Helios Homeopathy Brochure

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HOMEOPATHY natural way of healing

Faithful to nature, dedicated to health!

WHAT IS HOMEOPATHY? Homeopathy is a complementary medical method, which has a unique advantage over other methods of treatment. Through its holistic and individualistic approach, homeopathy closely monitors the reaction of the organism to external and internal agents that is specific and appropriate for each person separately. Homeopathy as sources for its remedies uses a wide range of natural substances. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the defense mechanism of the individual and increase its healing energy, allowing the body to naturally return to its healthy condition. The results are often outstanding, and recoveries are rapid, gentle and permanent. Accordingly, to these facts homeopathy has developed a reliable method of treatment, with a series of advantages over other medical methods. Although for the first time as a way of healing it is found in the writings of Hippocrates 2500 years ago, homeopathy as practiced today, is set 200 years ago by a German physician Hahnemann. The word has Greek origin and means “similar suffering “.


IS HOMEOPATHY SAFE? Yes, the remedies are natural substances and remedies are given in minimal doses. Thereby side effects are avoided, making them safe for use, even in situations in which conventional drugs would be inadvisable and dangerous, such as during pregnancy, breastfeeding or in the treatment of children.

HOW DOES HOMEOPATHY WORK? The answer is found in the principles of quantum physics and electromagnetism. The production of homeopathic remedies involves two processes: dilution and succussion (shaking). It is believed that from the combination of these two successive processes energy is transferred from the original substance to the dilutant. This energy imprint of the homeopathic remedy stimulates the healing power of the body.

HOW DOES HOMEOPATHY DIFFERENTIATE FROM CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE? Homeopathy has a holistic approach. This means that its focus is the whole person. The spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels of a person are considered as fully connected with each other and none should be considered in isolation. The basic idea is that symptoms do not cause disease, but they only show that there is a deviation from the original, healthy state of the body. The symptoms warn the body that something is wrong and you are trying to get back in balance. Homeopathy sees symptoms as useful indicators that will be leaders in the treatment of the individual. Rather than simply removing the symptoms, homeopathy removes the causes of impairment of health or the cause of disruption to the energy balance of the individual. Restoring the health means the disappearance of symptoms or the warnings that indicated that there are changes in the body and then they become unnecessary.

CAN I TAKE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE ALTHOUGH I AM TAKING OTHER MEDICATIONS? Yes, it is safe to do so. You should not to try to reduce the intake of other medications without a consultation of a qualified homeopath or doctor. It is important to tell your homeopath about all medications that you are taking. The general rule is that the homeopath will not advise you to stop taking prescribed medications immediately. Most often as homeopathic treatment has commenced, the intake of other medications, gradually and carefully, will decrease. Each case is individual and each patient will have a special treatment by the homeopath regarding the intake of other medications. 3

WHICH CONDITIONS CAN I TREAT MYSELF? As you can see from this guide, with little effort a wide range of injuries or acute conditions can be treated independently. Acute conditions develop rapidly and go through three phases. In the first phase you simply do not feel good and comfortable in the second phase recognizable symptoms occur, and the third phase is the phase of recovery or when the symptoms begin to improve. Examples of acute changes are: coughs, colds, conjunctivitis, cystitis, flu, food poisoning, measles, mumps, chicken pox, seasickness etc.

WHY SHOULD I HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OF REMEDIES AT HOME? Injuries and acute changes of different nature occur unpredictably at a time when it may be difficult or impossible to buy homeopathic remedies. That is why it is recommended to have a wide range of remedies at home. The more remedies you have, the easier it will be to make a timely choice of a remedy that will closely match the condition that needs to be treated. Therefore we recommend the homeopathic kit for home and for travelling.

WHEN DO I NEED TO CONSULT A QUALIFIED HOMEOPATH? If you have a serious change or a condition that is repeating or have had numerous acute changes in the last period, it is always best to consult a qualified homeopath.

RULES IN HOMEOPATHY For the successful application of homeopathic remedies it is necessary to follow two basic homeopathy rules: THE RULE OF SIMILARITY means, the substance that produces certain symptoms in a healthy person treats those same symptoms in a sick person, given in sub minimal doses. RULE OF MINIMUM DOSAGE , means using smaller dose of the remedy as much as possible and it will stimulate the healing mechanism of the body. By using these two rules homeopathy provides fully customized prescriptions and dosage, because it treats the changes of the conditions of each individual as unique. This manual will help you to easily select the appropriate remedy if you follow both sections. The first section describes the conditions that can be treated, and in the second section the mini materia medica briefly describes the symptoms for the commonly used homeopathic remedies. Start by finding the symptom you want to treat and record the remedies that can help. Then, check the Mini Materia Medica for the description of the given homeopathic 4

remedy indicated by the symptoms of which the patient complains. If you are given two or three doses of each remedy and did not show any reaction, you probably made the wrong choice. It will not hurt you, but try again to find a cure that will fit the overall symptoms.

DOSAGE OF HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY One dose (one pill) is given under the tongue and then you wait for the remedies reaction. If you have a reaction to the remedy (improvement or worsening of symptoms), do not take anymore of the remedy. The dose is repeated if the initial improvement stops in order to achieve full recovery of the body. Unless otherwise specified, the remedy can be taken 3 times daily for 3 days. If there is no improvement in the condition after the third day, please consult with your doctor or homeopath. If symptoms significantly change, choose a new remedy that fits the new symptoms. Recommendation: Homeopathic medicine should be taken according to the instructions given above, or as recommended by the homeopath. Giving the remedy longer than necessary will not improve or speed up the action of the remedy.

ANTI DOTING (ANTI-REACTION) Certain substances are known for their anti-reaction. It is recommended to avoid these substances: coffee, mint tea, mint (especially toothpaste), camphor, eucalyptus (often found in solutions for inhalation, gum).


Remedies are stored in a cool, dark place away from strong odors, exposure to electromagnetic waves (mobile phones, electrical devices, etc.) and away from children.

