Aceto Sakamoto

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Drink & Dressing Aceto di riso artigianale macerato in giare a cielo aperto Kagoshima/Japan

La storia dell’aceto Sakamoto Sakamoto Kurozu è una specialità della città di Kagoshima, apprezzata in tutto il Giappone come condimento gastronomico e base per bevande salutari. L’aceto di riso prodotto artigianalmente secondo un particolare metodo “tradizionale”, oltre ad avere un prelibato gusto, possiede anche dimostrate proprietà benefiche per la salute.

Le origini dell’aceto di riso Sakamoto Nel primo Ottocento (tardo periodo Edo) la famiglia Sakamoto inizia a produrre aceto di riso macerato in giare di terracotta a Fukuyama nella baia di Kagoshima. Le specifiche condizioni naturali del luogo pongono le basi per la produzione dell’aceto di riso Sakamoto: 1. Il microclima ideale di Fukuyama

2. Abbondante disponibilità di riso di alta qualità

3. Eccellente acqua di sorgente

4. Giare in terracotta smaltata, tipiche del locale artigianato di ceramica Satsuma

La valorizzazione dell’aceto Sakamoto Kurozu Akio Sakamoto, dopo essersi laureato in farmacia alla Kyushu University e aver svolto un’esperienza lavorativa presso un’importante azienda farmaceutica a Tokio, è richiamato nella sua città natale a seguire nella 5° generazione le attività familiari per la produzione di aceto di riso in giare di terracotta. Sulla base della propria formazione professionale, Akio è convinto della presenza di proprietà benefiche attribuibili all’aceto prodotto dalla sua famiglia. Per analizzare e comprovare scientificamente tali effetti benefici intraprende nel 1973 una serie di studi collaborativi con diverse Università. Da tali studi, pubblicati

su riviste accademiche e presentati a conferenze, emerse chiaramente che l’aceto Sakamoto contenesse vari tipi di aminoacidi e peptidi favorevoli alla salute. Nel 1975 Akio Sakamoto denomina “Kurozu” l’aceto di riso ambrato, prodotto in giare secondo il metodo di tradizione familiare, e inizia a divulgare la conoscenza di Sakamoto Kurozu in tutto il Giappone. Nel corso dei decenni sono seguite innumerevoli ricerche sull’aceto Sakamoto per esaminare le peculiarità ‘health-promoting’ con attestazioni scientifiche da parte di varie istituzioni, quali l’Università di Tokio, la Kyushu University o l’Istituto di Ricerca Alimentare del Ministero per l’Agricoltura Giapponese. I risultati di queste ricerche sono stati documentati e pubblicati.

Controllo della qualità Sakamoto Kurozu è prodotto secondo una tradizione bi-centenaria di sapienti tecniche lavorative. Sono utilizzati solamente ingredienti naturali: riso al vapore, koji e acqua - senza alcuna aggiunta di additivi o coloranti. Le condizioni ottimali di un clima temperato per la fermentazione, la disponibilità di un’eccellente acqua sorgiva, l’impiego di giare in terracotta Satsuma per la fermentazione e un adeguato invecchiamento danno vita all’aceto Sakamoto. Nel laboratorio interno modernamente attrezzato si effettuano rigorosi test qualitativi e continue analisi sugli ingredienti. Sakamoto Kurozu Inc. è certificata ISO-9001:2000 e lo stabilimento di Fukuyama risponde alla normativa HACCP. Pur mantenendo i metodi tradizionali e l’artigianalità, si vuole operare nel massimo rispetto del controllo qualitativo.

Metodo produttivo: tradizionale ed esclusivo Materie prime Sono unicamente tre gli ingredienti utilizzati per la produzione dell’aceto Sakamoto Kurozu: riso, acqua e koji (riso al vapore arricchito di spore aspergillus oryzae) - senza l’aggiunta di additivi e coloranti.

Metodo tradizionale con macerazione in giare Sakamoto Kurozu è prodotto in modo tradizionale fin dal tardo periodo Edo, mediante lenta fermentazione e invecchiamento da uno a tre anni. La particolarità del metodo, tra i più singolari al mondo, è costituita dal fatto che la saccarificazione, la fermentazione alcolica e quella acetica avvengono in un processo spontaneo all’interno della stessa giara ceramica.

Fermentazione In primavera e in autunno gli ingredienti vengono adeguatamente collocati nelle giare artigianali di terracotta, posizionate all’aperto. La fermentazione e l’invecchiamento sono aiutati dall’energia naturale del sole. I microorganismi che vivono sulle pareti interne delle giare sono necessari per la produzione del Sakamoto Kurozu. Una particolare attenzione e capacità da parte degli addetti va riservata allo spargimento del koji sullo specchio d’acqua.



Riso al vapore Koji


La fermentazione avviene in primavera, tra aprile e giugno, oppure in autunno da settembre a ottobre.

Saccarificazione Non appena le giare sono ricoperte, il koji decompone la fecola del riso cotto al vapore e quindi inizia a formarsi il glucosio.

Controlli quotidiani

Fermentazione alcolica Il glucosio, formatosi dalla saccarificazione, si trasforma per attivazione del lievito in alcol. Questa fermentazione procede contemporaneamente alla saccarificazione e impiega da uno a due mesi.

Fermentazione acetica Alla presenza di alcol, questo si trasforma attraverso l’attivazione di batteri acetici in acido acetico, elemento principale di un aceto. Ciò impiega fino a sei mesi, affinché la fermentazione sia completata.

Le giare vengono ispezionate giornalmente, ad una ad una, per controllare l’evoluzione dell’aceto al loro interno – e a sentire gli addetti, “è quasi come allevare i propri figli”.



Sakamoto Kurozu viene invecchiato da sei mesi a tre anni all’interno delle giare di terracotta. Il colore dell’aceto cambia gradualmente durante il periodo d’invecchiamento, conferendo a questo particolare aceto un sapore e aroma morbido e distinto.

un anno

due anni

tre anni

Kurozu e Moromi Powder

Con un ramoscello di bambù l’aceto viene mescolato durante l’invecchiamento nelle giare. Questa tradizionale procedura si ripete sempre uguale fin dal periodo Edo.


Kurozu Moromi Powder

Sakamoto Kurozu Nella fermentazione dell’aceto Kurozu sono coinvolti vari microorganismi come l’aspergillus oryzae, batteri lattici, lievito e batteri acetici. Aminoacidi, peptidi e acidi organici - frutto delle varie fermentazioni - determinano il gusto particolarmente delicato dell’aceto Sakamoto. Il fenomeno del cambio di tonalità durante l’invecchiamento è alquanto peculiare, senza aver ancora trovato una spiegazione precisa.

Kurozu Moromi Powder La polvere Kurozu Moromi Powder, residuo della fermentazione del Kurozu che non si dissolve nell’acqua, può essere tolto da ogni giara in quantità limitata. Non si tratta solamente di una fibra dietetica bensì contiene β-glucano e peptidi. Recentemente in Giappone il Moromi Powder è stato riconosciuto come integratore dietetico.

