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Camera 450201 Security camera
Extra transmitter and receiver 525 Transmitter extra Birth Alarm Classic (40Mhz black) 029280 Transmitter extra Birth Alarm Classic (433Mhz black) 029273 Receiver extra Birth Alarm (433Mhz black)
‘We’ve been using Birth Alarm for many years and I have to say that we can recommend it to anyone. The system has always been reliable and has given us many a good night’s sleep! Furthermore, the system is extremely affordable.’
Antiroll Girth and Girths 520 Antiroll Girth 535 Antiroll Girth top part 50010 Antiroll Girth for Shetlands
Janko van de Lageweg,VDL Stud, stallion farm, stud farm and sports stables.
536 50000 50001 50002 50003
Girth Girth Girth Girth Girth
1,25m 0,55m 0,60m 0,75m 0,90m
50004 50005 50006 50007 50008
Girth Girth Girth Girth Girth
1,05m 1,15m 1,30m 1,35m 1,50m
Birth Alarm options 029235 Telephone dialler GSM (excl. SIM card) 527 Buzzer with 25m extension cord 529 Telephone Dialler 005208 Flashlight 005215 Siren 8 713235 043002
Gallagher Powerfence UK Ltd. • Curriers Close, Canley • Coventry CV4 8AW Tel. 0844 8500101 • Fax 0844 8501545 •
the original product
Birth Alarm Classic
Birth Alarm Mobile Premium (Smart)
The Birth Alarm Classic is the basic model; an extremely reliable system with a transmitter and a receiver. With a maximum range of 500 metre, this system offers the horse safety and the owner/ carer a good night’s sleep.
Birth Alarm Mobile Premium works like the Birth Alarm Mobile, but offers the option to attach the transmitter to the headcollar of the horse. Some horses prefer this.You can also receive SMS updates on the battery levels, the number of contractions, the settings and the network coverage.
Bene½t: - Highly reliable because of the ½xed receiver (excellent signal strength)
Bene½t: - The alarm can be received nearby and at a distance. - It can be attached in two places: on the back or on the headcollar. - Status report via SMS - Installation via SMS (telephone number, sleeping mode, etc.)
513 Birth Alarm Mobile Premium EU 516 Birth Alarm Mobile Premium EU incl. Anti-Roll girth
510 Birth Alarm Classic, excl. Anti-Roll girth 511 Birth Alarm Classic, incl. Anti-Roll girth
Birth Alarm Do you have a pregnant mare? Exciting times lie ahead! However, you can go to bed without worries, because Birth Alarm will warn you when the moment of delivery is approaching!
For many centuries there has been a close bond between humans and horses - a bond that is both economic and emotional. Anyone breeding horses is familiar with these sentiments. When you have one or more pregnant mares, exciting times lie ahead.Your horse needs a familiar environment and peace and quiet, while you want to be present when the foal is being born as you want to make sure that nothing goes wrong. However, it is dif½cult to predict the exact time of birth; birth can be postponed when the mare does not feel at ease. Birth Alarm offers the ideal solution! Birth Alarm is a wonderful example of how technology can make the lives of humans and animals safer and more comfortable.
How does it work?
During labour, a mare usually lies completely on her ¾anks, which is the typical position for the birthing process. In this sideways position she is better able to deal with the contractions. Birth Alarm responds to the contractions. The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is attached to an antiroll girth that is placed around the mare’s withers without bothering the horse in any way.You put the receiver in a place of your choice. The transmitter registers the time at which the horse takes up the typical birthing position and then gives an alarm signal after 7.6 seconds. At this point it is virtually certain that it is a contraction. Birth Alarm has been extremely successful on the market since 1990. The Birth Alarm Classic is the basic model, an extremely reliable system with a transmitter and a receiver. With a maximum range of 500 metres, this system offers the horse safety and the owner / carer a good night’s sleep.
Signal: 58% Angle: 65
Birth Alarm Mobile (GSM)
Birth Alarm Mobile Multiple (Master/Slave)
Birth Alarm Mobile works on the same principle. However, in this version your mobile phone is the receiver, which means your range is unlimited.You will need a prepaid SIM card, and you only need to be in an area with a mobile signal.
Birth Alarm Multiple is like Mobile Premium (can be attached to the horse in two places), but a slightly different technology is used. With Birth Alarm Mobile Multiple you can maintain contact with all your pregnant mares - with just one SIM card. With Birth Alarm Mobile Multiple the system monitors the quality of the transmitter permanently.You receive information via SMS on the battery level, the number of contractions, the settings, and the network coverage.
Bene½t: - The alarm can be received nearby and at a distance Bene½t: - The alarm can be received nearby and at a distance - It can be attached in two places: on the back or on the headcollar. - Status report via SMS - Extremely suitable if you have several pregnant mares - Installation via SMS (telephone number, sleeping mode, etc.)
025480 Birth Alarm Mobile, excl. Anti-Roll girth 027934 Birth Alarm Mobile, incl. Anti-Roll girth
517 Birth Alarm Mobile Multiple (2 horses) 518 Birth Alarm Mobile Multiple extra horse sms
Signal: 58% Angle: 65