WAYS OF TAKING HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY Homeopathic medicines are sensitive and must be handled carefully. Touch them as little as possible. Shake one pill in the bottle cap with tipping the bottle upside down and turning the cap. Without touching the pill by hand, place the cap directly under the tongue. If possible, the drug should be taken fifteen minutes before or after eating or drinking, brushing or smoking. This does not apply to emergency cases when the drug should be taken as soon as possible. If the pill cannot be taken in this way, it may be placed in a glass or porcelain cup with about 5 ml fresh boiled and cooled water and let stand for 2-3 minutes and it is crushed with a spoon until completely dissolved. This solution is then taken. If symptoms do not improve or keep occurring, consult a qualified homeopath. When visiting a homeopath please discuss what you've done and taken at home.


SAFETY FIRST Serious injuries and illnesses should never be treated without professional help. If you are concerned, call for assistance; while you wait give the appropriate homeopathic remedy. WARNING SIGNS that seek immediate medical attention: - Awareness, lost or reduced - Back, back pain or fever associated with urinary infection - Bleeding, unexplained or very strong - Breathing fast, shallow or difficult - Burns, severe or bigger than a palm - Chest, severe pain - Confusion after trauma or exposure to the sun - Convulsions - Dehydration, especially in infants , small children or elderly - Drowsiness, unexplained or unexpected - Headache, strong - Liquid discharge, water / bloody from the ears or nose after head injury - Movement, completely lost or restricted - Sight, lost or deteriorated - Speech, lost or damaged - Stab wound near vital organs - Stool, bright or white - Streaks, red, away from the wound - Swelling, rapid or severe ( especially the mouth or throat ) - Temperature higher than 40 ° C with constant or stiff neck - Thirst, feels no thirst , followed by fever, diarrhea or vomiting - Urine, scanty or bloody - Vomiting, sudden and repeated - Yellowness, the skin or eyes 7



Please note! To make accurate and effective choice of a remedy, read this section and then read the description of the remedy given in Mini Materia Medica (MMM), which follows this section.

ACCIDENTS, INJURIES Give Arnica 30c immediately.

AGITATION Agitation with a sense of paralysis - Gelsemium 30c.

ANXIETY With fever - Aconite 30c or Arsenicum 30c / The attack of fear - Aconite 30c / Condition of expected anxiety, with diarrhea - Gelsemium 30c or Arg Nit 30c / With a feeling of paralysis or trepidation Gelsemium 30c. See also: State of expected anxiety - Lycopodium 30c.

BITES AND STINGS Description of the swollen place: red, hot region better with cold compresses - Apis 30c / Blue, cold, swollen spot feels better with cold compresses - Ledum 30c / When bitten by animals, with a shooting, nerve pain - Hypericum 30c / Blue colored area around the bite - Lachesis 30c / The affected area is painful and there is a great sensitivity to touch - Staphisagria 30c.

BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE After injury - Arnica 30c. Also recommended: with cough - Ipecac 30c.

BLOODY BLISTERS (bubbles) Immediately after injury - Arnica 30c.

BREASTFEEDING DIFFICULTIES Description of the breast: hard, bleeding, hot, red breast - Belladonna 30c / Hard, bleeding, hot, pale breast pain worsens with movement - Bryonia 30c / Abscess with odorous, corrosive pus - Merc Viv 30c / Abscess that heals slowly - Silica 30c / Harp pain in the left breast during breastfeeding - Silica 30c / Too much milk during lactation - Pulsatilla 30c / Baby vomits / has colic after breast milk - Silica 30c. Also recommended : If milk production varies greatly - Urtica Urens 30c / For sore, cracked nipples, radiating pain - Phytolacca 30c / Abscess with pus, extremely painful - Hepar Sulph 30c / if too little milk while breastfeeding - Dulcamara 30c.

BRUISES On the soft tissue - Arnica 30c (can apply and Arnica cream / ointment, but only on uninjured skin). Also recommended: Bruising of the deep tissues (eg, chest contusion) - Bellis Perennis 30c.

BURNS For shock - Arnica 30c / If area of injury better cold applications - Cantharis 30c / If area of injury better hot applications - Arsenicum 30c / For deep burns that heal slowly - Kali Bich 30c.


CHICKENPOX Rash that itches a lot, with extreme restlessness - Rhus Tox 30c / Measles with fever and fear - Aconite 30c / Measles with fever and a pulsating headache - Belladonna 30c / Measles with a cough and no thirst - Pulsatilla 30c / If the blisters are with pus with unpleasant odor - Merc Viv 30c. Also recommended: Rash that slowly appears, with a cough - Ant Tart 30c.

CHILLBLAINS Description of the frost bite: affected area is hot, itchy, feeling of heat deterioration - Pulsatilla 30c. Dark red sore spot, it feels worse when cold - Rhus Tox 30c.

COLD SORES On lips, Rhus Tox 30c. On lips, mouth, caused by sun - Nat Mur 30c. On lips, Sepia 30c.

COLDS Early stage of cold - Aconite 30c / Description of secretions: thin, watery, burning discharge, chilliness - Arsenicum 30c / Thick, bland, profuse discharge, thirstless - Pulsatilla 30c / Flu like aching, thirstless - Gelsemium 30c / When symptoms develop slowly - Silica 30c. Also recommended: For thick, yellow, sticky mucus - Kali Bich 30c / Cold with sneezing and nose drip - Nat Mur 30c.

COLIC The patient feels better when bending the body forward - Belladonna 30c / Colic with fever and cramps - Nux Vom 30c / Feels worse from slightest movement, better by heat and pressure (with knees bent) Bryonia 30c. Also recommended: For pain relief - Mag Phos 30c / If colic occurs after emotional suppression Staphisagria 30c.

CONSTIPATION Constipation with an unsuccessful urge and unfinished feeling - Nux Vom 30c / During pregnancy - Nux Vom 30c / For a weak stool that slips back - Silica 30c / Constipation with great thirst and dryness, sometimes with a headache - Bryonia 30c . Also recommended: for tough, hard stools - Lycopodium 30c / Stool that looks like sheep droppings Nat Mur 30c / Patient has the feeling of a lump is present and does not feel better after emptying the bowel - Sepia 30c / Heavy dry stool, painful straining - Sulphur 30c.