L’aceto Sakamoto Kurozu richiede almeno un anno di affinamento per sviluppare il caratteristico sapore morbido e l’aroma delicato.

Utilizzo L’aceto Sakamoto si usa come condimento per insalate, per la preparazione di salse e cibi vari ma soprattutto come base per bevande con effetti benefici per la salute.

Sakamoto Kurozu Fermentato e invecchiato per più di 1 anno. Gustate il sapore amabile e ricco.

Sakamoto Satsuma Kurozu Fermentato e invecchiato per oltre 2 anni. Un altro anno d’invecchiamento conferisce all’aceto un gusto ancora più morbido.

Sakamoto Tenju Kurozu Fermentato e invecchiato per oltre 3 anni. Gustate la ricchezza e delicatezza della maggiore stagionatura.

Sakamoto Organic Kurozu Fermentato e invecchiato per più di 1 anno, prodotto esclusivamente da riso organico.

Sakamoto Apple Kurozu Sakamoto Apple Kurozu è una bevanda gustosa e salutare, composta da aceto Sakamoto, vitamina C e puro succo di mela (100%).

Studi e ricerche sull’aceto Sakamoto Kurozu e Moromi Powder - effetti benefici sulla salute Affiliation Affiliation

Representative Representative

Literature name Literature name

1983 1983

Year Subject Year Subject Effect of Kurozu on physiology activity

School of Medicine, Ehime University

Okuda H. et al

The Clinical Report, 17 (5), 5358

1983 1983

Effect of Kurozu on obese/diabetic mice and lipid peroxide administerd rat

School of Medicine, Ehime University

Okuda H. et al

The Clinical Report, 17 (8), 7982

1983 1983

Acute Toxicity of Komezu and Its Effects on Lipid Metabolism in Male Mice

Shizuoka College of Pharmacy

Takino Y. et al

Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi (J.Jpn. Soc. Nutr. Food Sci.), 36(4), 283-289

1985 1985

Effect of Kurozu on blood pressure in spontaneous hypertension rats

School of Medicine, Ehime University

Okuda H. et al

The Clinical Report, 19 (10), 237-241

1987 1987

The traditional manufacturing method of Kurozu

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Yanagida F.

Quest for Traditional Food, 5, 1-3

1988 1988

Effects of Brewed Vinegar on Human Serum Lipids and Hemorheology

Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University

Fujino T. et al

Journal of Health Science, 10, 85-89

1988 1988

Role of the floating-koji in the fermentation Tokyo University of of Kurozu Agriculture

Yanagida F. et al

Nihon shokuhin kougyou gakukaishi, 35(10), 670-677

1989 1989

Role of the floating-koji in the fermentation Tokyo University of of Kurozu (continued report) Agriculture

Yanagida F. et al

Nihon shokuhin kougyou gakukaishi, 36(3), 237-244

1990 1990

Effects of Solid Components in Brewed Vinegar on Human Serum Cholesterol and Red Cell Filtrability

Institute of Health Scienc, Kyushu University

1990 1990

The origin of Kurozu and its manufacturing method

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Yanagida F.

1991 1991

Physiological Effects of Kurozu

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Yanagida F. et al

Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan, 85(2), 134-141

1991 1991

About jar-fermented Kurozu which is made with the traditional manufacturing method

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Koizumi Y.

Quest for Traditional Food, 10, 31-36

1991 1991

The Effect of a Rice Vinegar Residue on Allergic Diseases(1) - Improvement of the Health Research Uremic Pruritus of the Patients on Chronic International Inc. Hemodialysis -

Nakashima T. et al

The Clinical Report, 25 (8), 6467

1992 1992

Fluctuation of Extracellular Fluid pH and the Effect of Rice Vinegar

School of Medicine, Ehime University

Okuda H. et al

Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 45(6), 523-527

1993 1993

Effects of Solid Components in Brewed Vinegar on Human Serum Lipids

Institute of health Science, Kyushu University

Fujino T. et al

Journal of Health Science, 15, 91-93

1995 1995

Measurement of Blood Rheology by Model Capillaries and Evaluation of Effects of Food Components

National Food Research Institute

1996 1996

Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast Tokyo University of and Acetic Acid Bacteria from Kurozu Agriculture

1998 1998

Purification and structural analysis of ingredients which improves bloodstream in Kurozu

National Food Research Institute

1998 1998

Physiological Function of Pot RiceVinegar in Fukuyama

Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc

1999 1999

Effect of Kurozu(Brewed Rice Vinegar) on Faculty of Agriculture, Maintenance of Primary Culture Rat Kagoshima University Hepatocytes

1999 1999

Effects of Kurozu including β1-4 galactooligosaccharids on number of Bifidobacteria and action of the bowels, property of feces in human

Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc

2001 2001

Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder on Calcium Absorption in Ovariectomized Osteoporosis Model Rats

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University

2001 2001

Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2- Faculty of Medicine, picrylhydrazyl and its Antioxidant Effect on Kagoshima University Human Low-density Lipoprotein


Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder on an

School of Pharmaceutical

Fujino T. et al

Kikuchi Y.

Journal of Health Science, 12, 139-141 Kagaku to Seibutsu, 28(4), 271-276

Food Processing and Ingredients, 30(7), 46-48

Yanagida F. et al

Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 43(4), 347-356

Kikuchi Y. et al

Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 45(9), 545-549

Arimura K.

Fujii M. et al

Nagano M. et al

Kudo I. et al

Maruyama I. et al

Kudo I. et al

Denpun to Shokuhin, 23, 1-8

Food Science and Technology Research, 5(1), 97-98

The Japanese Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94(4), 417422

Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Ther. ), 29(9), 635-641

Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 54(2), 89-93 Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi

2001 2001 2001 1999 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Year Year 2001 2001 2001 2003 2001 2001 1983 2001 2001 2003 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 1983 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2003 2001 2003 1983 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 1985 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004 2003 2004 1987 2004 2005 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 1988 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2005 2005 1988 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1989 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 1990 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1990 2006 2006 2006 2006 1991 2006

2006 2006 2006 2007

2006 2006 2006 2007 1991 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1991 2007 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1992 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2009 1993 2007 2009 2007 2009

2009 2009 2009 1995 2009 2009 2009 2007 2009 1996 2009

2009 2009 2009 2009

2009 1998 2009 2009 2009

1998 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2009 1999 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1999 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009

