓励人们进行交流,甚至楼梯和地 板上都附有信息。它们鼓励你交流、娱乐、参与其中,这些都体现 了该地的创新精神。



East Thames Housing Association Headquarters 东泰晤士住宅协会总部

Creative Director Gareth Howat & Jim Sutherland Client East Thames Housing Association



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Gareth Howat, Jim Sutherland & Mark Wheatcroft

The environmental graphics and wayfinding scheme is designed for


housing association East Thames’ group headquarters in Stratford,


east London. Based on the Group’s brand identity theme of ‘sunrises’,


referencing the sun rising in the east. Using the principles of light, shade


and reflection, a simplified circular ‘sun’ shape and a relevant colour


palette, we created an innovative system using reflected and transparent


sunrise colours. Creating ‘glowing’ iconography and wayfinding by

主题,包括公共区域的 2 米宽的时钟,伦敦东部居民的“日出”摄影作品和东泰

bouncing colour from the reverse of signs against white walls of the


building provided the base for their scheme. Transparent colour applied to glazing let natural light cast colour throughout the building. In addition, applied graphics and installations captured the theme of the ‘sun’, including a 2m clock in the public space alongside photography of local sunrises submitted by residents across east London and clients of East Thames to convey an optimistic and hopeful future.



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Design Team

3M Australia HQ

Paul Tabouré, Jon Zhu Client

3M 澳大利亚总部

Colliers Project Services Location Sydney, Australia





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全球创新巨头 3M 公司设于澳大利亚的新总部占地 8 平方千米,需要一个庞

The new 8,000sqm Australian HQ for global innovation giant 3M, required

an extensive signage and wayfinding package that would compliment the 大的标识和导视系统设计,从而烘托也是由 THERE 公司设计的宽敞的品牌环境。 我们提出了一个完整的标识设计方案,紧扣 3M 品牌“掌控新概念连锁反应” extensive branded environment also designed by THERE. We delivered a complete signage solution that captured the 3M brand 的核心理念,发扬 3M 以创新为核心的品牌文化。该方案涵盖所有内外部标识、 essence ‘Harnessing the chain reaction of new ideas’ and celebrated the 导视系统标识及底柱与规定的定制设计。 各种材料和饰面由若干喷涂铝板构成,这些铝板条由激光进行切割,并弯折

culture of innovation which is at the heart of 3M. The scope included all

custom designed, internal and external identification signage, wayfinding 成形,最后拼接为图形。公司深远的历史在 80 平方米浮雕墙上按时间顺序呈现, signs, plinths and statutory.


A variety of materials and finishes were utilised with each sign fabricated from a single, folding, laser cut piece of powder coated aluminium. The company’s rich heritage was further celebrated with an 80sqm routed timeline wall relief that showcased the company’s brand evolution over the last hundred years.



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Bruce Mau Design



Unilever is a global organization with the ambitious goal of doubling the also developed a series of global guidelines for the application of the size of its business by 2020, while committing to increasing its positive refreshed brand across various collateral, including digital and social social impact and reducing its environmental footprint.

media platforms, packaging, corporate communications materials and

BMD was tasked with creating a new communications framework and stationery. visual identity system that would humanize the brand, and demonstrate One of these guidelines documents, the Global Building Guidelines, Unilever’s Sustainable Living commitments. The system is founded on the describes the application of the branding system to the built idea of telling real stories about real people. The system relies heavily on environment. BMD developed a framework for how the brand comes photography, patterning and typography to create a more approachable to life in space. To test and refine the guidelines, we rolled out two key brand, as a means by which to communicate the small ways in which sites: Kingston in the UK, and Four Acres, a residential training facility in Unilever is making a big difference around the world.

Singapore. At each site, we designed and implemented an architecturally

Once the basic framework had been defined, BMD worked with Unilever’s integrated and impactful expression of Unilever, authentic to the global global brand team to direct the rollout internally and externally. We brand, while relevant to the local market.



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联合利华公司是一家全球企业,它所制定的目标十分具有野心, 即至 2020 年将其业务规模扩大一倍,同时承诺增强其积极的社会影 响,并减少其对环境的破坏。 BMD 公司受任为联合利华公司设计一个新的交互和视觉识别系 统,打造一个人性化品牌,并彰显其可持续发展的承诺。本案基于 讲述真人真事这一理念,该系统在很大程度上依赖照片、图形和字体, 以营造一个平易近人的品牌。在小处沟通,注重细节,这也是联合 利华能够成为一家在世界范围内都与众不同的公司的原因之一。


一旦确定了基础框架,BMD 公司便同联合利华公司的全球品牌 团队制定对内对外的新产品推广计划。我们也制定了一系列全球性 方针,使新品牌更好地适应多样的媒介,包括数字和社交媒体平台、 包装 、企业通信材料和文书。 在这些方案中,全球建设方案描述了将品牌系统应用于建设环 境的理念。BMD 公司所设计的框架能够使该品牌在空间内焕出生机。 为检验和改进这些方案,我们在两个主要场所推行 : 英国的金斯顿和 新加坡 Four Acres 培训和发展中心。在每个场所,我们的设计与建 筑融为一体,并有力地表达了联合利华的理念,既同当地市场息息 相关,也忠实于这一全球品牌。



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澳新银行中心 833 柯林斯街的环境设计与标识设计

Daniel Peterson, Fabio Ongarato Client

Architecture and Interior Design

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group


ANZ Centre 833 Collins St Environmental Design and Signage


Creative Director

Earl Carter

Fabio Ongarato



ANZ, renowned for its strong work culture, has a new head office which

light well.

is home to over 6,500 staff. In collaboration with HASSELL and BLL, Fabio

As part of the environmental graphics package a diverse range

Ongarato Design devised a comprehensive wayfinding and environmental

of supergraphics and installations were created to suit varied hub

graphics system that matches ANZ’s cultural needs and workplace values.

environments, and to encourage staff interaction. Each of the hub

The wayfinding system was created as an extension of the architecture.

environments designed to suit the wide variety of occupant profiles

Elegant sculptural forms were directly inspired by the shifting planes that

and requirements these were termed; ‘Play’, a space focused around

are detailed in the architecture and the concept of an ‘urban canvas’

competition and teamwork. Create’, a space designed to encourage open

or ‘civic’ space. Through a process of rigorous integration with the

mindedness and house a connection to the history of ANZ. ‘Grow’, a place

architecture the signage system functions as an extension of the space,

of respite, tranquility and rejuvenation. ‘Move’, a connection to the wider

rather than appearing as a layer on top of the space, operating as a

urban metropolis, a dynamic and energetic space and ‘Click’, a high tech

series of extrusions resulting in an intuitive and architecturally harmonic

space based around technology and global connectivity.

solution. Beyond the aesthetic response one of the key challenges was the sheer size and scope of the wayfinding strategy required for a 13 storey building with 3 separate lift cores and a central 10 storey atrium



澳新银行享誉浓厚的企业文化,新总部的员工 超过 6500 人。在与 HASSELL 和 BLL 设计公司的合作中, Fabio Ongarato 工作室策划出一种综合导视与环境视 觉系统,符合澳新银行的文化需求和职业价值观。 导视系统的开发是建筑的扩展,优雅的雕刻图 形的灵感源于建筑中变幻的面板,也是“城市画布” 或“市民”空间理念的呈现。通过与建筑之间紧密的 融合,标识系统更像是空间的拓展,而不是凌驾于空 间之上,二者无论在感观上还是在结构上都能和谐地 融为一体。除了视觉美感,主要面临的挑战之一就是

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导视系统庞大的规模和范围,要求在建筑共有 13 层 中,3 个电梯空间,还有一个高达 10 层的中庭采光井。 作为环境标识设计方案的一部分,一系列超大 图标和设施被设计出来,与不同的中心环境相衬,以 促进员工间的互动。对各个中心环境的设计旨在符合

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用户特征和需求;“比赛”是一个专注于竞争与团队 合作的空间。“创新”空间旨在促进思维开放、承载 了澳新银行的发展历史。“发展”,一个休息、安静、 重获能量之处。“移动”是动态的、朝气蓬勃的空间。





Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund 德意志养老保险中心

Team Nathanaël Gourdin, Katy Müller, Friederike Kühne, Daniel Perraudin, Katharina Seitz,Felix Wissing Client


HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH


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Gourdin& Müller

As the largest German pension insurance company, the Deutsche

The zoning of the areas is coded using different colours.

Rentenversicherung supports employees from the beginning of their

These facilitate orientation and are already in use in the calling

working lives until retirement. The architects HPP Hentrich-Petschnigg

system of the waiting area. The colour differentiation is continued in

& Partner were assigned with the renovation of a multi-storey office

the signage and continues through until confirmation of arrival. Here

building. A signage system was developed for the information and

large, three-dimensional characters on the glass dividing walls of the

advice office on the 1st floor to guide the customers from the waiting

consultation areas serve as destination identification.

area to the consultation area. Around 500 customers are handled each day at the Berlin site. In order to improve guidance of the flows of visitors the 59 consultation areas were divided into two zones and renumbered. Guidance is located systematically on pillars, which structure the open-plan office spatially and visually as well as providing the necessary longerdistance effect.



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He 不同区域采用了不同的颜色加以区分。

作为德国最大的养老保险公司,DRV 在劳动者开始工作到退休期间一直 为其提供服务。建筑师 HPP Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner 受命翻新这座






柏林区的德意志养老保险中心每天会接待约 500 名客户。为完善客流 导示,59 个咨询区被分成了两大区域并进行重新编号。引导标识系统化地 设置在柱子上面,使办公室在空间上和视觉上呈开放式结构,并提供了必要 的远距离效果。



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Kolektyf Client Location Wroclaw, Poland



Medusagroup + Joanna Sowula

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Green Towers



Bartosz Holoszkiewicz

Bespoke graphic for wayfinding in this building was designed by Medusagroup, however the execution was given to Kolektyf who developed the details. Green Towers is the first site in Poland that has obtianed the platinum award of LEED Shell & Core. This project not only plays a part in finding your way within the builiding, but it’s also an attractive graphic element which makes Green Towers very unique. This project is also adding value by its ‘eco-factor’by visually promoting energy saving, recyclying and takig the stairs. 这座建筑的导示系统的定制图标由 Medusagroup 公司设计,执行部分则交给 了制作细节的 Kolektyf 公司。 绿塔是波兰首个室内外都获得 LEED 铂金级认证的建筑。 这项工程不仅让你能够在建筑内寻找方向,而且通过非常有魅力的图形元素 使绿塔变得独一无二。 本案在视觉上提倡能源节约、循环利用和楼梯的使用,这些环保理念更增添 了其价值。