COUGH Cough that occurs after exposure to dry and cold wind - Aconite 30c / Dry cough with chest pain with a headache - Bryonia 30c / Dry cough in the night, loose in the morning - Pulsatilla 30c. Also recommended: For the "whooping cough", if the patient has a bluish face, with accompanied vomiting of mucus - Drosera 30c / With a hoarse voice and sore throat - Hepar Sulph 30c / Loud, rattling cough with vomiting - Ant Tart 30c / Cough with bleeding from the nose - Drosera 30c or Ipecac 30c / Cough with blueness stiffness , nausea and vomiting - Ipecac 30c.


CROUP First choice that reduces accompanying fear - Aconite 30c. Also recommended: if Aconite does not help, and the attack is around midnight - Spongia 30c / If the attack is in the early morning hours - Hepar Sulph 30c / If the attack is during waking, and is like feeling a lump in the larynx - Lachesis 30c.

CYSTITIS Cutting/burning before, during or after urination - Cantharis 30c / Stinging/ burning sensation when urinating - Apis 30c / Stinging, during or after urination, the patient feel worse when lying down - Pulsatilla30c. Also recommended: Cystitis after sexual intercourse - Staphisagria 30c. If symptoms persist, seek professional help.

DENTAL TREATMENT Before tooth filling or tooth extraction - Arnica 30c / Before if fearful - Aconite 30c / After dental treatment - Arnica 30c / After dental treatment, with strong nerve pain - Hypericum 30c / Gums are bleeding after treatment - Arnica 30c. Also recommended: For painful cut gums - Calendula 30c or Staphisagria 30c.

DIARRHEA Diarrhea with vomiting caused by food poisoning - Arsenicum 30c / With anticipatory anxiety - Gelsemium 30c / Greenish stool (like chopped spinach), while teething Chamomilla 30c. Also recommended: With anticipatory anxiety - Arg Nit 30c / Diarrhea only when waking - Sulphur 30c / For exhaustion that follows diarrhea - China 30c.

EARACHE From cold, severe pain, accompanied with anxiety and fear - Aconite 30c / Stinging , burning pain , the patient feels worse when swallowing - Apis 30c / Throbbing pain with fever - Belladonna 30c / Unbearable pain that worsens in windy weather - Chamomilla 30c / Pain after swimming Chamomilla 30c / Pain with odorous discharge, or discharge mixed with blood - Merc Viv 30c / Pain with itching in the ear that worsens with swallowing - Nux Vom 30c / Ear lobe is red - Pulsatilla 30c / Pain in ears after measles - Pulsatilla 30c / Pain due to the presence of solid cerum - Silica 30c. Also recommended: When a pulsating pain occurs due to the slow emergence of teeth - Calc Carb 30c / Stabbing needle pain, with odorous discharge - Hepar Sulph 30c / Stabbing pain that feels worse on the left - Kali Bich 30c / Associated with sore throat that feels worse on the left side - Lachesis 30c / Spasmodic, stabbing pain - Mag Phos 30c / With painful noises in the ear - Sulphur 30c.

EXHAUSTION After physical activity - Arnica 30c / After dehydration - China 30c. Also recommended: After nervous exhaustion - Kali Phos 6x.


EYE INFECTION Description of the eye: red, painful and swollen lid - Apis 30c / Itching of the eye, the eyelids glued with thick, yellow-green discharge - Pulsatilla 30c. If pus is present - see abscess.

EYE INFLAMMATION Description of eyes: upper and lower eyelids are red and swollen, watery eyes, feeling hot - Apis 30c / Inflammation associated with cold eyes and thick, yellow, odorous discharge - Pulsatilla 30c / Watery eyes caused by blockage of tear duct - Silica 30c. Also recommended: Red eyes, with yellow odorous discharge - Arg Nit 30c.

EYE INJURIES Traumatized and bruised eye injury - Arnica 30c / Suffering fear after the injury - Aconite 30c / Blackened bruised eye - Ledum 30c. Also recommended: If Arnica does not help and the injury is on the eyeball - Symphytum 30c / Patient has a feeling of anger - Staphisagria 30c.

EYE STRAIN With poor eyesight and constant, burning pain Ruta 30c.

FLU Burning fever, with chills and restless - Arsenicum 30c / With fever and irritability, lies very still - Bryonia 30c / Ultimate physical weakness, with shivering - Gelsemium 30c / Pain in bones and joints, with feeling cold - Nux Vom 30c / Pain with anxiety and tongue is with red tip - Rhus Tox 30c. Also recommended: for pain in the bones, back and legs - Ipecac 30c / Bone pains and great thirst Eupatorium Per 30c.

FOOD POISONING Especially after consumption of bad meat - Arsenicum 30c / After consumption of bad fish Pulsatilla 30c. Also recommended: after consumption of mussels - Lycopodium 30c.

FRACTURES With pain and swelling, before setting the fracure - Arnica 30c / With stabbing, nerve pain Hypericum 30c / If slightest movement causes a strong stab pain - Bryonia 30c. Also recommended: Only after setting the fracture - Symphytum 6c one dose at night and Calc Phos 6x one dose in the morning for 7 days.

HANGOVER With headache and / or nausea - Nux Vom 30c / Hangover caused by caused by cigarette smoke Ignatia 30c / Indigestion after too much beer - Kali Bich 30c.


HEAD INJURY Give Arnica 30c immediately. Also recommended: pain that is persistent and continuing - Natrium Sulph 30c. For persistent and consistent pain please seek professional help.

HEADACHE Headache occurred from cold - Aconite 30c / After suffering shock or fear - Aconite 30c / A sudden and strong headache - Aconite 30c or Belladonna 30c / After excitement - Arsenicum 30c/ After washing hair - Belladonna 30c / Throbbing headache during a period - Belladonna 30c / Pulsating headache caused by too much sun - Belladonna 30c / Headache from the changing weather conditions - Bryonia 30c / Headache with a dry cough - Bryonia 30c / Headache with a slow onset - Bryonia 30c or Gelsemium 30c / Violent pain in the back of the head - Gelsemium 30c / Headache of grief - Ignatia 30c / Feeling like a kid who has hit his head - Ignatia 30c / Headache followed by feeling cold - Merc Viv 30c or Nux Vom 30c / After consumption of a lot of food and alcohol - Nux Vom 30c / After sleep deprivation - Nux Vom 30c / After the weather changes, especially while humid - Rhus Tox 30c / Headache after getting wet - Rhus Tox 30c / After working in artificial light - Silica 30c or Sepia 30c / Headache after travelling - Silica 30c. Also recommended: Pain in small spots caused by sinusitis - Kali Bich 30c / Before thunderstorms Phosphorus 30c / Headache caused by grief - Nat Mur 30c / After fatigue (tension) in the eyes Lycopodium 30c or Nat Mur 30c / Headache caused by disturbed sleep - Cocculus 30c / For persistent pain it is recommended to seek professional help.

