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Our CUSTOM service is intended to meet the various specialised demands of our customers worldwide. We pride ourselves in having first-hand experience in special operations, which positions us perfectly to address the needs and issues encountered in real-life missions. While this expertise is part of the regular designing and manufacturing process, the CUSTOM service takes our flexible approach, our care for the detail, and our devotion to the end user’s operating comfort to a next level.

True to Direct Action® motto, “From Specials to Specials”, the service is targeted primarily at highly specialised users who know exactly what they need. We begin by sitting together with the customer for detailed consultations covering the purpose, the need and the range of the proposed modifications and then we deploy our team to work. This way, Direct Action® can stand up to the most demanding challenges. Naturally, custom solutions demand time and effort, so terms and conditions will be agreed on a case-by-case basis.

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