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现代办公环境即工作流程的安排和氛围的营造。早在 2008 年, 德国公共事业运营商 Stadwerke Essen 扩建并重新装修其办公区域 时,就定下了这两个目标。 公司总部辅楼于 2012 年竣工,以透明为建筑基调,大部分 由玻璃构成,建筑宏伟典雅,却能很好地透过光线和视线,布局 对称,四分之一圆弧形的边线具有几何动感。 这种独特的建筑结构被应用于一款综合图形界面之中,一 系列相关视觉元素融入到编码、标识与告知、辅助导航之中,突 显了这座五层建筑的构架——包括工作、社会与基础设施空间, 两层地下停车场以及户外设施。每个细节——甚至逃生与救援预 案——都按依此设计。 为本案设计的精细的导视系统方案正在有效运转,网格状等 宽 HARDCASE 字体的应用打造出为技术疯狂,或者说略带怀旧未来 风的视觉形象,与建筑结构和企业形象完美呼应。 同样的呼应也体现在面积达 600 平方米玻璃隔断墙上,这里 遍布环环相扣的条纹和圆弧。这些装饰由数学算法随机生成,连 绵不断却又各不相同,为整座建筑增添了一种令人印象深刻的浓

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Dmitri Lavrow Design Company


HardCase Design

Essen, German



Stadwerke Essen

Markus Schwalenberg, Lev Khesin


Stadwerke Essen 导视系统 & 图形界面

Frithjof Eisenberg

来看,半透明膜有助于较好地保护员工和访客隐私,同时保留室 内的可见性。白色磨砂贴膜用于会议室和技术设施中,亮闪闪的 灰色的“日夜”膜则用于装饰办公室。

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Stadtwerke Essen Wayfinding Systen & Graphic Interface


This same resonance informs a graphic structure of interlocking stripes

atmospheres. Stadtwerke Essen, a German public utilities operator, aimed

and circular segments covering some 600 square metres of glass partition

at both goals back in 2008, as they decided to expand and rearrange

walls. Derived from a random-based mathematical algorithm, the continuous

their office space.

non-repeating ornament creates an impressively dense atmospheric effect

Transparency is the architectural leitmotif of the company’s headquarters

throughout the building.

annexe that was accomplished in 2012. Constructed of glass for its most

Yet the glass wall design is not just a matter of æsthetic excess. In the

part, the elegant edifice is monolithic, yet pervious to light and sight. The

pragmatical sense, the semi-transparent membrane helps provide and fine-

building has a clear symmetrical layout, with a sense of fine geometrical

tune privacy for employees and visitors, at the same time retaining partial

flow due to its quadrant edge curves.

visibility of the interior. White diffuser film is used for conference spaces

This distinct architectural form translates into a comprehensive graphic

and technical facilities, shimmering grey ”day-and-night“ film decorates office

interface. An extensive set of visual elements provides for coding,


signage and information, aids navigation, and emphasizes the structure

Dmitri Lavrow, principal of HardCase Design: ”While addressing functional and

of the five storey building – including working, social and infrastructural

æsthetical issues alike, we do meticulously follow the purpose, character,

spaces, two underground parking levels, and outdoor facilities. Every

and formal style of built space. Rather than creating an additional physical

detail – even the design of escape and rescue plans – follows this

surface, we want to have graphic design evolve from and blend organically


with architecture. We do not intend to be dissonant or even loud – yet we

An elaborate typographic concept is operative for the wayfinding

make a point of being sharp and articulate. A building should (and will) not

system. The grid–based, monospace HardCase font family makes for a

remain the same once we have entered and manipulated it.“


Modern working environment is about arranging workflows and creating

technoid, somewhat retro-futuristic look that resonates well with both architectural and corporate image.



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艾利一号街由伦敦金融城公司所有并管理,本案设有带厨房、浴室等公 用区域的办公室。作为重建项目的一部分,我们负责整个建筑的标识与导视 系统的设计。 我们参照建筑的主入口形式设计了一个醒目的标牌,由两种形式组成: 为突出办公室公共视觉层次,我们采用两种重量的箭头。 每个楼层设有不同的识别颜色,同样的颜色也醒目地用于每层楼的入口 和介绍楼层分布的标识牌上。

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我们为不同类型的房间、楼梯和电梯分别设计了定制图标,使之在走廊 中尽可能地清晰可见。 为降低成本,我们与标识制造商密切合作,以适应现成的标识系统类型。 铝制刷面采用两种不同程度的灰色,我们在紧张的预算内成功地实施了设计

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Commercial Art


1 Alie Street Identity and signage Designer

Commercial Art 1 Alie Street is owned and managed by the City of London Corporation.

room types, stairways and elevators. These were designed to provide

The building consists of offices with common use areas such as

maximum contrast and visibility along the building’s corridors.

kitchens and shower rooms. As part of a redevelopment project we

In order to keep costs down we worked closely with the sign

were commissioned to develop a new identity along with signage and

manufacturer to adapt an off the shelf system of sign types. A brushed

wayfinding throughout the building.

aluminium finish has been specified with content applied in two different

A bold typographic approach was developed referencing the form of the

greys. An effective solution was designedand installed within a tight

building's main entrance. Content was rationalised into two kinds: office


and communal and a visual hierarchy was developed using two different weights of arrow. Each floor was assigned an identifying colour. These colours are prominently applied at the entrance to each floor and are referenced on the main reception directory sign. A set of bespoke pictograms were developed to signpost specific



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Signage System for Artist's House 艺术家之家导视系统

Client ARTIST'S HOUSE Completion Date

studio fnt



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The signage system for ARTIST'S HOUSE is designed based on the form factors from its historical building such as windows and beams. 艺术家之家的导视系统设计灵感源于这座历史悠久的建筑所包含的图形 元素,如窗户和光线等。



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Centre d'art contemporain – Genève 日内瓦当代艺术中心 Designer


Neo Neo

Geneva, Switzerland



Centre d'art

Neo Neo, Thuy-An Hoang, Xavier Erni

contemporain – Genève Desk in collaboration with Absolument Tout and Nicolas Perrottet


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Thuy-An Hoang, Xavier Erni

Design Company

The design is creation of the new visual identity for the Kunsthalle of Geneva. The identity includes the signage and various printed matters. The signage concept is based on a very simple idea: each floor of the Kunsthalle is represented by one of the logo's line. The entire program of the exhibitions is divided by floors. It is directly integrated and changed every 3 months with vinyle lettering stickers placed on the walls between the permanent wood elements (oak).

该项目为日内瓦艺术馆全新的视觉识别系统,包括标识和各种印刷制品。标 识的设计源于一个简单的构想:艺术馆每个楼层由一条标志线来体现。 楼层将整个展览活动划分开来,墙壁上的木质元素(橡木)固定不变,而其 中间的乙烯基贴字每 3 个月进行更换完善。



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Nokia Design Helsinki


Commercial Art


photographer Commercial Art

The signage system for Nokia’s Head offices, with reference to the shapes and colours of the brand and in response to the materials and architecture. The signs were developed with a simple template system allowing for rooms to change use with refreshable labels and with colours denoting location. We collaborated with a manufacturer on the sign production, making a bespoke system with signs built from layers of colour perspex using

这次为诺基亚总部设计的标识系统,主要是参照诺基亚品牌的形状和颜色以 及对材料和这栋建筑的印象而设计的。 本案的标识,是由一个有改变空间的样板系统升级而来,其系统里包括可翻 新的商标和指示位置作用的调色方案。 我们在制作标牌时与一个厂商合作,用诺基亚的品牌颜色做出了一个用有色 有机玻璃为材料的标牌定制系统。为了支撑此次的标识和字体,我们同时也设计 了相应的图标系统来指示方位和规模。

Nokia brand colours. Supporting the signs and typeface, a pictogram family was developed with usage guidelines for placement and sizing.



Alta Diagonal Bulding Identity 阿尔塔办公楼标识标牌设计

Client Deka Inmobilien Location


Barcelona, Spain


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Clase bcn

The starting point for this project was coming up with the name, based on the idea of the building’s location in Barcelona. This neighbourhood of the city is popularly known as the zona alta ‘high(-end) district’ in the Diagonal area. Bearing in mind the fact that the building in question is an upmarket office block, Alta Diagonal captures the project in a nutshell. To give the building its own personality and reflect its location on Avinguda Diagonal ‘Diagonal Avenue’, we made a series of diagonal cuts through the typeface to stress its “graphical location” in the city of Barcelona. The elements in the design of the building’s signage were deliberately oversized to correspond to the exact size of the pieces of cladding to create highly visible signs that fitted with the architecture. This integration continued in the same vein with the choice of material: stainless steel. A material totally in keeping with the other materials selected by the team of architects charged with redesigning the building.



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本案最初的名称源于建筑在巴塞罗那的地理位 置。该城市附近是著名的阿尔塔一带对角线区域中的 “高(端)区”。该建筑是一座高档的办公大楼,阿 尔塔对角线大楼从整体上把握了本案的设计理念。


为赋予建筑个性 , 反映其在“对角线大道”的位 置,我们将一系列对角元素融入字体,强调其在巴塞 罗那的“形象地位”。 建筑标识中的元素被故意放大,使其与其覆面 大小相符,以形成与建筑相称、可见度高的标识。该 标识设计继续采用相同的材料 : 不锈钢,这与负责建 筑重新装修的建筑团队选材完全一致。



oo ks to re AachenMünchener Versicherung AG




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AachenMünchener Insurance


Aachen, Germany



Moniteurs Communication Design

Stefan Schilling

The new headquarters of AachenMünchener Insurance captivates


visitors through its open architecture. A glass bridge connects the


different parts of the building and leaves room for a pedestrian zone and

引力,同时也满足了不同用户群体的特殊需求,如亚琛 AachenMünchener 公司的

shops. This enhances the overall urban attractiveness and also serves


the particular demands placed upon it by the various groups of users,


i.e. the clients of AachenMünchener and its suppliers. Moniteurs adopted


the basic concept of the façade, by directly deriving the shape, material and colour of the orientation system columns from it: tall rectangles hold the information, but nevertheless allow a view of the building behind. This is complemented by discreet signs directly on the AachenMünchener building.



EPO Engenharia

Client EPO Engenharia

EPO Engenharia 办公园

Location Belo Horizonte, Brasil Photographer


Rafael Motta

Greco Design

In order to create the signage system for Escritório Parque ("Park Office"), we heard what the place and its nature had to tell us, as well as the human interventions in the area. Hence, gabions placed around the hills near the construction site served as a reference for the wire mesh we used on the signage, and the

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chromatic palette was defined based on the distinct colors of the phyllite - a typical rock of the area. The pictograms were based on the sinuosity of Gustavo Penna's architectural design. The identification totens were named "Sculpture Letter", and they provide a clear demarcation of each building area. These largescale letters filled with green can also be a meeting point, being

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easily recognizable even from afar.

为了给 Escritório Parque(办公园)创建一套标识系统,我们了解

了此地及其自然环境所传达的信息,以及此地人类活动对自然的影响。因 此,我们在本标识系统中用到的铁丝网,其参照物就是建筑工地附近山上 的石笼网,而且主色调也是基于本地的一种典型岩石——千枚岩的独特颜 色。标识系统的图形符号继承了巴西建筑设计师 Gustavo Penna 的建筑设 计错综复杂的特点。标识图形被称为“字母雕塑”,它们为每一座建筑区 域都划分了清晰的分界线。这些被绿色填充的大型字母也可以作为约会地





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oo ks to re 御茶之水天城

Location Tokyo, Japan


6D-K Co., Ltd

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Ochanomizu Solacity


This project is a VI (Visual Identity) and Sign plan of the office building,


located in front of the station in Tokyo Ochanomizu. Usually office


building may not set VI because there is the replacement of various


companies. However, a lot of similar buildings are built in this area.