HAEMORRHOIDS Hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy, Nux Vom 30c.

INJURIES WITH Feeling of fear - Aconite 30c / Long-term effects of trauma - Arnica 30c / Consequences after traumatic injuries (crushing, bruising, etc..) - Arnica 30c / Splinters deep in the skin - Silica 30c.

INJURIES TO Injuries to bones - Ruta 30c / Injury on the tailbone- Hypericum 30c / The head - Arnica 30c / Muscle injury - Arnica 30c / On rich innervated areas (eg, fingers and toes) - Hypericum 30c / Injuries on hands - Ledum 30c / Soft tissue - Arnica 30c / Injuries of the soles of the feet - Ledum 30c / The backbone - Hypericum 30c / Tendons / ligaments - Rhus Tox 30c and Ruta 30c / Injuries of bones that are on the surface (such as calves) - Ruta 30c. Also recommended: For chest and other deep tissue - Bellis Perennis 30c. LABOR PAINS Pain with ineffective pressure, with tearful call "Help Me" - Pulsatilla 30c / Intolerance of pain and a sense of outrage - Chamomilla 30c / With weakness and back pain - Gelsemium 30c / Mother has a fear of childbirth - Aconite 30c.


MEASLES Abrupt beginning with burning and itching rash - Aconite 30c / With inflammation of the eye - Apis 30c or Pulsatilla 30c / Bright red rash with hot, dry skin - Belladonna 30c / Slow start, with headache and dry cough - Bryonia 30c / Dark red face with headache and drowsiness - Gelsemium 30c / Ear pain, after a history of chickenpox - Pulsatilla 30c. Also recommended: For purulent discharge from the eyes and / or ears - Kali Bich 30c / Purple rash that slowly appears - Sulphur 30c.

MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS Late and scanty menstruation, after suffering fear or cold - Aconite 30c / Delayed cycle, after getting feet wet - Pulsatilla 30c / Feeling of warmth and increased bleeding - Belladonna 30c / Nausea, weakness and recurring pain - Nux Vom 30c. Also recommended: Menstrual problems associated with nausea before and during the cycle - Ipecac 30c / Stronger pain before cycle - Lachesis 30c / Headaches before and during the period - Nat Mur 30c / Cramping menstrual pain - Mag Phos 30c / Burning pain in the lower part- Sepia 30c.

MUMPS With fever and anxiety - Aconite 30c / Painful swelling with fever and a feeling of heat in the glands Belladonna 30c / Hard swollen glands, especially on the right side - Merc Viv 30c / If breasts, ovaries or testicles are affected - Pulsatilla 30c / Swollen parathyroid glands, especially the left - Rhus Tox 30c / Feels better when warm and worse by cold - Silica 30c. Also recommended: If the breasts, ovaries or testicles are affected - Carbo Veg 30c / Red, swollen face, especially on the left side - Lachesis 30c / Symptoms range from right to left - Lycopodium 30c.

POSTNATAL CARE For the baby: If the baby is breast fed, the remedy can be taken by the mother. The remedy may be dissolved in half a teaspoon of fresh boiled and cooled water and given to the baby. Shock due to fast, violent birth - Aconite 30c / Appearance of retention in urine - Aconite 30c / Blocked tear duct - Silica 30c. For the mother: In all cases of exhaustion and post - birth trauma - Arnica 30c / Shooting pain from damage to the perineum - Hypericum 30c / After injury of the tailbone - Hypericum 30c / Disrupted sleep and subsequent effects of applying treatment - Chamomilla 30c. Also recommended : For cuts and skinned places - Calendula 30c / Exhaustion after more blood loss - China 30c / Bright red , hot , profuse bleeding - Ipecac 30c / Bright red bleeding - Phosphorus 30c / After forceps, caesarean section or any deep internal trauma - Bellis Perennis 30c / After episiotomy - Staphisagria 30c.

RASH Rash with fever - Apis 30c / Rash that itches, feeling of burning and stabbing pain - Rhus Tox 30c.

SEPSIS Affected area is red, hot and pulsing - Belladonna 30c / Bloody region, streaked with corrosive pus Merc Viv 30c / If treatment is slow - Silica 30c. Also recommended: To drain the region in the early stages - Hepar Sulph 30c.


SHOCK Shock from a traumatic injury - Arnica 30c / Shock with fear - Aconite 30c / The body feels exhausted after trauma - Gelsemium 30c / Emotional shock after receiving bad news - Ignatia 30c.

SINUS PROBLEMS Inflammation of frontal sinuses - Merc Viv 30c / Blocked nose, feels worse in warm room - Pulsatilla 30c / Dry nose, blocked, with pain - Silica 30c. Also recommended: pain in certain point, with sticky, yellow-green mucus - Kali Bich 30c / Headaches, worse on the right side - Lycopodium 30c.

SORE THROAT Description of throat: Dry, red, burning feeling - Aconite 30c / Dry, red, hot throat with painful desire to swallow – Belladonna 30c / Shooting pain to the right ear when swallowing – Belladonna 30c / Slow onset with flu like aching and feeling of weakness - Gelsemium 30c / Dry mouth and throat, with thirst - Bryonia 30c / Swollen throat , with shooting pain, burning feeling - Apis 30c / The feeling of presence of hair in the back of the tongue - Silica 30c / Pain with increased salivation and bad breath - Merc Viv 30c / Throat with swollen glands - Belladonna 30c or Silica 30c. Also recommended: Lost voice due to frequent use - Arg Nit 30c / Pain is worse when swallowing saliva than when swallowing solid food - Lachesis 30c / Pain affects the left side of the throat (Can move to the right) - Lachesis 30c / The right side is affected ( it can move to the left ) Lycopodium 30c / Pain in the throat is like a stuck fish bone (or crumb) - Hepar Sulph 30c / Ulcerated tonsils with solid, stringy mucus - Kali Bich 30c / Tonsillitis with swelling , the patient is worse off from drinking warm drinks - Phytolacca 30c.

