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Welcome to sweater weather!
#HELLOGIVEAWAYS GALORE! Did you know that every month, Hello Joburg gives away heaps of awesome prizes? And this month is no different! Make sure you never miss a competition by searching #hellogiveaways on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Sundays are the day of rest and we at Hello Joburg take that seriously. So, what could be more restful than tucking into a long, lazy buffet lunch at one of Jozi’s amazing restaurants? Especially now that the seasons are changing and we’re all craving some comfort food! From African inspired cuisine at Kitchen Vibes to Mediterranean delights at Punchinellos, we’re rounding up the best buffet lunches this city has to offer. SUNDAY BEST
It’s a new month and we all know what that means, right? A host of new, exciting theatre productions to check out. However, with the sheer of number shows on, it can be difficult to decide what’s worth seeing and what’s not – lucky for you we’ve compiled of a list of unmissable shows to make your decision making that much easier. You can thank us later! IT’S SHOW TIME

Are you in need of some inspiration when it comes to what to do on the weekend? Make sure you keep an eye out for our #HelloWeeklyRoundup which is a selection of our top 5 things to do each and every weekend in the City of Gold. We’re giving you the lowdown on nightlife, festivals, exercise classes and everything in-between!
April is basically synonymous with travel here in Joburg, but if you’re not going away this Easter celebrate the season vicariously through these amazing travel accounts, which are guaranteed to satiate your wanderlust!
@ournextflight If you’re looking to add some (okay, a lot) of colour to your feed, you won’t find better than this account. It’s run by Italian born couple, Danilo and Anna who have a passion for adventure and post vibrant pictures from across the globe – all the way from the streets of Paris to the rivers of the Venice!
@funforlouis Travel vlogger and tree hugger Louis Cole uses his account to document his travels around the world. It’s not only a fantastic place to find mesmerising wildlife shots, but you’re also sure to pick up a few interesting facts about animals as well!
@calsnap This Canadian born photographer has an aweinspiring page that’s on a par with that of National Geographic. Seriously, his images are absolutely unbelievable and showcase everything from the Northern Lights to the Toronto skyline.