Tenant Handbook - The Steeple, Newburgh

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Tenant Handbook

The Steeple, Newburgh

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Repairs and Maintenance Repairs You can report a repair by contacting the Property Maintenance team in the Wasps Office: property@waspsstudios.org.uk 0141 553 5890 Please state your name, studio number, building and some information about the repair. The Property team will endeavour to carry out the repair at the soonest convenient time, The staff will communicate with you throughout the process to keep you informed about the progress of the repair. Rechargeable repairs Some repairs are rechargeable - if a repair is required as a result of a tenant’s action. For example, there is a blocked sink because clay or other art materials have been poured into it. If you want to make modifications to your studio, for example installing additional sockets, partitions or storage you will be responsible for the costs, you must inform the Wasps Property Maintenance team if you are wanting to modify your studio in advance. Wasps can recommend contractors for the work. Maintenance Wasps carries out an annual programme of maintenance to comply with legal obligations and health and safety standards, and to protect the common parts of the property. For example checks of the fire alarm, extinguishers and emergency lighting in the building, and maintenance of the roof and rainwater goods. Access to individual studios is not normally required for the maintenance programme but on occasion will be necessary. If access is required, the Wasps Property Maintenance team will contact you in advance to make arrangements.

Tenant responsibilities As a tenant it is your responsibility to maintain your studio to a reasonable standard. At the end of your tenancy your studio should be returned to Wasps in the same condition as it was on entry. It is your responsibility to inform Wasps when problems, building issues and required repairs arise. There are a number of items within your studio that you as tenant are responsible for, as follows:      

To replace light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and strip light starters in your studio To maintain equipment – with particular reference to Health & Safety legislation To repair any damages to fixtures caused by your practice To pay for the replacement of lost studio keys To keep studios tidy and safe in line with Wasps’ Health & Safety Policy To keep shared communal areas (artist kitchens, project spaces) clean and tidy when used 24


The registered office for our 3 entities is: Wasps, The Briggait, 141 Bridgegate, Glasgow, G1 5HZ 0141 553 5890 info@waspsstudios.org.uk www.waspsstudios.org.uk The Wasps Trust is a charity registered in Scotland (SC022115). Workshop & Artists Studio Provision (Scotland) Limited is a charity registered in Scotland (SC001351). It is also a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland (SC062117). Wasps Creative Industries C.I.C is a community interest company registered in Scotland (SC383609).

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