SPLINTER For easier extraction of the splinter - Silica 30c.

SPRAINS AND STRAINS Traumatic deviations and strains for reducing swelling - Arnica 30c / If worse at the slightest movement Bryonia 30c / Worse first, but feels better with next movement - Rhus Tox 30c / The hurt part feels worse when lying down Ruta 30c.

STIFF NECK Caused by a draft or moving the neck - Rhus Tox 30c. Also recommended: caused by a bad movement of the neck - Calc Carb 30c. If a child complains of this symptom, always seek professional help, it can be meningitis. If symptoms continue or the patient has a fever, seek professional help.

STOMACH FLU Anxiety with fever and / or diarrhea and cold - Arsenicum 30c / Bitter taste in the mouth - Bryonia 30c / With cold and irritability - Nux Vom 30c. Also recommended: The constant feeling of nausea that does not improve with vomiting - Ipecac 30c / With thirst before vomiting - Eupatorium Per 30c.


SUNBURN Description of skin: dry, hot, red skin, with pulsating pain - Belladonna 30c / If the pain is very strong Cantharis 30c.

SUNSTROKE With fever and / or headache - Belladonna 30c / If symptoms are worse with movement - Bryonia 30c. Also recommended: With weakness and headache, the patient feels better from pressure - Glonoin 30c.

SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS In preparation for - Arnica 30c / For after effects - Arnica 30c / For surgical wounds or amputations, with nerve pain - Hypericum 30c. Also recommended: For surgical wounds - Calendula 30c or Staphisagria 30c / After placing catheters or enemas - Staphisagria 30c / A bad reaction to the anesthetic - Phosphorus 30c / If deep tissue is affected - Bellis Perennis 30c.

TEETHING PROBLEMS Red, hot cheeks, with restlessness - Aconite 30c / Red, hot, swollen cheeks - Belladonna 30c / One cheek is red and hot, bad tempered - Chamomilla 30c / Better by drinking cold drinks and getting fresh air - Pulsatilla 30c / If teething is slow - Silica 30c. Also recommended: If growth is slow and delayed - Calc Carb 30c / To reduce the pain of teething, better from external heat - Mag Phos 30c.

TRAVEL SICKNESS Fatigue after a long flight by plane - Arnica 30c / Fatigue after a long plane flight, with a sense of paralysis - Gelsemium 30c / Vomiting while traveling , with a sense of improvement after vomiting , hard to recover - Nux Vom 30c. Also recommended: For a disturbed sleep after travelling - Cocculus 30c / Traveler feels worse in fresh air and is better when lying down - Cocculus 30c / Feels "heavy " head and feels worse in fresh air Petroleum 30c / The traveler is better after being in fresh air - Tabacum 30c.

ULCERS IN THE MOUTH Burns caused by hot food - Cantharis 30c / Pain, associated with increased saliva and heavy breath Merc Viv 30c. Also recommended: If it is on the tongue Ac Nit 30c.

ULCERS ON THE SKIN Hepar Sulph 30c. If symptoms continue, consult a doctor. Small, numerous and painful - Arnica 30c / Burning pain - Arsenicum 30c / With feeling of warmth and pulsing - Belladonna 30c / With slow recovery - Silica 30c. Also recommended: With itching - Sulphur 30c / Painful, infected with pus - Hepar Sulph 30c. If symptoms continue, consult a doctor.


VACCINATION Before vaccination, for reducing the local reaction - Hypericum 30c or Ledum 30c / To treat the puncture - Ledum 30c / Shooting pains after vaccination - Hypericum 30c.

VOMITING Caused by overeating - Nux Vom 30c / Vomiting with diarrhea - Arsenicum 30c / When breastfeeding or formula fed babies - Silica 30c. Also recommended: If it is approximately 15 minutes after taking a cold drink - Phosphorus 30c / Vomiting with cough and vomiting urge - Ant Tart 30c / The exhaustion caused by dehydration China 30c / With cough and vomiting mucus - Drosera 30c / The patient feels worse when coughing - Ipecac 30c / With constant nausea that is not relieved by vomiting - Ipecac 30c.

WOUNDS Painful wounds in the form of cuts, scratches, or ulcers on the skin - Calendula 30c / Incised, clean cuts - Hypericum 30c / Lacerations (grazed skin or mucous membrane) - Hypericum 30c. Also recommended: For surgical wounds - Staphisagria 30c.



To make sure of the remedy you are taking , read the section of MMM . Symptoms should relate as closely as possible to the homeopathic remedy described below

ACONITE Homeopathic remedy for the initial stages of a cold Useful in the early stages of developing a cold , fever or inflammation . Suits fit and healthy people whose complaints occur at once. Possible causes: cold and dry wind or fear and shock . The patient characterizes with extreme anxiety and fear. In particular, the patient may have unfounded fear of death . The patient has dry and hot skin. Symptoms are worse at night, around midnight. The patient is thirsty for cold drinks .The patient has a bitter taste from everything, except water. The patient feels better in fresh air . Feels worse when touched.

APIS Homeopathic remedy for bites and stings The symptoms of the patient should generally match the following picture: edematous swelling with redness, burning and stabbing pain, restlessness, without thirst. Feels better after application of cold compresses. The patient feels worse from heat, afternoon, about 16.00 -18.00h.

ANT TART Homeopathic remedy for cough (accompanied with sound) The patient can not cough (like Ipecac) and is drowning in mucus. Feels suffocated, weak, and sleepy. May be irritable. Yawning and sweating. The tongue is coated white. The patient is better when coughing and sitting and from drinking cold drinks. Feels worse in heat, when lying down, around 16h, and with company.

ARG NIT Homeopathic medicine for fear of flying A useful remedy for early gastric distress and associated problems (belching and bloating). Suits warm blooded people, constantly rushing and are impulsive. They may have a fear of failure, especially when performing in public. Their fear is justified, because they are always in a hurry and fall into a state of chaos ( as Gelsemium & Lycopodium). The patient has pain like a stabbing pin or prick. They feel better in fresh air and brisk walk. Feel worse in a crowd, from eating sweets (gets diarrhea).