Therefore, hard to find the under ground, above ground, and the


entrance etc. There is a difficult point to be incomprehensible where

为一个干净的水源地。(Ochanomizu: mizu 的意思就是水 .),因此要在这栋楼

oneself is. So I produced VI and decided to design the Sign centering on VI. This area called “Ochanomizu” has the meaning of a clean water place. (Ochanomizu: mizu means water.) It is expressed in the naming of "Solacity" concept to the building. (Solacity: Sola means sky.) Visuals

上表达天空之城的概念 (Soracity: Sora 的意思是天空 .) 这样的视觉是为了营造一 种用淡蓝色描绘水墨画的接触。这样的视觉效果既不会只强烈地表现水,也不会 明显地表现天空,两者互相影响,相得益彰。

created with a touch of ink painting with light blue ink. I produce the visual which does not have strong identity to be seen in both water and the sky.



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Supertanker Zurich

Swiss Life Property Management Zurich




Stücheli Architekten Zurich



Büro4 AG für Gestaltung + Kommunikation Zurich

Büro4 and Markus Bertschi

It’s a “supertanker”, a gleaming landmark in the Binz district of Zurich. Starboard side and port side form the basis of the graceful signage system. And from the top deck you can see the Lake of Zurich...

整个建筑群位于苏黎世的 Binz 区,如同一艘“超级油轮”。左弦和右弦为 导视系统的基础设计,高雅美观。在甲板上即可俯瞰苏黎世湖。



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Design Team

Notting Hill

Yunakov Ivan, Kornienko Olga, Karpov Andrey


Kyiv, Ukraine

Location Area


170 m2

Yunakov Architects



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Oleg Stelmah (Electraua)

The studio space is divided into 4 main areas: 2 halls, entrance lobby and technical facilities (storage room, lavatory, dressing rooms, makeup room)

工作室空间被大致分为四个主要区域,两个大厅,前厅,和技术设备区(储 藏间、盥洗室,更衣室和化妆间)。

Rooms are named like London’s blocks, that operate on the semantic contrast: aristocratic area Kensington and creative area Chelsea.

这些房间以伦敦的街区命名,来彰显其语义上的对比,比如贵族区肯辛顿和 创新区切尔西。

The first hall is called “Kensington”. This is a large, bright room, with lots of different backgrounds for photos.

第一个大厅空间宽阔明亮,背景众多,可以搭配不同图片,因而被命名为“肯 辛顿厅”。

The second hall named “Chelsea” is chamber, dark and a bit “underground”,


as well as Chelsea considered creative and art quartal.


There’s also a briefing zone. This area is for introductory lectures or


formulation of the problem and main goals for various art projects.


All entrances -portals have their own inscriptions. Technically, they are

是制造工艺也绝不简单。这些文字标牌均由的 MDF 嵌板上切割而来,并装有隐藏

made in not expensive and easy way. Cutting out the inscription on the

的 LED 灯。为了实现灯光效果,某些门与墙壁刷成了同样的颜色。当房间里的灯

MDF panels with hidden LED lighting. Some portals are painted in the same color with walls, this had been done for light effect. When all lights

全部关掉时,隐藏在字母中的 LED 灯闪闪发光,字母的阴影也就凸显出来。

in room is switched off but only LED lights in the letters is on, the effect of illuminated letters and their shadows appears.



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创世,就是由无穷的力量、表达、巧合、纯粹的能 量和几十亿个微小的颗粒所构成一个巨大整体,不

Schunk Grounp/Cooperation with mma architects






Schunk Group Spatial Graphics + Guidance and Signage System


世界上独一无二的快乐将要开始了。生命是美 好的,因为活着的每一分钟都是新的开始。 所谓

Heuchelheim, Germany Photographer Patrick Voigt

移动,时而不受控制地流动。 最小的微尘:看起来微不足道,但它们凝聚在 一起却能够形成恒星和行星——从而创造生命。我 们将这种颗粒诠释成了最简单的图形原型——点。 这样一来每个人都可以充分理解,不分年龄、种族、

“The only joy in the world is to begin. It is good to be alive because

dot. Comprehensible for every human being, regardless their age,

living is beginning, always, every moment.”

nationality, education and faith.

Cesare Pavese (1908-50), Italian writer

Out of this arose the allegory of the Schunk-world: thousands of

The creation of our world, shaped by unrestrained powers,

employees are part of a bigger picture. They are individual carbon


expressivity, coincidence, pure energy and the union of billion

particles, able to create something new and great, but only in


small particles to one vast entirety, that constantly moves and

connection with other elements.

教育程度和信仰。 这一切都造就了雄克世界的象征意义:数以千


evolutionary-revolutionary changes. Eternal processes: recurring

This dynamic, constantly changing, process moves through the entire


beginnings creating something new - sometimes dynamically,

architecture, accompanies the visitors, takes them by their hands -


sometimes completely quiet, sometimes explosively expressive,

always in motion between loud and quiet.

sometimes slow, sometimes uncontrollably flowing.

The first drawings of mankind already originated in hand and finger

The smallest part, the dust particle: seemingly insignificant, however



its conglomeration creates stars and planets - life. 22quadrat interpreted the particle to its simplest graphical archetype - the



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The Terrace at Alie Street Sign System and Wayfinding 艾利街露台的标识导视系统

Location London, UK Photographer Commercial Art



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Commercial Art

The Terrace at 1 Alie Street is a new suite of rooms that offers


a host of meeting and conference facilities. We worked with the

融城管理小组合作,为其设计名字 . 可视语言和导视系统。该设计将服务位于

City of London portfolio management team to develop the name,


visual language and wayfinding for the new space. The facility will


be available to all businesses that are based in 1 Alie Street and at


other City of London offices.The name was derived from the actual


environment itself. Adjoining the rooms is an outdoor terrace that


opens up to offer a more flexiblearea for conferences and hospitality.


T h e Te r ra c e fa c i l i t i e s a re p r i m a r i l y a b o u t c o m m u n i c a t i o n :


meetingsconferences and networking. In response to this, each room was named after a famous historic writer with associations to London. This provides each room with an iconic name, making it easy to manage the booking process. These names will also provide a distinctive identity whenmarketing the space.



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Segreen Wayfinding & Signage

Design Company Lombardini22 S.r.l. Client CBRE Global Investors Location


Milan, Milan Photographer


Dario Tettamanzi

Lombardini22; Lorenzo Casanova

The Wayfinding & Signage project born from the need is a new business park of 44,000 square meters, it is consists of 3 buildings and several accesses both vehicular and pedestrian. The goal was to create a system of immediate, intuitive and recognizable signage, as well as to fit out and enrich

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the environment through design elements coordinated

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to guide and accompany the visitor at Segreen. Segreen

with the brand image of the business park.

The strength of the project are the 3 big letters that

identify the 3 different buildings. They are relevant and radical elements, like sculptures, like pieces of art.

The materials used to create the elements of the signage are all already present in the architectural

design of the business park: galvanized steel for exterior


elements, aluminum painted charcoal grey for the interior. Types of signs:

是一个新建的商业公园,占地面积达 44000 平方米,包括三座建筑和多个 车辆和行人入口。 本案旨在建立一个即时且直观的标识识别系统,同时,运用与该商业

• Welcoming (illuminated logo on exterior gate)


• Wayfinding (Interior and Exterior Totem, wall graphics painted)

本案的特色之处即以三个不同的字母分别代表三个建筑。这三个字母 相互关联且时尚前卫,既可视作雕塑,也可视为艺术品。

• Identification (Panels for special areas { Canteen ,


Bath , Nurseryt, etc.}, giant letters in piazza, designated


parking spaces)


• Safety ( collision window decals, panels, escape routes)


Elements created:

●欢迎标识(照明标识,放置于大门处) ●指路标识(室内外标识,为有色的墙壁图形)

• 3 Bright Signs (the largest is 10 * 3m)


• 3 letters identifying building (very important dimension 2.5 * 2.5 mt)


• 21 Totem in total (8 external and 13 internal)


{ 餐厅、浴室、托儿所等 },为大型字


• identification panels (placeholder) for parking


• painted mural handwriting (255 sqm)


• 12 identification panels (baths and special areas)


• 48 security features including window graphics and


floor plans of escape

● 12


● 48



个照明标志(最大的为 10*3m) 3 个字母(尺寸为 2.5 * 2.5 mt)

21 个标识(8 个室内标识,13 个室外标识)

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Green Day, Wrocław



Wrocław, Poland Client




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Aleksandra Matyas, Kolektyf

This project encompasses graphics and wayfinding not only for communal spaces and outside signange for the whole building. It also includes graphic design for a client occupying 6 floors. Every floor for this building has been given its own geometric figure and colour. Communal spaces have been kept as neutral as possible using minimal amount of colour - whereas in open spaces and bathrooms colours are more visible. 这项工程包含图形和导视设计,这不是仅针对整栋楼的公共空间和外部标识, 还包括为 6 个楼层的客户所设计的图示。 建筑的每一个楼层都被赋予了独特的几何图形和色彩。 公共空间尽可能用最少的颜色来保持中性——相反在休憩区和洗手间则会用 到较为显眼的颜色。



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oo ks to re 福知山市民广场 Designer


Completion Date

Yasui Architects & Engineers, Inc



Takumi Ota

Fukuchiyama-city Location Kyoto, Japan




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This building includes public library, citizen exchange center and


employment support center.


Upper corners of this architecture are rounded shape.


元素中,如图书馆的书架、座椅、书桌、照明设备、街区设施甚至自行车停放处。 虽然标志通常由字母构成,但我们在其中设置圆角大门,突出了其视觉识

characteristic shape was developed to sign design and all other elements like the bookshelf of the library, chairs, desks, lighting


equipment, street furniture and even the bicycle parking lot.


Although logotype is usually designed by only letters, we put a gate


on it with its corners rounded. It emphasizes the visual identity of the facility. For the key color, Japanese traditional color “Enji”(deep red) was chosen because of its location, Kyoto prefecture. The signage were intelligibly designed for users of wide range of generations.



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Flaxman Library 弗拉克斯曼图书馆 Designer

Stephanie J. Kim, Tuan Pham, Justin Tang Design company

Assistant Director of Design and Construction Joanna Goebel Executive Director of Facilities Services Sarah Hicks Assistant Director of Facilities Services Michael Plummer Research & Access Services Librarian Holly Dankert Photographer Klmjro


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Architecture Wheeler Kearns Architects Client School of the Art Institute of Chicago Materials Carbon Fiber Vinyl Typeface FF Speak Fabrication Vision Graphics Director of Design and Construction Ron Kirkpatrick

The Flaxman Library is a center of discovery. It invites students and faculty

of call numbers. This linear organization was facilitated by vertical rather

to explore and learn. Our goal was to make the library more accessible

than horizontal signage that reflects the placement of the books on the

by introducing a system that is transparent, habitable, and modular to

shelf. We reorganized the multiple levels of information on one plane to

accommodate a growing collection.

create a single point of reference. By repeating this system on each shelf,

The fragmented organization of reference points (aisle number, call number,

we established a pattern that aids fluid navigation.

and category) made browsing difficult. Gaps between sets of shelves

Our comprehensive design solution, with the help of a map, ultimately

containing a single range of call numbers disrupted continuity.

creates a more intuitive experience for library users.

