1 minute read
Getting back the freedom to do the things you love
Is a sports injury raining on your post-lockdown parade?
Whether it’s swinging a golf club or hitting a tennis ball, many of us have had our first taste of freedom in months. Returning to our favourite sport is an incredible feeling after being cooped up for so long and will be hugely beneficial to our health both physically and mentally.
However, many of us have been not just OOO (out of office) during lockdown, but also OOA (out of action).
We’re all eager to get back to normal and make our favourite hobbies an important part of our lives once again – but it’s worth
remembering that our backs, shoulders, elbows and knees have been off-duty for a while, which may mean they’re more susceptible to injury during the first swing or serve of the season.
Putting ourselves out of action for another few months is the very last thing we want to do when we’re more than ready to reclaim our pre-lockdown lives.
Tackling a sports injury Prevention is better than cure, as they say, and the best way to reduce the risk of injury is to warm up and follow a stretching routine before exercising. Easing yourself back into sport slowly is also beneficial (tempting as it is to go at it with full gusto!).
However, if you do sustain an injury, help is at hand in Mortimer at the PEMFiT Studio where Nick Elvery has been helping local residents recover from sporting injuries quickly and safley.

Local advanced Personal Trainer, Rachel Hill, who runs Fit4Sports, is just one of PEMFiT’s recent success stories. “I’ve suffered with back pain for over 30 years. It’s debilitating and sometimes stops me doing my job fully. Nick at PEMFiT has been a life saver enabling me to get back to fitness in record time.”
Rachel Hill, Advanced Personal Trainer, Fit4Sports.