2010 2010 2010 2010 2001 2010 2010

2010 2010 2010 2010 2001 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010

of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University picrylhydrazyl andincluding itsin Antioxidant Effect on School Kagoshima University Calcium Absorption Ovariectomized Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu Osteoporosis Model Rats Effects of Kurozu β1-4 galactoSciences, Showa University Human Low-density Lipoprotein Osteoporosis Rats (brewed Rice Model Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2Faculty of Medicine, oligosaccharids on number of Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu Kurozu Radical Scavenging of Kurozu, Inc Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu picrylhydrazyl and itsActivity Antioxidant Effect on Sakamoto Kagoshima University Bifidobacteria and action the bowels, (brewed Rice Vinegar) Vinegar) onof 1,1-Diphenyl-2Faculty of Medicine, Medicine, Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu (brewed Rice on 1,1-Diphenyl-2Faculty of (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2of Medicine, Human Low-density Lipoprotein property of feces human picrylhydrazyl andinits its Antioxidant Effect on on Faculty Kagoshima University Radical Scavenging Activity of Kurozu (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2Faculty of Medicine, picrylhydrazyl and Antioxidant Effect picrylhydrazyl and itsActivity Antioxidant Effect on Kagoshima Kagoshima University University Radical Scavenging of Kurozu Human Low-density Lipoprotein (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2Faculty of Medicine, picrylhydrazyl andMoromi itsLipoprotein Antioxidant University Effects of Kurozu PowderEffect on anon Kagoshima School of Pharmaceutical Human Low-density Human Low-density Lipoprotein (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2of Medicine, picrylhydrazyl and itsLipoprotein Antioxidant Effect on Faculty Kagoshima University Human Low-density IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University picrylhydrazyl andMoromi itsLipoprotein Antioxidant Effects Kurozu PowderEffect on on Kagoshima University Human of Low-density Effects Kurozu Moromi Powder on an School of Pharmaceutical Human of Low-density Lipoprotein Calcium Absorption in Ovariectomized Sciences, Showa University IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Effects of Kurozu Kurozu Moromi Powder on on an an Affiliation School of Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Subject Osteoporosis Model Rats Powder Subject Affiliation Effects of Moromi School of Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder on an School of Pharmaceutical IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University Veterinary Medicine, Effects Kurozu Moromi Powder on an Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical IgE Dermatitis Model Showa University Effect ofof“Kurozu” on the liver damage IgE Antigen-mediated Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University Kagoshima University Effects of Kurozu Moromi PowderModel on an School Pharmaceutical of Medicine, Ehime IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Sciences, Showa University Effect ofofKurozu physiology activity Effects Kurozuon Moromi Powder on an University School of Pharmaceutical IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University Veterinary Medicine, Radical Kurozu Effect ofScavenging “Kurozu” onActivity the liverofdamage IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University Kagoshima University (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2- Faculty of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Effect of “Kurozu” on the liver damage Veterinary Medicine, Effect onon bloodstream Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. picrylhydrazyl and its Antioxidant Effect on Kagoshima University of Kurozu “Kurozu” on the liver damage damage Effect of “Kurozu” the liver Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University Kagoshima University “Kurozu”ononobese/diabetic the liver damage HumanofLow-density Lipoprotein Effect Kurozu mice School of Medicine, Ehime Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University Effect of Kurozu “Kurozu” the liver damage and lipid peroxide on administerd rat University Veterinary Medicine, Effect Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Kagoshima University Effect of of “Kurozu”ononbloodstream the liver damage Kagoshima University The effects of Kurozu (a brewed rice Effect of of Kurozu Kurozu on on bloodstream bloodstream Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. The HealthKurozu, ServiceInc. Center of Effect Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Effect of Kurozu on bloodstream Sakamoto vinegar) on the deformability of NationalofInstitute ofInc. Fitness Effect ofofKurozu on bloodstream Sakamoto Kurozu, Effects Kurozu Moromi Powder on an Shizuoka School Pharmaceutical erythrocytes long distance Acute Toxicity ofmale Komezu and Its rice Effects College ofInc. The effects ofinKurozu (a brewed Effect of Kurozu on bloodstream Sakamoto and Sports in Kanoya The HealthKurozu, Service Center of IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, runners. on Lipid in(a Male Mice Pharmacy vinegar) on theKurozu deformability of rice Effect of Metabolism Kurozu on bloodstream Sakamoto Showa Kurozu,University Inc. The effects of brewed National Institute of Center Fitnessof The effects of (a rice The Health Service The effects of Kurozu (a brewed brewed rice erythrocytes inKurozu male long distance The Health Service Center of vinegar) on the deformability of The Health Service The effects of Kurozu (a brewed rice and Sports in Kanoya vinegar) on deformability of National Institute of Center Fitnessof vinegar) on the the deformability of The Health Service runners. National Institute of Fitness erythrocytes in male long distance The effects Kurozu (a brewed National Institute of Center Fitnessof Discovery physiological effects in the vinegar) onofof the deformability of rice erythrocytes in male long distance and Sports in Kanoya Kanoya erythrocytes inKurozu male long distance The Sports Health Service Center Sakamoto Kurozu, National ofInc. Fitness Veterinary Medicine, Effect of Kurozu on blood pressure in School ofInstitute Medicine, Ehime of The effects of (aas brewed rice and in runners. and Sports in Kanoya vinegar) the deformability traditional food.-Kurozu anof exampleerythrocytes in male distance Effect of on “Kurozu” on long the liver damage runners. The Health Service Center of runners. National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya Kagoshima University spontaneous hypertension rats University vinegar) on the deformability of erythrocytes male long distance runners. Discovery of in physiological effects in the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. erythrocytes in male long distance runners. traditional food.-Kurozu as effects an exampleand Sports in Kanoya Discovery of physiological in the the runners. Biological functions of Kurozu (Brewed Discovery of physiological effects in Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Discovery of physiological effects in the Sakamoto Kurozu, Kurozu, Inc. Inc. traditional food.-Kurozu as effects an method exampleSakamoto Discovery of physiological in the rice vinegar) The traditional manufacturing of Tokyo University of Inc. traditional food.-Kurozu as Effect of Kurozu on bloodstream Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. traditional food.-Kurozu as an an exampleexampleSakamoto Kurozu, Discovery of physiological in the traditional food.-Kurozu as effects an exampleKurozu Agriculture Biological of Kurozu (Brewed Sakamoto Kurozu, Discovery functions of physiological in the Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Inc. traditional food.