We sought to fix these problems by examining them from the point of view of two common user types: browsers and targeted searchers. To accommodate browsers, the new signage lists the categories contained within each shelf. For targeted searchers, each sign displays a linear range



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He 弗拉克斯曼图书馆是发现的中心。它鼓励学生和教员们去探索、去学习。我们的目标就是要通过引入一种透明、宜居、模块 化的系统来使图书馆更加便利,以适应日益增长的馆藏需求。参照点(包括通道编号,图书编目号码,目录)碎片化的组织结构 加深了浏览的难度。书架间的间隙所包含的图书编目号码是独立的,扰乱了馆内的连续性。 我们力图从两类常见用户的视角去检查这些问题并将其修复:浏览者和目标搜寻者。为帮助浏览者,新的标识系统在每一个 书架上都列出了目录;为适应目标搜寻者,每一个标牌都显示出图书编目号码的范围。这种线性组织结构呈垂直状,而不是水平状, 从而更好地反映出书籍的放置位置。我们重组了同一个水平面上的多重信息,以创建单一的参照点。通过这一系统在每个架子上 的重复出现,我们建立了流动辅助导航模式。 我们的全方位的设计方案,再加上导视图,最终为图书馆用户创造出更直观的用户体验。



Kounosu City Central Library in Saitama Prefecture 琦玉县鸿巢市中心图书馆

Client Kounosu city Art Director / Chief Designer Shogo Kishino



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Shogo Kishino, Miho Sakaki


This is a signature system design for the public library in Kounosu City,


Saitama Prefecture. The interior design mainly used wood materials to create a sense of

调元素来迎合主设计基调。 这使得各年龄阶段的人得以汇聚在这个公共建筑里去尽情享受阅读的乐趣,

warmth, and all other design chose warm-toned elements to match the whole keynote.

这是一个使你平心静气,开阔心胸的地方。 我做了许多 3D 立体图案并使其融入到标识系统中去,这也让人们可以更好

People of all ages can gather in this public facility to enjoy reading their favourite books. It’s a place to calm you down and rich your heart.


I made a lot of 3D pictograms and adopted a signature system which can


help people to understand the meaning of the icons better rather than


just read the words literally.


In addition, to reflect the warmth sense, I also placed the lamps with numbers on the bookshelf, and tried to match with the interior design by adding a-colored element of the light to the numbering indication that was apt to become the mineral matter.



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Client City of Copenhagen


Location Copenhagen, Denmark



Rama Studio

Rama Studio has created the logo,identity and signage for BIBLIOTEKET(The Library), a new public library in Copenhagen NV. The wayfinding signage is based on bold typography painted directly on the surface, to avoid cluttering the stretch metal walls. This is supplemented by a series of black aluminum signs on each floor and text on all doors. Shelf signage is custom made to fit the purpose and layout of each part of the library, and fits the visual style of the wayfinding signs.

瑞典皇家图书馆是哥本哈根西北部一座新的公共图书馆,拉玛工作室为其设计 了商标、识别和标识系统。导视标牌直接在表面印刷黑体字来降低金属墙面的凌乱感, 此外,作为补充,每个楼层都应用了一系列黑色铝质标识牌,所有门上也都印有信息。 定制的书架标牌旨在与图书馆各部分的布局和功能相称,同时也与导视标牌的 视觉风格相一致。



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Museum of Byzantine Culture 拜占庭文化博物馆 DESIGNER


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Beetroot Design Group

The Museum of Byzantine Culture aims in presenting various aspects


of life during the byzantine and post-byzantine periods: art, ideology, 意识形态、社会结构、宗教,以及历史演变过程和政治局面如何影响人民的日常生活。 social structure and religion, as well as how historical changes and the 该博物馆可以被认为是最重要的希腊现代主义建筑地标,也可以说是希腊最重要的 political situation were affecting people’ s everyday life. Arguably the 博物馆之一。塞萨洛尼基的拜占庭文化博物馆,委托甜菜根设计团队来设计本案的 most important Greek Modernist Architecture Landmark and of the most 标识。我们设计了外观被拉伸成为多边形的整块矩形材料作为路标,而矩形被拉出 important Museum institutions in Greece the Museum of Byzantine Culture 的角正好指明了方向。此外,我们还设计了一系列相似于传说中的拜占庭时期的马 of Thessaloniki, commissioned Beetroot to design its signage. We developed 赛克风格图标,而且用真正的马赛克石做的新 3D“马赛克”形象。另外一个主要的 subtle colored monolithic information tablets whose outlines are rectangles 设计元素是对 H&FJ 惠特尼字体的改造,并在其中加入了象形文字,从而创造出独一 that are being “pulled” (into polygons) towards the direction they indicate. 无二的字体系统。 We also designed a set of new “mosaic” icons that were recreated in three

dimensions using real mosaic stones in a style similar to the fabulous Byzantine mosaics. Another major design element is the modification of the H&FJ Whitney typeface with additional glyphs and ligatures in order to create a unique branded typographic system.



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Seiro Township Library

Client Seiro-town Architect


AXS Satow Inc. Location Seiro-town, Niigata, Japan





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Noboru Inoue, ujidesign

The structure of this building is like a combination of some houses. From this point, signage were designed in house shape. To recognize the shelves easily for the visitors, we put multiple colors on the classification book signs. We cared to make the house shaped signs have warm feeling. For the signs attaching to the bookshelves are thick and rounded, and for the object types are put between the books in boxed shape. The return-day calendar and to be quiet instructions are also designed in house shape.



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He 本案整体建筑设计如同房屋的组合,因此,各种标识也相应设计成房屋的形状。 为了使读者更易识别书籍的摆放,我们采用多种颜色来标志各类书籍。 我们希望房屋状的标识可以传递出一种温暖的感觉。粘贴在书架上的标识厚重且为 圆角,而放置在书架上的则为盒状且更加棱角分明。 同样,还书提醒日历和肃静标识也设计为房屋状。



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Obro Jagtvej Library

Client City of Copenhagen

Obro Jagtvej 图书馆

Location Copenhagen, Denmark


Copenhagen, situated in an old 5 story building. As part of a renewal project, Rama Studio designed a line of new signage and wayfinding. A large geometric shape near the entrance shows the general outline of the library. Parts of the shape is repeated on the entrance to each floor, and doubles as guide and decoration.


Obro Jagtvej bibliotek (Obro Jagtvej library) is one of the busiest libraries in

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Rama Studio

坐拥五层大楼的 Obro Jagtvej 图书馆是哥本哈根图书馆中最繁忙的图书馆之一。作为更 新工程中的一部分,拉玛工作室设计了一套新的标识和导视系统线。邻近入口处一个大型的几 何形状物体微缩了图书馆的大致轮廓。几何形状中的一部分重复在每层楼出现,既为向导,又 为装饰。



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Magion Library

Client City of Grindsted


Location Grindsted, Denmark



Rama Studio

The new library in Grindsted was completed in may 2012, as part of the

作为美智恩大楼的一部分,位于格林斯泰德的新图书馆于 2012 年五月建成。

Magion building. Rama Studio has created a visual identity for the Magion


Library through logo, signage and decoration of the main entrance.


The main entrance is decorated with a typographic mix of quotes and


glyphs from books, poems and songs.


Seven light signs, custom designed by Rama Studio, show the primary areas in the library’s large main hall. The signs are visible from the whole floor due to their high placement. Their visibility makes the room easy to navigate and enables the staff to clearly point out specific areas to visitors. The proportions of the main floor calls for large and clear signs for the

域。因为灯饰放置地很高,因此在整层楼的每一处看到。这样的可视性使得整个 空间方向清晰,也能让员工可以清晰地给游客指路。 每层楼的规模使之需要给主要书架设计大型而且醒目的标牌。本案的标牌可 以从远处就能轻易地看到,也让各个区域更加容易区分。既可以作为一个功能性 的导向,也可以作为一个印刷字母装饰。

primary shelves. The signage is readable from a distance and makes the room easy to navigate. It doubles as a functional guide and decorative typography.



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Kunshan Culture & Art Center (KSCAC)



Yongming Lee




Kunshan, China

KL&K Design Kunshan Culture & Art Center (KSCAC) is a multifunctional cultural


complex, which compiles theater, culture exchange, conference,


exhibition, recreation and entertainment. It is a milestone for Kunshan

内著名建筑大师崔恺担纲设计。一期建筑总面积 71255.8 平方米。

in implementing the “one body, two wings” city planing policy. The

KL&K 设计负责本案的视觉识别和导视系统。标识设计概念抽取江南重要戏

architecture is designed by Cui Kai, a leading architect in China, with a


total area of 71255.8 sq meters for the Phase 1.


KL&K Design is responsible for the visual identity and the wayfinding


system of the KSCAC. The Logo is inspired by the “water sleeve” of


Kunqu Opera, an important traditional opera in the Jiangnan region. The flowing shapes echo the streamline architectural features, while the


signature carmine color taken from Kunqu has added a cultural remark to the Identity. The ‘water sleeve’ has also inspired the design of the wayfinding system, which demonstrates an elegant balance between form and directional functionality. The overall designs have harmoniously combine the regional and Kunqu cultures, as well as the architectural characteristics, are well accepted by cultural institutions and general public.



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Design Holon Location

Holon, Iarael



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Design Museum Holon – Signage and Wayfinding System

Photographer Elad Sarig


Adi Stern The signage and way-finding system of the Design Musem Holon


challenges common approaches using white arrows on white walls. The


arrows, which are primarily discernible due to the shadow they cast


on the wall, emerge from the museum walls and transform from two-

脉络和路径相互映衬,体现出博物馆设计的整体性。 本案的难度在于既要创造一个简明清晰的系统,又不能喧宾夺主,破坏了设

to three-dimensional forms. The shape of the arrows echoes the flow and movement of the Corten weathering steel bands that surround the


museum building, creating a unity of design throughout the museum. The challenge in this project was to create a system that will be

此系统所用的字体是定制希伯来字体,包括三种语言文字:分别是希伯来语、 阿拉伯语和拉丁语。

visible and easy to use, while not competing with Ron Arad's dynamic architecture. The system holds three scripts: Hebrew, Arabic and Latin and includes a custom propriatery Hebrew font, designed specifically for the project.



