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Strategic Overview
In 2020 we moved away from a traditional linear-style strategic model to a more agile and responsive model more closely aligned to our charitable objectives for today’s rapidly changing environment, to ensure we can provide our service to the people of Devon now and into the future.
2022 has provided a good opportunity to stand back and review the implementation of this approach which was rolled out at the same time as the pandemic and which by its nature requires continuous review which has been a major focus for the Board and Senior Leadership Team over the opening months of 2023.
The strategy is based on four main focus areas:
Financial Growth & Sustainability
which continues to be impacted by economic volatility such as high inflation, the cost-of-living crisis decreasing disposable income for potential supporters and short-term market movements for investments. See page 16
People, Talent & Culture
as recruitment markets have become more challenging the importance of both an effective recruitment approach and looking after our current staff, particularly in what has been a difficult few years for many, is more vital than ever. See page 22
Environmental Sustainabiity & Stewardship
public awareness and concern around environmental factors and sustainability continues to increase, particularly after another year which has seen numerous examples of extreme weather around the globe. See page 28
Digital & Technology Mastery
technology continues to develop at an accelerating rate and it is crucial to move with these developments to both stay relevant and also maximise what can be achieved for our patients from the donations we receive. See page 30
Each focus area has been considered in the following timeframes: tactical (1-2 years), strategic (2-5 years), visionary (5-10 years) and ‘over the horizon’ (10+ years).
Working in conjunction with the strategy work the Taking Stock cultural project has continued, allowing the feedback obtained from staff in 2021 to be tested, developed and incorporated into the strategic approach.
• To end preventable death, disability or suffering from critical illness or injury
• To provide exemplary time-critical care to patients
• To support patients during their rehabilitation and recovery
• To ensure operational capability through effective management of infrastructure, equipment and vehicles
• To use our expertise to support education and prevention initiatives in collaboration with other agencies
• To regularly review the risk register for delivery of service patients