-Kurozu as effects an exampleSakamoto rice vinegar) The HealthKurozu, ServiceInc. Center of Biological functions of Kurozu (Brewed traditional food.-Kurozu as an exampleBiological functions of (Brewed Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Biological functions of Kurozu Kurozu (Brewed Effect of Kurozu on red blood cell National Institute ofInc. Fitness The effects of Kurozu brewed rice Sakamoto Kurozu, rice vinegar) Sakamoto Biological functions of (a Kurozu (Brewed The HealthKurozu, ServiceInc. Center of rice rice vinegar) vinegar) Sakamoto Inc. and Sports in Kanoya vinegar) the deformability Effects ofon Brewed Vinegar onof Human Institute of Kurozu, Health Science, The Health Service Center Biological functions of Kurozu (Brewed rice vinegar) National Institute ofInc. Fitnessof Sakamoto Kurozu, erythrocytes in male long distance Serum Lipids and Hemorheology Kyushu University Biological functions of Kurozu (Brewed Effect of Kurozu on red blood cell National Institute ofInc. Fitnessof rice vinegar) The Health Service Center and Sports in Kanoya Sakamoto Kurozu, The Health Service Center of runners. rice vinegar) The Health Service and Sports in Kanoya Effect ofofKurozu Kurozu red blood blood cell and National Institute of Center Fitnessof Effects Kurozuon Moromi Powder The Health Service Effect of cell National of Fitness Faculty ofInstitute Agriculture, Effect ofConcentrate Kurozu on on red red blood cell National Institute of Center Fitnessof and Sports in Kanoya Kanoya Kurozuof Liquid oncell The Health Service Effect Kurozu on red blood National Institute of Center Fitnessof and Sports in Kagoshima University and Sports in Kanoya Role ofofthe the fermentation Tokyo University of The Health Service Carbohydrate Metabolism Effect on red in blood cell in National Institute of Center Fitnessof Discovery offloating-koji physiological effects the and Sports in Kanoya Effects ofKurozu Kurozu Moromi Powder and Sakamoto Kurozu, Faculty ofInstitute Agriculture, of KurozuKurozu on red blood cell Agriculture Effect National ofInc. Fitness and Sports in Kanoya traditional food.-Kurozu asPowder an Kurozuofof Concentrate Liquid on exampleEffects Kurozu Moromi and Kagoshima University Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder and and Sports in Kanoya Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture, Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder and Carbohydrate Metabolism Faculty of Kurozu Concentrate LiquidPowder on Faculty of Agriculture, Effects Kurozu Moromi and Kurozu Concentrate Liquid Kagoshima University Kurozu of Concentrate Liquid on on Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University Carbohydrate Metabolism Succession of bacterial and fungal Kagoshima University Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder and Kurozu Concentrate Liquid on Carbohydrate Metabolism Role of of theKurozu floating-koji in the fermentation Tokyo of Biological functions of Kurozu (Brewed Carbohydrate Metabolism FacultyUniversity of School Agriculture, Kagoshima University Graduate ofInc. Effects Moromi Powder and Sakamoto Kurozu, Kurozu Concentrate Liquid Carbohydrate Metabolism communities during a traditional pot Faculty of Agriculture, of Kurozu (continued report)on Agriculture rice vinegar) Kagoshima University Agricultural and Life Kurozu Concentrate Liquid Carbohydrate fermentation rice vinegar assessed by Sciences, Succession ofofMetabolism bacterial andon fungal KagoshimaThe University University of Carbohydrate Metabolism Graduate School of PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel communitiesofduring a traditional pot Succession bacterial and fungal Tokyo The Health Service Center of Agricultural and Life Effects of Solid Components in Brewed Succession of and fungal Graduate School of Succession ofofbacterial bacterial and assessed fungal electrophoresis ofSchool Healthof Scienc, fermentation rice vinegar Graduate of communities during a traditional pot by Institute Effect of on Kurozu on Serum red blood cell pot National Fitness Succession ofduring bacterial and fungal Graduate School of Sciences,Institute The University of Vinegar Human Cholesterol communities a traditional Agricultural and Life communities during a traditional pot Graduate School of Kyushu University PCR-mediated denaturing gelby Agricultural and Life Succession bacterial andgradient fungalpot fermentation rice vinegar vinegar assessed and SportsThe in Kanoya Agricultural and Life Tokyo and Red Cellofof Filtrability communities during a traditional Sciences, University of fermentation rice assessed by Graduate School of Agricultural andUniversity Life fermentation of rice vinegar assessed by Sciences, electrophoresis Succession ofof bacterial andgradient fungalpot The of PCR-mediated denaturing gelby Sciences, The University of communities during a traditional fermentation of rice vinegar assessed Graduate School of Tokyo PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel Agricultural andUniversity Life Sciences, The of PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel Tokyo communities of during a traditional pot electrophoresis Tokyo fermentation rice vinegar assessed PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gelby Tokyo Amelioration late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Faculty Agricultural andUniversity Life electrophoresis The origin of Kurozu and its University of Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder and Sciences, The of electrophoresis fermentation of rice vinegar assessed by Faculty of Agriculture, PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis bronchiolar lesions inLiquid BALB/c of Agriculture, Sciences, TheYamaguchi University of manufacturing method Agriculture Kurozu Concentrate on mice by Tokyo PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel Kagoshima University electrophoresis Kurozu Moromi Powder University Pathology, Faculty Tokyo Carbohydrate Amelioration ofMetabolism late asthmatic bronchial- Veterinary electrophoresis bronchiolar lesions in BALB/c mice by of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Amelioration of late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Faculty Amelioration of late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Tokyo University of Faculty Amelioration of late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Faculty Kurozu Moromi Powder University bronchiolar lesions in BALB/c mice by of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Physiological Effects of Kurozu Amelioration of late in asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Faculty bronchiolar lesions mice of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Kurozu Moromimatsu inhibits tumor Agriculture bronchiolar lesions in BALB/c BALB/c mice by by of Agriculture, Department ofYamaguchi Physiology, Kurozu Moromi Powder University Amelioration late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Faculty bronchiolar lesions in mice by in University of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Succession ofofbacterial fungal Kurozu Moromi Powder growth of Lovo cells inBALB/c aand mouse model Kurozu Moromi Powder University Amelioration of late asthmatic bronchialVeterinary Pathology, Graduate School of Faculty Tokai University bronchiolar lesions in BALB/c mice by of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Kurozu Moromi Powder University vivo communities during a traditional pot Kurozu Moromimatsu inhibitswhich tumor bronchiolar lesions inKurozu BALB/c miceis by of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Agricultural and Life About jar-fermented Kurozu Moromi Powder University Department of Physiology, fermentation of cells rice vinegar assessed University of growthwith of Lovo ininhibits a