ARNICA Homeopathic remedy for traumatic injuries and physical exhaustion It should be the first choice for most accidents, injuries or physical exhaustion. Given early reduces swelling and bruises. The patient has a fear of being touched (“Do not touch me " ) because of pain and wants to be left alone. The patient may say he feels good when obviously he is not. It is a classic response of someone who is in shock. The upper part of the body is hot, and below is cold. The memory may be bad. The patient feels better when lying with head set lower. Worse off if he is improperly lying down.


ARSENICUM Homeopathic remedy for food poisoning Characterised by great physical prostration with mental restlessness. The patient does not want to be left alone. There may be a fear of death. Pain is burning, but the patient is cold. All symptoms, except headache, improve by heat. Has a thirst for frequent sips, usually for hot drinks. The patient feels better when warm and when lying down. The situation worsens after midnight, around 03.00h.

BELLADONNA Homeopathic remedy for high fever The patient is red and hot and feels like he is burning. The same description applies to the affected area, which burns and is red and hot. Eyes are glassy, the pupils are dilated. The onset of change is sudden and quick. A possible cause of the symptoms is exposure to cold, especially on the head. The pain is violent and pulsating. There is an accelerated pulse. The patient feels angry, can feel dazed, and even have visions. He is thirsty, may crave lemonade. Feels better when lying, and worse if touched or while moving, around 15.00h.

BRYONIA Homeopathic remedy for dry, painful cough Description of the patient's condition: There is dryness of all mucous membranes. The patient has a strong thirst for large amounts of fluids over long intervals (opposite of Arsenicum). The patient wants to lie down, all symptoms are much worse at the slightest movement. Stitching pain. Patient is irritable, with headaches and is nervous and angry when asked questions. Feels better from solid pressure. The situation deteriorates around 21.00h, and or after consumption of food like cabbage or beans.

CALC CARB Homeopathic remedy for slow and difficult teething Often need during growth or when the child passes through major developmental changes. Usually it is a nice, chubby and lazy child. Chilly, over exerted and very sweaty, (especially in the neck). Sweat smells sour. May be afraid of many things (eg, dark, monsters, animals and insects). Slow developers, especially poor at assimilating their food, which causes problems in the formation of bones and teeth. Crave boiled eggs. They feel better while constipated and in dry weather. Afraid of heights and feel worse in cold and wet, while growing teeth, from milk.

CALENDULA Homeopathic remedy for treating wounds Useful as a first aid remedy for treating cuts, burns and superficial burns, ulcers, scalp wounds, after extraction of teeth, or childbirth. It stimulates the formation of "healthy scar" tissue (no lumps). Externally it can be used in the form of a cream, ointment or tincture. Take the pill in cases of ulceration (as Hepar Sulph). The patient feels better by heat, walking or lying quietly. Worse in the wet weather and at night.


CANTHARIS Homeopathic remedy for intense pain from burns This drug is efficient in the treatment of cystitis, with burning pain before, during and after urination. The patient feels intense mental and physical irritation. The onset of symptoms is sudden and violent. Pain feels like cutting and burning pain. The patient has intense thirst, but feels worse after drinking (especially cold drinks). Feels better from cold compresses. The patient feels worse from touch.

CARBO VEG Homeopathic remedy for resuscitation The homeopathic corpse reviver This medicine has saved many lives. Symptoms that appear in the final state of collapse due to lack of oxygen. Body (even breath ) is cold . The patient is pale, sad and weak. In less severe cases it is used in extreme lethargy. Useful in patients who have digestive problems, especially gases (like Lycopodium). The upper part of the stomach or full stomach is very bloated. It can be caused by too much indulgence in food. The patient is better in fresh air, while belching. Feels worse in heat, dehydration, before sleep, from tight clothing.

CHAMOMILLA Homeopathic remedy for teething children This remedy is especially suitable for children. Appearance of the Child: One cheek is red. Characteristic is excessive sensitivity. The pain is unbearable and independent. This remedy suits children of bad tempered children, who are quiet only when held, constantly looking for something, and then discarding things. They are hot and sweaty (especially in the head). The child feels better when it is not covered. Symptoms are worse between 21.00-24.00h.

CHINA Homeopathic remedy for de-hydration Suits sensitive types of people who have sharp senses. People that are emotionally and physically exhausted. Problems often associated with loss of large amounts of fluids (with fever or diarrhea). Bloated stomach but the situation is not easing by burping. The patient feels better from strong pressure and lying and worse from light touch.

DROSERA Homeopathic remedy for "whooping cough" Excellent remedy for the whooping cough, where the cough is violent, spasmodic and leads to choking, vomiting or bleeding from the nose. The patient feels better when holding the chest. The throat feels like a feather is tickling it. The patient feels restless, stubborn and is suspicious.All symptoms improve after midnight. The patient feel worse from lying down, talking and from heat.The patient is better when sitting and being outdoors.

GELSEMIUM Homeopathic remedy for the flu A typical symptom is shivering going up and down the spine. The patient feels paralysed. The image of the patient is given as looking "glass coffin" because even though the patient is completely physical exhausted, he is mentally fully awake. Patient trembles, eye lids lowered and he has pain in the muscles and head feels heavy.


HEPAR SULPH Homeopathic medicine for painful, infected wounds Patient is hyper-sensitive to everything: pain, touch, cold, noise and exertion. One of the "coldest" remedies. Emotionally can be violent and intense. Useful remedy in situations that tend to produce pus. Pain is stitching and splinter-like. (like Arg Nit). The patient is better from heat, moisture, lying in a warm bed. Feels worse when uncovered and cold.

HYPERICUM Homeopathic remedy for injuries to nerves This remedy is useful as a first aid treatment for lacerated wounds from sharp objects or injuries occurred on richly innervated areas (eg. Pressure on the fingers with the door or fall on the coccyx). The pain is extreme and runs along the nerves. This remedy has a reputation of remedy with antitetanus characteristics.

IGNATIA Homeopathic remedy after suffering emotional problems Useful for the treatment of symptoms followed by acute loss, grief or other emotional problems. The person can not accept what happened and acts with distrust. Other signs that may be present are: hiccups, involuntary sighs or yawning. The person feels better by heat, and worse from cigarettes and fresh air.