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在我在迪肯大学学习期间,其中一个任务便是为学校图书馆制定一个 导视系统方案。 我相信适当的标识会立即引起你的注意,并立即明白信息。当时,迪 肯大学图书馆的当前的导视系统存在的问题是过于临时化了。例如,如果 你行走在图书馆里,就经常会看见一张 A4 纸,为你提供简单的路线指引。

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然而,无论整个建筑还是大厦内部都设计精良,而且,一进入大厦, 便感觉宾至如归。这对在图书馆来说是非常重要的感觉, 图书馆不只是去借书的地方,而是你学习,同朋友交流,结识新朋友, 在未知的知识海洋里遨游的地方,是你消耗大量时间的地方。总之,图书 馆是激发你做自己的工作,也是让你知晓如何让完成工作的地方。

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这就是为什么我设计的导视系统更亲近用户,即使是在远处也清晰可 视,同时也会以自己的方式展现友好。这点点滴滴从入口处的欢迎标识开 始,到图标的圆角,以及标识的形状,使用的字体中体现出来。




User Experience for a School Library Melbourne, Australia



Simen Strøm Braaten

Simen Strøm Braaten

One of the assignments I got while studying at Deakin University was to

Because a library is not just a place you go to borrow books. It’s a place

make a proposal for the wayfinding system in the school library.

where you study, talk to friends, meet new people, and explore areas of

I believe proper signage should catch your attention quickly, and get

information you're not familiar with yet. It’s a place where you spend a

the message across without hesitation. At the time, the problem with

large amount of time. In short, it’s a place that should inspire you to do

the current wayfinding situation at Deakin Library was that it felt too

your work, as well as provide you with what you need to get the work

temporary. For example, If you were to walk around the library you would


often be met with a simple A4-sized sheet of paper, guiding you on your

That's why my wayfinding system is focused on being easily accessible,


visible from a distance, and at the same time friendly in it’s own way. It

However, the architecture, and the interior of the building itself is very

starts with a welcoming message at the entrance, and trickles down to

well designed, and upon entering the building you actually feel welcome.

the rounded edges in the icons, the shape of the signs, and the typeface

This is an emotion that is tremendously important at a library.

I used.



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Signage System for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum



Intégral Ruedi Baur Client

Eicher Werkstätten,

Ruedi Baur, Axel Steinberger,

Completion Date

Lisa Jacob, Stefanie Klekamp,


Ueli Kaufmann, Marco Matti,


Martina Schneider

Intégral Ruedi Baur

Musée international de la Croix- Intégral Ruedi Baur Location Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge Geneva, Switzerland Creative Team

In may 2013, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum

2013 年 5 月,国际红十字会博物馆的展厅在经过修缮和扩建之后重新开

reopened its renovated and extended exhibition spaces to house a

放,展厅内设有一个新的长期展览,以及全新的企业形象设计。自 2011 年竞

new permanent exhibition and to come with a new corporate design.

标成功以来,Integral 公司设计并实现了该馆全新的公共形象设计。在新展

Having won the competition for a new logo back in 2011, Integral


developed and realized a whole new public face of the museum.


Guided by the main topic of the new exhibition «The Humanitarian


Adventure», the studio designed a typographic logotype whose


illustrative style became prevalent for the visual language: Literally


hand-made hatched signs, which appear both as illustrations and headline typefaces, create an individual typographic expression of the museum and the work of the International Red Cross. The illustrative concept carries through to the print material and digital media, and outwardly to the signage system and exhibition design in the museum, where the information was actually hand-drawn on site.




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Visual Identity and Signage System for Ichihara Lakeside Museum 市原湖畔博物馆的视觉识别和标识系统


Yoshiaki Irobe, Akiko Uematsu, Ryosuke Kato Design Company






Art Direction

Tadashi Endo


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Yoshiaki Irobe

The Museum of Water and Sculptures was built in 1995 on a lakeside

road signs. The signage aims to enhance the rough textures of the

surrounded by nature, in Ichihara City of Chiba Prefecture. The number

renovated building while bestowing a sense of dynamic rhythm to the

of visitors to the museum had been declining along with the continued

walls. Museum souvenirs are printed with water surface patterns. We

dwindling of the population in this area, and this project aimed to

also designed a flip book-style notepad that depicts the shimmering of

renovate the aging facility and revive it as the “Ichihara Lakeside

the water surface, and clear files with patterns that change appearance

Museum.” In developing our designs, we were required to lay down a

depending on whether there is anything inside, to allow people to enjoy

communication plan that would encourage people to come to such an

images of the tantalizing, sparkling lake surface at home.

inconveniently located place, create a design that would offer a satisfying experience to visitors, and develop goods that people would take home as souvenirs to advertise the charms of the place. The logo mark that stylizes patterns on the water surface is a form of direct visual communication that aims to convey the snugness of the lakeside location. In our plan for the signage, we employed a method of printing information directly onto the rough surfaces of walls, like



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水和雕塑美术馆于 1995 年,建于千叶县的市原市一处被



原湖畔博物馆”的新名重新焕发活力。在设计期间,我们被要 求设计一个交流系统,使之能鼓励人们走进这个位置不太便利


的地方,而且该设计可以为游客提供满意体验,还要设计出个 能让人们带回家的纪念品来宣扬此地魅力的设计。


的设计直接将信息印在粗糙的墙面上,如路标。标识旨在强调 重装后大楼的粗糙质地的魅力,同时又赋予其律动的感觉。博

物馆纪念品印有湖面图案。我们还设计了翻转的书本式笔记本, 上面描述了闪烁的水面,还设计了简洁的文件夹,上附图案会 随内部物品增减而改变,让人们在家感受到湖滨的诱惑和闪耀。



The Black Ensemble Theater Identity and Signage 黑乐团剧院识别和标识系统 Designer

Design and Project Lead Completion Date Rick Valicenti, Bud Rodecker 2012 3D Modeling and Design Photographer Baozhen Li Tom Rossiter, Location

William Valicenti,

Chicago, USA

Bud Rodecker


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After 30 years on Beacon Street, the Black Ensemble Theater moved

在贝肯街拥有 30 年历史的黑乐团局院内迁到了由建筑师莫里斯设计的一个

to a new theater designed by Morris Architects. Thirst gave the Black

新址上。Thirst 公司使黑乐团剧院的识别系统焕然一新,并为其设计了新的建筑

Ensemble identity a fresh look and designed the new building's signage


and environmental graphics. At the base of the new identity is an icon


of a kiss, representing Black Ensemble Theater's mission: to eradicate


racism through theater. The mission is echoed in the extruded canopy

Thirst 公司开发了一种定制标识字体,和杰克逊・卡瓦诺共同将 Okay 字体改良并

sign on the exterior of the building through its alternating black and


white sections. The Kiss Icon was designed so that it could be read from both directions when cut out of the Black Ensemble marquee sign. Taking inspiration from the form of the Kiss Icon, Thirst developed a custom identity typeface and worked with Jackson Cavanaugh, of Okay Type, to refine it and expand it into a complete font which was used on the signage throughout the building.



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Museum Wiesbaden

Design Company Plural Berlin Location


Wiesbaden, Germany Photographer


Arne Landwehr, Ed Restle

这栋建筑是德国著名建筑师西奥多・费舍在 1912 到 1920 年设计的。他以对 称布局为特色,虽经过多次改建(例如后续的夹楼和楼梯的安装以及专用艺术展厅


Severin Wucher, Frank Übler, Kilian Krug


The building was designed between 1912 and 1920 by the renowned

Both the corporate design system and the wayfinding system use a


German architect Theodor Fischer. It features a symmetric layout,

specific set of colours in order to designate the areas of permanent


although numerous building alterations (such as the subsequent

collections and the areas of temporary exhibitions. The permanent

installation of mezzanines and staircases, and the integration of special

collections are designated by material references—such as beatgold for

artists’ rooms) as well as the need for a completely different barrier-

the Old Masters Gallery as a reference to picture frames, and micaceous

free pathway through the building were the challenges of the wayfinding

iron oxide for the Natural Science department as a reference to the huge


metal show cases. The temporary exhibitions feature particular spot


The wayfinding system of Museum Wiesbaden is based on two principles:

colours, the same which are used for the corresponding communication


1) Exploring ‘rambling trails’ throughout the museum is more desirable

media (posters, folders, microsites).


than following pre-defined routes, especially when the occupancy of

Colour-coded signposts show the way to specific collection areas; textile


spaces is constantly changing. 2) ‘Minimal invasive’ add-ons outclass

banners designate the entrance to those areas; colour-coded artwork

fixed installations, especially when visitors are encouraged to explore the

labels provide on-site location feedback.

1、在博物馆中尽量寻找一种“信步小径”而不是死板的沿着事先设定好的路 线去行走,尤其是在展出空间时常变化时。 2、使固定指示的“侵入性”最小化,特别是当游客被鼓励去通过“信步小径” 去鼓起勇气去探索整个威斯巴登博物馆的时候。

以色彩为编码的路牌指引了一些特殊展厅的地点;布艺的旗子标明了相应区域 的入口;具有同样彩色编码的展品标签也提供了现场的位置反馈。

Museum Wiesbaden off the beaten track through the collections.



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Fundação Dom Cabral Signage System

Client Fundação Dom Cabral Location Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Fundação Dom Cabral 商业学校标识系统

Photographer Rafael Motta



Greco Design

The signage project developed for Fundação Dom Cabral utilized the concept of projection with pictograms unconnected to the walls that could be recognized at a distance. The pieces were developed in consonance with the idea of holistic professional development directed towards the future, in accordance with the vision of Fundação Dom Cabral, which is today considered one of the best business schools in the world.

Fundação Dom Cabral 商业学校的标识系统利用了投影原理,将图标和墙壁 分开,以使其能够从远处辨认出来。这种标识方式与未来的全面专业发展理念不谋 而合,也与现今最好的商业学校之一——Fundação Dom Cabral 商业学校的期望 相一致。



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Vorarlberg Museum Signaletik 弗拉尔贝格州博物馆标牌

Design Company Sigi Ramoser, Sägenvier DesignKommunikation Client vorarlberg museum Photographer


Darko Todorovic

Martin Platzgummer, Stefan Amann

Design Year


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oo ks to re


The vorarlberg museum is a state museum looking back on 150 years of

Additionally room names and small signage are carried out in response to


collecting, researching and presenting archaeology, history, traditions

the respective surfaces – words are polished out of patinated brass or

150 年来的文物、历史、传统和文化,2013 年 7 月新馆开放。Cukrowicz Nachbaur

and culture of the region. In July 2013 it reopened in a new building.

golden marquetry is applied to dark wooden doors.


The architecture of Cukrowicz Nachbaur gives the museum a striking

Signage in public space includes the lettering above the main entrance,


appearance in urban space as well as at the seaside of the Lake of

a LED screen and two canvas screens. The perception of historic events


Constance. The interior on the other hand is muted and quiet. Materials

and of history itself is ever-changing, depending on new findings or shifts

include brick-earth for walls and ceilings, raw oak floors and doors from

in culture and society. The lettering of the museum on the protective

patinated brass and dark, fumed oak. The vorarlberg museum always

roof accommodates this by changing it’s appearance depending on the

hosts five exhibition simultaneously.

incident light and the point of view. It was designed in collaboration with


All this required a flexible signage-design gentle enough to match the

Stefan Sagmeister who created the corporate design of the museum.


atmosphere of the interior spaces, but strong enough to hold his own

The three displays on the facade refuse to do what they actually are


against five different and changing exhibition graphics.

made for. They do not noisy advertise. They ask strange little questions

公共空间标识包括正门上方的字牌,一个 LED 屏幕和两个帆布屏幕。对于历史

We did not want to bring addition of materials or constructions to the

or make statements in plain black and white that correspond with the


interior so we came up with a signage system consisting of light using

poster campaign.