mouse modelby in Tokyo Kurozu Moromimatsu tumor Moromi Powder University Sciences, The University of made the traditional manufacturing Tokai University Kurozu Moromimatsu inhibits tumor Department of Physiology, PCR-mediated denaturing gradient gel in Agriculture Kurozu Moromimatsu tumor vivo Department of growth of Lovo cells cells in ininhibits a mouse mouse model Tokyo Department of Physiology, Physiology, method Kurozu of Moromimatsu tumor growth Lovo a model in University Reduction of Development of Late Allergic Veterinary Pathology, Faculty electrophoresis growth of Lovo cells ininhibits a mouse model in Tokai Department of Physiology, University vivo Kurozu of Moromimatsu tumor Tokai University growth Lovo cells by ininhibits aKurozu mouse model in Tokai vivo Eosinophilic Rhinitis Moromi of Agriculture, Department ofYamaguchi Physiology, vivo Tokai University Kurozu Moromimatsu inhibits tumor growth of Lovo cells in a mouse modelon in Department vivo of Physiology, The Effect of Rice Vinegar Powder inLovo BALB/c Mice University Tokai University Reduction of a Development ofResidue Late Allergic Pathology, Faculty growth of cells in a mouse model in Veterinary vivo Tokai University Allergic Diseases(1) -byImprovement of the Health Research Eosinophilic Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi vivo Reduction ofRhinitis Development of Late Allergic Veterinary Pathology, Faculty Amelioration of late asthmatic bronchialReduction of Development of Allergic Veterinary Pathology, Faculty Uremic of the Patients on Chronic Inc. Reduction ofRhinitis Development of Late Late Allergic International Veterinary Pathology, Faculty PowderPruritus in BALB/c Mice University Eosinophilic by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Reduction of Development of Late Allergic Veterinary Pathology, Faculty bronchiolar lesions in BALB/c mice by Eosinophilic Rhinitis by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Hemodialysis Eosinophilic Rhinitis by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Powder inEffect BALB/c Mice University Inhibitory of Kurozu on Reduction ofRhinitis Development of Proliferation Late Allergic University Veterinary Pathology, Faculty Eosinophilic by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Kurozu Moromi Powder Powder in BALB/c Mice Department ofYamaguchi Physiology, Powder in Colon BALB/c Mice Reduction ofRhinitis Development of Late Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Human Cancer Cells inMoromi a Allergic Mouse University Eosinophilic by Kurozu of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Powder in BALB/c Mice University Tokai University Eosinophilic Rhinitis by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Model ininVivo Powder BALB/c Mice University Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Proliferation Fluctuation of Extracellular Fluid pH and School of Medicine, Ehime Department of Physiology, Powder in BALB/c Mice University of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a Mouse University Kurozu Moromimatsu inhibits tumor Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Proliferation Proliferation the Effect of Rice Vinegar Tokai University Department of Physiology, Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Department of Physiology, Physiology, Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Proliferation Model in growth ofVivo Lovo in a mouse in Department of of Human Coloncells Cancer Cells inmodel a Mouse Mouse Department of Physiology, Inhibitory Effect of KurozuCells on Proliferation Tokai University of Human Colon Cancer in Tokai University of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a a Mouse Department of Physiology, vivo Tokai University Model in Effects ofVivo rice vinegar and Kaihaku on Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Proliferation Tokai University of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a Mouse Model in School of Nursing and Department of Physiology, Model in Vivo Vivo Tokai University Inhibitory Effect of Kurozu on Proliferation hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice and of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a Mouse Model in Effects ofVivo Solid Components in Brewed Institute of health Science, Department ofSciences, Physiology, Rehabilitation Tokai University of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a Mouse sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced Model in Vivo Effects of rice vinegar and Kaihaku on Vinegar on Human Serum Lipids Kyushu University Tokai ShowaUniversity University School of Nursing andFaculty Reduction of Development of Late Veterinary Pathology, Model in Vivo hyperlipidemia rats. hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice and Allergic Effects of rice vinegar and Kaihaku on Rehabilitation Sciences, Eosinophilic Rhinitis by Kurozu Moromi of Agriculture, Yamaguchi Effects and Kaihaku on School of of Nursing Nursing and and Effects of of rice rice vinegar vinegar and Kaihaku on sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced School hyperglycemia inBlood KK-Ay mice andbyon School University of Nursing and Effects of vinegar and Kaihaku Showa Powder inrice BALB/c Mice University Measurement of Rheology hyperglycemia in mice Rehabilitation Sciences, hyperglycemia in KK-Ay KK-Ay mice and and School ofFood Nursing and hyperlipidemia rats. National Research Rehabilitation Sciences, sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced EffectsCapillaries of rice vinegar and Kaihaku Rehabilitation Sciences, hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice andof on Model and Evaluation sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced Showa University sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced School University of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute Effects of rice vinegar and Kaihaku Showa hyperlipidemia rats. Showa University hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice and on sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced Effects of Foodrats. Components hyperlipidemia School of Nursing and Department of Respiratory hyperlipidemia rats. Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice and sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia rats. Sciences, Medicine, Respiratory Showa University Inhibitory Effectrats. of Kurozu on Proliferation Rehabilitation sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia Department of Showa DiseaseUniversity Center and of Physiology, Respiratory of Human Colon Cancer Cells in a Mouse Department hyperlipidemia rats. Tokai University Influence of Black Vinegar Itraconazole Department of Identification of Lactic Acid on Bacteria, Yeast Tokyo University of Medicine, Respiratory Model in Vivo Department of Laboratory Respiratory Department of Absorption Medicine, Department of Respiratory Respiratory and Acetic Acid Bacteria from Kurozu Agriculture Disease and Medicine,Center Respiratory Department of Respiratory Respiratory Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Medicine, Respiratory Influence of Black Vinegar on Itraconazole Medicine, Department of Disease Center and Department of Laboratory Respiratory Medicine, Respiratory Disease Center and Kofukai Research DiseaseMedical Center and Absorption Medicine, Department of Respiratory Influence of Black Vinegar on Itraconazole Laboratory Medicine,Center Respiratory Disease and Effects of of rice vinegar and Kaihaku on Influence Black Vinegar on Department of Institute Influence Black Vinegar on Itraconazole Itraconazole Department of Laboratory Laboratory Kitano Hospital, Tazuke School ofCenter Nursing and Medicine, Respiratory Absorptionof Black Disease and Influence Vinegar on and Itraconazole Department of Laboratory hyperglycemia instructural KK-Ay