IPECAC Homeopathic remedy for constant, violent nausea Patient feels better from vomiting. Bright red hemorrhage (bleeding) from the nose of hemorrhoids may suddenly occur. Spasmodic respiratory problems. Dry cough with a feeling of drowning, with difficult expectoration (as Ant Tart). The patient has no thirst. Constant salivation and tongue. The patient feels better in fresh air, and is worse when overeating.

KALI BICH Homeopathic remedy for painful sinuses An excellent remedy for colds and sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, although it is best to be treated by a qualified homeopath. Its main characteristics is very sticky, thick mucus that smells (like Pulsatilla). Suitable for patients who get sick after exposing to cold and feel chilly while sick. Despite this chilliness they feel worse in summer. Pain is often felt in defined points, but the pain can be transferred from place to place. Feel better from heat. They feel worse after they wake up at night or after meals.

LACHESIS Homeopathic remedy for painful sinuses Homeopathic remedy for problems located on the left, or start from left and move to the right, especially sore throat. Warm blooded people, talkative, entertaining, but with over active mind. They can be suspicious and jealous. They feel better from fresh air, cold drinks, during or after menstrual period. Worse off from menopause, alcohol, anything tight around neck, after sleep, heat, and "difficult time."


LEDUM Homeopathic remedy for puncture wounds and bruising around the eyes As Hypericum it has antitetanus characteristics. It is used to treat deep wounds (eg. Scratched with fingernails) and bites from animals and insects. Pain is stabbing and pulsating. Affected area is swollen, bluish and cold, but the patient is feeling warm. Feels better from cold compresses, but is worse off from heat.

LYCOPODIUM Anxious patient, with the lack of self confidence, especially when it comes to new things / speaking in public. The situation improves after starting activity (as Arg Nit who hurries too much and fails). Can be charming, but home be a dictator. Problems are right-sided , or moving from right to left (opposite of Lachesis). Lots of wind and bloated stomach. The patient feels better from hot drinks, sweets, of movement, fresh air, the wind. Feels worse between 16.00h and 20.00h.

MAG PHOS Known as "homeopathic aspirin". It is recommended to crush the pill in hot water and drink it. A useful remedy for neuralgia of head and face, with cramping and shooting pain. Relieves headache, toothache and menstrual pain. Patients who respond well to this remedy are nervous and sensitive and often talk about their problems. Always seek professional help if the symptoms persist. Feel better in the heat and strong pressure. Worse off if cold, uncovered and been touched.

MERC VIV Homeopathic remedy for mouth ulcers Suits people who are sensitive to changes in temperature. They feel better from moderate temperature. The patient has a smelly breath and discharges (which may be mixed with blood). They are prone to swelling of the glands, colds and profuse sweating. There is excessive saliva, especially at night and very thirsty. The patient feels worse at night in bed.

NATRUM MUR Homeopathic remedy for cold sores If on the lips (no other severe symptoms). These are very sensitive people who remember the smallest offenses after a long period. All feelings are expressed very well in order to protect themselves. They feel worse when comforted, only by a chosen few (or one person). An important remedy for latent sadness (stiff upper lips). The middle of the lower lip can be deeply torn . Secretions look like egg white. They like a lot of salt.They feel better when lying down, resting and sweating. Worse off by heat, especially from the sun.

NUX VOM Homeopathic remedy for hangover and after enjoying a rich meal People who need this remedy are very cold. Emotionally they can be tense, nervous and oversensitive. Suffer from digestive problems. Although it is better they vomit, it is difficult for them to do so. They often work hard, surviving on a "diet" of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes despite the bad effect they have on them. For best results the drug is taken several hours before bedtime. Feels better by rest and hot and consumption of hot drinks. Feel worse in the morning.


PHOSPHORUS Pretty, cheerful, kind and compassionate people. Unfortunately their poor boundaries mean that they can become exhausted by the problems of others. Over sensitive people. Have a lot of fear and anxiety. Burning heat and pains. Bleed easily. Want spicy food and ice cream. Feel better from cold beverages, eating, sleeping (even a short nap). Worse off in sudden change of weather (especially storms) when missing meals, when lying on left side.

PULSATILLA Homeopathic remedy for ear infections in children This remedy, the symptoms and patients themselves are very inconsistent. Emotionally patients are unfriendly, tearful and eager for company. Children are intrusive and whining. Pulsatilla types are thirsty. They feel worse in stifling spaces, their mood change is visible when out in the fresh air. Secretions are thick, soft and yellow- green. Problems can occur after getting wet and having chilled feet. Better from bathing, crying, movement and pressure. Feels worse at nightfall, and by wet and windy weather.

SEPIA A useful remedy for hormonal changes in women. Can be taken by patients who feel exhausted, with the feeling that someone is putting them down. Thy are indifferent to love someone. Cold and tearful. Do not want sympathy and want to be alone. Want chocolate and sour things. They feel better after vigorous exercise, eating, heat and the open. Worse off during menstruation, when lacking a meal and during pregnancy.

RHUS TOX Homeopathic remedy for sprains and strains Characteristic stiffness, with restlessness. Pain is usually around joints. The pain is worse on first movement, with teary sensation and pain as stabbing pins. This feeling is better when continuing the movement, provided that the movements are not very strenuous. During colds, fevers and flu, has the appearance of a red triangular tip on the tongue, which is an excellent confirmatory symptom. Children who need this remedy are thirsty for cold milk.

RUTA Homeopathic remedy for injury to tendons and bone surface (periosteum) The activity of Ruta is deeper, but has a less typical picture of Rhus Tox. Picture of the patient: patient is less restless. Bone feels damaged. It feels worse when lying on the affected parts.

SILICA Homeopathic remedy for extracting splinters This remedy is great for first aid, in the extraction of foreign objects in the body. For acute changes fits types that are sensitive to cold and often get infections that heal slowly. Patients are thirsty and sweat easily. They feel better in heat and feel worse off by cold, damp and wet weather. Be careful if you have a pacemaker, surgically embedded parts, metal parts and other embedded foreign bodies!


STAPHISAGRIA Homeopathic remedy for episiotomy Description of patient: Looks peaceful and calm, but has a sense of anger, bitterness and humiliation. Feels boundaries have been violated. The patient does not want to be touched. This homeopathic remedy is very effective in cuts from sharp objects, especially from surgical instruments. The patient feels better by heat, rest and eating. Worse off by skipping a meal, after strain and from cigarettes.