以上种种使得该图书馆需要一款灵活的标识设计,既能轻巧地与内部空间相匹 配,又可在五种不同多变的展览图标中凸显出来。 由于不想在内部增加材料或构造,我们开发了一款由建筑表面采光的电灯所构

the surfaces given by the architecture. This bonds the signage to the


premises and makes it clearly distinguishable from exhibition graphics.




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JAM, Japanese American Museum

Design Company Client


Winnie Yuen Design, Inc..


Conceptual Project


Winnie Yuen T h e J a p a n e s e A m e r i c a n M u s e u m ' s m i s s i o n i s to p ro m o te


understanding and appreciation of America's ethnic and cultural


diversity by sharing the Japanese American experience. Thus, the


main concept of the JAM logo is to emphasis the idea of mixed




By taking the initial letters to form the logo, the word "JAM" presents


the idea of mix. Beside the English version, the logo also has a


Japanese version, which is intended for use both individually and


simultaneously. Circle is another element of the JAM logo. It has a


meaning of merging and also symbolizes the Japanese aesthetic itself. Moreover, it is also a key element in developing the environmental wayfinding system. Based on the same circle used in the logo, an arrow is used to replace the dot in order to display the direction to different parts of the museum.



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Vancouver Community Library 温哥华社区图书馆 Designer


Fort Vancouver Regional Library District

Vancouver, Washington, USA

Architecture and Interior Design

Photographer C. Bruce Forster

The MillerHull Partnership Wayfinding Signage Fabrication Plumb Signs, Inc.

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connected to the library. At the main entry adjacent to the planned

design and wayfinding concept for the new Vancouver Community

plaza, sculptural letters spelling out “Library” invite interaction from

Library. A 200-foot long, four-story atrium is the open drawer,

visitors young and old in a celebration of literacy. Painted in lime-

exposing the library’s contents and encouraging exploration.

green, the 27 inch tall, 8 inch deep stainless steel letters straddle a

Wayfinding to the collection is integrated into an adventurous stair.

steel planter box, introducing the play of bold color, form and scale in

Super-scale letterforms painted onto the concrete underside of the

the wayfinding system.


A “drawer full of knowledge” metaphorically describes the building

exposed stair landings identify collection and program locations at a glance and is intended to promote use of the main stair instead of the elevators. A lime-green acrylic resin “pop of color” building directory at the base of the stair provides more detailed information. Dimensional floor numbers embedded into the painted steel walls at each floor landing are visible while ascending or descending. As you pass from the atrium into the library collections, the building becomes an orderly, streamlined display of books and technology with pops of color suspended overhead and mounted to furniture, highlighting collections and program areas. For maximum flexibility, these signs are designed with printed clear film inserts that can be changed by library staff. In the heart of the historic commercial core of Washington’s fourth largest city, the building is the cornerstone of a planned four-block 600,000-sf mixed-use development which will include a public plaza



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计和导视系统概念。长 200 英尺,四层高的中庭形如打开的抽 屉,将图书馆的内容陈列出来,鼓励大家探索。


天的水泥楼梯平台上喷有超大号文字,使图书和项目位置一目 了然,而且有意地提促进了主楼梯,而不是电梯的使用。在楼

梯的基础上,使用鲜亮的柠檬绿色的丙烯酸树脂材质的楼层分 布图提供了更多的细节信息。每层楼的平台上都有嵌在喷涂钢



当你穿过中庭,走向图书馆的藏品时,周围是一排排整 齐的图书,而头顶上、家具上颜色鲜亮的设计使这里变得井井


这些标识被设计成透明的插卡式喷绘薄模,图书馆的工作人员 可任意修改。

坐落于华盛顿第四大城市,历史和商业中心,这座大楼 是一个覆盖四个街区、占地 60 万平方英尺的综合开发项目的 基石,该项目还包括与图书馆相连的公共广场。在紧邻广场的 主入口处,标有“图书馆”字样的雕塑,吸引了来此寻求知识 的男女老少。这些柠檬绿色,27 寸高,8 寸深的不锈钢字母矗 立在钢制花盆基座中,反映出导视系统中大胆颜色,形状和尺 寸的使用。




Bruce Mau Design

Leaf Design Pvt. Ltd. They are an integrated brand design consultancy

Bruce Mau Design is a

that defines meaningful brand experiences through

multidisciplinary design firm specializing in brands

impeccably coherent strategies, design and digital & environments.


索 引

Motiv Brand Design

Gray Puksand

Branding is changing the way people feel, talk and live. They embrace

They develop brand systems, including visual identities, consumer

change, collaborate and evolve with emerging technology-driven

packaging, digital experiences and physical environments. Their designs

environments to responsibly manage today’s perpetual interconnected

bring ideas to life, transform brands and help businesses grow and evolve.

society. They strive to deliver excellence in their offerings that help clients

BMD clients and collaborators are shaping the future of their respective

identify opportunities, and bring together strategy and design thinking to

industries. They work with large international corporations, visionary

drive profitability, foster customer loyalty, differentiated brand presence

start-ups, expansive arts organizations, multi-stakeholder educational

and growth.

institutions, ambitious architects, city-builders and governments.

Brands come alive when a strong story is conveyed with passion,

Their immersive research methods and ability to listen ensure deep

commitment and excellence. This is reflected in their work spanning

understanding of the challenges and context their clients face. This

disciplines and platforms, and the skills of their team. By staying focused

enables them to deliver on their strategic goals, building on the core

on their core competencies in strategic, branding and digital design, they

attributes of their partner’s brands.

help businesses across industries.

They are committed to producing nothing less than world-class design.

They want Gray Puksand clients to be

a focus on brand design.

excited by their work. As a multi-studio

Their work is recognized for its depth of thought, clarity of purpose,

Their aim is to build meaningful and

architecture and interior design practice,

boldness of vision and impact.

memorable brands for their clients that

their experience in design enables them

Their team is comprised of globally selected graphic designers, architects,

enable them to stand out from the

to forge cutting edge, sophisticated work. The national team consists of

strategists, writers and managers with backgrounds in fine arts, multi-

competition, establish engaging relationships with their customers and to

accomplished and imaginative professionals who produce exemplary

ultimately increase their profits through thoughtful, creative and practical

designs for clients worldwide.


Every client has different values. Collaboration is integral to their

Their highly credentialed creative team engage directly with clients

distinctive approach; their goal is to understand their client's underlying

meaning they are able to react quickly to their requirements - providing

values. Listening, contributing ideas and sharing research knowledge are

an efficient, adaptable and highly responsive service.

key aspects of their position as trusted advisors.

Their employees have wide ranging expertise across areas such as

Gray Puksand has earned a reputation as being leaders. Their modern,

branding, strategy, packaging, website design, copywriting, printing and

visionary designs emerge from contemporary social, cultural and

print management, photography, interior and environmental graphics.

technological evolutions.

oo ks to re

Motiv is a multi-disciplinary design studio with

Hat-trick Design

media, advertising, music, film, and business. Their diverse skills and experiences allow them to approach problems from many perspectives,

Established in 2001, hat-trick

pushing their insights and creative output beyond the expected.

is a multi-disciplinary design

They believe in the transformative power of design to generate new ideas

company working for a wide variety

that help institutions and businesses grow.

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of clients. Their aim is to provide their clients with the highest standard of creative design and project management. They believe that the best way to achieve this is for the director to be very hands-on and to lead the jobs from the front. Their passion is to produce work that achieves

Their extensive in-house expertise means they are able to offer a fully

its targets by creating memorable, engaging ideas that are noticed and

integrated service to their clients - providing an efficient and seamless

effective. They have a very broad experience in a wide variety of sectors:

approach to deliver successful projects.

Gourdin & Müller

in other words they bring to all their projects fresh and objective creative thinking, not formulaic answers.

Studio Dumbar

Büro4 AG für Gestaltung + Kommunikation Zurich

Their approach to branding is creative, flexible and involving. They’re not afraid to ask difficult questions or to give honest answers. They like to

Studio Dumbar is an international agency

The agency was founded in 1999 by

with a Dutch heritage.

Catherine Corti, Yvonne Robert, Stefan

feel their clients are part of the team. Their experience shows them that successful projects depend on commitment, clear communication and a

At the interface of urban space, architecture, product and graphic design;

shared understanding of the processes and issues involved.

information, guidance and orientation systems can impart more than information.

Studio Dumbar’s

Hunziker and Dominik Wullschleger.

colourful history began in 1977 when Gert Dumbar founded the company

Their conceptual approach enables the creation of unusual responses,

Since 2014 Raffael Suter is an associated

in The Hague.

reflecting place, theme or client, i.e. a specific context, which is also

partner of Büro4.

Design is at the heart of what they do. They describe their work as ‘visual

Büro4 is working in the fields of Corporate,

branding, online branding’, meaning they create every visible expression

Editorial, Information and Interaction

of a brand or organization — offline and online. This involves expertise in

highly developed analytical and design skills. Büro4 places an emphasis on teamwork. Whether analogue or digital, two- or three-dimensional,

represented appropriately. The adequate interaction between materiality, form, graphics and typography facilitates the realisation of identitypromoting solutions.

Founded in 1992 by partners Fabio Ongarato and

In addition, user friendliness, the representation of complex content and

It is in their nature to look for the pure essence — in the people they work

Ronnen Goren, based in Melbourne, Fabio Ongarato

the taking into account of heritage conservation aspects form the focus

with, and the projects they take on. It’s a mentality that helps them to

Design is renowned for the diversity of its work.

of our considerations. Sophisticated design and a high degree of functionality make signage

strategy, communication, branding and process-management.


Design. The people at Büro4 possess

Fabio Ongarato Design

build a great team and achieve extraordinary results, no matter how

The studio takes an open approach to graphic

media. From initial consultation to finished product. The agency received

complex or demanding a project might be.

design, operating across a variety of graphic

systems a key communication instrument for companies and institutions.

several international design awards in the past 15 years.

Studio Dumbar attracts talented individuals from around the world. Over

disciplines, from print to exhibitions to advertising.

Gourdin & Müller plans signage systems from conception to realisation,

the years, this has lead to an endless run of remarkable personalities and

FOD’s approach to design reflects their passion for

accompanying all project phases with the greatest of care and attention.


architecture, photography and contemporary art.