mice Absorption Medicine, Purification analysis of Absorptionof and Medicine, Kofukai Medical Research Rehabilitation Disease Center and Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Food Research Influence ofwhich Black improves Vinegar on Itraconazole National Department ofSciences, Laboratory Absorption Medicine, sucrose-cholesterol diet-induced Kitano Hospital, Tazuke ingredients bloodstream Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Institute Showa University Influence of Black Vinegar on Itraconazole Institute Department of Laboratory KofukaiHospital, Medical Research Absorption Medicine, Kitano Tazuke hyperlipidemia rats. Kofukai Medical Research in Kurozu Kofukai Medical Research Absorption Medicine, InstituteHospital, Kitano Kofukai Medical Tazuke Research Rapid detection of acetic acid bacteria in Institute Institute of Faculty Agriculture, Tazuke KofukaiHospital, Medical Research Institute the traditional pot-fermented rice vinegar Kitano Kagoshima University Kofukai Medical Research Kurozu Rapid detection of acetic bacteria in Institute Physiological Function of acid Pot RiceInstitute Faculty of Agriculture, Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc of Respiratory the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Rapid detection of acetic acidrice bacteria in Department Vinegar in Fukuyama Kagoshima University Rapid detection of bacteria in Faculty of Respiratory Agriculture, Rapid detection of acetic acetic acid acidrice bacteria in Medicine, Kurozu of Agriculture, the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Faculty of Agriculture, Rapid detection of acetic acidrice bacteria in Faculty the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Kagoshima University Disease Center and the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Faculty of Agriculture, Anti-Hyperglycemic Effectacid of rice Kurozu University Kurozu Kagoshima University Rapid detection of Vinegar acetic bacteria in the traditional pot-fermented rice vinegar Effect of Kurozu(Brewed Rice Vinegar) on Kagoshima Kurozu Influence of Black on Itraconazole Department of Laboratory Kurozu Kagoshima University Faculty of Agriculture, Moromi Powder in acetic TypeⅡDiabetic Model Rapid detection of acidrice bacteria in Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Kurozu Maintenance of Primary Culture Rat Faculty of Agriculture, Absorption Kagoshima University the traditional pot-fermented vinegar Medicine, KK-A Mice Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect of rice Kurozu Kurozu Hepatocytes Kagoshima University Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Kurozu Moromi Powder in TypeⅡDiabetic Model Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect of Kurozu Kofukai Medical Research Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect of of Kurozu Kurozu KK-A Mice Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Moromi Powder in TypeⅡDiabetic Model Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect of Kurozu Institute Effects of Kurozuin including β1-4 galactoSakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Moromi Powder TypeⅡDiabetic Model Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Moromi Powder in TypeⅡDiabetic Model Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect ofofKurozu KK-A Mice Kurozu, Inc. Moromi Powder in TypeⅡDiabetic Model oligosaccharids on number KK-A Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects Sakamoto Kurozu, KK-A Mice Mice Anti-Hyperglycemic Effectofofthe Kurozu Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc Inc. Moromi Powder in action TypeⅡDiabetic Model Sakamoto Bifidobacteria and bowels, KK-A Mice of Kurozu in Tumor-bearing Mice Moromi Powder Model Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. KK-A Mice property of fecesininTypeⅡDiabetic human Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects Rapid detection of acetic acid bacteria in Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. KK-A Mice Faculty of Agriculture, of Kurozu in Tumor-bearing Mice the traditional pot-fermented rice vinegar Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects University Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects Sakamoto Kurozu, Kurozu, Inc. Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects Kagoshima Kurozu Sakamoto of Kurozu in Tumor-bearing Mice on Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Inc. Effects of Kurozu Moromi Powder Antitumor and Immunostimulation of Tumor-bearing Mice of Kurozu Kurozu in in Tumor-bearing Mice Effects School of Pharmaceutical Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Antitumor and Immunostimulation Calcium in Ovariectomized of KurozuAbsorption in Tumor-bearing Mice Effects Sciences, Kurozu,University Inc. Antitumor and Immunostimulation Effects Sakamoto Safety Evaluation of Rats Black Rice Education Showa Research Center of Kurozu in Tumor-bearing MiceVinegar Osteoporosis Model Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. of Kurozufrom in Tumor-bearing (Kurosu) a Jar Effect on Food-drug for Clinical Phamacy,Faculty Anti-Hyperglycemic ofMice Kurozu Interaction:30-day Ingestion Study on of Pharmaceutical Safety Evaluation Black Rice Vinegar Education Research Center Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc. Moromi Powder inof TypeⅡDiabetic Model Expressions of Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido (Kurosu) from a Jar on Food-drug for Clinical Phamacy,Faculty KK-A Mice Safety Evaluation of Activity Black Rice Vinegar Education Research Center Radical Scavenging of Kurozu Safety Evaluation of Black Rice Vinegar Education Research Center Enzymes and Transporters inStudy Rats University Safety Evaluation of Black Rice Vinegar Education Research Center Interaction:30-day Ingestion on of Pharmaceutical (Kurosu) from a Jar on Food-drug for Clinical Phamacy,Faculty (brewed Rice Vinegar) on 1,1-Diphenyl-2of Medicine, Safety Evaluation ofon Black Rice Vinegar Faculty Education Research Center (Kurosu) from a Jar Food-drug for Clinical Phamacy,Faculty (Kurosu) from a Jar on Food-drug for Clinical Phamacy,Faculty Expressions of Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Interaction:30-day Ingestion Study on on Kagoshima of Pharmaceutical picrylhydrazyl its Antioxidant Effect UniversityCenter Safety Evaluation of Black Rice Vinegar Education (Kurosu) from and a Jar on Food-drug for Clinical Research Phamacy,Faculty Interaction:30-day Ingestion on of Pharmaceutical Interaction:30-day Ingestion Study on of Pharmaceutical Enzymes andofTransporters inStudy Rats University Safety Evaluation of Black Rice Vinegar Education Center Expressions Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Human Low-density Lipoprotein (Kurosu) from aDrug Jar on Food-drug for Clinical Research Phamacy,Faculty Interaction:30-day Ingestion Study on of Pharmaceutical Expressions of Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Expressions ofTransporters Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Antitumor and (Kurosu) aImmunostimulation JarIngestion on Food-drug for Clinical Kurozu, Phamacy,Faculty Enzymesfrom and inStudy RatsEffects University Interaction:30-day on of Pharmaceutical Expressions ofTransporters Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Sakamoto Inc. Enzymes and in Rats University Enzymes and Transporters in Rats on University of Kurozu in Tumor-bearing Mice Interaction:30-day Ingestion Study of Pharmaceutical Expressions of Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Enzymes and Transporters in Rats University Expressions of Drug Metabolism Sciences,Hokkaido Enzymes and Transporters in Rats University Enzymes Transporters in Ratson an School University Effects of and Kurozu Moromi Powder of Pharmaceutical IgE Antigen-mediated Dermatitis Model Sciences, Showa University

