7 minute read
Or, how to just take time out to re-centre and renew, right now.
Since time began, we complex humans have understood the need to withdraw regularly from our usual routines and habits, or the company of others. Communities of spiritual devotees from numerous religious doctrines, prioritize this separation from society, as the only possible living condition on a path to enlightenment. In all cultures, convents, monasteries, temples, sweat lodges, prayer circles, camps, sleepovers, male hunting groups, wise women circles, vision quests, masterminds, clubs and families, our natural rhythm is to flow in and out of a community, while respecting our instinct to get the heck away! Periodic withdrawal from society or community is vital to keep our psychological and emotional balance. I can hear you saying a "hell-yeah!" to that!
Equipped with a brain that functions at an average rate of 48 thoughts a minute (70,000 a day!) taking a deliberate break from the usual busy-ness of life is as important as sleeping. Never more so than now!
In this age of consant techie multi -stimulation, where we are bombarded from every angle and in every minute with stuff vying for our attention, so many fascinating media rabbit holes to go down, it is even more challenging to discipline ourselves to simply stop doing and find a way of just being.
Holidays are our usual way of retreating. “A change is as good as a rest” the expression goes,; putting oneself into a different landscape and context gives blessed relief from the potential monotony of routine, even if we love our preeminent change-maker lives! But right now , good luck with that, girls!
I invite you to discover a lovely latin-origin word - 'vacare' (meaning emptiness) the origin of the word vacation; it means shutting down and simply ceasing constant movement and thought (Oh yes please Jenni P!)
Vacare is the fastest way to rejuvenate our energy levels. For those who are able, taking the time out to go on an organized retreat is a loving practice in self -care, because it allows for severing from everyday stress, logistics, and obligations. And what's not to give massive emojis to that?!
A retreat can catalyze change and renew inspiration in our lives. It lends time to clear out the habits we wish to break; it allows us to reassess our values, to discover new truths, and it inspires our path forward.
A retreat also helps us to reconnect with our inner highest selves, and check in with our aspirations and dreams. Regular withdrawal can enhance our vitality, remind us of out connection to our life’s purpose, and is often a transformational experience, like a sacred space to restore, strengthen, and heal. In temporarily departing from our loved ones for a while, we're always happier to see them again!
Despite knowing all of this, most of us don't prioritize regular pattern of withdrawal until a health, relationship issue, or other crisis prompts us to take radical measures. And get the hell out.
So soldered are we into the daily processes of material achievement, we'll give ourselves a hundred excuses why we must just keep hammering away with perpetual doing and constant thinking.
In doing so, we shrink the precious space given to rest, recuperation, and reflection. Time, money, and obligations to others, are the top excuses (I've been there often!)
But what if you tried a few new ways of taking a retreat, without ever leaving home? And just suppose you committed to taking time out; that it became the most important ritual you care about. With regular space just for you, how near your dreams would seem once more!
The good news is, it doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't have to cost a dime. With a business or career to run, relationships to maintain, homes and cars to service and our dreams to give attention to, finding ways to have minibreaks are the ideal way to stay relaxed, focused, energized, and inspired. Here are some of my favorite ways:
2. Right Here, Right Now
During the bustle of the day, once our brains are on auto‐pilot with stuff to get done, there are opportunities to take mini- retreats from right where we stand or sit.
With mindful attention to our breath, or even a murmured mantra of reminding, it is even possible to disconnect from your surroundings in a room or bus full of people. The key here is to deliberately step outside of our thought patterns and become the watcher of those, with detachment.
All day long we're making judgments about people, ourselves, and events. The art of mindfulness is the art of slowing down the maelstrom of monkey-mind analysis we humans do ceaselessly.
Even for those of us who understand the inter-
connectedness of the universe and function with great empathy to our world, it is refreshing to clear our perceptions by endeavouring to see the world around us without constantly giving it labels.
Practice taking judging words out of your vocabulary – for yourself and others. Try to see the humanity in everything.
If you feel safe, simply close your eyes and be GONE for awhile.
Put on dark sunglasses and a hat and go for a walk incognito.
Pass amongst the busy-ness as if you were doing so for the first time. "Be in this world but not of it" as a wise man said.
3. The Kingdom of You or Thy Kingdom Come
Remember how to, and allow yourself to, daydream. At every opportunity. Daydreaming is the most powerful way of taking time out. In your imagination, you fully inhabit your inner world. Learn to visualize powerfully and creatively.
As children, we daydreamed naturally and regularly. It was a vital part of growing into who we are. Fantasy, if it is in benevolence to all things is a wonderful place to visit. Nobody else is there! No one can hear you. No one can see what you do. Visualization is meditation on steroids. Fantasy gives them rose-tinted glasses.
If you can
't conjure up pictures, there are plenty of superb guided visualizations online to help you! You can also doodle, write in a journal, sketch, play music, sing and dance!
Carry around or wear some kind of symbolic object that represents your goals. Play with it in your hand during the day as a trigger to re-visit the imaginary kingdom where everything you desire plays out as you wish. In doing so, you are deliberately activating the good old laws of the universe to come to your aid.
It sounds so simple but daydreaming is one of the most powerful ways to transform your life! If you can, take a special time out for this. Go and hide in nature or in a special building that feels sacred to you.
Tell no-one about your daydreams, except maybe the ones who truly love you for your truth, and want your happiness as much as you do. Retreating is less about logistics and more about sacred ritual. None of these mini-retreats need take very long, but the daily integration of these little sanctuaries of time is an affirmation of your deep commitment to your destiny. Just hide, breathe, and imagine... And so it IS.
1. First Things First
Awakening from sleep is the most important time of the day. It allows us to set intentions, perform rituals, prepare mentally, and physically for the day. It may sound odd, taking a retreat at the beginning of the day, but many women have only that space to juggle with, in their agenda!
Over the years, I've learned to value the awaking zone as the most valuable time of the day to retreat. In silence and after deep rest, when others are sleeping and before all the day's demands begin, this is a privileged time to just be empty, or reassess, or centre, and for me, is the most creative and effective time of all. My brain works on light speed in the morning quiet.
Meditation, self care, exercise alone, journaling, these are precious moments to set yourself up to be your most amazing self. But you need to claim that space and make sure that others around you respect your need for a temporary separation. Phones, PCs, TV, media – all buttons should be OFF. Silence – is golden. Not speaking for a while is the fastest way to connect with your soul.
Meditative music will enhance the atmosphere of sacredness. It is important to feel supremely comfortable. You are ‘Not Available’ until you're ready. In a shared house, it may take others a bit of time to accept your need to not be disturbed for a while, but they'll get over it. A retreat like this in the morning can take 5 minutes or 50. You can allow as much or as little time as you have. It is in the act of taking this time out that you declare self -love before you even begin the day.