Nathanaël Gourdin and Katy Müll er share a love of detail and

They work across a variety of fields such as fashion, corporate, arts and

inquisitiveness. Each task brings with it the challenge of visualising

architecture deliberately crossing the boundaries between them.

complex interconnections via the structuring of content and sophisticated

Key projects have included an identity for the Australian Centre for

design. The objective of every debate is the formulation of solutions

Contemporary Art, An ongoing publication program and identity for

that can provide identity. The synergy of structural context, thematic

Gertrude Contemporary, a major monograph for artist Dale Frank, the

character and contemporary interpretation forms the foundation of our

they offer integrated, optimally harmonised design services across all the


There Over 10 years, they ’ ve been building

Brandburg is a creative studio developing

Australian edition of Big Magazine New York, a comprehensive signage

approach. Innovative manufacturing procedures and the unusual use of

brands, identities and environments with

innovative branding projects combining

and environmental program for the ANZ head-office in Melbourne, W Hotel

materials are characteristic of the realisations. Lecturing and university

meaning and impact, creating positive

graphics with design thinking tools and

Hong Kong and art direction for numerous Australian and International

projects also form elements of the field of activity of Gourdin & Müller.

change for their clients. At THERE, whether they’re creating a global brand

business strategy solutions. Actively

fashion brands, working with some of the most renowned fashion

or a memorable spatial experience – they combine strategy, creativity,

involved in promoting Polish design,

photographers internationally. Exhibitions include ‘Fashion Photography

design and production excellence in everything they do. Great brands, and

art and social events and speeding up startup initiatives, Brandburg

Now’ in collaboration with French curator Patrick Remy and “Unpublished”,

businesses, are built on a point of view – a way of seeing the world, and

shares creative ideas in various fields. In its portfolio the studio includes

a major exhibition on contemporary Australian and New Zealand fashion

changing it for the better. Their business holds dear four key values that

architectural branding and wayfinding case studies ranging from private


drive, inspire and keep them focused.

enterprise buildings to large-scale commercial sites. As a designer Maciej Kawecki overlaps up-to-date trends with emotions and senses. Co-author of Poland's first sense branding projects and workshops.



Neo Neo

HardCase Design

Front Nordic


The practice – which is rather a

Neo Neo is a Geneva based graphic design

Greco Design was founded in

Front Nordic founded in 1997 by

multidisciplinary boutique than an agency

studio, founded in 2010 by Thuy-An Hoang

2005 as a design consultancy

Masoud Alavi.

proper – was founded by Dmitri Lavrow

and Xavier Erni. The studio tries to propose

with a focus on visual identity,

They create visual identities,

i n 1 9 9 4 i n D ü s s e l d o r f , Ge r m a n y , a n d

contemporary solutions, giving importance

editorial projects, signage and promotional material. Greco has also

a n d t h e i r p o r t fol i o i n c l u d e

subsequently relocated to Berlin. Lavrow

to details, emphasis typography and direct

featured in and received awards from both domestic and international

brand identity, art direction

holds a degree in Mathematic s from

messages. Mainly active in the cultural field,

publications, such as: D&AD (2014), iF Communication Award (2014 and 2013),

and graphic design. They

St.Petersburg University.

they work for museums, galleries, theaters,

Design Lions at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity (2013 and 2012),

have extensive experience

With the initial client base of public,

and film festivals. Since 2011 they are editing

Grand Prix - Red Dot Design Award (2013 and 2012), El Ojo de Iberoamerica

of production including print, websites, environmental design & moving

cultural and scientific institutions, HardCase Design have been involved

an annual newspaper about poster's called Poster Tribune that has been

(2013 and 2012), London International Awards (2012), Award and Honorable

image. Their services include design and art direction.

in large scale multi-disciplinary assignments: visual identities, corporate

awarded a swiss federal design grant.

Mention in III Bienal Iberoamericana de Design (2012), Idea Brasil (2014, 2013,

Their clients include:

typography, exhibition design and wayfinding systems.

2012 and 2011), How International Design Award (2012) and Print Magazine -

Danish Ministry Of Health, Danmarks Design skole, Danish Broadcasting

In the past few years, the focus of work has been increasingly shifting

Creative and Commerce (2011).

Corporation, Technical University of Denmark, Danish Parliament, Louisiana

towards spatial environments, both architectural and public.

Museum of Modern Art, TV2 Denmark and TRYG.

Several projects – such as the Corporate Design system for the City of


Hanover (1996 – 2000) or the graphic interface for the Adventure of Space Flight exhibition (2006) – have won numerous national and international

Fo u n d e d i n B e r l i n i n 1 9 9 4 ,

the Russian Railway operator (2008), attracted polarizing attention in the

M o n i te u r s i s l e d b y t h r e e

design community. In 2014, HardCase Design was nominated by the

partners, Sibylle Schlaich, Heike

German Design Council for its annual award.

Nehl and Isolde Frey. They are an interdisciplinary team of around 14 people, composed of communications designers (digital media and print), architects and product designers, some of whom have been with us a long time and



6D-K Co., Ltd

oo ks to re

awards. A multi-script Cyrillic/Latin corporate typography system for RZD,

have implemented many projects with them. The focus of their work lies in the areas of information design and corporate design.

6D is graphic design office, represented by Shogo

Lombardini22 is a leading architecture and

Kishino, who is Art Director and Graphic Designer.

engineering company, a dynamic laboratory, a

He launched his own design office 6D in 2007,

space open to contamination and the territory,

and received Cannes Design Lions GOLD and

which generates curiosity and energy around

For them, information design means informing people directly, making

been in practice since 2005.

connections and making complex issues understandable. A part of

D&AD Awards Yellow Pencil and one show design

it. It is an international and multidisciplinary

They’ve been providing quality design solutions for

information design is the conception of an orientation system and,

awards Silver and Bronze, Design Festival for Asia

group of professionals, addressing the real

the clients in various fields; museum, architecture,

through it, the development of an architectural identity. Additionally,

food service industry, internet, publishing industry

Moniteurs’ spectrum includes the design of trade fairs and thematic

and so on.


From small paper to grand commercial complex, it’s their pleasure to create visual solutions.

KL&K DESIGN Clase bcn

brands and projects… A way of providing solutions to real problems of identity and communication,

photography and gastronomy… An inspiration which they do not only seek professionally but also personally. Their objective is to improve, not to grow. They take care of every stage of the strategic and creative process, with a strict methodology which they develop along with their clients. They believe that the good results they obtain stem from this close collaboration, working hand in hand with their clients. On a day to day basis they aim for excellence, understanding and effectiveness, always in keeping with the demands of the brief itself. They see the final form as a consequence of a strategy. They work in all aspects of design but with a particular claim for typography and the element of surprise, looking for specific languages which are innovative and distinct helping to improve the standing of their clients. ClaseBcn, founded by Claret Serrahima in Barcelona, is an award-winning design studio made up of a team of young, international, multidisciplinary

L22 is dedicated to architectural design and engineering for major international clients on major projects in the Retail, Office and Hotel Residential markets. A company that has earned a prominent place in the panorama of Italian designers and today is also active abroad, especially DEGW Italia helps large companies design workspaces. It is a leader in

Yunakov Architects

years, the company has grown and expanded with

Yunakov Architects – The group of

offices in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing as well as

designing companies founded and

business interests in various parts of the PRC. They

headed by an architect Sergiy Yunakov,

the strategic consulting on ways of working and the interaction between physical space and business performance. DEGW Italia provides a valuable contribution to improve business results.

the Laureate of the State award, Merit

in the industry. As trend-setters in brand design in

of Architecture, an experienced teacher and architect for more then 30

China, they lead with international perspective and local experience, as

years. 20-years architectural activity enabled the company to lead the

well as an adept hand of amalgamating culture and business. In 2013,

architectural market of Ukraine.

KAN & LAU DESIGN was officially renamed KL&K DESIGN to mark the co-

Recently Yunakov Architects presented the new direction - Home Design

operation of the three generations of partnership, which with a dedication

headed by Ivan Yunakov, which instantly became a successful and

to innovate world-class China design, keeping us abreast of the times.


The company caters for a wide array of design domains, each with

Yunakov Architects creates and keeps archive of scientific and technical

Commercial Art was a design consultancy founded

a dedicated department. Their clients will receive an integrated suite


and ran by Eamonn O’Reilly and Rick Sellars.

of comprehensive design services, from cultural analysis, strategy

To develop project documentation, Yunakov Architects uses present-

The studio was active from 2007 to 2013, producing

positioning, brand identities, packaging and product design, marketing

day achievements and developments in the field of designing and

design solutions for corporate, cultural and retail

and promotion, wayfinding system as well as interior design. Well-known

engineering, and in the field of IT-technology as well.


past clients include leaders of their respective industries: Bank of China,

Having strategic project for development and using techniques of project

The aim was always to be collaborative with their

Watsons Water, Erdos, Li Ning and Bama Tea, and governmental projects

management in work, Yunakov Architects has clear business-process

clients, and understand their business objectives

such as Kai Tak Development. Our work has helped these enterprises

structure, that ensures terms and performance standards required.

continuously create value for their brands and set standards for their own

Yunakov Architects involves only highly-professional licensed companies


industries, and has in turn influenced the modern Chinese lifestyle.

for outsourcing, such as MEP-engineering.

Both directors are now working independently in the UK.

In the future, the company will further adopt professional management,

Yunakov Architects and constructors of the studio improve their

resource integration and develop strategic design systems. The company

professional skills permanently by studying and assimilating the

has a vision of advancement and aims to become the pinnacle of

experience of domestic and foreign design companies.

Chinese design.

The field of activity of the company includes designing of residential, office,


overseas, and have received numerous awards

Architect of Ukraine, a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy

bearing in mind the audiences to

world of culture in all its aspects: music and fashion, film and dance, art,

Lombardini22 operates with two brands: L22 e DEGW Italia.

in the Mediterranean area.

serve more than 200 clients from both China and

facilitating change, but carefully

and ideas, not just following trends. Their inspiration feeds mainly on the

and control of the project and the inspired interaction of diverse skills.

Design was established in 1976. Within almost forty

a n d a d d v a l u e to c o m p a n i e s ,

They always strive to use contemporary language, based on concepts

the full involvement of the client in leadership

consultancy jointly operated by its two founders, Dr

Mr Hong Ko. KL&K Design’s predecessor, Kan & Lau

which helps them all to go forward

estate market with an approach based on

Silver, JAGDA New Designer Award and ADC Award and more.

KL&K DESIGN is an internationally renowned design

Kan Tai-keung and Mr Freeman Lau, together with

They see design as an essential tool

whom they are talking.

oo len ht he D tp le es s:/ nle ign /is e@ B su y oo u. ah ks co o to m o.c re /h o el m en le eo nl in eb

ujidesign is graphic design firm based in Tokyo, has

Commercial Art

and how design can play a integral and productive

commercial, hotel complexes, administrative and industrial buildings, and

professionals. In 2001 two new partners joined: Daniel Ayuso, Creative

cottage in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine as well.

Director and Sandra Parcet, Executive Director.



Winnie Yuen Design

Adi Stern


Yoshiaki Irobe

Winnie Yuen is a designer working in print

With over 30 years of

Prof. Adi Stern is a graphic designer,

Graphic Designer / Art Director

design, branding and packaging along with

experience working with

typeface designer and a design

Graduated the masters program at the

explorations in userbased interaction design

public spaces, Mayer/

educator. Since 2008, Adi serves

Tokyo University of the Art, then entered

and illustration. Her passion to explore, ability

Reed, Inc. is engaged

as the Head of the Department

Nippon Design Center Inc. After working for

to collaborate with people, methodological

in placemaking and

of Visual Communication at the

Hara Design Institute, he established his

design perspective and deep interest in

wayfinding projects that shape communities. Established in 1977, the

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design

own design institute in 2011.

human-centered design keep her energetic

22-person, Portland-based design studio provides visual communications,

in Jerusal em. He runs his own

Recipient of the SDA Awards, JAGDA

as a designer. Her website is a display of past

product design, landscape architecture and urban design services in

design studio specializing in both

Awards, JAGDA New Designer Awards,

projects and current works in progress.

the US and internationally. The firm’s work in creating places for human

design for cultural institutions, and in book design and typography.