Certificazioni 2001

Maruyama I. et al Kudo I. et al Maruyama Nagano M.I.etetalal Maruyama I. I. et et al al Maruyama Maruyama I. et al Maruyama I. et al Maruyama et al Kudo I. etI. al Maruyama I. et al Kudo I. et al Representative Representative Kudo Kudo I. I. et et al al Kudo et al Oka T.I. Kudo I. et et al al Kudo I.H.etetalal Okuda Kudo et al al Oka T.I. et Maruyama et al Oka T. Arimura Oka T. et etK. al Oka T. et al Oka T. et al Okuda Oka T.H.etet alal Arimura K. Oka T. et al Arimura K. K. Arimura Arimura K. Saito K. Arimura Kudo alal Arimura K. Takino et Arimura K. Saito K. et al Saito K. et Saito K. K. et et al al Saito al Arimura Saito K. et Oka T. Okuda etal Saito K. et alal Saito K. et al Arimura K. Arimura K. Nagano K. M. Arimura K. Arimura Arimura K. K. Arimura Yanagida F. Arimura Nagano K. M. Arimura K. Nagano M. Saito K.M. Nagano M. Nagano Nagano M. Saito K. Fujino T. et et al al Nagano Saito K.M. Nagano M. Saito K. K. Saito Saito Fujii M. K. et al Saito K. Saito K. Yanagida F. et al Arimura K. Saito Fujii M. K. et al Fujii Fujii M. M. et et al al Fujii M. et al Fujii M. et al Yanagida et Nagano Fujii M. F. etM. al al Fujii M.Y. etet alal Igarashi Igarashi et al SaitoT.Y. K. Fujino et al Igarashi Y. Y. et et al al Igarashi Igarashi Y. et al Igarashi Y. et al Igarashi Y. et al Igarashi Y. et al Yanagida F. Hay ashi Fujii M.T. etet alal Hay ashi T. et al Hay Yanagida F. et et al al Hay ashi ashi T. T. et al Hay ashi T. et al Hay ashi T.N.etetalal Fukuyama Hay ashi T. et al Hay ashi T. et al Igarashi Y.N.etetalal Fukuyama Koizumi Y. Fukuyama Fukuyama N. N. et et al al Fukuyama N. et al Fukuyama Hay ashi T.N.etetalal Fukuyama N. et al Fukuyama N. et al Hay ashi T. et al Nakashima T. et al Hay ashi ashi T. et et al Hay Hay ashi T. T. et al al Hay ashi T. et al Sizuma Hay ashi T. T. et et al al Hay ashi T. et al Okuda H. et al Sizuma T. et al Fukuyama N. et al Sizuma Sizuma T. T. et et al al Sizuma T. et al Sizuma T. et al Sizuma T.S. etet al Nakayama Fujino T. Sizuma etalal al Nakayama Hay ashi T.S.etetalal Nakayama S. S. et et al al Nakayama Nakayama al Kikuchi S. Y. et Nakayama S. et al Nakayama S. et al Nakayama S. et al Sizuma T. et al Oguma T.F.etetalal Yanagida Oguma T. et al Oguma T. T. et al al Oguma Oguma T. et et al Oguma T.S. etet al al Nakayama Kikuchi Oguma Y T.. et al al Oguma T. et al Tokunaga H. et al al Tokunaga Tokunaga H. H. et al al Tokunaga Tokunaga H. et et al Tokunaga H. et al Nagano et alal Oguma T.H. Tokunaga etal Fujii M.M. etet al Tokunaga H. et al Nagano M. et al Nagano M. M. et al al Nagano Nagano M. et et al Nagano M. et al Nagano M. Ueno T. etet alal Nagano M. et al Nagano M. et al Ueno T. et al Tokunaga H. et al Ueno T. T. et al al Ueno Ueno T. et et al Ueno et al al Kudo T. I. et Ueno T. et al Ueno T. et al Shibayama . etalal Nagano M.Yet Shibayama Y. et al Maruyama I. Shibayama etalal al Shibayama Shibayama Y Y. et et al Shibayama Y. et al Shibayama Y . et al Ueno T. et al Shibayama Y. et al Kudo I. et al

