Respect For Life Essay

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What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth. Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even

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According to Mohandas Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Through this quotation, Gandhi stresses a requirement for equality between humans and animals. Though animals may be of a lower life form than humans, Gandhi suggests that their lives are no less deserving of respect and reverence. As such, one can argue that because humans do not eat other humans, there is no conscionable excuse for a human to eat an animal. A vegetarian is a person who has a strict diet abstaining from eating meat. Vegetarians devote themselves to a lifestyle centered on a plant–based food source. A vegetarian diet is the most humane type of lifestyle because it frees animals from more content...

For nearly the entire four month pregnancy, mother pigs are kept squeezed into a minuscule, metal stalls, which usually tend to be smaller than their own bodies. Due to the constant friction of the metal cage against their skin, open sores often form all over their bodies. When baby piglets are born, they are violated by workers who pierce their skin to rip out their testicles and chop off their tails, all without anesthesia (Farm to Fridge). If these piglets do not grow fast enough they are killed, frequently by being beaten off the ground and thrown into a bin. Injured pigs or ones that do not fit the criteria, are slowly strangled to death by being hanged from a fork lift. On average, the pigs only live a short five to six months, only a small fraction of their natural life span. When they are considered heavy enough, they are sent to their deaths where they are hung upside down to have their throats slit only after being shot in the head with a metal rod. Sometimes, unfortunate events occur in which some pigs are not fully dead when their throats are slit and instead are forced to hang suffering slowly. Others that survive hanging are scalded alive during the process of hair removal (Farm to Fridge). Other animals that are forced to suffer abuse include chicken and turkeys. Crowded by the thousands into insufficiently sized sheds, these birds are denied their most basic needs, such as room to roam and seeing the outdoors (Farm to Fridge). Get more content

Respecting All Life Essay

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