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The Simplicity of Wealth and a Divine “Sweet Spot” by Dawn Grossart

The Simplicity of Wealth and a Divine “Sweet Spot”

“…A sweet spot where you can access real wealth without high risk and hard work…”

In this often over-busy life, the one thing that can bring us quickly back to centre is “simplicity”, streamlining, decluttering, being in nature, freeing up more time and finding ways to make life work without the complexity.

Back in 2012, at a Leonardo DaVinci Exhibition in Florence, I first stumbled across his famous quote, “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”, and it felt like a divine message to make important changes.

From health to work, to communication to business and money, everything works better when it’s simplified. When it’s clear, focused, effective, organised and optimised. Uncomplicated.

Even though it’s a work in progress, I have come to love everything that it means to live by simplicity - which I interpret to mean “the fewest number of steps to create the greatest possible outcome”.

This is why it’s such a potent approach when it comes to your money and having the means to leverage what you have while generating overflow to positively impact others.

As I have written in recent issues about the potency of conscious capitalism and what it means to apply effective wealth-building practices to social and community aims, there has never been a time when raising funds for conscious projects has been so simple or so needed.

Simplicity applied to wealth and conscious capitalism is about ease and FLOW.

We are all a part of this beautiful shift to the feminise rising - we know that each and every one of us has a role to play.

As women with a mission in our hearts, we know that community, collaboration and generosity are fundamental to creating the world we want to live in, but these days, busyness is a chronic state that many live in - often just to make ends meet.

Simplicity. The word itself breathes spaciousness and expansion into everything it describes.

Generating money flow with simplicity and channelling it into the places where it positively impacts lives and the health of the planet, the protection of her precious species and as a means to end suffering where we see it through lack of resources is how we create a better way of life for ourselves and generations to come.

If you were to take stock of how you create and attract money, does it feel simple? Does it feel spacious and have flow and ease?

I’m confident you’re like me and every woman in the conscious community; you want to enjoy your best life AND create overflow and impact to make a difference and make the world a better place. You want your TIME back to just BE.

Here’s the truth. We were never told how easy it can be.

We’ve always known we were here to be the change-makers, and now, I call you forward, Sister. I call you forward to experience the shift into ease, grace and impact around money.

Since the inception of the idea of conscious capitalism, we’ve wanted to give more; we’ve wanted to see our passion projects bring change to the world, but we want to do it without the burnout and sacrificing the best years of our life.

So here’s a way to be a change maker. To embrace simplicity as a core concept in creating money flow and conscious wealth without the burnout.

Less complexity. Less hustle Less hassle More flow.

The wealth creation mechanisms in the world can be confusing and daunting, but there are new advances in the conscious wealth spaces that have created a divine sweet spot. A sweet spot SO divine that women are waking up to the fact that they can really have the lifestyle they want AND deliver the vision of change and impact that lies in their hearts.

A sweet spot where you can access real wealth without high risk and hard work.

But to access the simplicity in money flow, that IS something that you must do - and that is do something that you’ve never done before and take a step into your unknown.

When you leverage money, what you really leverage is time. You get to have your time back.

When you create money with ease on a daily basis, you build trust and the inner muscle to know that you can give it and not go without. When you give, it comes in even more abundantly.

So as we enter the height of summer, and enjoy the holiday season, know that simplicity and ease are available for you in all areas of life, including your money.

A guiding principle I learned from a mentor is the “do less, better” philosophy.

This is your invitation to take stock of what is working for you - in all areas of life and to have the courage to strip away, change or improve what is not working. Your peace of mind will improve, and your nervous system will calm and help restore your sense of balance and inner calm.

Where can you claim your time back and simplify your schedule?

Where can you simplify your work or business to restore balance and calm?

Where can you simplify your finances?

Where do you really want to have a positive impact inthe world?

If you have been feeling stuck and uncertain about how to navigate the evolving experience of money and wealth creation in these times of change, there’s never been a better time to say “yes” to simplicity and take a positive step to towards something new.

Simple email dawn@dawngrossart.com for more on how you can enjoy the simplicity of wealth creation.


Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Coach

Transformational Business Coach & Women’s Financial Freedom Mentor

After a career in a global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women’s freedom and fulfilment as a personal empowerment coach, business coach and leadership mentor.

She has helped thousands of women to create change and establish a path to financial independence.

Her greatest passion now, is helping others to create their best life - especially helping them build confidence, self-esteem AND become financially generative with ease.

Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path of their choosing.

She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personal development world in her online events and is committed to leading women to new heights in personal and financial freedom.

With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multi-million global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creating impactful marketing and a resilient, success-oriented mindset.

Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100% passive income in a post-Covid economy, which facilitates greater personal autonomy and true time freedom.


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