(J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Ther. ), 29(9), 635-641 The Japanese Journal of 54(2), Ther. ),89-93 29(9), 635-641 Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Shokuryo Nippon Eiyo Clinical Nutrition, 94(4), 417Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi 422 Gakkaishi 54(2), 89-93 (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Nippon Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Eiyo Shokuryo ShokuryoSci.), (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo 54(2), 89-93 Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Gakkaishi 54(2), 89-93 54(2), 89-93 Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 54(2), 89-93 (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Nippon Eiyo ShokuryoSci.), (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Japanese Pharmacology & 54(2), 54(3), 89-93 171-173 Gakkaishi Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Shokuryo 54(2), 89-93 Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Nippon Eiyo Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Gakkaishi Literature name Ther. ), 29(9), 635-641Sci.), Literature name Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi Gakkaishi 54(3), 171-173 (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), Nippon EiyoReport, Shokuryo 54(3), 171-173 7, 26-27 Gakkaishi The Clinical 17 (5), 53(J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 54(3), 171-173 54(3), 171-173 Gakkaishi (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 58 54(3), 171-173 Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 54(3), 171-173 7, 26-27 Gakkaishi Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, kenkyuukaishi, 54(3), 171-173 Seibutsu kinou Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, Food Style 21, 7(4),78-81 (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), 7, 26-27 Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, 7, 7, 26-27 26-27 54(2), 89-93 The Clinical Report, 17 (8), 79Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, 7, 26-27 82 Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, Food Style 21, 7(4),78-81 7, 26-27 7, 26-27 Food Style Style 21, 21, 7(4),78-81 7(4),78-81 Food Nippon Eiyo21, Shokuryo Food Style 7(4),78-81 Hemorheology and Related Food Style 7(4),78-81 Nippon Eiyo21, Shokuryo Gakkaishi research, 25-31 Food Style7(1), 21, 7(4),78-81 Gakkaishi (J.Jpn. Soc.Sci.), Nutr. (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Hemorheology and Related Food Style 21, 7(4),78-81 Food Sci.), 36(4), 283-289 54(3), 171-173 research, 7(1), and 25-31 Hemorheology Related Hemorheology and Related Hemorheology and Related research, 7(1), and 25-31 Hemorheology Related research, 7(1), 25-31 research, 7(1), 25-31 Shokuhin to Gijutsu, 398, 1-9 Seibutsu kinou kenkyuukaishi, The Clinical Report, 19 (10), Hemorheology and Related research, 7(1), 25-31 7, 26-27 7(1), and 237-241 Hemorheology Related research, 25-31 Shokuhin Gijutsu, research, to 7(1), 25-31398, 1-9 Denpun totoShokuhin, 30, 13Shokuhin Shokuhin to Gijutsu, Gijutsu, 398, 398, 1-9 1-9 Shokuhin to Gijutsu, 398, 16 Quest for Traditional Food,1-9 5, Food Style 7(4),78-81 Shokuhin to21, Gijutsu, 398, 1-9 1-3 Denpun totoShokuhin, 30, 13Shokuhin Gijutsu, 398, 1-9 Shokuhin toShokuhin, Gijutsu, 398, 1-9 16 Denpun to 30, 13Food Science Journal, 324, Denpun to Denpun to Shokuhin, Shokuhin, 30, 30, 131316 Denpun 16-21 to Shokuhin, 30, 1316 16 Hemorheology and Related Journal of Science, 10, Denpun toHealth Shokuhin, 30, 1316 Food Science Journal, 324, research, 25-31 30, 85-89 Denpun to7(1), Shokuhin, 1316 16-21 Food Science Journal, 324, 16 Food Science Journal, 324, Japanese Pharmacology & Food Science Journal, 324, 16-21 Food Science(Jpn Journal, 324, 16-21 Therapeutics Pharmacol. 16-21 Food Journal, 324, 16-21 Nihon shokuhin kougyou Ther.),Science 34(2), 199-206 Japanese Pharmacology & Food Science Journal, 324, 16-21 Shokuhin to35(10), Gijutsu, 398, 1-9 gakukaishi, 670-677 Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. 16-21 Japanese Pharmacology & Japanese Pharmacology & Japanese Pharmacology & Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Jpn Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Pharmacol. Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 Nihon shokuhin kougyou Denpun toPharmacology Shokuhin, 30, & 13Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 Japanese Therapeutics (Jpn 237-244 Pharmacol. Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 gakukaishi, 36(3), 16 International of Food Therapeutics (Jpn Pharmacol. Ther.), 34(2),Journal 199-206 Microbiology 109, 79-87 Ther.), 34(2),, 199-206 International Journal of324, Food Food Science Journal, Journal of Health Science, 12, Microbiology,Journal 109, 79-87 International of Food Food 16-21 139-141 International Journal of International Journal of Food Microbiology 109, 79-87 79-87 International ,,,Journal of Food Microbiology 109, Microbiology 109, 79-87 International ,Journal of Food Microbiology 109, 79-87 International of Food Kagaku toAgricultural Seibutsu, 28(4), Japanese Pharmacology & Microbiology ,Journal 109, 79-87 Food and Microbiology 109, Pharmacol. 79-87 271-276 Therapeutics (Jpn Immunology,, 17(1-4), 139-148 Ther.), 34(2), 199-206 Food and Agricultural Immunology, Food and Agricultural Journal of Agricultural the17(1-4), Brewing139-148 Society Food and Food and 85(2), Agricultural Immunology, 17(1-4), 139-148 of Japan, 134-141 Food and Agricultural Immunology, 17(1-4), Immunology, 17(1-4), 139-148 139-148 Nutrition, 81-86 Food and 23, Agricultural Immunology, 17(1-4), 139-148 Food and Agricultural Immunology, 17(1-4), 139-148 International Journal of Food Immunology, 17(1-4),Food, 139-148 Quest for 23, Traditional Nutrition, Microbiology , 81-86 109, 79-87 10, 31-36 Nutrition, Nutrition, 23, 23, 81-86 81-86 Nutrition, 23, 81-86 Food Science and Technology Nutrition, 23, 81-86 Research, 13(4), 385-390 Nutrition, 23, 81-86 Nutrition, 23, 81-86 Food Science and Technology The Clinical Report, 25 (8), 64Research, 13(4), 385-390 Food Science and Technology 67 and Agricultural Food Science and Technology Food Science and385-390 Technology Research, 13(4), FoodJournal Science and Technology Immunology, 17(1-4), 139-148 Research, 13(4), 385-390 The of Japanese Research, 13(4), 385-390 Food Science and385-390 Technology Research, Society for 13(4), Parenteral and Food Science and385-390 Technology Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Research, 13(4), Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 The Journal of Japanese Research, 13(4), 385-390 Gakkaishi Society for Parenteral and The Journal of Japanese Japanese (J.Jpn.Soc.Nutr.Food Sci.), The Journal of The Journal of Japanese Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 Nutrition, 81-86 Society for23, Parenteral and 45(6), 523-527 The Journal of Japanese Society for and Society for Parenteral Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 The Showa Journal of Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 The University journal Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 The Journal of Japanese Society forHealth Parenteral and 15, Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 Journal of Science, of nursing and rehabilitation Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 91-93 Sciences,6,9-20 The Showa University journal Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 Food Science and Technology of nursing and rehabilitation The Showa Showa13(4), University journal Research, 385-390 The University journal The Showa University journal Sciences,6,9-20 of nursing and rehabilitation The Showa University Food Processing and journal of and rehabilitation of nursing nursing and rehabilitation Sciences,6,9-20 The Showa University journal of nursing and rehabilitation Ingredients, 30(7), 46-48 Sciences,6,9-20 Sciences,6,9-20 The Showa University journal of nursing and rehabilitation Sciences,6,9-20 of nursing and rehabilitation Sciences,6,9-20 The Journal of Japanese Sciences,6,9-20 Society for Parenteral and The Journal of the Japanese Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Enteral Nutrition,22(3),337-343 Association for Infectious Kogaku Kaishi, 43(4), 347-356 Diseases ,83,369-374 The Journal of the Japanese Association Infectious The Journal for of the Japanese The Journal of Japanese The Journal of the the Japanese Diseases ,83,369-374 Association for Infectious Journal University of the Japanese The Showa journal Association for Infectious Association for Infectious Diseases ,83,369-374 The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious of nursing and rehabilitation Diseases ,83,369-374 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Diseases ,83,369-374 The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases ,83,369-374 Sciences,6,9-20 Kogaku Kaishi, 45(9), 545-549 Association for Infectious Diseases ,83,369-374 Diseases ,83,369-374 Food Science and Technology Research, 15(6),587-590 Food Science and Technology Denpun to Shokuhin, 23, 1-8 Research, 15(6),587-590 Food Science and Technology Food Science and Technology Food Science andKagaku Technology Nippon Shokuhin Research, 15(6),587-590 Food Science and Research, 15(6),587-590 The Journal of the Technology Japanese Research, 15(6),587-590 Kogaku Research, 15(6),587-590 Food Science and Technology Association forand Infectious Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 Food Science Technology Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Research, 15(6),587-590 5(1), 97-98 Diseases ,83,369-374 10) Research, 15(6),587-590 Kogaku Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Nippon Shokuhin Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kagaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 KogakuShokuhin Nippon Kagaku Kogaku Kogaku 10) Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku The Japanese Journal of Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku 10) Kogaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 Clinical Nutrition, 94(4), 41710) 10) Kogaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.10,408~413(2 Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 10) 422 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.8,346~354(20 010) 10) Kogaku Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku 10) Food Science andKagaku Technology Nippon Shokuhin Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.10,408~413(2 KogakuShokuhin Nippon Kagaku Research, 15(6),587-590 Kogaku Kogaku 010) Kaishi,Vol.57,No.10,408~413(2 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku& Japanese Pharmacology Kogaku Kaishi,Vol.57,No.10,408~413(2 Kaishi,Vol.57,No.10,408~413(2 Nippon Shokuhin 010) Kogaku Therapeutics (JpnKagaku Pharmacol. 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Con l’indicazione dell’anno di primo conferimento ai prodotti ovvero all’azienda Sakamoto. Safety Evaluation of Black Rice Vinegar Education Research Center 2003 2010


1981 2004

(Kurosu) from a Jar on Food-drug Effect of “Kurozu” on the liverStudy damage Interaction:30-day Ingestion on Expressions of Drug Metabolism Enzymes and Transporters in Rats

for Clinical Medicine, Phamacy,Faculty Veterinary of Pharmaceutical Kagoshima University Sciences,Hokkaido University

Effect of Kurozu on bloodstream

Sakamoto Kurozu, Inc.



The effects of Kurozu (a brewed rice vinegar) on the deformability of erythrocytes in male long distance runners.


The Health Service Center of National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya

Oka T. etY.alet al Shibayama

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Saito K. et al

Seibutsu kenkyuukaishi, Journal ofkinou Health 7, 26-27 Science,56(6)712-716(2010) Food Style 21, 7(4),78-81

2006 2008 Hemorheology and Related research, 7(1), 25-31

Sakamoto Drinks Sakamoto & Honey Ingredienti: Sakamoto Kurozu 20 - 30 ml Miele (quantità a piacere) Acqua 200 ml …………………………………………………..................... Mescola aceto e miele, aggiungi acqua e servi.

Sakamoto & Apple Juice Ingredienti: Sakamoto Kurozu Succo di mele (o di altra frutta a piacimento) …………………………………….................................... Mescola aceto e succo e servi.

Sakamoto & Milk Ingredienti: Sakamoto Kurozu Latte e Miele ……………………………............................................. Mescola aceto con latte freddo, aggiungi miele e servi.

Sakamoto in Cucina Dressing, condimento, salse... per la creatività e fantasia del cuoco



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