SULPHUR People who are sensitive to heat and want to open doors and windows. Feeling of an empty hole in the stomach at 11.00h. They want sweet and spicy foods. Have a burning pain. Have a nasty, corrosive, burning secretions that itch. The remedy should not be used routinely in skin problems. For chronic skin problems always seek help from a qualified homeopath. The patient feels better in fresh air. Worse off in heat, bathing, and between 10:00 and 11.00h.



Poly-Component remedies have great effect, which is achieved by synergistic, interaction of individual components.

HELIOS INJURY – FOR INJURIES Ingredients: Arnica montana 30c, Rhus toxicodendron 30c, Ruta graveolens 30c. Provides effective relief of the following symptoms: - Pain and bruising occurred from small traumatic injury; - Muscle tension; - Sprains; - Small emotional trauma that occurs as a result of traumatic injuries.

HELIOS STRESS RELIEF – RELIEVES STRESS Ingredients: Aconitum napellus 30c, Argentum nitricum 30c, Arsenicum album 30c. Used for: - Handling stressful situations easier and alleviating the symptoms that occur after stress; - Situations of expected stress; - After stopping the dosage of the remedy, the body is in a continuous balanced condition for a long time

HELIOS ABC (Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla) Ingredients: Aconitum napellus 30c, Atropa belladonna 30c, Chamomilla recutita 30c. Homeopathic remedy recommended for children. Used for: - Symptoms of cold and flu - Pain in the ear (if there is no improvement or the symptoms persist for more than 12 h of their occurrence consult a doctor); - Teething babies and toddlers. Teething reduces the immunity of children, colds; diarrhea and other symptoms may occur and are associated with teething.


HELIOS SLEEP - FOR INSOMNIA Ingredients: Avena sativa 30c, Coffea arabica 30c, Passiflora incarnata 30c, Valeriana officinalis 30c. Used for: - Relief of symptoms in cases of insomnia; - Provides physiological sleep. Additional sleepiness during the day does not occur. Adults and the elderly: This homeopathic remedy is taken 10 minutes before bedtime. Not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

HELIOS INFLUENZA - FLU Ingredients: Arsenum iodatum 30c, Gelsemium sempervirens 30c, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30c Used for: -Relief of symptoms associated with flu.

HELIOS H-RELIEF - FOR HEMORRHOIDS Ingredients: Aesculus hippocastanum 30c, Hamamelis virginiana 30c, Paeonia officinalis 30c Used for: - Relief of symptoms associated with the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

HELIOS HAYFEVER – FOR HAYFEVER Ingredients: Allium cepa 30c, Euphrasia officinalis 30c, Sabadilla 30c. Used for: - Relief of symptoms caused by allergy to pollen. Does not cause additional drowsiness, provides a natural way of increasing immunity, and overcoming the allergy.



What happens during the first homeopathic consultation for a chronic problem? The first consultation at the homeopath usually lasts about an hour and a half. The consultation starts by describing to the homeopath what is bothering you. It is helpful to describe the symptoms as detailed as possible, including the symptoms or condition that is improving or deteriorating. Notice and discuss changes within yourself with your homeopath ( mood, fears, sleep, dreams, appetite, thirst, temperature ). Homeopaths will fully document the whole history of the case and will note any previous health problems in your family, going back to your grandparents. The purpose of the consultation is to gain insight not only into your current situation, but the overall picture of you as a person.Follow up consultations takes about forty-five minutes. It helps the homeopath to assess your reaction to a given homeopathic remedy and decide how best to proceed with the further treatment. Sometimes, if the remedy works well, the homeopath waits and does not prescribe anything but the information obtained from the patient during the meeting can be used later, when choosing the next remedy.

How many consultations will I need to have? Each case is reviewed individually and accordingly it is difficult to answer this question. However, it can be generalized to some extent. Acute injury cases can respond very quickly to treatment, after the right remedy is given. Often this applies to more long-term problems with clear etiology ( eg . If after a certain event, the patient has never felt better again). For long-term chronic diseases it is a general rule that it can take one consultation per year from the existence of the problem .

How can I tell if the homeopathic remedy is working or not? Reactions of homeopathic medicines are individual. Some experience a clear and rapid improvement of symptoms. Others find that their symptoms worsen for a period before improving (this is known as aggravation). There are people who believe that their general sense of well-being is improving, but the symptoms they wanted to cure remained the same. This is a very good sign, showing that the remedy is acting thoroughly, removing the imbalance. Finally the disappearance of all symptoms is expected. Regardless of the general improvements (sleep, moods or special systems in the body), the homeopath tends to take into consideration three separate occurrences, which usually means that the remedy is working. The first symptom is moving from top to bottom, ie from head to toe (eg. rash moves down the body). The second is moving towards the inside out, from deeper parts of the body to the body surface (eg. Asthma 30

stepped into eczema). The third occurrence is the old symptoms reappearing, but in reverse order. It will be a great help to the homeopath if you mention the changes that you have noticed after taking the remedy. It is best to keep short notes during the month and discuss them with your homeopath.

Other important aspects of health care Society tends to focus on the purely physical aspects of health care such as avoiding smoking, minimizing caffeine and alcohol intake, eating a healthy, balanced diet, regular exercise and sleep. This is part of a general tendency to see the body as a machine. The idea is that the body will work well if properly maintained. Emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being are often overlooked. Homeopathy takes these aspects as an inherent part of the physical level. Although all the above mentioned is reasonable, they can often be meaningless to someone who is depressed, under stress or lack confidence. Being aware of the emotions they express is vital for health and well-being. Suppressed emotions will find another way to express themselves, perhaps in the form of a rash or ulcer (ulcer) or, more seriously, as apathy and depression. Negative thoughts also weaken us from within. Fortunately, over the past decade or more, many people realized they could drastically change and improve their health and their lives out of the cycle of negativity. This involves training the mind (through affirmations, visualization and various other means) to human focus on what you can achieve, rather than what you cannot.


IMPORTER PRODIS Pty Ltd S209/19 Milton Parade Malvern, Victoria, 3144 DISTRIBUTOR HELIOS HEALTH & Beauty Pty Ltd 31 Hilly Street, Mortlake, NSW, 2173 www.helioshealth.com.au Australia

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