Winnie studied at Art Center College of Design after three years of

activity explores the social, cultural, ecological and historic contexts that

In addition, Adi writes, consults and lectures on the design and history of

majoring the Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts major in UCSD.

shape these environments.

the Hebrew script.

Tokyo ADC Awards and D&AD Nomination Awards, One Show Design Silver Pencil. A part time lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts.

She was born and raised in Hong Kong, moved to San Francisco in 2001.

Many of his works have been exhibited internationally and have won

Currently, she lives in Los Angeles.

awards worldwide, including the Tokyo Type Directors Club (TDC) Award and the New York Art Directors Club (ADC) Silver and Bronze Awards.


Dani Rubio Arauna, Rai Pinto

Kolekty f specialises in creating
wa y finding systems, wall graphics
and infographics.

Dani Rubio Arauna was born in Santander

Kolekty f is design company from Wroclaw

and has a degree on Graphic Design by Eina

(Poland) operating since 2005.
They bring together

University. His work focuses on corporate

experienced architects and designers who

identity, editorial design and environmental Eskenazi for six years. Nowadays he runs his own studio in Barcelona for major clients such as Fundació Agbar, Albert and Ferran Adrià, Generalitat de Catalunya or Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. He is a Typography and Editorial design teacher. His work has been recognised many times by awards

They put particular emphasis on creating a coherent vision for each project and give attention to every nuanced detail.
Their work centers on the design, materials, and precise execution – they complete each of

their concepts ourselves, right down to the last touches, on site.
They are known for their functional and striking graphic statements which have been implemented in utility spaces.

such as ADC*E and Laus.

Rai Pinto Rai Pinto studied Industrial Design at Escola Massana and has a degree on


Interior Design by Eina University. He has worked with Llongueras Clotet Architects and other renowned teams. His work as a freelance includes

practice based in Chicago. They work

Fighting against perfection with hand drawn typography

with the design, cultural, and civic

through My Cup Of Type (.com). And collecting quotes, aka.


knowledge bombs, and presenting them beautifully on

As designers they cultivate

Whatever Floats Your Quote (.com).

conversations. They engage

Recently he’s taken the design mentality into filmmaking,

in a process of discovery and

and as a result co-founded a studio focusing on presenting people, services, and products through video.

e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n , fo c u s i n g o n concept, craft, and artful investigation. Their work lives at the threshold between art and science, resulting in keepsake artifacts and unique experiences. Thirst believes design is integral to the human condition. It is ubiquitous, nourishing and transformative. Design allows them to connect with one another and compels them --to slow down and pay attention.

an internationally

as well as designs for private homes and commercial spaces. His studio is

renowned design

located in Barcelona. His work has been published many times by national


and international magazines such as Interior Design Magazine, Bob to name a few.

Thirst is a communication design

more side projects than he has clean socks.


projects for Casa Decor, La Casa dels Xuklis and Sant Joan de Déu Hospital,

Magazine, Casa Viva, Diario Design, Proyecto Contract and Via Sanitaria just


Simen Strøm Braaten is a designer at heart. He also has

oo len ht he D tp le es s:/ nle ign /is e@ B su y oo u. ah ks co o to m o.c re /h o el m en le eo nl in eb

graphic s. He has teamed up with Mario

originated from artistic circles.

Simen Strøm Braaten

oo ks to re

Dani Rubio Arauna

jointly operated

by its two founders, Dr Kan Tai-keung and Mr Freeman Lau, together

Plural Berlin


with Mr Hong Ko. KL&K Design’s predecessor, Kan & Lau Design was

In 2013 , obedience to nearly 17 years

Plural is an association of

and expanded with offices in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing as well as

extensive experience in sign system

information design experts

business interests in various parts of the PRC. They serve more than

design, they set up their own business

based in Berlin.

200 clients from both China and overseas, and have received numerous

premises named “Yun Han (from the "book

Since 2005 Plural has

awards in the industry. As trend-setters in brand design in China, they

of songs" means “galaxy” .)Times” It’s a

been developing targeted

lead with international perspective and local experience, as well as an

group of dynamic team of professionals,

communication strategies, turning information into orientation and

adept hand of amalgamating culture and business. In 2013, KAN & LAU

t h e y w a l k e d i n t h e fo r e f ro n t o f t h e

conceiving sophisticated interactive tools.

DESIGN was officially renamed KL&K DESIGN to mark the co-operation of

development trend of clingy times and

The members of Plural attach great importance to working together with

the three generations of partnership, which with a dedication to innovate

constant innovation.

their clients and regarding them as partners. In this manner they conceive


established in 1976. Within almost forty years, the company has grown

Integral Ruedi Baur Founded in 1989

world-class China design, keeping us abreast of the times.

Since its establishment ,the company has been committed to

landmark projects with institutions and organisations from the fields of

in Paris and 2002

The company caters for a wide array of design domains, each with

sign system design and research , such services as five-star hotels

technology, culture, science and media.

in Zurich, Intégral

a dedicated department. Their clients will receive an integrated suite

,chambers,commercial complex, condominiums, office premises, major

Both Prof. Severin Wucher and Dipl.-Designer Kilian Krug are involved in

Ruedi Baur is an

of comprehensive design services, from cultural analysis, strategy

transportation hubs, parks. At present, Yun Han Times has become the

university teaching and academic programs, along with participating in

interdisciplinary studio dealing with questions of identity, representation

positioning, brand identities, packaging and product design, marketing

most competitive strength design agency of China.

international design juries.

and orientation. The focus of their work is corporate design and

and promotion, wayfinding system as well as interior design. Well-known

The advanced designs and ideas have won us the trust from many

wayfinding systems, but also classic graphic design and identification

past clients include leaders of their respective industries: Bank of China,

renowned enterprises within home and abroad. Including Intercontinental

systems, scenography, public space design, digital and interaction design.

Watsons Water, Erdos, Li Ning and Bama Tea, and governmental projects

Hotels Group, Hilton Hotels Group, Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts, Poly

Conceiving orientation in space as a complex interaction between many

such as Kai Tak Development. Our work has helped these enterprises

Group, Wanda Group, SOHO China, ZhongHong Group, CapitaLand,

different components and impulses, their understanding of wayfinding

continuously create value for their brands and set standards for their own

YOPINDO Group, Zhonghai Property Group, Ren Xin Real estate, Nan Tong

exceeds the conventional approach of traditional signage. It is their

industries, and has in turn influenced the modern Chinese lifestyle.

Oasis Group, Central China Group, He Nan, Pengxin Group, Ronghui Group,

concern to integrate information and signs into architectural space. In a

In the future, the company will further adopt professional management,

Chong Qing, Guo Min Group, Tian Jin, Hong Shan Group, Wonder Mall Group,

specific environment, depending on context and assignment, they strive

resource integration and develop strategic design systems. The company

Shi Jia Zhuang, Touch SPA Group, Shang Hai, etc.

to sharpen users’ senses to comprehend and orient themselves in space.

has a vision of advancement and aims to become the pinnacle of Chinese design.




studio fnt

They are friends who meet at midnight under

Studio fnt is a Seoul based graphic design studio

the full moon to find Klmjro.

that works on prints, identities, interactive/digital

Klmjro is a way of thinking, but it is also a

media and more. It collects fragmented and straying

place. It is a place where things are upside

thoughts, and then organises and transforms them

down, inside out, bottom up and vice versa. It

into relevant forms.

is a place of the foreign and of the unknown. It is an ecosystem that nurtures their curiosity and synthesizes their ideas. Klmjro is the action, not the result. It is the murky hours between points A and B. It is a fleeting moment whose ephemeral glow can only be shared as the shadow that it casts.

Sägenvier DesignKommunikation S ä g e n v i e r i s a n a g e n c y fo r d e s i g n communications in Dornbirn / Austria c o n d u c te d b y S i g i R a m o s e r . T h e y a r e

Rama Studio

communication designers with heart and mind and are positioned between small

Rama Studio is a graphic design studio working in a

graphic ateliers and large full-service agencies.

broad range of media, often with collaborators from

Sägenvier, like it is today, has arisen from a

other creative disciplines. With a background in art and

27 year-partnership of Sigi Ramoser, Sandro


Scherling, Kurt Dornig and Hermann Brändle.

music Rama Studio maintains a creative and critical Architecture has been a continued field of interest and

brand “Sägenvier” chains the other free ateliers. A range of cooperation’s

collaboration, working with visual identity and spatial

with known ateliers and agencies in Vorarlberg and Vienna verify the open

design for cultural institutions and architectural offices.

and project-centered way of working, enrich and encourage their good

Rama Studio's work combines the precision of digital

positioned work for design and communication.

oo len ht he D tp le es s:/ nle ign /is e@ B su y oo u. ah ks co o to m o.c re /h o el m en le eo nl in e

bo ok st o

approach with ambitious and personal results.

After the foundation of an own atelier by Kurt Dornig in 2011, the umbrella

tools with the spontaneous and analogue, creating

living and diverse visual solutions — ranging from clear, simple communication to curious and challenging design.

Rama Studio was founded in 2007 by designers Stefan Mylleager and


Thomas Frederiksen, both MA in design from the Danish Design School.


"The only joy in the world is to begin. It is good to be alive because living is beginning, always, every moment." Cesare Pavese (1908-50), Italian writer T h e c r e a t i o n o f t h e i r wo r l d , s h a p e d b y unrestrained powers, expressivity, coincidence, pure energy and the union of billion small particles to one vast entirety, that constantly

awarded communication design office and think

moves and evolutionary-revolutionary changes. Eternal processes:

tank that provides design services and solutions to a

recurring beginnings creating something new - sometimes dynamically,

worldwide clientele. Their team is consisted of experts

sometimes completely quiet, sometimes explosively expressive,

with a wide and diverse arrange of skills in the creative

sometimes slow, sometimes uncontrollably flowing.

field. Beetroot's creative mission is to discover, develop

The smallest part, the dust particle: seemingly insignificant, however its

and utilize the true essence of a brand, product or

conglomeration creates stars and planets - life. 22quadrat interpreted the

service and then grow and expand them into being

particle to its simplest graphical archetype - the dot. Comprehensible for

recognised, appreciated and praised all around the

every human being, regardless their age, nationality, education and faith.


Out of this arose the allegory of the Schunk-world: thousands of

Beetroot Design Group is a visionary creative group

employees are part of a bigger picture. They are individual carbon particles,

based in Thessaloniki that creates and develops self-initiated projects.

able to create something new and great, but only in connection with

Their team is consisted of talented and enthusiastic designers with a

other elements.

common goal to communicate via stimulating social awareness with

This dynamic, constantly changing, process moves through the entire

a sense of humor. The team's interests vary from philosophy to politics,

architecture, accompanies the visitors, takes them by their hands -

from ethics to aesthetics, from the self to social issues and its approach

always in motion between loud and quiet.

challenges norms, abolishes restrictions and champions the teamwork

The first drawings of mankind already originated in hand and finger prints."


Beetroot Design Group is a Thessaloniki based, multi-



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